Robert Gilbert – Spiritual Empowerment


Robert Gilbert – Spiritual Empowerment

Robert Gilbert - Spiritual Empowerment

Robert Gilbert – Spiritual Empowerment


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In this class you will learn Essential Practices to Activate the Human Energy Field, which are usually hidden.

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Robert Gilbert – Spiritual Empowerment

Robert Gilbert - Spiritual Empowerment

Activate Your Mind & Energy Field with the Power of the Sun

Presented by Dr. Robert J. Gilbert, Ph.D.

Special Class for Winter: Registration Now Open with Immediate Access.

In this class you will learn Essential Practices to Activate the Human Energy Field, which are usually hidden. These practices are not available from any other source and are currently available through this class.

Embark on a journey which will connect you to the guidance of higher spiritual beings.

This course includes a full scope of practices activating the Human “Pillar of Light”: the Central Column of Energy in the Human Energy Field.

Join Now to Access the Course Anytime, 24 Hours a Day, until your 1 year course subscription ends.

This Special Course Features:

  • Over 12 hours of Streaming Video & Downloadable Audio Files (MP3)
  • Downloadable Handout
  • Rare Spiritual Information and Practical Exercises not available from any other source
  • Available Online as a special course for Winter
  • Set your own schedule – Available 24 hours a day, 7 Days a Week

The 10 Key Practices you will learn in this course:

  • Exercise 1: How to Pull Energy up the Pillar of Light and Clarify its Energy
  • Exercise 2: Activating Light and Vibration in the Pillar
  • Exercise 3: How to Activate the First Center above the Head (including how to Activate the “Astral Beacon” above the Head, connecting to beneficial Spiritual Beings)
  • Exercise 4: Contacting the Holy Guardian Angel at 3 Locations in the Body
  • Exercise 5: Toroidal Energy Circulation around the Body and Energy Field
  • Exercise 6: Activating the Central Column in the Human Energy Field with Solar Forces and Angelic Connections
  • Exercise 7: Activating the First Three Energy Centers Above the Head
  • Exercise 8: Activating the Three Primary Centers (the Anchors of the Soul) in the Physical Body
  • Exercise 9: Safe Method to Activate the First Three Energy Centers Below the Human Body
  • Exercise 10: Balancing Above and Below in the Human Energy Field with an Advanced Sacred Geometry Form (A Key Pattern Encoded into the Cathedrals of Europe)

Just a few of the topics covered in this course:

  • “In the Beginning was the Memory”: Remembering Who You Are and Why You Are Here.
  • The Knowledge of Ancient Egypt as the Foundation for Modern Western Spirituality.
  • How to Help Higher Spiritual Beings to give you more Advanced Information & Guidance.
  • Where our Spirit connects to the Physical Body: the 3-Dimensional Cross in the Human Head.
  • The Two Essential Movements to Activate ANY Energy Center in the Human Body.
  • How to Create Stability in the Human Pillar of Light.
  • The Hidden Structures in the Human Pillar of Light (Advanced Initiation Knowledge almost never discussed publicly).
  • The Critical Importance of Balancing the Centers Above the Body with the Centers Below the Body (and the consequences when this is not done).
  • Placing Symbols in the Energy Centers above the Head to create Resonance with particular Spiritual Beings and lineages (creating the “Astral Beacon”).
  • How the Guardian Angel’s Energy System interpenetrates the Human Energy Field.
  • Powerful Physical Regeneration & Revitalization from Activating the Centers Below the Body.
  • The 3 Stages of Perceiving true Spiritual Beings.
  • The Epidemic Energy Field Problem in Modern Spiritual Seekers (and how to correct it).
  • The Shakhti, Sekhinah and the Etheric Ocean of Life Force.
  • The Hidden Tradition of Great Female Initiates in the Esoteric Christian Tradition.
  • The Arthurian and Grail Streams of Spiritual Initiation.
  • Which Crystal to Activate in order to keep your Space Clear during Spiritual Practices (and Why this specific mineral is specialized for this purpose).
  • How to Know the Effect any Practice has on You (rather than believing what someone else tells you).
  • The Importance of Torus Circulations of Energy into and around the Body to Strengthen your Energy Field.
  • How the Spiritual Mission and Activities of Archangel Michael affect your Core Spiritual Development.
  • How our Current Spiritual “Age of Michael” is connected to the previous “Age of Gabriel” and the coming Age of the Saturn Archangel, Oriphiel (and why this is vital information for every spiritual seeker.)
  • The Challenges of the Coming Age of Oriphiel (and How to Prepare for Them NOW).
  • Archangel Gabriel and the Hidden Powers of the Moon.
  • The Loss of the Old Clairvoyance to master the Physical World, and the Development of the New Clairvoyance today.
  • The 4 Essential Vibrational Resonances needed to Link the Human Being into the Earth’s Energy Field.

