Steven Pieper – Author Marketing Mastery Through Optimization 4


Steven Pieper – Author Marketing Mastery Through Optimization 4

Steven Pieper - Author Marketing Mastery Through Optimization 4

Steven Pieper – Author Marketing Mastery Through Optimization 4


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Join some of the world’s most successful indie authors inside the world’s most effective Direct Sales…

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Steven Pieper – Author Marketing Mastery Through Optimization 4

Steven Pieper - Author Marketing Mastery Through Optimization 4

Build a career income selling directly to your readers.

Join some of the world’s most successful indie authors inside the world’s most effective Direct Sales program.

Save up to 57% on a lifetime membership with live coaching, or choose low payments of just $97.

Your success will come from writing excellent books that readers love, and from optimizing six business assets.

 Advertising is essential in a world with 60,000,000 books. You’ll construct high-converting advertisements by testing headlines, images, and text copy.

 Your sales page will welcome new readers into your world, and invite them to purchase from you.

 On the way to checkout, you’ll offer an opportunity to enjoy another title at a great price. This is called the “order bump,” and readers love these bonus offers.

 You’ll use the world’s highest-converting checkout process inside your own ecommerce store, hosted by Shopify.

 You’ll congratulate your new customer and invite them to enjoy a great deal the next title in your series. This is the post-purchase upsell, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how many readers love these bonus books!

 Your email system will contribute 25% to 50% of the total revenue to your business, and will keep your customers coming back to purchase from you.


You’ll optimize these assets to work for you 24/7, rain or shine, while you work on your next book.

Seven years ago, Amazon randomly withheld my royalties.

They never explained why.

I had done nothing wrong, and I wrote to them several times to ask for an explanation…

But I never once received a reply from a human.

So I decided to sell directly to my readers.

Today, our direct-to-reader book marketing process is responsible for over $25M per year in additional indie author book royalties.

But I think the most telling thing about our program is that 32% of our authors have referred a friend or colleague.

To me, that speaks volumes about the quality of the experience  our authors are having inside of our program, and about the results our authors are achieving.

If you’re interested in selling directly to your readers, or in taking a more professional approach to your book marketing in general, I hope you’ll consider joining us inside AMMO V4.

To your success,



Selling directly to your readers is more profitable and sustainable.

Most authors are 100% reliant on Amazon. They trust Amazon to find readers for them, to convert prospects into paying customers, and to pay the author’s share of the royalties on time.

This arrangement works for some authors, some of the time.

But is it working for you? If so, how long will it continue to work for you?

The reality is, you’re only one algorithm change away from losing your income.

Why not control your own destiny by building a sustainable business around your books?

All The Skills and Tools You Need To Build A Successful Direct-Sales Book Business.

As a serious author, you’ve discarded all the myths about the book business. You understand that:

  • The best marketing strategy for your book is NOT just to write another book.
  • “Just write, and leave the marketing to mere mortals” is a recipe for disaster.
  • Good books do not just “find their audience.”
  • In a world with 60,000,000 books, you must write and market your titles with professionalism.

When you sell your books directly to your readers, you don’t split your money with anyone.

And you don’t wait up to 90 days to get paid, either. Your money gets deposited within a couple of business days after the customer’s purchase!

How many books are needed for direct sales?

We recommend that novelists, memoir authors, and story-based nonfiction authors (collectively called STORYTELLERS) writing in shorter genres (such as romance) have at least 8 titles in the same series or sub-genre before building a direct-sales system.
We recommend that novelists, memoir authors, and story-based nonfiction authors (collectively called STORYTELLERS) writing in longer genres (mystery/thriller, urban fantasy, fantasy, etc) have at least 5 titles in the same series or sub-genre before building a direct sales system.
We recommend that nonfiction authors whose books solve problems (called PROBLEM SOLVERS) should have at least two products (books, courseware, services, consulting, workbooks, etc) before building a direct-sales system.

What if you currently have fewer than the recommended number of titles?

If you have fewer than the recommended number of titles, we recommend starting with AMMO Phase 1 rather than the full AMMO V4 program. You’ll see a budget-friendly enrollment option tailor made for you below.

What if your titles are split between different genres or topics?

There are some exceptions in cases where an author’s different genres are very close to each other in terms of audience expectations, tropes, themes, etc, but each genre or subject area generally requires a separate and unique marketing system. Readers rarely follow an author across genre lines. So you’ll want to have the recommended minimum number of titles in the same series or sug-genre.If you have fewer than the recommended number of titles in any of your genres, we again recommend starting with AMMO Phase 1 rather than the full AMMO V4 program. Again, you’ll see a budget-friendly enrollment option below that’s designed for your situation.

Which web tools will you need for direct sales?

