Ross Jeffries – Speed Seduction POWERPACK Gold Walkup

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Ross Jeffries – Speed Seduction POWERPACK Gold Walkup

Ross Jeffries – Speed Seduction POWERPACK Gold Walkup

Ross Jeffries – Speed Seduction POWERPACK Gold Walkup

Original price was: $127.00.Current price is: $42.00.

In stock

Original price was: $127.00.Current price is: $42.00.

Gain the confidence you need to never fear approaching her, ever again…
Always know exactly what to say when you walk up to her…meet her anytime, anywhere…and then
Get her steaming hot and ready to go, using just three simple touches!

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Ross Jeffries – Speed Seduction POWERPACK Gold Walkup

Ross Jeffries – Speed Seduction POWERPACK Gold Walkup

From the Desk of:
Ross Jeffries, Seduction Teacher and Guru
Monday, June 22, 2020

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

Because we want to make sure you have EVERYTHING to succeed with the hottest women you’ll see when you head out to Sarge tonight (or this morning, or this afternoon)….

….we’ve cobbled together a quick, no-frills, cut-to-the-chase, I-just-need-the-raw-basics, lay-it-out-for-me, “Cliff Notes”, “crash course” on the most common practical techniques of Speed Seduction® for you…
From Fear to Charisma…to the Gold Walk-Up…
to Irresistible Arousal!

That’s right…NEVER have to worry about what to do when you see the hottest woman at the club tonight, for over 25% less! When you put it all together, you:

Gain the confidence you need to never fear approaching her, ever again…
Always know exactly what to say when you walk up to her…meet her anytime, anywhere…and then
Get her steaming hot and ready to go, using just three simple touches!

Here’s What You’ll Get in

Ross Jeffries – Speed Seduction POWERPACK Gold Walkup

Here’s what you get:
#1 – Advanced Speed Seduction® Fear Into Charisma Course

speed-seduction-fear-into-charismaDo You Still Get Nervous Approaching Women? Lose The Fear… The Answer’s Here!

What if your worst and most persistent fears with women could be re-channeled and re-directed into even more powerful sources of confidence, charm and attraction?

What if the very same processes, thoughts, and flows of energy and feeling that, up until now have kept you stuck could be transmuted and harnessed to work in your favor powering you to joyous and stunning confidence that attracts women anywhere you happen to go?

Listen: In this amazing video, you’ll watch as I take a student who has been blocked his entire adult life from approaching women, and use this process to turn his fear into confidence, in minutes!

In this video, I’ll teach you, step by step, how to become consciously aware of and MASTER the very emotions and flows of feeling that have been blocking and stopping you for years, hiding just outside your conscious awareness.

Once you learn to be aware of these, I’ll show you exactly how to re-channel them, into sources of power, confidence, and charisma, so that the very forces that had you blocked now become the servants of your will and focus, powering you to more confidence and ease with women that you’d ever imagined possible!

(Special note: this process I teach can be used to beat fear at ANY stage of your seduction, whether it’s the initial walk up, the mid-game, or the final “closing her-getting naked” stage!)

#2 – The Speed Seduction® Gold Walk-Up Course

speed-seduction-gold-walkup-ross-jeffriesThe Gold Walk-Up Course is a perennial favorite with my students. And for good reason!

Recorded live at two separate Speed Seduction® seminars, this course features me working with live female demonstration subjects, so you can easily see (and learn) every detail of how to make women super-responsive, ready and open, from the moment you first open your mouth.

Here’s just some of what you will learn in this start to finish, walk-up mastery road map:

How to use the 4 different approach vibes in the proper combination and sequence, to insure no matter WHAT your opening words are, the sarge will progress exactly as you want it
How to get past all “compliment resistance” with the super-powered “Implied Compliment” method
The exact different physical angles and approaches to use in different walk up scenarios
The “step back” principle; creating an interest “vacuum” to test her willingness, convey safety and power, and condition her from the very beginning to be the one coming after YOU!
Three magic words to make ANY opening lines 500% more effective
Mastering the “put-on”: how to instantly convert any observed situation or condition into a hilarious, fun, mega-icebreaker that she can’t resist
The 6 Gold-Walk up beliefs you must master and command to insure your absolute pick-up mastery!
3 steps you MUST take before you make any approach to triple or quadruple your walk-up success.
The 90% rule to eliminate almost any pre-approach jitters
The strategic use of pacing and pauses to create hypnotic response potential within the first 10-15 seconds!
Structured assignments and drills to build your walk-up skills
An amazing new “boyfriend ignorer”, the best I’ve ever used, that also includes word for word powerful hypnotic language that turns her “boyfriend” objection into a filter of desire, lust and need that she HAS to see you through!(worth the course price alone!)
The fabulous “Snack Quiz” and “Twin Brother Scenarios”: here’s how to get them to actually sit down and easily and smoothly move right into powerful patterning language! You’ll never get stuck again on where to move things forward with Speed Seduction® language, and you’ll watch as I demonstrate the power of these scenarios on lovely young Joannie, who is visibly turned on by the whole thing
Plus lots, lots more!!!

#3 – Advanced Speed Seduction® Secrets of Irresistible Arousal

speed-seduction-secrets-of-irresistible-arousalHow To Take Her Initial Attraction And Turn It To Dripping Hot, “Ready For You Right Now” Arousal….In Minutes!

