Stefan Georgi & Justin Goff – Copy Accelerator


Stefan Georgi & Justin Goff – Copy Accelerator

Stefan Georgi & Justin Goff - Copy Accelerator

Stefan Georgi & Justin Goff – Copy Accelerator

Original price was: $1,497.00.Current price is: $49.00.

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Original price was: $1,497.00.Current price is: $49.00.

Discover the SHORTCUT to 100, 500, Even 1,000+ New Customers a Day From Cold Traffic and Set Up Your Business to Scale, FAST!

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Stefan Georgi & Justin Goff – Copy Accelerator

Stefan Georgi & Justin Goff - Copy Accelerator

With a combined track record of over $1.2 BILLION in salesā€¦

andĀ HUNDREDSĀ of winning funnels between us, we want to help youā€¦

ā€œDiscover the SHORTCUT to 100, 500, Even 1,000+ New Customers a Day From Cold Traffic and Set Up Your Business to Scale, FAST!ā€

1,000 buyers a dayā€¦consistently.

Ask most offer ownersā€¦

And theyā€™ll tell youā€¦thatā€™s the DREAM.

Getting an offer to convert on cold traffic and being able to scale it to 1,000+ buyers a day is a massive accomplishment.

But most offer owners spend a ton of time and money just getting to 20, 50, or even 100 buyers a day.

The Reality Is Less than 1% of Business Owners EVER Get to the 500 ā€“ 1,000 Buyers a Day Level

Itā€™s unfortunate when you think about itā€¦

About how much time, energy, and money they invest into their offersā€¦

And have high hopes of scaling their offerā€¦

Only to be left losing profits, or worse, shutting things down completely.

But it doesnā€™t HAVE to be this way.*

Because thereā€™s a way to find out what tactics, methods and techniques these offer owners are using to get their offers to scale like crazyā€¦

To be in that Top 1% of entrepreneurs who are seriously CRUSHING it.

And itā€™s probably a lot easier than you thinkā€¦

Hey, Justin Goff hereā€¦

Iā€™m known as one of the top direct response marketers in the industry and Iā€™m the co-founder of the Copy Accelerator Mastermind with my business partner, Stefan Georgi.

A few years ago, I was sleeping on a broken air mattressā€¦ in a dingy $250-a-month apartment in Columbus Ohio

Even worseā€¦ the mattress wasnā€™t fully ā€œMINE.ā€

I shared it with my 2 Great Danesā€¦

Because it was the only furniture we had in the place.

Every few hours, Iā€™d get woken up out of my sleepā€¦

Because the blow up mattress would deflateā€¦

So I had to blow it back up before I was sleeping on the floor.

It was a sad existence.

But I was just trying to scrape by at the timeā€¦

However things finally changed for me near the end of 2010.

Cause thatā€™s when IĀ finallyĀ got an offer to start working on cold trafficā€¦

I scaled it on Facebookā€¦

And less than three months later, I had made over $103,000.00 in profit from that offer.

And just a few short years after thatā€¦ I had scaled another offer that brought in 280,000 new buyersā€¦

Which helped me eventually sell that business for $3.7 million dollars ā€“ instantly making me a multi-millionaire at the age of 33.

Because the TRUTH isā€¦

It Takes Just ONE Winning Offer to Completely Change Your Business (and Your Life)

Iā€™m living PROOF that this is true.

And so are the DOZENS of business owners in our Copy Accelerator mastermindā€¦

Who my partner Stefan and I have helped launch HIGHLY successful offers of their own.

And ESPECIALLY with the way online marketing is going in the next few years.

Iā€™m talking about marketers likeĀ Conor Boylandā€¦

Who launched his very FIRST info-product offer last year in the dating space.

Nowā€¦ Conor launched this offerā€¦ in the middle of a GLOBAL PANDEMICā€¦

Where most people werenā€™t even GOING on dates.

But since Conor leveraged the conversion-boosting strategies we shared with himā€¦

Conor Boyland

He was able to scale his offer on ice cold Youtube trafficā€¦

And take his revenue from ZEROā€¦ to over $1.3 MILLIONā€¦ in just 9 months.

Or what about Steve Gunnā€¦

Who owned a struggling CBD offer that wasnā€™t getting any traction.

Well, Steve spent just a few days reworking that offerā€¦ using ourĀ provenĀ sales letter framework.

Nowā€¦ that offer is crushing it on the native ad networks.

Itā€™s running on pretty much ALL the major news sitesā€¦

And itā€™sĀ consistentlyĀ bringing in over 1000 new buyers each day.

Steve Gunn

Then thereā€™sĀ Scott Phillipsā€¦

Who went ā€œall inā€ on a new product launch in the financial space.

This was a true make or break moment for Scott.

He put his businessā€™s last $12,000.00 into this launchā€¦

And itĀ HADĀ to go rightā€¦

Or heā€™d be forced to shut things downā€¦ most likely, for good.

Scott Phillips

So Scott reached out to us for adviceā€¦

And he ended up making over $150,000.00 off that initial launch.