Full List of Topics in this Special Winter Online Course

  • “In the Beginning was the Memory”: Remembering Who You Are and Why You Are Here.
  • The Difficulties of Remembering your True Spiritual Path in Modern Times.
  • How to Help Higher Spiritual Beings to give you more Advanced Information & Guidance
  • How the Sun forces in our Energy Body affect the Earth’s own Evolution after our Personal Death.
  • The Epidemic Energy Field Problem in Modern Spiritual Seekers (and how to correct it).
  • The Knowledge of Ancient Egypt as the Foundation for Modern Western Spiritual Knowledge.
  • The Hidden Tradition of Great Female Initiates in the Esoteric Christian Tradition.
  • The “Mystery of Golgotha”: The Alchemical Secret of Death and Resurrection.
  • The Shakhti, Sekhinah and the Etheric Ocean of Life Force.
  • How the Spiritual Beings of the Sun illuminate the Human Subtle Bodies.
  • The Inner Experiences you will have when your Awareness Awakens in the Etheric and Astral Bodies.
  • The Arthurian and Grail Streams of Spiritual Initiation.
  • Which Crystal to Activate in order to keep your Space Clear during Spiritual Practices (and Why this specific mineral is specialized for this purpose).
  • How the Way which Higher Angelic Beings (Angels, Archangels and Archai) connect with Us has Changed over the Course of Human Evolution.
  • How to Know the Effect any Practice has on You (rather than believing what someone else tells you).
  • The Spiritual Reality of being an “Old Soul” or a “Young Soul”.
  • The Importance of Torus Circulations of Energy into and around the Body to Strengthen your Energy Field.
  • Where our Spirit connects to the Physical Body: the 3-Dimensional Cross in the Human Head.
  • The Two Essential Movements to Activate ANY Energy Center in the Human Body.
  • Perceiving “Astral Density” in a person’s Energy Field or in a Location.
  • Secret Initiation Teachings from multiple world Spiritual Traditions on the Central Pillar of Light in the Human Energy Field.
  • The Important Difference between Energy Centers Below the Human Feet and those
  • The Hidden Structures in the Human Pillar of Light (Advanced Initiation Knowledge almost never discussed publicly).
  • How to Create Stability in the Human Pillar of Light.
  • Placing Symbols in the Energy Centers above the Head to create Resonance with particular Spiritual Beings and lineages (creating the “Astral Beacon”).
  • The Critical Importance of Balancing the Centers Above the Body with the Centers Below the Body (and the consequences when this is not done).
  • The Safe Method to Active the Energy Centers Below the Body (and which forces need to be brought in to safely open these centers).
  • Why the Practices with the Centers Below in the Column are an Essential Preparation for the Next Archangelic Age.
  • Powerful Physical Regeneration & Revitalization from Activating the Centers Below the Body.
  • The Primary and Secondary movements of Energy down the Pillar of Light into the Earth.
  • Creating a Group Pillar of Light.
  • How the Guardian Angel’s Energy System interpenetrates the Human Energy Field.
  • The 3 Stages of Perceiving true Spiritual Beings.
  • How the Spiritual Mission and Activities of Archangel Michael affect your Core Spiritual Development.
  • Advanced Meditative Practices with the Human Energy Field, to Connect to the Sun Forces of Archangel Michael.
  • The Power and Potential of the Current “Age of Michael” we are living in, within the Larger Cycle of the 7 “Time Spirits” (Archangels).
