Sixty Years Of Challenge – Audio Book Chapter 1
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And in just a second, I’m going to show you a “weird trick” that let’s you find out exactly who she is… so you can get her into bed tonight … File size: 31.79 MB
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Sixty Years Of Challenge – Audio Book Chapter 1
A hot girl you already know wants to give you a blowjob…
And in just a second, I’m going to show you a “weird trick” that let’s you find out exactly who she is… so you can get her into bed tonight …
You’re also going to learn:
How to find the women genetically hard-wired to fuck you even in a crowded bar… so all you have to do is not break that pre-existing sexual tension so you naturally end up in bed naked with her.
The key to amplifying and massively turning up the sexual attraction you already have so she can’t wait to go home with you (this is so easy, you’ll be shocked that you were working so hard to do the OPPOSITE before)
How you can use all these tactics on to seduce women you already know WITHOUT getting called out or ever risking rejection
Now, the secret I’m about to share is NOT for everyone…
For one…if you finish reading this short letter to the end you’re going to learn a trick that will likely get you laid within the next 24 hours… so if you’re uncomfortable with the fact that a hot girl could be “sucking your cock” tonight… you should definitely EXIT NOW.
Secondly… and this may sound a bit cold… but if you are absolutely awful socially and can’t even hold a conversation with a close friend, then sorry buddy… I’ll have to ask you to leave too.
I might ruffle a few feathers here, however it has to be said…
Anyone who says they can turn a complete social failure into a super stud overnight is LYING to you. I’m going to be 100% honest here and tell you this will only work if you have at least SOME ability in interacting with women, even if that means having a harmless “nice guy” chat with a girl you know.
Still with me…good
Now a lot of you guys may know me, but in case you don’t name is Chris and I go by the alias 60 Years of Challenge. And since we’re now friends… you can call me “Sixty” for short.
And for the past 7 years I’ve been showing guys just like you how to get laid by beautiful women. I’m not going to spend a lot of time on my many accomplishments, but let’s just say I was voted one of the Top 10 Pickup Artists in the world, I’ve been featured in several popular Dating Magazines, and I was also a featured speaker at the Top Men’s Dating Conference which was covered by the mainstream media… and over this time I’ve mastered what you might call “The Average Guy’s System for Getting Laid”
Now, I’m not going to make up a story and say I was a colossal failure with women my whole life and then had some nightmare happen which caused me to change everything and become a superstar.
I love those stories, but those are generally fairy tales to make you think “Oh, if he can do it, I can do it”.
Truth is, I’m not hideously ugly. I’m “ok” looking.
I’m 5’5, likely shorter than you, and I rarely get a compliment on my looks.
But I’ve managed to get laid a ridiculous amount, including “cover girl models” and more…and my looks (or lack thereof) have absolutely nothing to do with all the sex I’m getting
Now there are a lot of men (and maybe even a few women) you could be asking for advice on how to get laid by hot women…
Why should you listen to me?
Well, chances are you landed here today because you heard about all of the SEX guys are having once they start using this system…
Most people hear about me through word of mouth. I’m not the best guy at tooting my own horn, but every day, I get to read some of the hundreds of emails pouring in from guys all over the world
First from Mike:
“I lost my virginity today by using your method. I now see the world from an absolutely new point of view . This is the most useful thing I’ve ever read…amazing.”
And from Art…
“I met a new girl a few days ago and just got back from spending the night over at her place. I’ve adopted your style very nicely and I’m meeting up with another girl later tonight. I can see how this can get out of hand fast!
Now I’m going to tell you exactly what Mike and Art did to get these results…
First, you need to understand the BIG LIE that’s actually the FOUNDATION of the whole Dating/Seduction community… and a lot of the Self-Help industry in general…
There are two parts to this Big Lie…
The first part is
1) “You Can Make Women Want You Over Time”
And even more insidious than that is the second part…
2) “You Can Talk Your Way into a Woman’s Pants”
The Truth Comes With Good News And Bad News
I’ve got to break the bad news to you before I give you the good news…
As much as we success seekers like to ignore science when it says something we don’t want to hear, we have to look at the real hard data.
In 90% of scientific studies, women figure out if they’re attracted to you INSTANTANEOUSLY…
Not 30 seconds later, and definitely not after 20 minutes or hours more of talking…
In fact, a lot of what women want is already HARD-WIRED in their genes so before they even turn their backs to face you it’s either ON or OFF.
Oh, if they’re not attracted, they’ll still TALK to you… they’ll laugh at your jokes… they might even give you their numbers… But if the spark isn’t there… what you really want…sex… a fuckbuddy… a relationship… that will NEVER happen.