Thatā€™s a 12.5X ROIā€¦ in about two weeks.

And it was just the start!

Because since then, Scott hasĀ obsessivelyĀ applied ALL the strategies weā€™ve shared with him.

Nowā€¦ he has offersĀ profitablyĀ scaling on cold trafficā€¦

And heā€™s on pace to pull in over a million dollars a MONTH by the end of this year.

What a crazy turnaround!

And we canā€™t forget to mentionĀ Jonathan Boyd.

Jonathan launched his Breakthrough Guitar offer in late 2019ā€¦ and made $525 in sales that month.

Then we helped him focus on really getting his offer dialed inā€¦ so he can scale that offer on cold traffic.

Six months later, he was bringing in $90K/monthā€¦

Jonathan Boyd

Three months after that, he was up to $300K/monthā€¦

And in January of 2021, Breakthrough Guitar brought in over $600,000.00 in revenue.

The best part isā€¦

Thatā€™s NOT just one-time revenue, either.

Because heā€™s getting out-of-this-world take rates on aĀ subscriptionĀ offerā€¦

Which meansā€¦

Every month, heā€™s adding thousands of new buyersā€¦ who willĀ continueĀ to pay himā€¦ month after month!

As crazy as it soundsā€¦

With Just ONE Funnel Dialed Inā€¦ Jonathan 1000x His Business in Just 14 Months

With just this one fully dialed-in funnelā€¦

Jonathan literally grew his business by over 1000Xā€¦ in just 14 months.

Because thatā€™s what can happen when you focus on what REALLY mattersā€¦

And get your offers to work on COLD traffic.

But itā€™s NOT just ā€œthe new offer ownersā€ from our circle who are getting all the breakthroughs.

We also help theĀ BIGGESTĀ players in direct response get some of THEIR biggest wins too.

Like the team at PaleoHacksā€¦

An 8-figure health company that used one of our upsell strategies on a cookbook offerā€¦

And took that offer from 80 buyers a dayā€¦ to over 1000 buyers a day.

Thatā€™sĀ millions of dollarsĀ in added revenue right thereā€¦

Just from making a few simple tweaks on a Free + Shipping offer.

Thereā€™s also Jared Nations and the team at Investorā€™s Alleyā€¦

Who wereĀ alreadyĀ making over $250K a month with their financial publishing business.

But as soon as they applied some of the strategies we gave themā€¦

They were quickly able to DOUBLE their salesā€¦ to over $500K a month.

And what about Nick Danielā€¦ and the team at V Shredā€¦

Who started their company with just $1000 a little over 5 years ago.

Well, this yearā€¦ they brought in over $200 MILLION dollars.

And they tellĀ anyoneĀ who listens how weā€™ve played a major role in their record-breaking growthā€¦

Because weā€™ve handed themĀ severalĀ 7 and 8-figure wins along the way.

Soā€¦ how is this all possible?

HowĀ AREĀ these companies winning so big?

And more importantlyā€¦

How canĀ YOUĀ leverage their incredible resultsā€¦

To create your OWN winning offer that scales on COLD traffic?

Because think about whatĀ thatĀ would mean for you.

When youā€™reĀ consistentlyĀ bringing in hundredsā€¦ or even THOUSANDS of new customers a dayā€¦

Your business becomes an UNSTOPPABLE force.

You no longer have to worry about slow sales monthsā€¦ or covering your overheadā€¦ or having to lay off employees who depend on you.

Because with all those new customers coming in each day, your business becomesĀ FLUSHĀ with cash.

Youā€™reĀ Virtually GUARANTEEDĀ to Smash All Your Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly Goals with This One Move

And not only does this mean MORE money in YOUR pocketā€¦

It also means LESS STRESS, too.

Because with all this new revenueā€¦

You can easily afford to hire ā€œA-Playersā€ to take the day-to-day work off your plateā€¦

So you can focus on strategizingā€¦ and GROWING the businessā€¦

And even finally enjoy a vacation or twoā€¦Ā withoutĀ having to worry about the ship sinking while youā€™re gone.

Thatā€™s what a THRIVING business looks like.

And thereā€™s a simple secret for TAKING your business to that levelā€¦Ā veryĀ quickly.

Weā€™ll share that secret with you in just a secondā€¦

But first, letā€™s give you a quick background on WHO we areā€¦

Just so you know that we reallyĀ CANĀ help you enjoy the businessā€¦ and the LIFE youā€™ve always dreamed of having.

My name is Justin Goff.

And along with my partner Stefan hereā€¦

Iā€™m the co-founder of Copy Acceleratorā€¦

The worldā€™s premiere mastermind for direct-response marketersā€¦

SpecificallyĀ dedicated to bringing in new customers from cold traffic.

Why cold traffic?

Justin Goff

Because thatā€™s theĀ FASTESTĀ way to grow your business.

When you have an offer that scales on cold trafficā€¦ and brings in 100s or even 1000s of buyers a dayā€¦

EverythingĀ changes.

