Rikka Zimmerman – Money Mastery Course


Rikka Zimmerman – Money Mastery Course

Rikka Zimmerman - Money Mastery Course

Rikka Zimmerman – Money Mastery Course


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Discover Rikka’s proven system to remove your 5 financial anchors, raise your vibrational frequency platform…

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Rikka Zimmerman – Money Mastery Course

Rikka Zimmerman - Money Mastery Course

Permanently shift from lack to abundance and receive the wealth that YOU so richly deserve

Discover Rikka’s proven system to remove your 5 financial anchors, raise your vibrational frequency platform and permanently move into your Abundance Mastery Vibration
Dearest Future Abundance Rockstar,
Are you receiving the money, wealth, and abundance you so richly deserve, right now? Or, does this sound more familiar…
  • You feel sick and tired of struggling and worrying about money. You think if you just hunker down and keep working hard, everything just has to turn out okay… but no matter how hard you work, your financial situation never improves.
  • You live life as you “have” to, not as you want to. You feel you have to work in order to survive, instead of spending time with family and friends and truly enjoying your life.
  • There’s just never enough money to go around. Even if you receive “extra” money – maybe through a gift, inheritance or a bonus at work – something always happens that requires you to spend that money, and you just can’t get ahead.
  • You can’t figure out why you can’t make money work for you – so it turns into feelings of failure. Deep down, you feel like you don’t deserve money – like you’re unworthy of having it, or you feel selfish for wanting more than “just enough.”
  • Your credit card debt makes you feel like you’re trapped and you can’t escape. Maybe you secretly (or not so secretly) resent – or feel angry toward – money and the situation you’re in.
Sound pretty accurate? Over the last decade, I’ve heard these thoughts and feelings around money from the majority of my students. In fact, I used to feel this way too!
Are You Inadvertently Blocking Yourself From Receiving Abundance?
So many of us (including myself at one point) stumble through life, operating on belief systems from our past, wondering what we’re doing wrong and why it’s so hard to create the change we so badly want and need.
The truth is, sometimes the most talented, amazing, beautiful, gifted beings (like you!) don’t allow themselves to have wealth.
I know – it sounds a bit silly, right? But I promise you, it’s true. Many people inadvertently block themselves from receiving what they want most.
But the good news is–you don’t have to be stuck, frustrated, and in lack ANY longer!
Abundance CAN be yours!
There are secrets to creating wealth that only the ones who have already walked that path know and I am going to share these secrets with you!
IMAGINE….Learning how to master money, as you permanently shift from lack to abundance, and receive the wealth YOU so richly deserve!
If you want to move out of lack or into greater realms of abundance then you must Raise your Vibrational Frequency Platform. When you do, you’ll no longer struggle. Instead, the money you so richly deserve will flow right to you!
When you move into your highest vibrational frequency platform you will:
  • Receive, give, and save money in ways that feel amazing and expand your heart and being.
  • Sit back and watch as money works FOR you, instead of you working hard for it.
  • Allow money to flow into your life – easily and effortlessly
  • Build the life of your dreams – and have the abundant wealth to support those dreams.
  • Never have to worry about money again!
Sounds pretty amazing, right? I promise you, it is!
I used this very same process and went from being $80,000 in debt to making my first million dollars in 2012. Trust me–it worked for me, it has worked for hundreds of others, and it will work for YOU!

Introducing Rikka’s Money Mastery Class

Are You Ready To Have All the Money, Wealth, and Abundance You’ve Always Wanted?

Permanently shifting from lack to abundance requires you to raise your vibration through 3 Platforms of Vibrational Frequency.

During this very specialized 8 week live online training course, I will guide you to release all of the old vibrations, limited beliefs and patterns that are keeping you stuck.

Through our 8 livestream class modules, you will move through the following three vibrational platforms, and into your highest mastery vibration! By the end of the class you will be vibrating at the highest frequency for creating and receiving wealth!

The Three Abundance Frequency Platforms

First Abundance Frequency Platform
Resonating between 20-528 Hertz
During this phase of your vibrational awakening, you will release the lower vibrations, limited beliefs and past experiences that bring your frequency down and limit your possibilities. This frequency keeps your past active and alive as it “re-cycles” into your present.
  • 528 Hz – Transformation and miracles (dna repair)
  • 417 Hz – Undoing the past and facilitating change
  • 396 Hz – Liberating fear
  • 285 Hz – Healing Wounds
  • 174 Hz – Removing pain and opening to safety
  • 20 Hz – The vibration of fear in the body
Second Abundance Frequency Platform
Resonating between 528-741 Hertz
This is where you will embrace and receive the new YOU! Lack and scarcity will feel like a dream you’ve awakened from. You’ll vibrationally embody a totally different energetic state that will shift your thoughts, energy, and experiences into abundance magnets.
  • 741 Hz – Expression of divinity and instant solutions
  • 639 Hz – Connection with love and relationships
  • 528 Hz – Transformation and miracles (dna repair)
Third Abundance Frequency Platform
Resonating between 741-1122 Hertz
This is where you begin to move into money mastery. You will open up your capacities for higher dimensional magical creation with money. Creating a future that’s better than you even imagined! Using these higher dimensional talents and abilities, you’ll enjoy instant manifestation of clients, money and wealth as you begin to master manifesting the life of your dreams.
  • 1122 Hz – Awakening mastery frequency
  • 963 Hz – Awakening a state of perfection
  • 852 Hz – Returning to spiritual order
  • 741 Hz – Expression of divinity and instant solutions