Now, for the Good News…
The good news is…
There’s ALREADY a spark between you and a LOT more women than you think.
The fact that you’ve been struggling in this area may make you think it’s hard to find women who already want you…
but if there’s a group of ten smoking hot women at a bar or party… at least ONE (possibly three) of them has the “built in chemistry” to want to fuck you…
Yep, 1 out of 3 hot women would love to place her luscious lips around your cock tonight….
…but which one is she?
I’ll show you how to find out which one in just a second…..
See… if you want to get laid, your job is a lot easier than you think. There’s only two things you have to do.
1) FIND the girl who already has that little spark for you, whether she knows it or not. And then…
2) MAGNIFY that spark into a raging fire so she’s ripping off your pants.
Oh you want more good news?
You don’t have to SAY anything to do it. In fact, the more you talk the more you absolutely RUIN your chances of getting physical with a woman.
That’s why the idea of “running out of stuff to say” makes me laugh.
…Unless You Make This Deadly Mistake
Now most dating gurus will tell you then to take that raging blaze of fire…
And DUMP A COLD BUCKET OF WATER on it and extinguish the flames.
They say “Tell a story… tell a joke… get her laughing… tease her… be cocky and funny.”
Notice how comfortable she looks after you break the tension with a joke?
Yep, she’s comfortable and having a lot of fun… and she’s also miles away from having sex with you. You were actually closer to having sex with her when you first met and made seductive eye-contact…
Let me tell you straight out…
Any girl you’ve had a “hot look” from in conversation, where you were getting turned on… and she looked like she was getting turned on…
“You Could Have Fucked Her…”
But instead you tried to think of what to say next, or you came up with a lame joke… or you changed the subject…
Yep, you broke the “sexual tension” and you lost the girl…
But those days of over…You will never sabotage an “easy lay” again…
Would you like me to reveal all of this to you… so you can go out tonight and have women kissing you, fantasizing about you and begging you to take them to bed?
Well you’re in luck because I haven’t removed this page yet. (It is going to be pulled pretty soon so pay very close attention)
Here is my first tip on how to find a beautiful woman already attracted to you and turn her into a raging sex machine who wants to rip off your clothes and go down on you…
Great question.
Get Sixty Years Of Challenge – Audio Book Chapter 1 download
The truth is you’ve been fed this lie from society and the media that:
women are only attracted to one guy at a time (usually the good looking, the rich, the ultra-confident)…
This is to cover up the dirty little secret of human biology that states
“If you get a man and a woman close together and touching each other… they’re going to get turned on… whether they wanted to or not”
See all throughout history, society has separated men from women for this very reason.
This is why the old school dates had “chaperones”… to prevent hanky-panky from going on and why some cultures cover women in burkas from head to toe.
Even in America, women are very aware of this phenomenon. That’s why women drag each other away from men as soon as the interaction starts to escalate…
So I challenge you to play with the idea that a lot of women are already attracted to you. If you’re a relatively healthy male… a woman’s biology is already conditioned to mate with you under the right circumstances…
And since you’ve agreed to finish reading this short letter, here are the two tips that will skyrocket how many women want to sleep with you.
How To Instantly Tell Which Girls Want To Fuck You
1) Get Yourself Turned on Before Approaching…
or before you talk to a woman you already know that you want to seduce…
This may sound a little odd, but your horniness will protect you from fear and rejection.
Trust me, when your dick is rock-hard, nothing a woman says to you matters…
There’s no such thing as “approach anxiety”…
You instantly become the sexy caveman every woman wants.
Plus, you separate yourself from all the other guys out there who are being timid or “friendly” without a sexual edge.
2) The Key to a Woman’s Vagina is in Your Hands…
This is the most shocking thing that my students have discovered from my teachings…
Most guys think they’ve “won” the girl when they’ve gotten a number… or a kiss… or some heavy “kino” or touching…
All lies.
The only indicator that you have a “live one” ready to fuck you is….. mutual hand caressing.
Bet you haven’t heard of that one before, huh?
I call this the “It’s On Moment.”
If you take a girl’s hand and caress her soft fingers…
She has three options…
She’ll can either pull her hand away (which just means try again later)…
she can let you hold her hand without doing anything (time-waster, RUN)…
or… she will caress your hand back and get a subtle smirk on her face…
Her eyes will get wide…
And it’s now officially on.
She has admitted that she wants you and there’s no more playing hard-to-get anymore.
At this point you can take her home right away.
Sound too good to be true?