It’s best to think of a direct-to-reader book sales system as an ecommerce business. These kinds of businesses require certain web tools.
Inside of AMMO V4, we’ll take you step-by-step through the setup and optimization process for these various tools.
It’s our bread and butter, and our careful attention to the details is the main reason we’ve the world’s premier direct sales program for seven years running.
(Most of these web tools aren’t free, so if budget is a concern, we have a budget-friendly enrollment option with low monthly payments available for you below to help you get started a little more comfortably.)
Meta Ads: We’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars testing all of the major digital advertising platforms available today.  Even the weird ones. Facebook and Instagram continue to produce the best results for the least money.
Landing Page Optimization Software: Because the bookselling industry is so competitive, we need to take a methodical approach to testing and optimizing our sales pages. We use Unbounce for this purpose, because it’s the only tool that has everything we need.
Customer Experience Visualizer: In order to serve our customers with integrity, we need to understand their experience when they land on our pages. We use Mouseflow to identify and remove areas of confusion or friction.
Ecommerce Store: We have tested a half-dozen ecommerce store options, and Shopify is the only one that fulfills all of our needs. Fortunately, it’s a very budget-friendly app.
Digital Product Fulfillment: We use Bookfunnel to deliver our ebooks and audiobooks to our customers. It’s an incredible app run by an incredible husband-and-wife team.
Email Service Provider: Most authors already have an email list, but if you want to make a career income selling your books, you’ll need a purpose-built, ecommerce-focused email system. The right email system can double your revenue, and Klaviyo is the best in the world.
Graphic Design: We use a free app called Canva to create most of the graphics that support our advertisements and web pages.
Again, we’ll guide you through the setup and optimization process to get the most out of these tools, and we’ll also tell you how to avoid overpaying for them.

→ Build a sustainable career.

→ Remove the guesswork.

→ Follow a proven process.

Follow a professional approach to market your books.


Our industry-leading author success rate doesn’t come from tricks, loopholes, or short-term tactics.

You’ll follow a proprietary process to discover what readers in your genre want, and then you’ll give it to them with integrity.

If you want a successful and profitable career as an author,

you will need to create a sustainable marketing system that doesn’t rely solely on the good behavior of just one retailer.

You will need to create a relationship with your customers that survives Amazon’s whims and changes.

You will need to know with certainty who your paying customers are.

You must run your author business like a real business.

→ Build a sustainable and profitable marketing system.

→ Grow your author career on solid footing.

Registration is now open!

Your enrollment includes:

All The Skills and Tools You Need To Build A Successful Book Business


Step-by-step guidance to set up your direct-to-reader marketing system.


Lifetime access to the life-changing AMMO curriculum


Free curriculum updates


Financial and optimization tools to streamline your setup, management, and growth.


Lifetime access to the AMMO community of highly successful authors (full payment plan only)


Lifetime access to live, personalized coaching 2x weekly (full payment plan only)


Learn to use the testing process that has produced over $25,000,000 in results


Deploy powerful growth ads optimized to bring eager buyers to your store


Use highly tested templates to springboard your web pages to profitability


Use ultra-successful email techniques to maximize your book sales and revenue


Apply the testing process that allows you to write the books your readers want to read (and buy!)


Use reader behavior data to learn what your readership loves


AMMO Phase 1: “Click Testing”

There are probably 100 true and accurate ways to describe any book under the sun.

Click Testing answers the question, “Which of these true and accurate ways of describing my book actually produces sales?

We’ll show you how to set up, conduct, and evaluate your Click Tests to produce high-converting advertisements that sell more books and earn more profit per sale.

This phase usually lasts 2 to 3 weeks.

(Click testing will also help you write more marketable books in the future 

Test 1 – Tagline / Motivations

Storytellers (Novelists, memoirists, and story-based nonfiction authors) will test book/series taglines, while Problem Solvers will find their market’s strongest motivators for positive change.


Test 2 – Headline / Transformation

Storytellers will test ad headlines, while Problem Solvers will find the most compelling transformation statements for their audience.


Test 3 – Testimonials

All authors will find compelling “standalone testimonials” from prior readers and customers to help prospective readers decide if your books are right for them.


Test 4 – Images

A great deal of human gray matter is devoted to digesting visual information, so ad images are a powerful way to give prospective readers a sense of the experience of your book(s).


Test 5 – Primary Ad Text

You’ll discover the best way to use the “primary text” section of your advertisements to get readers excited about your books and products. The “primary text” appears above the image on Facebook ads


Test 6 – Stress Test

This is the final “sanity check” from your market to confirm that your testing has produced at least one high-converting advertisement to power your book sales.


AMMO Phase 2:

Once you’ve conquered click testing…

Here’s the direct sales awesomeness that awaits you inside AMMO V4’s “Direct Sales for Authors” Module:

Lesson 1: Understanding direct sales economics

Take a tour of the AMMO direct sales system that you’ll be building and optimizing. Discover the key economic drivers we’ve discovered through our work with hundreds of authors, and how our entire process is designed around these realities.

Lesson 2: Fundamental principles

We’ve designed AMMO V4 as a complete business education for authors, built on the fundamental principles that have produced over $1B in client results across 75+ industries. You’ll apply these hard-won lessons to your book business to grow profitably and avoid common pitfalls.

