Tai Zen & Leon Fu Dot Com – Cryptocurrency Market – Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint (Version 2.0)


Tai Zen & Leon Fu Dot Com – Cryptocurrency Market – Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint (Version 2.0)

Tai Zen & Leon Fu Dot Com - Cryptocurrency Market - Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint (Version 2.0)

Tai Zen & Leon Fu Dot Com – Cryptocurrency Market – Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint (Version 2.0)


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“This course is available and delivery within a few hours!”All our future kids and grandkids will be required to complete our Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint™ before we allow them to have access to the money we leave to them.

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Tai Zen & Leon Fu Dot Com – Cryptocurrency Market – Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint (Version 2.0)

Tai Zen & Leon Fu Dot Com - Cryptocurrency Market - Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint (Version 2.0)

Who are Tai Zen & Leon Fu Dot Com™?

My name is Tai Zen and in 2012, I discovered the bitcoin whitepaper while working at an energy brokerage firm that operated a bitcoin mining farm.  I did not understand the computer math and coding in the whitepaper so I asked my good friend Leon Fu Dot Com™ (we call him that because he is a professional software engineer and real nerdy “techie”) to help me verify that bitcoin really works. 

Leon Fu Dot Com™ started investing in bitcoins and litecoins after reading the whitepaper and immediately made some really nice profits so that encouraged me to start investing in bitcoins as well.  We realized it was like the internet dot com boom of the 1990’s again and we wanted to get an early mover advantage to make some massive Life Changing Profits™! 

How did you learn to invest in cryptocurrencies?

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Leon Fu Dot Com™ had dabbled in stocks and options investing and I had experience in trading stocks, futures and the forex markets so we thought we had an “advantage” when we first started to invest in cryptocurrencies (aka, “cryptos”).  We were totally wrong and got slaughtered in 2013!  We made a ton of ugly, reckless, & bonehead mistakes and almost lost everything and gave up on crypto but we had never seen an asset in human history grow over 1,000,000% before like bitcoin so we were determined not to give up!!! 

Plus, we were passionately motivated to leave our 9 to 5 job and stop working for the man and be a slave to the almighty alarm clock again because working for an hourly wage was NOT the recipe to making Life Changing Profits™ so we pushed ourselves to “figure it out” and learn from our past mistakes & failures which led us to some BIG breakthroughs including:

  Certain “traditional” investing strategies ALWAYS caused you to lose bucket loads of money in crypto! 

  Certain traditional investing strategies worked amazingly better than others. 

  Certain cryptos such as Ethereum displayed very “obvious” traits of success long before they became a big hit. 

  Even better… we noticed that when you combine certain investing strategies, it dramatically increased your profits!

After carefully analyzing our successes and failures, Leon Fu Dot Com™ and I came across a HUGE game changer & discovered that there were 5 common traits to all the cryptocurrencies that “hit it big”

We started to share our crypto insights and discoveries on YouTube with our friends, families, coworkers and to our surprise other people started to follow and have tremendous success as well.  Before you know it, we started to get thousands of new subscribers and a flood of requests for us to teach what we know about cryptocurrency investing to others. 

What inspired you to create the Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint™ 2.0?

When we first started our YouTube Channel to share how we trade & invest in bitcoins & cryptocurrencies, we never expected random strangers on the internet to contact us and ask us to invest their money for them. Since we are NOT licensed financial advisors, we had to respectfully decline everyone’s requests to manage their money.  Afterwards, viewers started asking us if we can teach them “privately” the “systems” and “methodologies” that our team uses to make consistent profits in the crypto market. They also asked to learn from us because they do not want to make any big mistakes & lose everything or be scammed.

We created the Cryptocurrency Investing Bootcamp™ below based on our viewers’ requests:

 We did not realize that there were thousands of beginning, uneducated and uninformed crypto investors out there who were struggling to figure out cryptocurrency investing like we did.  Therefore, don’t be frustrated if you are struggling with cryptocurrency investing because you are NOT alone!   It’s NOT just you!   Our advice is to get properly educated so you can take advantage of the Life Changing Profit™ potential in cryptocurrency investing before the opportunity is gone.

Our Cryptocurrency Investing Bootcamps™ are usually 4 days long and not everyone is able to get off work to attend it.  Others were not able to come to the U.S. due to passport or visa issues.   Therefore, we filmed the entire Cryptocurrency Investing Bootcamp™ and created a home study course called the Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint™ Version 1.0 for the people who could not attend the bootcamp in person.  This allows the serious crypto traders & investors to learn and benefit from what Leon Fu Dot Com™ and I taught at the bootcamp without having to attend it in person. 