Obviously, your front-end sales go through the roofā€¦

But youĀ alsoĀ add tons of fresh buyers to your email listsā€¦

Which supercharges your back-end, too.

So you canā€¦

Get Your Business to a Place Where It Just StartsĀ Printing Money!

I experienced this first hand a few years ago.

I was a partner at a health supplement companyā€¦

And we were doing just under a million dollars in sales.

Thenā€¦ I put all my focus into getting an offer to convert on COLD traffic.

Once we got that offer fully crankingā€¦ we started bringing in THOUSANDS of new buyers a dayā€¦

I experienced this first hand a few years ago.

I was a partner at a health supplement companyā€¦

And we were doing just under a million dollars in sales.

Thenā€¦ I put all my focus into getting an offer to convert on COLD traffic.Once we got that offer fully crankingā€¦ we started bringing in THOUSANDS of new buyers a dayā€¦

And over the next two years, that ONE winning offer carried us from under a million dollars in salesā€¦ to just over $23 MILLION in sales.

Since then, Iā€™ve putĀ ALLĀ my focus into converting cold traffic.

Today, Iā€™m considered one of the top ā€œfunnel strategistsā€ in the world.

And Iā€™ve helped many of the BIGGEST players in direct responseā€¦

In pretty muchĀ ALLĀ the major nichesā€¦

Optimize their offersā€¦ so they canĀ SCALEĀ on cold trafficā€¦ and bring in 1000s of new customers per day.

At this point, Iā€™ve probably seen the ā€œinner workingsā€ of more WINNING funnels than anyone in our spaceā€¦

So itā€™s become pretty easy for me to take a quick look at a funnelā€¦

And identify some easy opportunities for BIG WINS.

So thatā€™s what I bring to the tableā€¦

AndĀ StefanĀ has a similar story.

Itā€™s a pretty funny coincidenceā€¦

Heā€™s ALSO helped grow a health supplement company from ZERO to $23 million in salesā€¦ in just 3 years.

But what heā€™s usually known forā€¦

Is being one of the TOP copywriters actively writing today.

Stefan Georgi

And thatā€™s NOT based on opinionā€¦ or whether people like the way he writes.

Thatā€™s an objective factā€¦ based on RESULTS.

Because heā€™s createdĀ DOZENSĀ of winning sales letters for his own businessesā€¦ and his clientsā€™ businessesā€¦

And when you tally up all those winsā€¦

They add up to over a BILLION dollars in total revenue.

And itā€™s NOT like heā€™s trying to live off ā€œpast gloryā€ hereā€¦ like some people tend to do.

Because heā€™sĀ personallyĀ written 6 different sales letters that are all scaling on COLD trafficĀ right now.

And just these 6 offers alone are currently bringing inĀ over $10 millionĀ a monthā€¦ in todayā€™s most competitive markets.

OK, thatā€™s enough talking about usā€¦

Because weā€™re not here to toot our own hornsā€¦

Yes, we obviously bring a wealth ofĀ PROVENĀ marketing insights to the table.

But while weā€™dĀ LOVEĀ to take the credit for all those HUGE 7 and 8-figure wins weā€™ve helped createā€¦

WeĀ canā€™tĀ take the credit for that.

Because Hereā€™s the REAL Secret to Getting Your Offers Converting and Scaling Like CRAZY

The reason weā€™re able to generate such incredible resultsā€¦

The kind that can create blockbuster offersā€¦

And make business owners wildly wealthyā€¦

Has almost NOTHING to do with ā€œhow smart WE are.ā€

Those results come from something MUCH bigger than just our minds.

The REAL reason business owners in our private mastermindĀ consistentlyĀ produce the highest-converting offers onlineā€¦

Is because of a concept calledĀ Compound Intelligence.

You see, when we started Copy Acceleratorā€¦

There was aĀ glaringĀ need in the market.

Business owners and copywriters desperately wanted to know how to scale offers on COLD traffic, becauseā€¦

This is Literally the FASTEST Way to Multiply the Money You Generate with Your Business

And since Stefan and I worked on hundreds of winning cold traffic funnels between usā€¦

We were two of the few in the world who were QUALIFIED to teach how to do it.

Soā€¦ we decided to share our secrets.

No silly opinionsā€¦

Or unproven theories.

We committed to sharing DATA-driven insights.

The things weā€™ve picked up while spending millions of dollars on testingā€¦

And generating over a billion dollars in salesā€¦

Across a ton of winning funnels.

So in the beginningā€¦Ā thatā€™sĀ what Copy Accelerator was.

Two of the best marketers in the worldā€¦ sharing what we KNOW workedā€¦ to convert cold traffic.

But as excited as we were about thisā€¦

Copy Accelerator turned into something far greaterā€¦ than either of us could have imagined.

Because once we opened the doors to this programā€¦

Dozens more of theĀ BEST marketers on the planetĀ started flooding in.

Golden HippoĀ put team members into the programā€¦

So didĀ Natural Health Sherpaā€¦



AndĀ Traffic & Funnels.