Lesson 3: Shopify!

We’ll start getting our hands dirty as we set up your book products for sale inside your very own Shopify store. We’ll also welcome you to the excitement and independence that come with owning your own e-commerce store!

Lesson 4: Bookfunnel + Shopify

You’ll be able to fulfill your customers’ electronic purchases easily, automatically, and professionally through Damon Courtney’s brilliant app, Bookfunnel.

Lesson 5: Selling book bundles without breaking the bank

Four out of every five book purchases today are physical copies, and we’ll guide you through the process of putting together your paperback offers. This is a critical part of every successful author business today, and we’ll give you the financial tools to quickly and fully understand your unit costs.

Lesson 6: Your business’s Golden Ratio

Avoid the crippling operational pitfalls that prevent talented authors from succeeding in their book businesses. You’ll discover a powerful framework that gives you full clarity and allows you to run your business like a pro.

Lesson 7: Creating your “Doorbuster” offer stacks

A killer offer is critical to attracting new readers. You’ll use our proprietary tools to help you design your introductory “doorbuster” offers for ebooks, paperbacks, AND audiobooks (if you have them). The tools will do ALL of the math needed to understand the gross profit you’ll earn with each sale. This is crucial to your ability to scale your business!

Lesson 8: Implementing your doorbuster offer (and order bumps!)

We’ll walk you step by step through the process of setting up your doorbuster offer and order bump pages to make them customer-ready. This is a tremendously satisfying step in the process — your offers are the engine that will power your business growth for years to come.

Lesson 9: Unbounce tips & tricks

It’s not enough to create functional offers. We must test, iterate, and optimize those offers to best serve our customers, which allows us to build a profitable business. We’ll walk you through one of the most powerful business growth tools in our arsenal to help you quickly reach profitability.

Lesson 10: Setting up your sales page

We’ll hand you a number of battle-tested, powerful, proven sales page templates as a springboard to build the pages that will sell your books to new readers. Each of these templates has sold millions of dollars worth of books, and will save you weeks of work and thousands of dollars in testing.

Lesson 11: Post-purchase upsell offers

Readers LOVE a great deal on a great book, so once they’ve chosen to buy your doorbuster offer, we’ll give them a “would you like fries with that” offer to enjoy another great title at a compelling price. This little offer will go a long way toward securing your profitability!

Lesson 12: The best email system on the planet for your store

In lesson 12, we’ll walk you through setting up your Klaviyo email system. Klaviyo is the most powerful and profitable email system for Shopify store owners, and we’ll show you the procedures we use to develop, test, and iterate the two most important email flows in your entire business: the welcome sequence and abandoned cart sequence.

Lesson 13: SHOWTIME! It’s time to bring new customers into your store!

All of our hard work to this point will really start paying off. We’ll show you how to deploy the ads you built inside of the Click Testing portion of AMMO V4 in order to bring new customers into your system. This will give us the necessary data and market intelligence to make constant improvements and build a highly profitable bookselling system!

Lesson 14: The Ledger of Legends

This “legendary” tool will take all of the confusion, messiness, and frustration out of tracking your advertising results. It will give you a clear picture of your business’s financial performance every single day, AND it will evaluate your performance numbers and tell you which of your marketing assets to iterate next. This tool gives you knowledge, insight, and autonomy to run your business like a seasoned professional.

Lesson 15: How to get your sales page not to suck

Testing and optimizing your sales page is the hardest part of the direct sales process. You can think of it as a rite of passage, foisted upon us by the business gods. I’m going to give you insight and instruction from thousands of sales pages that have produced many millions of dollars in results, and this will save you weeks of aggravation and thousands of dollars in testing costs.

Lesson 16: Krushing the rest of your Klaviyo flows

We’ll return to Klaviyo to fully harness its unique power. You’ll create smart email flows that will automatically meet your customers wherever they are in their customer journey with you. Over time, this effort can double the revenue your business makes, 24/7/365. It’s an extremely powerful system, and we’ll show you how to make the most of it to grow your business profitably and sustainably.

Lesson 17: One Click Gold

In this lesson, we’ll spend some quality time setting up another exceptionally powerful tool: the upsell offer system we use inside of Shopify to increase customer happiness by giving them more amazing books at compelling prices. You’ll also learn how to A/B test these offers, and this will help you increase your store’s revenue and profit — automatically — by up to 50%!

Lesson 18: Where to learn how to SCALE YOUR BUSINESS

In this lesson, I’ll show you how to unlock our Capstone Bonus Module (see below), and you’ll have immediate access to the bonus lesson that answers the most common question from AMMO graduates: How do I scale my ads profitably and sustainably? You’ll benefit from what I’ve learned by spending over a million dollars of my own money on Meta ads. And you’ll also receive MORE bonus lessons, released at a comfortable pace to allow you to take full advantage of them.

START NOW – Build a career income selling directly to your readers.

Write books your readers can’t put down. Build a profitable marketing system to power your book sales. Achieve your vision for your author career!


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