Sigh Energy – J-Seals Implants Removal Powerful Plus +11x(Extra Strong)


Sigh Energy – J-Seals Implants Removal Powerful Plus +11x(Extra Strong)

Sigh Energy - J-Seals Implants Removal Powerful Plus +11x(Extra Strong)

Sigh Energy – J-Seals Implants Removal Powerful Plus +11x(Extra Strong)

Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $22.00.

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Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $22.00.

Restore our organic imprint for optimal health and well being.

File Size: 13.73 MB.

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Sigh Energy – J-Seals Implants Removal Powerful Plus +11x(Extra Strong)

Sigh Energy - J-Seals Implants Removal Powerful Plus +11x(Extra Strong)

J Seals, (or Jehovian Seals), aka Death Seals are energetic implants or distortions on our planet which means anything born on this Earth has these J-seals!

They are located on Axiatonal line 7 of the Earth as well as in our energetic anatomy field.

The big problem with these seals are, we’ve been born with them!

Unless they’re cleared and removed, we’ll have them forever …

The often produce physical sickness and pain.

These J Seals attach into our energetic fields from the Earth’s grids.

They are unnatural and were created through sorcery to stop humans from ascending!

The problem is, we don’t just have one seal, we actually have 7!

Here’s Where They’re Located:

Seal 1 – Top of the Skull of the Left side

Seal 2 – Heart, Left Lung, back Left Knee

Seal 3 – Pineal Gland

Seal 4 – Left side of Neck and Lymphatics

Seal 5 – Rear Left Thigh and Buttock

Seal 6 – Alta major (where skull rests atop the spine), hypothalamus, and top of left shoulder

Seal 7 – Aorta Artery on Left Side of Neck

J Seals were not created by Source/God.

They were energetically created by Jehovian Anunnaki (fallen intruder races), who planted them in the Earth’s grids!

Since we are energetically connected to the Earth, we inherit these implants at birth!

Unfortunately your genetic structure and ability to ascend is affected by this.

Once you’ve cleared them out, life will flow easier for you and most importantly, you’ll be back on your path to fully ascend and your genetic structure improves!

Plus you don’t have to experience biological death and do it all over again.

J Seals (or Jehovian Seals) are energetic disruptions on our planet.

Main Benefits :

Original Divine Blueprint restored

The removal of these J-seals is the most important thing a person can do at this point in time

Better connection to Higher self

Assists in the DNA activation process

Receive much more intuition from your Higher self and you can start making your free-will choices

Restore our organic imprint for optimal health and well being

A natural light will be restored, not only to us, but the Earths Crystalline Grid

Evolution towards frequencies of love and higher dimensions

More psychic skills noticed

Reach higher states such as bliss and unconditional love

Back, neck and knee problems dissipate

Breathe better

Better circulation

Once a day.


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