Stevie Kent – Mindshifting – Problem Shifting Course


Stevie Kent – Mindshifting – Problem Shifting Course

Stevie Kent - Mindshifting - Problem Shifting Course

Stevie Kent – Mindshifting – Problem Shifting Course


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With this core Mind Shifting method you’ll be able to clear your clients problems in just 5-10 minutes.

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Stevie Kent – Mindshifting – Problem Shifting Course

Stevie Kent - Mindshifting - Problem Shifting Course

Want to crush it as a life coach, therapist or healer in 2024?

Use this Mind Shifting Method to Clear Problems For Paying Clients in less than 10 Mins every time!

(Yes, that’s 10X faster than life coaching or talk-therapy and it’s only $97 to learn!)

Watch the video below to find out how! 

Hi, I’m Stevie Kent…

…and I created Mind Shifting because of how slowly my clients were changing using mainstream life-coaching and talk-therapy techniques.

I’m sure you’ve experienced the same thing…

Your clients talk about the same problems week after week.

Their stuck identities, limiting beliefs and old stories keep them stuck.

Life coaching, NLP and talk-therapy only scratch the surface.

And you’re frustrated with the results.

You want a deeper and faster way of helping people.

When I reached this point of frustration, it was clear to me that it was the subconscious mind that always prevented real change from happening.

And life coaching and talk-therapy were not capable of rewiring the subconscious mind.

But meanwhile my clients were staying stuck.

So, I made it my mission develop methods that could rapidly rewire the subconscious mind in minutes, instead of weeks, or months.

I embarked on a journey to find pioneering methods of personal transformation, and discovered the ground-breaking work of Zivorad Slavinski and Neville Goddard.

And these methods immediately eclipsed what mainstream life coaching and therapy could do.

But these methods sometimes got stuck and were not always simple to use.

So I began to develop new methods that could go even further.

And after thousands of hours of development and testing, and discovering many new principles along the way, Mind Shifting was finally born!

Mind Shifting clears people’s problems in just 5-10 minutes!

Mind Shifting is the only transformation technology on the planet that enables you to easily clear problems and blockages from people’s minds in less than 10 minutes!

In fact people experience more transformation in one hour of Mind Shifting than they do in six-months of mainstream life coaching or talk-therapy.

That’s why so many high-performing coaches, therapists and healers are now choosing to become Mind Shifting coaches.

The good news is that if you learn Mind Shifting while it’s still new.

You will stand out as an innovator in your field.

And can become the go-to expert in your niche.

Mind Shifting clears issues like stress, procrastination, anxiety, heartbreak, low self-esteem, lack of motivation, and much more besides.

In fact you will have the power to clear any problem your client is that is preventing them from moving forward towards their goals.

With Mind Shifting, your clients will achieve life-changing breakthroughs in every session.

And they’ll want to tell their friends about this new thing the’ve been doing with you called ‘Mind Shifting’!

Your calendar will start filling up with new client appointments.

And you’ll finally be satisified with the results you’re getting, because you know you’re helping people make real change in their lives.

Why mainstream life coaching and talk-therapy are obsolete…

Here’s the problem with traditional methods of coaching and therapy:

They are based on talking to your clients about their problems.

But have you ever noticed…

When you start talking about a problem, you only get more upset about it?!

That’s because the narratives in our minds get strengthened with each word we speak about it.

Which means the whole basis for mainstream life coaching and talk-therapy is flawed.

Sure, sometimes you’ll get a big breakthrough.

You say just the right thing at just the right time to create an opening in your clients otherwise stubborn mind.

But how often does that really happen?

Once every few sessions?

With Mind Shifting you’ll make people’s problems vanish in just 5-10 minutes.

Every, single, time.

That’s because Mind Shifting uses a completely different approch to life coaching, talk-therapy, NLP, hypnosis, or any other method you may have learned.

And the approach is this…

First we help the client define their problem.

Then we apply a Mind Shifting method to it, to clear the subconscious cause of that problem.

Then we watch as the problem vanishes.

And the client breaks out in a huge smile of relief…

…wondering how on earth just happened!

What if you could facilitate transformational breakthroughs in minutes!

Imagine if you could offer your clients true freedom from their problems and blockages.

Not just sporadic relief but permanent transformation.

Where the subconscious causes of a client’s problem are completely dissolved.

Leaving nothing for those problems to grow back from.

How much lighter would your clients feel without those stubborn problems?

How much freedom and purpose could they access?

When you clear the subconscious blockages that weigh them down and keep them stuck in loops they can’t break free from.

This is now possible.

As impossible as it may seem, the solution exists.

A pioneering method tested for over 10 years and thousands of hours.

One that melts through subconscious roots in under 10 minutes.

Not through brute force.

But by rewiring the subconscious mind’s programming.

Using a tried and tested technique that works every time.

Problems that seemed impossible to shift suddenly disappear.

Negative thought loops are broken.

Excuses vanish.

Fears dissolve.

