Stephane (Ideagasms) – The Bisexual Girlfriend Training Program

Stephane (Ideagasms) – The Bisexual Girlfriend Training Program

Stephane (Ideagasms) - The Bisexual Girlfriend Training Program

Stephane (Ideagasms) – The Bisexual Girlfriend Training Program


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This is a unique companion to the video, “Now, You Wanted a Trance Demonstrated Today.” The dynamic three-level format allows the transcript to be used either to enhance the understanding of the teaching tape or as a teaching tool by itself.

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Stephane (Ideagasms) – The Bisexual Girlfriend Training Program

Stephane (Ideagasms) - The Bisexual Girlfriend Training Program

This 82 minute, sub-titled black and white demonstration shows Dr. Erickson performing a live induction. Also available is a unique, annotated transcription which not only provides the text of the induction, but descriptions and explanations of Dr. Erickson’s process, making this program ideal for the truly serious student of hypnosis. It is so rich in information that repeated viewings continue to reveal deeper levels of nuance that can help you master Erickson’s own techniques in your own practice.
“Now, You Wanted A Trance Demonstrated Today” is the premier hypnosis teaching presentation of Dr. Erickson. In this video, he demonstrates and discusses:
direct and indirect inductions
arm levitation
positive and negative hallucinations
mind/body separation
“Now, You Wanted a Trance Demonstrated Today”
The Literature-Based Annotated Transcript
This is a unique companion to the video, “Now, You Wanted a Trance Demonstrated Today.” The dynamic three-level format allows the transcript to be used either to enhance the understanding of the teaching tape or as a teaching tool by itself.
The transcript presents three discrete and synergistic levels:
A rhythm-formatted transcript of Dr. Erickson’s words with non-verbal behavior appended. The rhythm-formatting separates his words into distinct phrase and rhythm elements, emphasizing not just what he said, but how he said it.
An analysis of the induction that pairs these phrase and rhythm elements with the intentions and functions he attributed to these elements in previously described writings, interviews and lectures — in other words, why he said what he did, and why he chose that specific presentation method.
The subject’s own words describing, element by element, the experiences and understandings he had while Dr. Erickson was working with him. This provides a truly unique opportunity to vicariously experience what it was like to be placed in a trance state by the father of modern hypnotherapy himself.

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