Plusā€¦Ā top marketers from V Shredā€¦


4 Patriotsā€¦

AndĀ Credit SecretsĀ all joined, too.

So didĀ several other 7, 8, and even 9-figure companiesā€¦

From pretty muchĀ ALLĀ the most competitive niches onlineā€¦

  • Healthā€¦
  • datingā€¦
  • biz opā€¦
  • survivalā€¦dog trainingā€¦
  • fitnessā€¦
  • supplementsā€¦
  • financialā€¦
  • high-ticket coachingā€¦
  • real estateā€¦
  • softwareā€¦

guitar trainingā€¦You name it.

It was pretty incredible to seeā€¦

And it changed Copy Accelerator from being a great resource for marketersā€¦

To becomingā€¦

The ULTIMATE Launchpad for Multi-Million Dollar Offers

Because while it STARTED as the two of us ā€“ Justin and Stefan ā€“ teaching whatĀ WEĀ knewā€¦

Based on data that WE hadā€¦

Every time another top marketer joinedā€¦ we gained access to THEIR data, too.

Because they shared that data freely.

So every weekā€¦

Weā€™d find out about new headline testsā€¦

Split test winsā€¦

Offer tweaksā€¦

And other strategies that were workingĀ right nowā€¦ in the real worldā€¦ to extract MORE money from cold traffic.

Then when theyā€™d share these results with our groupā€¦

OtherĀ members would go out and test themā€¦ and tweak themā€¦ and improve on them too.

So this created an incredible FLYWHEEL of MASSIVE breakthroughsā€¦

Because weā€™d run more testsā€¦

Get more dataā€¦

ThenĀ useĀ that new data to make more money.

And as the companies in our group were able to scale their offers up to 300, 500, 1000+ buyers a dayā€¦

We were all able to run MORE testsā€¦

To get evenĀ betterĀ results.

So every time another 7, 8 or 9-figure company joined up with usā€¦

And started sharing THEIR data, tooā€¦

The whole group would grow stronger and strongerā€¦

Until eventually, Copy Accelerator became its own operating system for producing multi-million dollar funnels.

And itā€™s all because of thisĀ Compound Intelligence.

We all know how compound interest works, right?

You invest 100,000 dollars in some mutual fundā€¦ and make 10% in a year.

So next year you have 110,000 dollars in that fundā€¦ and make 10% on that.

And the bigger your balance growsā€¦ the more money you makeā€¦

Until eventually youā€™re pulling in millionsā€¦ without doing any actual work.

Well,Ā Compound IntelligenceĀ applies that same concept to business.

Because when you have dozens of the top direct response marketers in the worldā€¦

Who are generating BILLIONS of dollars a year in combined revenueā€¦

ALL testing and sharing their biggest winsā€¦

It instantlyā€¦

Gives You Access to Breakthroughs You Could NEVER Possibly Achieve On Your Own

Because with this kind of collaborative effortā€¦

Things that would take you years to figure outā€¦

Are solved FOR you in seconds.

I mean think about itā€¦

Yesā€¦ you know you need good ads to convert on cold trafficā€¦

But would you be better off trying to create those ads from scratchā€¦

Yesā€¦ you know you need high-converting Upsellsā€¦ so you can make more money from each customerā€¦ and afford to buy more traffic.

But would you be better off trying to ā€œguessā€ what kind of Upsells convertā€¦

Or by seeing data fromĀ Jay Deiboldt, the owner of Credit Secretsā€¦ whoā€™s tested DOZENS of different upsellsā€¦

And used that data to sell $100 Million worth of a $37 eBook?

The answer is obvious.

Itā€™s the same with your sales letterā€¦

And your emailsā€¦

Hell, even your OFFER.

Jay Deiboldt

Of course you have to TEST thingsā€¦ to see what works for YOU.

But inside Copy Accelerator, you get to START those testsā€¦ by modelingĀ PROVENĀ winners.

You get to see whatā€™s working RIGHT NOWā€¦

And just as importantlyā€¦ what HASNā€™T workedā€¦

Which saves you a ton of wasted time and energyā€¦

And gives you a much higher chance of smashing it right out of the gate.

Thatā€™s why our members succeed.

Thatā€™s why theyā€™re able to increase their sales by 5X, 10X, 50Xā€¦

Or like Jonathan Boydā€¦ who we mentioned earlierā€¦

Literally generate 1000 times more moneyā€¦ in just 14 months.

Because when youā€™re part of Copy Acceleratorā€¦

Youā€™re leveragingĀ Compound Intelligenceā€¦

Tapping into BILLIONS of dollars in proven dataā€¦

And using it to createĀ YOURĀ multi-million dollar offer.

Thatā€™s why EVERY business ownerā€¦

Who wants to grow their business with cold trafficā€¦

And bring in 300, 500, 1000+ new customers a dayā€¦

Should doĀ whateverĀ it takes to join us inside Copy Accelerator.


