Steve Slaunwhite (AWAI) – How to Price, Quote, and Win B2B Writing Projects


Steve Slaunwhite (AWAI) – How to Price, Quote, and Win B2B Writing Projects

Steve Slaunwhite (AWAI) – How to Price, Quote, and Win B2B Writing Projects


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This course is available and delivery within a few hours!”The “magic question” to ask clients that will dramatically increase your chances of getting the job at the best rate possible. (These 8 words alone are worth the price of the program!)

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Steve Slaunwhite (AWAI) – How to Price, Quote, and Win B2B Writing Projects

Steve Slaunwhite (AWAI) - How to Price, Quote, and Win B2B Writing Projects


Pricing B2B copywriting projects doesn’t have to be agony. In fact, if you follow my simple “Power Pricing” system, you’ll be able to:

  • Confidently price any B2B project.
  • Be certain that you’re quoting the best rate – so you’re making top dollar.
  • Get more clients to enthusiastically say “Yes!”

Grab the program today and find out:

  • The 3 things you MUST know before you can price a B2B writing job accurately.
  • The “magic question” to ask clients that will dramatically increase your chances of getting the job at the best rate possible. (These 8 words alone are worth the price of the program!)
  • Do you need a fee schedule? (Yes, you do, and in this program, you’ll learn exactly how to create one.)
  • What to say, word-for-word, when a client says, “Your price is too high.”
  • How to handle such issues as endless revisions and changes in direction that can cut into your income on a project.
  • 7 things you can negotiate – and the one thing you should NEVER negotiate.
  • Exactly what to put in your quotation or proposal that motivates the client to hire you – at YOUR price – on YOUR terms.
  • How to increase your rates with current clients … even those who are currently paying you peanuts.
  • Should you quote a ballpark price? (Many other writing “gurus” say no. But, they’re wrong! I’ll show you why.)

And, much more.

MODULE 1 shows you how to leave “hourly rates behind” (which clients hate and seriously limits your income.) This module alone will significantly improve your ability to land more projects at higher rates.

MODULE 2 takes you through the process of creating a fee schedule. You’ll learn how to set your fees so you NEVER accept a project for less than a professional rate again. (That’s because you’ll know what the professional rates are!)

MODULE 3 explains exactly how to discuss pricing during that all-important first meeting (in person or on the phone) with a client. You’ll learn the questions you need to ask. And, how to respond to typical questions and other responses by the client.

MODULE 4 is where I tell you EXACTLY what to say when the client says, “Your price is too high.” Let’s face it. If you’re going to be pricing your copywriting services at a professional level, you’re going get some price resistance from time-to-time. (If you don’t, your prices are too low!)

MODULE 5 teaches you how to create and submit a persuasive proposal. This is where you learn the 4 ingredients of a persuasive quotation. You MUST have all these ingredients in your proposal. If you don’t, you risk losing the job.

MODULE 6 explains how to follow up and land the project. You’ll learn what to say when you make a follow-up call. And, what to do if you can’t reach the client.

Because this program is comprised of a series of audio recordings, transcripts, and handouts, you can get through it all quickly – in less than a day. And, start using my “Power Pricing” techniques right away.

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