Let’s hear from Andrew…
“I purchased your Automatic Seduction System a few weeks ago. Last weekend I finally went out again. I did 4 approaches. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I made out with 2 girls and banged one of them in the toilet at the club. That’s the first time I’ve ever done that! Totally due to your method! Can’t wait to get out there and practice it more!
By the way, Andrew’s in the UK, so when he says “toilet,” I think he means the bathroom in general… not the actual toilet…
Now at this point you have three options…
Since I’m a Matrix Fan, let’s go with the Pill analogy… only I have three pills to present to you instead of two…
First…You have the blue pill…If you take this, you will close this screen and believe what you did before coming here. You’ll get wrapped up in whatever you’re doing today and forget anything I said was possible…You’ll go on thinking you have to be funny and entertaining to make women like you and you’ll continue getting the same zero to mediocre results.You’ll believe what the media tells you and accept your comfortable place in the pecking order for what you can get….
OR… you can take the Yellow Pill…If you take the yellow pill, you can let this conversation be a hazy dream you just woke up from, but still remember bits and pieces from…You’ll “wing it” and try to give women more seductive eye contact… speak less, and maybe go for a handhold. (or was it hand-caressing… how do I do that again?)You’ll come back to this page again and find that it’s gone… and post around trying to find it… and accept the minor improvements you’re making with your life and try to be satisfied…
Or… you can take the Red Pill…If you take the red pill, you fully commit to leaving your old life behind and join me on the journey to completely redefine the rules for what kind of women you can get… what you deserve,…How hot a woman you can have sex with…How many minutes you need with a woman before you have sex with her…
Now’s the time to decide… If you want to leave right now with the blue or yellow pill I won’t be offended….
Ok… you want the red one?
Wise choice.
Here it is…
The answer to all of your problems and challenges with women is mastering…
Nature’s “Auto-Seduction” Mechanism
“Auto Seduction” is a simple three-step system any man can use, because it leverages the natural process that have caused women to mate in the wild for tens of thousands of years…
It’s so connect the dots easy that any guy (no matter how hopeless) can use it to get laid starting tonight
Step 1: FIND the women most attracted to you
Step 2: AMPLIFY the sexual tension ALREADY ATTRACTED women have to the point where you can get them alone
Step 3: AROUSE women to the Point of No Return where it’s harder for them NOT to fuck you
There are only a few things you need to do in each of these three phases, and I will teach you all of them in …
Now I promised I’d show you how to find the hottest women in the crowd most likely to fuck you…
And that’s why I created this first module: Women Ignition
This is THE manual on finding the women out of the crowd who are already genetically hard-wired to fuck you.
Now, as I’ve said, you have to say VERY LITTLE to get a woman hot and bothered enough to rip your pants off, so I’ve kept the “what to say” portion very lean.
What I’ve given you instead is a process for how to find the woman most likely to go home with you (the ones you think are insanely hot).
This works in any public place… be it a bar, a party, a college campus… the mall… whether you know the people there or not…
It’s like a metal-detector for interested women.
It’s so easy that you could go out and use it tonight (And I’ll show you how very soon)
This method works…
Even if you’re totally shy and not in the mood to talk to anybody
Even if you’re absolutely terrified of approaching women (Approaching isn’t required, did you know that?)
Even if you’re drunk (well, it happens)
Since “opening” or starting conversations is the thing that guys seem to have the most trouble with, I’ve made this process rejection proof…
Because this is so under the radar, you can use this when you’re out with friends, by yourself, or at a networking event…
This is rejection proof because no one can even call you out for being a player or trying to get laid. You don’t even have to be social, since you can make women come up to you instead.
This book by itself is usually $45… and you won’t pay anywhere near that much, so stay with me…
The next part of mastering “Nature’s Auto-Seduction Mechanism” is
Relentless Escalation, the only manual to get a woman sex-ready in minutes.
If you’ve been told it takes HOURS, or DAYS or even WEEKS to get a woman ready to have sex with you, this is a HUGE LIE you need to rid yourself of right away.
The fact is… it often takes five minutes or less.
All you need to do is:
Escalate the vibe with her
Make the right physical connection… (Using only your hands)
Get her out of there
In Relentless Escalation, I’ll show you what to do once you’ve found the girl that has that spark of sexual interest (that you’ve found using Women Ignition).
No matter how microscopic that spark is, you can turn it into a blazing fire so big that all she can think about is kissing down your stomach and wrapping her hot lips around your cock.
You do this by
Escalating the Vibe:
This is where I show you how to make the interaction feel sexual. You know it, she knows it, but she can’t call you on it. You’re not doing anything. Anyone watching can tell there’s sexual tension but they can’t place why.