It Makes the Path to the Top Faster and Easier for ALL Types of Offer Owners

Now, to be clear, this is a private mastermind and mentoring group.

We purposely limit the number of people who can join so that it really is an exclusive group.

Because we KNOW there are other masterminds out thereā€¦there are Facebook groupsā€¦and tons of events for marketersā€¦

But what WE have inside our mastermind is an exclusive group of entrepreneurs who are not only sharing and learning from each otherā€¦

But also learning from us ā€”Ā JustinĀ andĀ StefanĀ ā€” directly.

Thatā€™s because we make ourselves available to PERSONALLY review your copy and funnelsā€¦

Weā€™re both super active in the group and can review your emails, your sales pages, your upsells, your adsā€¦

To help tighten up your copy and guide you on how to make it CONVERT.

Now, most offer owners know Stefanā€™s rate is up to $50,000 to write a single sales letter.

And I charge 4-figures+ per hour for coachingā€¦

But you wonā€™t be paying anywhere close to those fees to have access to us BOTH inside the mastermind.

Because as a member of Copy Accelerator, you can send us what youā€™re working on and weā€™ll review it, usually within a day or two.

So youā€™re getting FAST feedback, drastically increasing the chances of getting your offers converting.

And without paying our fees to have us coach you.

Plus You Get a LOT More Than Coaching Inside the Mastermindā€¦

It STARTS with the BEST training on converting cold trafficā€¦ that you canā€™t find ANYWHERE else.

Every Tuesdayā€¦ at 1PM Easternā€¦

ALL the members of Copy Accelerator meet over Zoom for LIVE training calls.

These calls usually run from between 75-90 minutes longā€¦

And on these callsā€¦

Both Stefan and I cover critical strategies for converting COLD traffic into sales.

These include ALL 5 of the KEY profit levers we mentioned earlierā€¦

Like coming up with ā€œHELL YESā€ offers that your market actuallyĀ WANTSĀ to buyā€¦

Putting out scroll-stopping Facebook ads that are COMPLIANTā€¦ but still force total strangers to give you their complete attentionā€¦

The 4 PROVEN Email Frameworks we useā€¦ that consistently generate tons of pre-qualified clicksā€¦

Stefanā€™s RMBC Sales Letter Methodā€¦ that he uses to crank out WINNINGĀ sales letters in as little as 3 days.

This is theĀ EXACTĀ method he follows every single time he writesā€¦ to generate over a BILLION dollars in total sales for him and his clients.

And I also break down my OLOF Upsell Formulaā€¦

Which consistently generates Upsell conversion rates between 35% and 50%.

Thatā€™s the sweet spot you want to be inā€¦ to scale an offer on COLD traffic.

And Iā€™ve used this simple formula across DOZENS of winning funnelsā€¦ to help businesses increase their Average Order Values by 20, 30, even $42.

But thatā€™s just the beginning.

Those are just theĀ BASICSĀ of what we coverā€¦

Because You Also Get Access to Private Calls That Take Full Advantage of ThisĀ Compound Intelligenceā€¦

Where we share a bunch of recent split test wins from all the businesses within our group.

We also host additional calls where we analyze the TOP offers running todayā€¦ and reverse engineer WHY theyā€™re so successful.

We even schedule special GUEST callsā€¦

Where we bring in true EXPERTS from within our massive networkā€¦

To share secrets on copywriting, media buying, list management, traffic sources, even saving money on taxes!


Once a monthā€¦ we typically host Open Q&A Callsā€¦

Where you can jump on the line with usā€¦

And ask Justin and IĀ anything.

Whether you want to brainstorm a new offer ideaā€¦

Get some fresh eyes on your copyā€¦

Or even ask advice about molding your business to create the kind of life YOU want to live.

That wayā€¦

You can make the most amount of moneyā€¦Ā whileĀ enjoying the most happiness, too.

Thatā€™s REALLY important to usā€¦ so weā€™d be happy to help you figure that stuff out.

Because what good is making a lot of moneyā€¦ if youā€™re miserable?

So weā€™ll help you figure out how to build a business that worksĀ FORĀ youā€¦

And gives you the lifestyleā€¦ to where youā€™re EXCITED to wake up each morning.

Weā€™ve been running these LIVE calls nearly every Tuesdayā€¦ for over 2 years now.

And as a member of Copy Accelerator LITEā€¦

Not only do you get access to all the CURRENT callsā€¦

YouĀ alsoĀ get access to the entire ARCHIVE of past calls.

Weā€™re talking over a hundred hours of pure marketing GOLDā€¦

All clearly labeled for youā€¦

So youā€¦ or a team memberā€¦ can quickly go inā€¦ and extract the secrets you need to get your offers working on COLD traffic.

Plusā€¦ when it comes to actually APPLYING those secrets..

When you start actually putting together the offers, ads, emails, upsells, and sales messages you need to scale on COLD trafficā€¦

We have you covered there too.

Because as a member of Copy Accelerator, you alsoā€¦

Get Access to 2x Additional LIVE FeedbackĀ Calls Every Single Week!

