Terence Watts – BWRT – Neural Manifestation


Terence Watts – BWRT – Neural Manifestation

Terence Watts - BWRT - Neural Manifestation

Terence Watts – BWRT – Neural Manifestation


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This course explores the whole process and allows you to activate the neurological processes that lead to success…

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Format File: 13 DOCX, 2 MP4, 2 PNG.

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Terence Watts – BWRT – Neural Manifestation

Terence Watts - BWRT - Neural Manifestation

The Neural Manifestation Programme can also be referred to as the BWRT Scientific Manifestation programme. It examines the psychological mechanism behind manifestation and why it often fails to create the success the individual is seeking. It also delivers a programme designed to clear the conflicts that cause failure and self-sabotage, and will find success for the majority of those who truly want it.

Why take this course

Manifestation works, there is little doubt about that, but it has absolutely nothing to do with ‘the magical power of attraction’ or anything like it. This course shows how to make it really work!

What You Will Learn

There is actually a sound scientific reason why the process works admirably for some but fails miserably for others. This course explores the whole process and allows you to activate the neurological processes that lead to success – for you as well as for your clients!

There are those who claim that manifestation, or working with the power of attraction, has changed their lives to an amazing level. There are just as many who say it’s total bunk and didn’t do a single thing for them!  But if we view the whole process from a slightly different viewpoint, it is easy to make sense out of both statements. Whether or not it works for any individual, and why, is partly – but only partly – related to this process:

  • If somebody keeps looking for bad stuff, they will find it.
  • If somebody keeps looking for good stuff, they will find it.
  • While they’re looking for one, they won’t see the other.
  • As soon as they find what they’re looking for they stop searching and the other remains forever invisible.

The problem is that none of us actually choose how we function; it is as natural for some to look for ‘bad stuff’ as it for others to look for ‘good stuff’. Either way, it is probably the case that it is simply an inherited trait. And even those who automatically look for good stuff don’t neccessarily fare any better when it comes to that mysterious business of discovering whatever type of success is being sought.

The Difference

When manifestion ‘does what it says on the tin’ there is a sound and distinctly non-magical process behind the apparently magical success.

  • The individual tends to look for good stuff
  • They have few subconscious conflicts working against them
  • They see the opportunities they would have not noticed if they were not in a manfestation programme
  • They have the confidence to take action on those opportunities
  • They don’t quit. If it doesn’t work out, they look for another

The BWRT Scientific Manifestation programme dissolves doubt, creates the recognition that opportunities exist all the time, dismisses the idea that some people are destined to not succeed, and introduces the notion that enthusiasm and excitement is key to any form of success. Whether they are somebody who looks for the bad stuff or the good stuff, you can help them find success!

There are three main reasons why success eludes some people no matter how much they want it or how hard they try:

  • The reptilian complex has experienced a pattern that indicates threat is involved with any feeling of success.
  • The individual has at some point absorbed a subconscious belief that success, for them, is totally out of the question.
  • There is an ISE of some major misfortune befalling an individual seeking or finding evident success

The BWRT Scientific Manifestation programme easily resolves such limiting processes and fires the client with success-inducing enthusiasm! As usual, it works quickly and efficiently – the reptilian programmes determined to keep the individual safe by ensuring they never find success are easily and quickly bypassed.

In addition to advice about how and when to use many of the existing BWRT protocols there are several new processes that can probably be used at other times:

  • The Deferment Protocol to ‘park’ irrelevant and uncomfortable situations far more effectively than any coaching programme.
  • The Neural Acquisition Protocol that allows an individual to activate dormant attributes via a ‘virtual donor’ technique
  • The Detach and Prepare Protocol to separate past negativity from present excpectation
  • The Inspiration Engine for the development of suitable replacement goals when one doesn’t work out
  • The Belief Protocol – we seek to prove that which we believe, so we’d better believe in what we want!
  • The Value of Self Protocol for those who continually undervalue their self and their efforts
  • A unique personality-related method of discovering and developing the major success resource
  • A look at how acceptance is linked to belief and mst be used with caution

There’s no mystery about finding success and no real secret, either. It’s simply a matter of keeping focused, keeping alert, keeping your eyes open for opportunities, taking action, and not self-sabotaging the process. That last is the major reason for many fails and this programme stops it in its tracks!

You can become more successful yourself by helping others become more successful!

Is this suitable for me?

This course is suitable for you if you want to access the huge market for Manifestation/Manfestation Coaching with a scientifically-sound basis to the work.


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