Roland Bal – The Trauma Care Meditations


Roland Bal – The Trauma Care Meditations

Roland Bal - The Trauma Care Meditations

Roland Bal – The Trauma Care Meditations

Original price was: $128.00.Current price is: $42.00.

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Original price was: $128.00.Current price is: $42.00.

(This course is available for Pre-order and delivery within a few days. )The somatic part of the work is where you reconnect with the emotions held in the body, which enables you to process what is held in the body.

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Roland Bal – The Trauma Care Meditations

Roland Bal - The Trauma Care Meditations


Why Dealing with Complex Trauma or PTSD Isn’t Easy

Learn how to apply meditation safely—to process Post-Traumatic Stress—without getting further overwhelmed
Dealing with Complex Trauma or PTSD isn’t easy.
Most often, you aren’t just dealing with one symptom only, but with various symptoms that flow from one into the other, seemingly endlessly.
You will have days of being in a shutdown response when you feel depressed, numb, and frozen.
On other days, you might be highly activated, anxious, upset, angry or sad, and your thoughts will be all over the place.
Furthermore, you will likely pendulate back and forth between activation and shutdown, deal with some form of addiction to try to manage your stress, and fall into excessive thoughts of guilt, blame, shame, self-reproach or self-defeat.
This is the reality when dealing with Complex Trauma, and this is also why this condition is so often misdiagnosed.
Unfortunately, it just isn’t very well understood by the regular healthcare system, or even by professionals who work with mental health issues.
Over the years, I have developed a model that outlines the various layers of dissociation that are part and parcel of any trauma.
These layers of disconnection or dissociation are put in place to enable you to survive.
Simply put, when you are overwhelmed, you dissociate from embodiment into various layered emotions, thought patterns, addictions, and finally shutdown.

The Trauma Care Exclusive Package

The Trauma Care Exclusive Package is the summary of twenty years of experience in the field of trauma and healing.

Consisting of The Trauma Essentials and The Trauma Care Meditations, I have distilled the complexities of trauma into a practical approach which will both help you to understand your symptoms by addressing the cognitive part, and to work through your emotional residue by reconnecting with the body through somatic exercises.
You need to address both the cognitive and the somatic parts (a top-down and bottom-up approach), or else the work you do on yourself won’t be effective.
The somatic part of the work is where you reconnect with the emotions held in the body, which enables you to process what is held in the body.
The cognitive part helps you to understand the various layers of your symptoms and emotional responses by giving you an overview or road map, and also helps you to push the brakes when you go too fast in reconnecting with the body.
You really need both to be successful in making progress, and this where most approaches in working through trauma are still failing.

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