The good news is you don’t have to imagine any of this.

You can be clearing problems like this less than one hour from now if you decide to get instant access to this pioneering Mind Shifting method…

How Mind Shifting rewires the subconscious mind…

Unlike mainstream life-coaching and talk-therapy…

Mind Shifting rewires the subconscious mind.

Which is the root cause of everyone’s problems.

You see, our subconscious minds are packed full of subconscious goals, which drive our behavior and cause all our unconscious reactions.

And when our current experience threatens to block the achievement of one of our subconscious goals.

Our mind resists our experience.

And we experience a ‘problem’.

In other words, when life gives us lemons, our subconscious won’t allow us to make lemonade, because it wants oranges instead.

So, it resists the lemons and we experience ‘lemons’ as a problem.

In the same way, when we’re consciously working towards a goal that threatens to block the achievement of one of our subconscious goals, our subconscious mind resists the achievement of our conscious goal.

That’s why it feels so difficult to achieve your goals most of the time.

Because your subconscious mind is literally trying to stop you!

The good news is that for the first time ever we have a method that rapidly clears this subconscious programming.

The Mind Shifting method uses a specially designed verbal script to identify the subconscious goals causing a particular problem, and then clear those subconscious goals.

Which causes the problem to vanish in just 5-10 minutes every time!

Most importantly unlike other methods, Mind Shifting’s effects are permanent.

Because the subconscious goals that were causing the problem have been eliminated once and for all.

And the mind is permanently rewired to experience less problems and achieve goals more easily, with less subconscious blockages getting in the way.

And there is no need to learn complicated methods like hypnosis, or study for years in order to be able to use this method.

It’s so simple it’s written on one page and you can learn it in less than one hour!!!

The Mind Shifting Method for clearing problems

Your Tool to Unlock Transformational Breakthroughs

With this core Mind Shifting method you’ll be able to clear your clients problems in just 5-10 minutes.

All you need to do is follow the step-by-step process.

Your clients’ minds will be permanently rewired.

And they will be able to finally get out of their own way.

Often overcoming life long struggles.

It’s developed with over 10 years of intensive research into the most effective personal development techniques known today.

Using this Mind Shifting method, you’ll make more impact in one hour than with months of traditional coaching or therapy.

Your schedule will fill rapidly as word spreads about your life-changing services.

You’ll become an innovator in your field and the go-to expert in your niche.

You’ll may need to take on new coaches, or offer group coaching just to meet demand.

Most importantly, you’ll finally feel satisfaction watching clients transform right before your eyes.

No more stalemates.

Just fast, tangible results as you witness people access more of their potential in every session.

Get the Mind Shifting method today.

Start delivering lasting breakthroughs.

And watch your business skyrocket!

How will the Mind Shifting method help me?

1. You’re an experienced life coach, therapist or healer

As an experienced coach, therapist or healer…

The Mind Shifting method will give you a powerful new tool for facilitating rapid transformation for your clients.

Leading to more referrals and more booked sessions…

And a transition into group coaching if you desire.

2. You want to become a coach, therapist or healer

If you’ve not yet started coaching full time yet, or haven’t completed your initial training then you’re in luck!

Because learning this Mind Shifting method will give you an unfair advantage over coaches and therapist that have been working full-time for 20 years!

And at a fraction of the cost of life coaching and talk-therapy training, that only leaves you struggling to get clients without a unique offering!

3. You facilitate group coaching, workshops or retreats

Mind Shifting will give you a powerful tool to use in group sessions.

Which you can build an entire group coaching programme, workshop or retreat around.

Ensuring you get transformational breakthroughs for everyone.

All at the same time!

Still Have Doubts? That’s Understandable…

Here Are The Facts:

This all sounds too good to be true.

“Rapid transformation in 10 minutes?”

I get it.

It’s natural to be skeptical.

But Mind Shifting is backed by over a decade of extensive testing and results.

This isn’t some flash in the pan fad.

The techniques have been proven through thousands of hours of development and application.

The step-by-step training teaches you through how to use the Mind Shifting method in less than an hour.

And we are available for support if you ever get stuck.

You’re never just left on your own.

You owe it to the clients counting on you to be open to new, innovative approaches.

Even if it goes against conventional assumptions about how transformation works.

Breakthroughs happen when you’re willing to shake up outdated paradigms and try new methods.

Here’s the bottom line:

Mind Shifting is disrupting the coaching and therapy industry because of how powerfully and quickly it works.

The techniques have been validated again and again.

And the no risk, 100% money-back guarantee makes trying it a no-brainer.

If you feel even the slightest desire to say yes, go with that instinct.

It could change everything.

For just one hour of your time, you have so much to gain.

This Is Your Moment

The time for offering the same generic life coaching services as everybody else is over. Equip yourself today with the fastest transformational method on the planet. Experience the joy of facilitating lasting breakthroughs and fulfill your purpose at a whole new level. Then watch your business grow when your clients are amazed at their results and tell all their friends about you!


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