These are hosted inside our Copy Accelerator LITE group.

The LITE group is for marketers and copywriters who want to be part of the mastermind but donā€™t need Stefan and I to review their copy just yetā€¦

And as a Copy Accelerator Member, you get access to all of the LITE community perks as well.

Including calls with two of the BEST copywriters working today!

Mike Abramov, whoā€™s written big winners for companies likeĀ AgoraĀ andĀ PaleoHacksā€¦

AndĀ Sabah Karimi, the ā€œbrainsā€ behind some of the BIGGEST offers youā€™ve seen on Facebook and Youtubeā€¦

who currently works on the Optimization & Strategy Team atĀ V ShredĀ and also works on the Funnel Optimization Team forĀ Russell BrunsonĀ atĀ ClickFunnelsā€¦

Mike Abramov & Sabah Karimi

We brought both of them in to HELP you.

So on these calls, you can pull up any offers youā€™re working onā€¦

Or the copy one of the writers on your team put togetherā€¦

And Mike or Sabah will personally go through that copy WITH youā€¦

Showing you how you can make it STRONGERā€¦

And making sure it READY for ā€œREAL trafficā€¦ā€

So you can roll your offers out there with FULL confidence.

Getting this kind of additional support from A-Level copywriters usually costs tens of thousands of dollars a monthā€¦

But when you join Copy Accelerator, itā€™s included in your membership.

Now, we know a lot of people prefer 1-1 feedback on copy or just need help brainstorming ideasā€¦

So we recently added ANOTHER layer of coaching.

You Also Get PRIVATE 1-1 Coaching with Ning Li and Pauline Longdon Every Week

We recruited two of the BEST mentors and copywriters in the biz to make this happen.

Because we only want the best for our members.

And we know how valuable 1-1 coaching can be, whether youā€™re writing copy or working on an offer.

So we HIREDĀ Ning Li, the head copywriter at PaleoHacks, and ā€œThe Copy Alchemistā€mĀ Pauline Longdon, who is also one of Parris Lampropoulosā€™s copy cubsā€¦

To be available for DOZENS of 30-minute 1-1 coaching calls every single week.

Youā€™ll be given access to both of their calendarsā€¦

Ning & Pauline

So you can book in a call with them whenever you need that extra support.

This type of support is PRICELESS.

But itā€™s included in your membership because we want you to get the highest level of feedback you can.


Copy Accelerator Has Its Own PRIVATE Facebook Group Exclusively for Members

Where you can ask questionsā€¦ get feedbackā€¦ and network with some of the best marketers in the worldā€¦

Including Alvin Huang from TrueGenicsā€¦

Ning Li from PaleoHacksā€¦

Steve Gunn from Tommy Chongā€™s CBDā€¦

Joe Barton from Barton Publishingā€¦

Ron Lynch, the KING of infomercialsā€¦

And many other brilliant marketersā€¦ who are generating tons of customers from cold traffic right now.

These are people whoā€™ve built 7, 8, in some casesā€¦ even 9-figure companies.

And theyā€™re extremely willing to share their knowledge.

Because remember, when you join Copy Accelerator

You canĀ SOAKĀ up all the benefitsā€¦ and theĀ Compound IntelligenceĀ of being in the group.

You can learn from 9-figure marketers like Jay Deiboldt of Credit Secretsā€¦

Jeremy Reevesā€¦ from Peak Biome

AndĀ Joey Perciaā€¦ who runs the email program at Natural Health Sherpaā€¦

All start sharing split tests and their latest wins.

Honestlyā€¦ even Stefan and I areĀ AMAZEDĀ at all the marketing gold that gets dropped in that group on a DAILY basis.

Jeremy Reeves & Joey Percia

Weā€™re talking about stuff that can save you MONTHS of trial and errorā€¦

And make you millions of dollars in added profitsā€¦

Because itā€™s all been TESTED and PROVEN to increase conversions.

And thatā€™s just the tactical stuff.

This network can be even MORE valuable to youā€¦ as you start GROWING your business.

You can ask the business owners in our group for advice on hiringā€¦

Where to get great funnels or VSLs madeā€¦

And referrals to help YOU become the best in the bizā€¦

Youā€™re Literally SURROUNDED By Dozens of the Best Media Buyers, Copywriters, and Marketers On the Planet!

So you donā€™t ever have to go digging through the job board junkyard to find high-level help.

Because we have the best of the bestā€¦ INSIDE our group.

Dozens of skilled copywriters, media buyers, and strategistsā€¦

Who are leveraging Compound Intelligence every single dayā€¦

To deliver the BEST possible results for their clients.

Many of them would love to work with youā€¦ to help scale your offerā€¦ if you want that help.

Thatā€™s why our Copy Accelerator Facebook group is so valuable.

It keeps you connected to a POWERFUL marketing networkā€¦ all year round.

But as great as the Facebook groups areā€¦

The networking effect gets even STRONGERā€¦

When we gather HUNDREDS of the smartest marketers on the planetā€¦ all in ONE room.