After our team retired thanks to crypto in early 2017, we consulted with many tax lawyers, accountants, private bankers, etc. about how to pass on wealth to our kids and grandkids.  The private bankers told us it was very difficult to keep wealth for more than 3 generations. The grandparents would create the wealth. The kids would try to hold onto the wealth, and the grandkids would end up losing all the wealth and the 4th generation would go back to being poor again.  We discovered that the most important key to generational wealth is a proper financial education! 

Since a proper financial was key to generational wealth, our team decided to focus our efforts into updating the Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint™ and creating the absolute best trading/investing course for our kids and grandkids so they know how to invest the money we leave to them.  All our future kids and grandkids will be required to complete our Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint™ before we allow them to have access to the money we leave to them.

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Do you have proof your Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint™ 2.0 works?

Absolutely we have proof that our blueprint works!  We have a firm belief that “documentation trumps conversation“!  Obviously, for privacy and confidentiality reasons, I can not show you the trading results of our successful students but we can show you enough “documentation” (proof) so you can see that it’s not just all “conversation“.

PROOF #1 – Here is a video documenting how Leon Fu Dot Com™ clearly predicted that Factom will reach $3.50 back when it was still only trading at a low of $1.20 using the methods we teach in the blueprint: 

 Factom exploded over 6,500% (65X) in growth from $1.20 to a high of $78.37 on January 9, 2018 just 21 months after we released the video price prediction above on April 13, 2016: 

 PROOF #2 – Using the analysis strategies we teach in the Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint™, Leon Fu Dot Com™ made an assessment that buying Ethereum Classic (ETC) in March 2017 was a better potential for profit than Ethereum (ETH) and it turned out to be true because ETC went up 327%  (3X) while ETH only moved up only 136%. 

PROOF #3 – Based on the technical analysis of bitcoin in Oct 2016 that we teach in the bootcamp, I suggested bitcoin was at a good buy price which grew a phenomenal 882% in just 1 year!

PROOF #4 – Some folks missed the bitcoin buying opportunity I previously mentioned so I identified another opportunity for everyone which also grew a whopping 182% in just 5 months:

PROOF #5 – Here is another tweet & chart documenting my analysis of Monero which skyrocketed 1,226% in just 10 months:

PROOF #6 – Using the analysis that we teach in the blueprint, I tweeted on March 3, 2019 that I was putting money into Bitcoin Cash because my analysis showed that it had more Life Changing Profits™ than Bitcoin Core. Many people thought I was crazy to do this since Bitcoin Core was more popular at the time.  It turns out my analysis was correct and Bitcoin Cash soared a whopping 172% in ~30 days compared to the 42% measly growth in Bitcoin Core!

As you can see, this is just a small sample documentation to show that the crypto investing strategies that we teach in the Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint™ 2.0 work and that we are not just all “conversation”.

 What is the Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint™ 2.0?

The Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint™ 2.0 is a complete, step-by-step, online course that teaches you from A-Z how to build the exact same trading/investing system that our team has used to consistently make Life Changing Profits™ in the cryptocurrency market. Our trading system has helped us make Life Changing Profits™ in the 2014, 2017, and 2021 bull markets.

Our 2017 Cryptocurrency Investing Bootcamp™ was in the city of Los Angeles, California.

Our 2018 Cryptocurrency Investing Bootcamp™ was in the city of Dallas, Texas.

Each time we teach a Cryptocurrency Investing Bootcamp™, there are always people who can not attend due to scheduling, travel visas, budget, etc.  The Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint™ 2.0 is a recording of the private, 4 day, hands on bootcamp and designed for the people who want to learn everything we know about how to to get started and become a consistently profitable cryptocurrency investor but can not attend the bootcamp in person. 

 The complete (bundle) Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint™ 2.0 Complete Bundle includes 4 separate courses that will show you how to build a complete trading/investing system.  It includes: 

Course #1:  What Is Bitcoin, Blockchains, & Cryptocurrency Investing? (9 Modules) 

Course #2:  TaiFu™ Cryptocurrency Storage & Security (5 Modules) 

Course #3:  TaiFu™ Cryptocurrency Technical Analysis (8 Modules) 

Course #4:  Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint™ (8 Modules) 

If you are serious about becoming a consistently profitable trader/investor, we highly recommend you get the Cryptocurrency Investing Blueprint™ 2.0 Complete Bundle because it contains all 4 courses that you need to build a consistently profitable trading/investing system.

We do not recommend getting each course separately. We recommend you get the Complete Bundle if you want the highest probability for success.

“Salepage: https://cryptocurrency.market/blueprint/

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