Straight Line Sales Certification 4.0 – Jordan Belfort


Straight Line Sales Certification 4.0 – Jordan Belfort

Straight Line Sales Certification 4.0 - Jordan Belfort

Straight Line Sales Certification 4.0 – Jordan Belfort


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In addition, you will begin the process of mastering the practical application of each of the ten core influencing tonalities.

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Straight Line Sales Certification 4.0 – Jordan Belfort

Straight Line Sales Certification 4.0 - Jordan Belfort


You will Close More Sales, Make More Money & Live A Happier, More Empowered Life
Follow a Straight Line To Success!
This state-This is-The-art, interactive training platform uses an advanced learning algorithm that allows for Jordan You can ask questions and receive answers in real-time. The algorithm will then instantly adjust your training based on the answers. This will dramatically reduce the time you will take to see results.
Version 1.0 has been redesigned and expanded. JordanScript Builder gives you the exact language patterns that you need to build worlds-Class scripts. Combining this with a modified version of the Stratton Oakmont Repudiations Guide, which can be used in all industries, you’ll have two powerful tools that will greatly improve your ability to close any person who’s closable.

Cracking the Code
This module provides a basic overview on the psychological and technical aspects that are required to close a deal. In order to close a prospect successfully, you will be taught the five essential elements. You will also be introduced to the structure of a straight.-Line-sale, the psychology behind a prospect’s buying decisions, and how to tap into that psychology in a way that will provide you with the greatest chance of closing the sale.
Unconscious Communication
The purpose of this module is to teach you the power of unconscious communication—also known as “the secret weapon of influence.” The importance of the first four second of a sale, what must be established during these four seconds, and why these things matter are all covered. You will also learn about the dual linchpins of unconscious communication—tonality and body language.

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State Management
This module has two purposes.-Fold: To raise awareness about the importance of state management and to give you a fool’s guide to how to fold.-A proof method to manage your physiological health-You should be aware of your emotional state during the sale process. This will ensure you are able to use the software consistently. Straight Line System at the highest levels
Advanced Tonality
This module is designed to give you an intelligent overview.-Deep understanding of the first of two linchpins in unconscious communication. Additionally, you will learn how to apply each one of the ten core influences tonalities in your daily life.

Body Language
This module is designed to give you an intelligent overview.-In-depth understanding of the second of two linchpins in unconscious communication. You will discover how body language has a profound effect on the outcome of sales and how you can use it to build huge rapport on both a conscious level and an unconscious level.
This module will help you to master the art of selecting the best potential buyers from a large pool. You will also learn how to ask questions and build rapport on both an unconscious and conscious level.
This module will give you a step by step guide.-By-Step strategy for harnessing vision focus’ incredible power. Combining the two crucial competencies of vision and focus into one core competency, this module will allow you to create a compelling target to aim for, and ensure that you don’t become distracted by the various barriers and obstacles that are sure to pop-Along the way, you will see some amazing views.
Script Building
This module will teach you how to construct a world.-Straight line script is a class that is essential for mastering the language. Straight Line System. You will be guided through each step-By-Step 3: Paint-By-Number script-writing process, the result of which will be a perfectly constructed straight line script that will set you up to close anyone who’s closable.

You will learn how to use this module.-You will gain a deep understanding of the importance and how to identify your personal standard in order to achieve sales success. Additionally, you will learn how to raise your standard in order to align with your future vision.
You will learn the art of looping in this module.-called “secret sauce” The back-The other half of the Straight Line System. In short, you will learn how to take any one of the common objections and use it as an opportunity to increase your prospect’s level of certainty for each of the three tens and then seamlessly transition into a close, without breaking rapport.
This module will teach you about the power and impact of beliefs on our decision-making.-Making, for both good or ill. You will also be guided through a powerful process that will help you overcome your limiting beliefs to create empowering ones.
Customers for Life
This module will teach you proven strategies to reduce customer attrition and help you turn first.-Time buyers become customers for life. You will also learn a seven-step process that is extremely powerful.-Step by step guide for creating a neverbefore published book-Referrals from customers are a constant stream.
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