Ricardo Migliarese – Wrecking Ball Wrist Locks

Ricardo Migliarese – Wrecking Ball Wrist Locks

Ricardo Migliarese - Wrecking Ball Wrist Locks

Ricardo Migliarese – Wrecking Ball Wrist Locks


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Ricardo has used these wrist locks over and over again to catch guys when they least expect it. Now you too can have these techniques added to your game. In this new instructional from Ricardo Migliarese you will get a new arsenal of attacks to utilize right now and bring your opponents to the tap with wrist locks they will never see coming.

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Ricardo Migliarese – Wrecking Ball Wrist Locks

Ricardo Migliarese - Wrecking Ball Wrist Locks

In this special new instructional package you will get 14 nasty Wrist Locks to catch your toughest opponents by surprise.
Anyone who has ever trained with Ricardo knows that you have to watch yourself because your wrists are always under attack.
Wrist Locks are the great equalizer and once you get this highly effective arsenal of wrist lock attacks you will have the biggest toughest guys screaming for mercy.

Get Ricardo Migliarese – Wrecking Ball Wrist Locks download

Ricardo has used these wrist locks over and over again to catch guys when they least expect it. Now you too can have these techniques added to your game. In this new instructional from Ricardo Migliarese you will get a new arsenal of attacks to utilize right now and bring your opponents to the tap with wrist locks they will never see coming.
In this series you will get Ricardo’s 14 nasty wrist locks from inside the guard, the closed guard and top side control. These are never before released techniques that Ricardo used to win tournaments around the World including the Pan American Championships.
Today you get them INSTANTLY for a special one time only low price!
Kualitas 720p/DVD
Format file MP4
durasi 30 menit
Rilis 2018
Detil lihat dipreview
File sudah online,bisa langsung download tanpa harus kirim DVD
Digital video is available for immediate downloading


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