Terence Watts – BWRT – Smashing Limits


Terence Watts – BWRT – Smashing Limits

Terence Watts - BWRT - Smashing Limits

Terence Watts – BWRT – Smashing Limits


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This programme immediately dives into that resistance to completely bypass it and get to the core belief of self.

File Size: 2.287GB.

Format File: 12 DOCX, 2 TS.

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Terence Watts – BWRT – Smashing Limits

Terence Watts - BWRT - Smashing Limits

This protocol is designed for the client who feels inadequate in all or almost all their undertakings. It’s not the same situation as where somebody feels that their life is a complete mess – we have the Deep Mind Protocol and Major Life Reset for that. It is for the one who feels they are just not as effective as others or as if they don’t quite ‘get’ what they’re missing a lot of the time, as if they somehow missed out on an ‘instruction book for life’ that others were privy to.

This provides a complete therapy system for a situation which can be difficult to resolve with ‘standard’ therapy. This purpose-built protocol gives you the perfect tool for the job.

Some experiential ‘breakout’ practice is included for live attendance.

Why take this course

The client with profound limiting beliefs is often certain that therapy cannot help them and can be very difficult to work with as a result. This programme immediately dives into that resistance to completely bypass it and get to the core belief of self.

Be aware that this is an incredibly powerful tool and genuinely reaches parts of the psyche that nothing else gets anywhere near. Some transient but profound emotional arousal is extremely likely as a result.

What You Will Learn

The workshop explores the underpinnings of limiting processes in detail – the practitioner with a sound understanding of the how and why of the development of such will always achieve faster and more profound results than the one who merely knows it exists!

All self-limiting processes are based on the individual’s perception of what is plausible, possible and fair for them, criteria which are in turn based on personal beliefs about:

  • The psychological aptitude, worth, capabilities, and intelligence of self
  • The perceived effectiveness and credibility of self
  • Achievements in career, education, hobbies and life in general
  • Physical abilities and capabilities regarding performance, energy, resilience and more
  • The believed responses of others in personal interaction

It’s fair to say that everybody (including therapists!) would benefit from this protocol!

The programme explores the myriad internal representations of self that are more often than not at the root of the problem, while at the same time taking note of and defusing negativity arising from the input of others, usually ‘authority figures’.

It would be easy to imagine that Level 2 BWRT could resolve this issue… and it can. But, unfortunately, it often tends to be less permanent than is usual for BWRT protocols, the client reporting that ‘it wore off’. This is because limiting beliefs tend to affect most areas of life, while BWRT Level 2 focuses strongly on just one core issue.

The Smashing Limits programme provides a very broad brush to avoid missing hidden elements and employs a three-stage approach

  • A ‘quick fix’ to help mild cases
  • A more complex version including a resistance buster for moderate cases
  • An in-depth investigation of the psyche for the most intransigent cases

Belief vs Knowing

A facet of psychology that is of more importance here than it is in some other areas is the difference between the psychological processes of believing and knowing. It’s easy to imagine that since one begets the other, there is little, if any, difference; but the client for whom this workshop material is designed knows beyond all belief that they are somehow an inferior being, and is just as certain that they were born that way.

The full programme employs:

  • A Primer Sequence to activate the neural pathways that are normally protected and unavailable for therapy. This process on its own can resolve the mildest cases
  • A Resistance Buster specific to this programme to be added to the Primer Sequence to resolve moderate cases
  • The Main Methodology that dives deep into twenty different aspects of the pyche to reveal inaccurate internal representations of self 
  • A ‘go home calm’ brief protocol based on ‘Stop & Adopt’ to settle the client on the occasions that the primer sequence has left some residual discomfort

As is usual with BWRT courses, everything you need is included in the training, including two protocols, that may be used individually or in sequence – these are based on existing ones that are familiar but are reorganised specifically for this programme.

Because of the complexity of the psyche-wide belief of personal inadequacy, this programme dives more deeply into the processes of the Reptilian Complex than is usual and your client may feel unsettled for a short time UNLESS you pay full attention to consolidation and ‘settling down’ via the dedicated ‘Stop and Adopt’ protocol included.

This is probably the only therapy that can permanently resolve profound and psyche-wide limiting beliefs within 4 – 6 weeks

Is this suitable for me?

If you are a relative ‘newbie’ with only Level 1 under your belt, or a seasoned BWRT professional, you will find this programme indispensible.


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