  • The Beneficial and Detrimental Spiritual Beings of the Planetary Spheres (as known in classical Initiation.)
  • How the Names of the Days of the Week are a Hidden Teaching of the Planetary
  • The Spiritual “School of Michael” which many Human Beings passed through before our Current Incarnation(the Spiritual Impulses and Will Forces which we carry within ourselves, waiting to be fully awakened.)
  • The Yearly Cycle and the Activity of Michael: Clearing the Earth’s Astral Atmosphere in Preparation for the Winter Initiation cycle.
  • The appearance of Archangel Michael in different world Spiritual Traditions (including Eastern Traditions).
  • Michael’s Role as the “Guardian of the Cosmic Intelligence.”
  • Essential Spiritual Practices to attain the direct “Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel” and “Inspiration from Archangel Michael”.
  • Michael’s Relationship to the Spiritual Powers of the Sun, and to the Ancient “Sun Oracles”.
  • Illuminating the Central Pillar of Light in the Human Energy Field with the Light and Fire of the Sun Forces.
  • Hallmarks of Authentic Direct Experience of Archangel Michael.
  • How our Current Spiritual “Age of Michael” is connected to the previous “Age of Gabriel” and the coming Age of the Saturn Archangel, Oriphiel (and why this is vital information for every spiritual seeker.)
  • The Challenges of the Coming Age of Oriphiel (and How to Prepare for Them NOW).
  • Archangel Gabriel and the Hidden Powers of the Moon.
  • How Archangel Michael awakens Us to see which Parts of Ourselves need further Spiritual Development.
  • Keys to How Archangel Michael affects our Lives: His many different Esoteric Names and their True Meanings.
  • How Knowledge of Spiritual Practices links us to the Freedom impulse from Archangel
  • The Power of the “Hidden” Sacred Geometry form known to the Greeks: the Key to the Life Force itself (and Why it was Kept Hidden).
  • Thoughtforms in the Mind of God manifested in Shape and Number.
  • The Key Principle of “Mirroring” Spiritual Forces through Geometric Forms.
  • The 100 Year Anniversary of the Laying of the Foundation Stone by Rudolf Steiner.
  • The 4 Essential Vibrational Resonances needed to Link every Human Being into the Earth’s Energy Field.
  • Seeing Spirit IN Matter or seeing Spirit BEHIND Matter: The Platonic and Aristotelian
  • The Beloved Disciple John as a high Spiritual Initiate (and his appearance as “Father Yohannan” in Greek esoteric schools).
  • The Great Initiate Manu (Malek-Zadek) and his Impact on different Spiritual Traditions.
  • The Divine Feminine: Illumination of the Human Soul Forces.
  • The Dutch Writer who revealed deep Secrets of Rosicrucianism on his Deathbed (and how to find his works in English).
  • The “Symbol of Life”: A critical Sacred Geometry Pattern in the Human Energy Field.
  • The Complementary and Essential Teachings of Rudolf Steiner and the Greek Healing Master Daskalos.
  • The Detrimental Beings which We become Aware of on the Path of Spiritual Initiation, and Stages of Safely Understanding Them.
  • The Essential Way to Clear High-level Detrimental Beings from the Human Energy
  • The Relationship of Electro-Magnetic and Nuclear Radiation to different Classes of Spiritual Beings.
  • The Loss of the Old Clairvoyance to master the Physical World, and the Development of the New Clairvoyancetoday.
  • Why the Modern Tendency to Dismiss Thinking as “not spiritual” actually prevents Higher Initiation Stages of Self-Development.
  • The Transformation of Thinking into Higher Spiritual Perception (Clairvoyance).


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