Class Outline

The 8-week Money Mastery class is divided into 8 modules which include a weekly 90 minute interactive livestream call. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and receive personalized vibrational clearing, live!

Modules 1-3 will focus on moving through the 1st Abundance Frequency Platform.

Module 1 (week one)
Locating and Unraveling the Deep-Seated Patterns That Are Keeping You from Receiving Abundantly
There are patterns and vibrations – energetic ties – that are keeping you anchored to your past. Think of them as “stuck” information from your past or childhood that continuously loops limiting patterns into your present.
In Module 1 you will:
  • Discover when these patterns became active in your life.
  • Diminish the impact they continue to have on you NOW, by releasing them.
  • Learn how to quiet your mind and stay in your heart.
  • Experience newfound freedom as you realize that your future is (to put it simply), your choice. So why not choose the most mind-blowing magnificent one?
Module 2  (week two)
Releasing Trapped Vibrations of Fear That Are Keeping You Stuck
Each limiting pattern is held in place by fear – and that fear is trapped in your vibrational field, keeping you from being at ease with money. During this class, we dive even deeper into clearing these vibrational frequencies from your field, at their vibrational core.
During Module 2 you will:
  • Experience the lightness of no longer being controlled by worry and fear.
  • Receive the tools you need to stop limitation in its tracks, so you can embody the abundance you were born to enjoy.
  • Feel supported and loved in your life, as you begin to receive the clarity that allows you to create abundance easily and effortlessly.
Module 3  (week three)
Healing and Repairing Your Relationship with Money
Now that your money slate is clean, it’s time to begin moving into receiving the new platform for your new life!
In Module 3 you will:
  • Build the foundation of your new relationship with money.
  • Energetically raise your vibration into the elements of your new life, enjoying an honoring, loving, supportive, and contributive relationship with money.
  • Practice using a new set of tools to function abundantly within your new life.
  • Learn how to embody your God-given birthright of a truly deserving and beautiful life – and to have money be EASY, and EFFORTLESS.

Modules 4-6 will focus on moving through the 2nd Abundance Frequency Platform.

Module 4  (week four)
Unleashing Your Capacity to Receive
Now that you have released the five limiting beliefs that have been anchoring your vibration, and begun to master the elements of an expansive relationship with money, it’s time to open the floodgates to receiving! (Woohoo!)
In Module 4 you will:
  • Understand the true God Nature of receiving fully to allow each act of receiving to bring you into more Love.
  • Move beyond guilt, shame and other common blocks to receiving.
  • Learn how to open and receive all the wealth the Universe wants to pour into your life.
Module 5  (week five)
Activating Your Golden Thread & Energetic Destiny
The next step beyond receiving is to awaken your energetic destiny and get you on path with your “Golden Thread.” Have you ever met someone who was truly on path, and they were so in love with their career that they were happy and joyful to be working? This is your “Golden Thread” when you are doing what you love (and you allow yourself to receive money from it) everything you touch will succeed beyond your wildest dreams!
In Module 5 you will:
  • Get in touch with your Golden Thread and begin living your life on path and purpose.
  • Experience a whole new level of fulfillment, joy and passion in your life.
  • Embody your “Golden Thread” and have everything you touch succeed effortlessly.
Module 6  (week six)
Activating Your Magical Talents & Abilities For Wealth Creation
If you took away all of the training from this reality about how money is hard to get, and there’s not enough of it, and all of the meaning that is placed on money, you would remember that your heart and soul have a very different relationship with money. Money can be a FUN and EASY game for you!
During Module 6 you will:
  • Realize that money is not real, and that it’s effortless to create massive wealth.
  • Reclaim your unique talents and abilities with wealth creation and allow yourself to have fun with money.
  • Uncover your magical capacities to make massive amounts of wealth with ease.

Modules 7-8 will focus on moving through the 3rd Abundance Frequency Platform.