You do this with seductive eye contact (pg 18)… standing the exact distance apart, (Page 25) and keeping the right facial expression no matter what she says (Page 31)
You’ll make the physical connection and with her body language, she admits she wants to taste your cock… and then you plan your next move.
You have everything here to get her from the first glance to home with you… in which you’ll need…
Simply Start Sex
This module has one mission:
All women know there is a point in the seduction where she is so turned on that she has to have sex with you or she won’t be able to sleep.
If you’ve heard of the term “anti-slut defense,” it’s where a woman throws up resistance to prevent herself from getting to this point.
Let me ask you this…
Have you ever had a girl on your bed with some clothes off (or at least kissing)… but nothing happened?
Have you ever had a girl you could make out with but for some reason never went beyond that?
Have you ever had a woman flake when you were sure it was in the bag?
I had the same thing happen again and again until I discovered what’s in this 3rd module… Simply Start Sex.
You’ll learn
And the last module we have…
Relationship Roulette
This is where some students say, “Hold up, 60. What if I don’t want a relationship? I just want to get LAID, brotha!”…That’s fine and I totally feel you.
This module is for men who want to sleep with a woman more than once, so we’re talking about many different types of relationships here.
Yes, once you’ve mastered getting quick sex with women, you’re going to want to keep at least some of them around…You might want a girlfriend (which is fine)
You might want a stable of fuckbuddies in a daily rotation (also fine)….By the way… this is a LOT easier than you think.
With Relationship Roulette, combined with the 3 earlier modules… finding a girl who wants to fuck you is easy… Finding evenseven girls who want to regularly fuck you becomes very doable with a little practice.
You may not want to go that far but it’s there if you want it
In this module, you’ll master…
Is this stuff important if you want a girlfriend? YES.
Is it important even if you want a bunch of one-night stands? YES.
Once you know the material in this module, you will extinguish any neediness you have when you go out to meet women… because you’ll know the real deal.
This module is also $45 on it’s own.
So How Much
Well you know you’re getting a discount for swallowing the red pill… but I bet you’re still wondering what this is all going to cost…
As I said before…I can show you on my official website to see what these items cost separately…
Module 1: Approaching – $45
Module 2: Escalating – $45
Module 3: Sex – $45
Module 4: Relationships – $45
So that would be $180 altogether.
Now, since you’ve stayed with me this whole time, the last thing I want you to do is to go and pay full price for everything. You’re on here for a reason.
You’re smart… You know that it’s very likely I may give you a shocking discount at the end of this page….
And to be honest… you’re right…
By the way, how much do you think it’s worth to have a story like this?
How about Rex, who is now having women approach him…then try to get HIM drunk and soon went home with a 22 year old?
“This past weekend I went home with a 22-year old girl. And this weekend I was opened by six very hot new women, one of which was trying to get me drunk so that we could go home together ”
or Chief, who got his easiest lay ever shortly after using the method
“This was pretty much my first successful attempt at using Automatic Seduction. HOLY SHIT this has got to be one of the easiest lays I have ever gotten!
Your investment for the system will only be
$180 slashed to $97…
you buy right now before I remove this page, in which case it will only be… $47.
What do you think your success story will be?
Getting a super-hot lay the same night?
A threesome?
A harem of hot horny women who can’t wait to suck your cock every time you greet them?
Imagine what it would be like to look back today, wondering what would have happened if you hadn’t clicked this same button that Josh, Derek, and Isaac clicked to get the Automatic Seduction System.
This is a fork in the road… You’re going to decide now if you want to continue as you are now, or take the path to greatness…
You can’t kid yourself that you have this area handled. You’ve been reading this page long enough that it’s proof that this is an area you need help with.
So at this point, there are a couple things you can do:
1. You can continue what you’ve been doing with no results
Wherever you are now, even if you’re getting a little bit of action… it’s not at the level of having those hot, big boobed, fine assed women you know you want.
If you’re someone who’s going to let a few dollars stop you from achieving what you really want in life, I’m not sure you would benefit that much from ANY solution
2. You could also use what I’ve taught you already and try to “wing it”
This is actually a choice I can respect. After all, it’s what I did…
I went through the experimental phase what I call the pain period…
I’ve been slapped… been told by countless women to fuck off… and I’ve even been publicly humiliated…. UNTIL I found the key pieces to this method that I’ve put together for you right here.
I have a bunch of cool stories from the pain period, but I wouldn’t necessarily wish it on anyone…
3. You Click the Add to Cart button and get The Automatic Attraction System at $47 instead of $180
And start getting laid this weekend…
Get Sixty Years Of Challenge – Audio Book Chapter 1 download
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