Thatā€™s why TWICE a year, we hold LIVE eventsā€¦

And All of Our Members Get Tickets to Our 2x LIVE Copy Accelerator Events Every Year

At these events, we spend 2 and a half days togetherā€¦

In personā€¦


Where we can fully FOCUS on helping you create big wins in your business.

Members Area

We fill these events with EXPERT speakersā€¦

The very BESTā€¦ in their areas of expertiseā€¦

So just the presentations alone can be life-changing.

But these events are about much more than ā€œJUSTā€ the presentationsā€¦

Because it gives you a chance to network with ALL the members of our Copy Accelerator family.

So you can form partnerships with other offer ownersā€¦

Meet copywriters who can help you grow your businessā€¦

Spend time hanging out face-to-face with me, Stefan, and all the other ELITE marketers in our communityā€¦

And even attend one of our LEGENDARY cocktail partiesā€¦

Which draws a ā€œWhoā€™s Whoā€ of direct response All-Stars.

Ask anyone whoā€™s been to one of these eventsā€¦

Theyā€™ll tell you thereā€™s nothing else like them.

So whenever we offer tickets to these eventsā€¦

They always sell outā€¦ for as much as $3000 a ticket.

But as a member of Copy Accelerator, you donā€™t have to buy a ticketā€¦

Because BOTH eventsā€¦ are included in your membership!


Between the weekly training callsā€¦

The 100s of hours of recorded calls in our archivesā€¦

The TWO weekly Feedback calls with A-Level copywritersā€¦

All the Compound Intelligence youā€™ll take advantage ofā€¦ in our PRIVATE Facebook groupsā€¦

PLUSā€¦ the TWO live eventsā€¦

Itā€™s easy to see why many smart marketers consider Copy Accelerator LITE the BEST investment you can make in your businessā€¦

EspeciallyĀ if you want to scale an offer on Cold traffic.

Hereā€™s a Quick Recap of Everything Included:

  • Weekly Copy and Marketing Trainings with Justin Goff and Stefan Georgi.
  • Direct Feedback and Reviews on Copy from Justin Goff and Stefan Georgi.
  • Access to Members-Only Guest Trainings (including calls covering Mindset, Running Offers, Running a Biz, and more)
  • 24/7 Access to the Archive of Trainings (Over 2 Yearsā€™ Worth of Calls and Resources)
  • Instant Access to Our Private Members-Only LITE Facebook Group
  • Full Access to the Copy Accelerator LITE Facebook Group
  • Access to Our PRIVATE Job Board with Copy Jobs
  • Weekly 1-1 Coaching Calls with Ning Li
  • Weekly 1-1 Coaching Calls with Pauline Longdon
  • Weekly Copy Review & Feedback Group Coaching Calls with Mike Abramov and Sabah Karimi
  • BONUS:Ā Tickets to BOTH Copy Accelerator LIVE Events Over the Year (we sell these for $1,450+ each)

Check out what some offer owners are saying:

Increased Our Upsell Take Rate by 25%

ā€œWe used one of Justinā€™s upsell strategies and it increased our upsell take rate by 25%. This is a huge deal for us, as we do several thousand front ends a day.ā€

~Ā Nick Daniel, CEO and Co-Founder of V Shred

Helping Us Reach 1,000 Buyers a Day!

ā€œYesterday was our first 500 buyer day across all combined media channels (FB/YT/Google). Pumped about this and aiming toward that 1,000 buyers a day target!ā€

~Ā Joe LoGalbo, Business Owner

Helps Us Identify Untapped Revenue Easily

ā€œWhat I love about the Copy Accelerator is not just about Justin and Stefan but the group itself.

It does a really good job, identifying where you might be leaving money on the table.

~Ā Kate Aseltine, Head of Marketing at Native Path

So at this pointā€¦

Youā€™re probably wondering how much it costs to be a member of Copy Acceleratorā€¦

What are these 7,8, and 9-figure offer owners investing in themselves and into their businesses to be part of thisā€¦.

Wellā€¦ the simple answer isā€¦

A lot less than it should cost.

Because with all the resources you get in Copy Acceleratorā€¦

You can easily add 7-figures to your business within the next 12 months.Dozens of our members have already done it.

Hell, thatā€™s a conversative estimateā€¦ if you actually take advantage of everything you give you.

So even if we charged 100K for access to thisā€¦ that would be more than justified.

But obviouslyā€¦ weā€™re not charging 100K.

Weā€™re not charging $80,000ā€¦

Or even $50,000.

We wanted to make this a no brainer decision for youā€¦

For any business owner serious about developing WINNING offersā€¦

Having your copy reviewed by the BEST copywriters and marketers in the businessā€¦

So you can bring in MORE customersā€¦

Make MORE moneyā€¦

And impact MORE lives.

Thatā€™s whyā€¦

Joining Copy Accelerator is onlyĀ $25,000Ā for a full year.