Module 7  (week seven)
Awaken Your Heart Centered Millionaire Self
Have you ever wondered what secret energy heart-centered millionaires possess? Why they are able to create and receive such a huge amount of wealth with such ease? During this module, you’ll come to see how you, in the core of your being, ARE a millionaire!
During week 7 you will:
  • Reconnect with your millionaire gene.
  • Reclaim the freedom to invite the millionaire part of you back into your life.
  • Clearly identify – and make – the necessary shifts to begin building the wealth that is waiting for you!
  • Discover how to move from worker-bee to the Heart Centered Millionaire CEO of your life and financial world!
Module 8  (week eight)
Creating Your New Life and Business from Your New Heart Centered Millionaire Self
Welcome to the higher dimensional awareness of money! Here, you’re free from the five financial anchors that lowered your vibration, and you move into accepting and receiving the new limitless you, and your new limitless life!
During Week 8 you will:
  • Open up your higher dimensional awareness with creation techniques that are only accessible from these higher dimensions.
  • Awaken your unique higher dimension manifestation capacities.
  • Intuite how to build your millionaire future (even if you have $10 in the bank right now!)
  • Create any life or future you want – with total ease – with these new higher dimensional creation tools!

And, believe it or not, that is just a fraction of what you’ll experience during our 8 weeks together!

In short, you’ll learn absolutely everything you need to let go of the limited patterns – the ones you’ve been holding onto since childhood that are keeping you stuck, frustrated, and broke–even if you don’t realize It! This class will show you how to FINALLY elevate your vibrational platform and receive money with ease, excitement, and joy!
I’m completely committed to your success. I want nothing more than to guide you toward the massive wealth and abundance I know you deserve. Consider me your partner on this journey; I’m with you every step of the way!
Let me guide you into your Dream Life – with more than enough money to go around!

When You Enroll in Rikka’s Money Mastery, You’ll Also Receive:

9 Vibrational Sound Healings

These incredibly powerful sessions support you in fully removing old energies and patterns from your body and being, and ushering in new frequencies of light and love! They harmonize any energies that are keeping you from resonating with the abundance that you deserve. These scientifically-tested, divinely-calibrated tonings lower stress levels, balance energy, unlock and release “stuck” energy, and clear emotional patterning, amongst other benefits.

9 Homeplay Assignments

These assignments are designed to help you implement what you’re learning between classes and fully integrate these tools and higher vibrations into your life! They also give you the personal attention you need to integrate the processes from class into your life.

MP3 Recordings Of Sessions

Each class will be recorded for your convenience. Whether you missed the live call, or just want to hear it again–the class sessions will always be at your fingertips! To deepen your practice, can practice the activations multiple times and circle back to your favorite modules whenever you feel inspired.

Access to an Exclusive Web Community

This online community is a place where you can meet new friends, and have ongoing access to all the livestreams & audios. Plus, this is the perfect place to give and receive support and advice amongst your classmates throughout your entire journey toward unlimited wealth and abundance!


By now you may be thinking, “Wohoo Rikka! This is fantastic! This is just what I’ve been searching for and I can’t WAIT to raise my vibration to abundance, and finally be able to have an easy, joyful relationship with money! So tell me, is it really worth it?”
Before I get to that, I’d like you to think about the cost of NOT enrolling in Rikka’s Money Mastery Course:
  • You will stay “stuck,” exactly as you are now, with the same financial anchors and patterns that have been causing you stress and heartache for years.
  • You will continue to feel overwhelmed by money – constantly feeling the fear, pain, and stress related to debt and lack
  • You will remain in a place of non-progress – waiting, always wondering if your life will ever shift or change for the better
  • You will continue to struggle and miss out on something so transformative, that you can begin to experience right now: a life where you’re supported by money, where you can build the life of your dreams!

Right now, I’m offering the life-transforming course for $497!

That doesn’t seem like much to completely transform your life, does it?
If you’re ready to experience the magic of a life filled with money – and the ease of creating it – then this is a small investment that will change your life forever!
Yes, Rikka!!
I’m ready to live a life of infinite wealth – with ease and joy – and finally receive all the money the Universe can provide!
It’s waiting for you, you know… a life where money comes easily, where your life feels like a dream come true, and where you no longer struggle … all you have to do is claim it!
I understand that for my investment of $497, I receive:
  • 8 life-changing 90 minute Interactive Livestream Sessions that will raise my money vibration!
  • 1 half-day Money Mastery & New Future Integration that will LOCK the changes into my life
  • MP3 recordings of all sessions
  • 8-10 Vibrational Sound Healing Tracks
  • Access to an exclusive web community of classmates
  • Nearly $2,100 of FREE BONUSES!
Class begins in just a few short weeks on March 28th!! But enrollment ends soon so don’t wait–this is your chance to become a Money Master!
Register Now for the incredibly low investment of $497!


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