Would you like to know how to take a woman’s initial “doggy dinner” bowl response-her first twinges of interest and responding… and rapidly accelerate it into panty-melting, legs-wide, begging for it desire?

Would you like to be able to cut your seduction time as much as 50%, even if you are already an advanced student, with mastery of my best and most advanced stuff, such as Rapid and Total Success with Women and Secrets of Hyper-Response and Core Attraction?

If you are answering yes…if you can imagine walking into any situation and having your biggest problem be the logistics of where you close the deal with that super-hot girl, as opposed to if and how you are going to close her, this nearly two hour course will thrill the hell out of you.

This amazing course will teach you:

Word for word languaging to generate hypnotic lust and desire filters through which a woman will view you so you appear incredibly desirable, attractive and sexy through her eyes! (Watch out with this because a woman could very easily fall not just in lust, but in love!)
Word for word languaging to direct initial feelings into direct erotic energy flows that open her deep level/primitive mating consciousness, evoking the raw, natural woman. (This is a huge advance on the Dark Sun/ Gemini pattern)
Word for word language to generate sexual imagery that loops in her mind, rehearsing the behaviors you want her to have, so they appear perfectly natural when it is time to act on them
How to incorporate unexpected responses and use them to actually add power, direction and finesse to the seduction!
Perhaps most enjoyable, a word for word scenario you can use within the first 5 minutes of conversation to generate incredible desire, connection and lust; my LEGENDARY “Twin Brothers” pattern. Incredible for breaking the ice AND getting the amazingly strong responses you really want and especially valuable and useful for women of much younger age!
For you fans and users of SRT (Signal Recognition Technology), a way to covertly use SRT, without having to use the elicitation questions, that guarantees a response at least 300% to 500% greater than the question/elicitation method
And much, much more!

In fact, I would say the SRT breakthrough constitutes a “war-winning” technology; something to tip the balance with the previously least responsive women and something to make already responsive women massively more responsive.

It fits in well with almost any other Speed Seduction® pattern or technique you use to generate the initial response; poems, erotic touch, visualization, anything. Stumbled on it one night during a phone conversation with a young lady who had been giving me a real run for the money, but it really did the trick and has done so since!

Sounds Like A Great Deal Ross…How Do I Get Mine Today?

When we used to sell these three courses separately, your total price would have come out to $164.85.

However, I want to make this easy for you. So, right now, you can get everything you need for over 25% off. Claim your instant access today and your price is just $127.00 for the “Speed Seduction® Power-Pack.”
“Speed Seduction® Tools Teach You How To Look
At The World Through Eyes Of Possibility!”

I have been using Ross’s material since 1997, after a woman whom I thought I had loved totally rejected me. I was 20 at the time. Sitting in a pool of rejection and self-doubt, I did what my parents had taught me to do in any type of failure: learn as much as you can about the subject and re-attack.

I bought the first book “How to Get the Women You Desire into Bed”, and simply using techniques to elicit deeper structures in a person’s thought processes during conversation, I met a wonderful young lady on the my flight home for Christmas Break. We lived in totally different parts of the world, but that didn’t stop her from driving four hours from New Jersey to see me when a trip brought me to Washington, D.C., and this is just from a plane conversation, and a few emails. I was hooked. I bought all the products; I listened to the home-study courses again and again. I became known as “the pick-up artist” in my circle of friends.

Get Ross Jeffries – Speed Seduction POWERPACK Gold Walkup download

I could go and brag about all the successes with women I have had, (which have been amazing), like the 20-year-old Japanese cutie that I met at Thanksgiving Dinner at my new boss’s house that ended up blowing me in my boss’s kitchen about an 2 hours after I met her, or the bi-sexual actress I met on internet that forced me into the back of my 4X4 in the parking lot at Starbucks after our first coffee date, or the amazing-legged Lithuanian girl who would shower me with both gifts and her affection, but the more important thing has been the cascading effects that this has had on all of my life. These tools teach you how to look at the world through eyes of possibility.

Ryan David
Albuquerque, NM

And, you are 100% covered by….

My “Business Suicide” Guarantee:
Try It For A Full Year And Totally Love It
Or Pay N-O-T-H-I-N-G!


But guess what? I know you won’t want to ask for your money back! In fact, I’ll bet that you’ll be so damn excited by what you learn in these courses that you will go right out, apply them, and find your success with women increases dramatically right away!

So what are you waiting for? Claim your “Speed Seduction® Power-Pack” today!

“I’m Rarin’ And Ready, Ross! Let’s Make This Happen.
How Do I Claim My Instant Access, Right Now?”

Just go here to grab your exclusive, instant online access now (you will create a username and password and get started as soon as you finish the online order):


(Click here for a 3-payment “installment” plan on the Power Pack)

If you have questions or need assistance with your registration, we’re ready to help! E-mail [email protected] or call (323) 252-1531 (United States).



Ross Jeffries
Founder, Speed Seduction®

P.S. Even my master students find, from time to time, the need for a refresher. The Speed Seduction® Power-Pack serves up the specific, step-by-step, here’s-how-it’s-done information you need to approach her right now and get her dripping wet…and get yourself laid! Claim Yours Now!

P.P.S. One of my favorite methods of teaching is to directly answer questions posed by my students. In these courses, you will see recorded segments of actual Speed Seduction® seminars where I teach the principles of seduction live, respond to student questions, and work directly with students. Experience the results now!


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