Think of It As Your ā€œBusiness Lifelineā€ That Can Help You Bring In 400, 500, Even 1,000+ BUYERS a Day

You join us now, you get instant access to ALL the Compound Intelligence of the groupā€¦

All the trainingsā€¦all the recordingsā€¦the NETWORK.

A complete no-brainer.

And as Iā€™m sure youā€™ve guessedā€¦

Itā€™s pretty easy to recover your investment when you apply what you learn.

In fact, we would be SHOCKED if you didnā€™t get at least your investment back within the next 12 months.

Because you have access to EXCLUSIVE intel and trainings that can catapult your successā€¦

Just like it has for DOZENS of offer owners in our group.

The value is priceless.

But while youā€™re probably excited to hit the order button right nowā€¦

Youā€™ll notice there IS no order button on this page.

Because Copy Accelerator is designed for only the best in the bizā€¦

And because Stefan and I put so much time and energy into helping our members succeedā€¦

Our FIRST priority to protect the quality of the community weā€™ve createdā€¦

You canā€™t just ā€œsign upā€ to join Copy Accelerator.

We need to make sure youā€™re the right fit for this.

We donā€™t want to work with any complainersā€¦ or dabblersā€¦ or jerks who suck the energy out of the room.

So before we allow you to joinā€¦

You have to click the button below this videoā€¦

To schedule a call with Blake from our team.

Heā€™ll ask you a few questions to find out more about your businessā€¦

What your goals areā€¦

Then give you an honest assessment of whether Copy Accelerator is right for you.

And donā€™t worry, this ISNā€™T one of those high-pressure sales calls.

We specifically instructed Blake NOT to try and ā€œhard sellā€ anyoneā€¦

Because we donā€™t HAVE to do that.

We donā€™t WANT anyone who needs to ā€œbe sold.ā€

The results from Copy Accelerator Members speak for itself.

Weā€™ve already helped DOZENS of business owners create winning offersā€¦ that SCALE on cold traffic.

Weā€™ve already helped dozens of offer ownersā€¦ add millions of their dollars to their bottom line.

So thereā€™s no question as to whether or not we can help you build the business of your dreamsā€¦

Where you make more moneyā€¦

Enjoy more freedomā€¦

And get to impact more people.

We KNOW we can help you do that.

Because thatā€™s what we do.

Weā€™ve done it dozens of times.

The only questionā€¦ is whether or not you WANT our help.

Because some people refuse to be helped.

Some people choose to take the slow pathā€¦

Where they insist on making all their own unnecessary mistakesā€¦

And wasting a lot of time and moneyā€¦

Just to be able to say theyā€™re doing it ā€œon their own.ā€

Those peopleā€¦ usually end up broke.

And if youā€™re one of those peopleā€¦ then this ISNā€™T right for you.

But if you want to do things the SMARTER wayā€¦

If you want to grow your business the FASTER wayā€¦

Using strategies working right NOW in your industryā€¦

If you want to tap into the Compound Intelligence of the network weā€™ve builtā€¦

And leverage the HUNDREDS of brilliant marketing minds inside our Copy Accelerator familyā€¦

Then youā€™re the exact kind of person we WANT to work with.

And weā€™d LOVE to help you add zeros to your business within the next 12 monthsā€¦

Because thatā€™s what keeps us excited.

So if youā€™re serious about taking the ā€œfast pathā€ to the top.

All you gotta do is click below to schedule your call


Blake will hop on the line with youā€¦

Find out a bit about who you areā€¦ and what your goals areā€¦

And see if youā€™re a fit for the program.

There are other exciting surprises tooā€¦

Like the ā€œJustin & Stefan National Tourā€ we did this past summer.

Where Copy Accelerator members can get a bunch of 1-on-1 time and personal ā€œcopy chiefingā€ from both of usā€¦

But there will be plenty of time to talk about all thatā€¦

Once youā€™re on the inside.

So for nowā€¦

The important thing is that you GET on the inside.

Rememberā€¦ there WONā€™T be any pressure on this call.

There wonā€™t be any hard selling.

Just an easy, honest, open chatā€¦

Where you can ask whatever questions you haveā€¦

To see if this is right for you.

We purposely limit who we let into this mastermindā€¦

And one of these seats could be yours.

So if you ever dreamed of running a THRIVING businessā€¦

With a successful offer that scales on cold trafficā€¦

And brings in hundreds of new customers every dayā€¦

Weā€™d love to help you turn that dream into reality.

Just hop on a call and letā€™s find out if this is the place for you to grow and SCALE like crazy.

Because we know we can help you achieve all your goals as a business ownerā€¦

MUCH faster and EASIER than you can on your own.

We can save you YEARS of struggleā€¦

And probably THOUSANDS in lost revenueā€¦

So if you want our helpā€¦

Your next step is simple.

Just click below.

Schedule your call with our team ASAPā€¦

And letā€™s see if youā€™re a good fit to join us at the TOP of the direct response marketing world.


Get Digital Download ” Stefan Georgi & Justin Goff – Copy Accelerator ” Right Now!


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