The Ultimate Clinic Operations Blueprint


The Ultimate Clinic Operations Blueprint

Jeff Barson - The Ultimate Clinic Operations Blueprint

The Ultimate Clinic Operations Blueprint


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Wouldn’t you sleep better knowing that your business could function perfectly without you even being there? To put it on autopilot? Wouldn’t you like to be able to work “on” your business and not just in it? Wouldn’t you like to have a way to transform your clinic into the business you always wanted?

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The Ultimate Clinic Operations Blueprint

The Ultimate Clinic Operations Blueprint

More than 15 years in the making, the Ultimate Clinic Operations Blueprint is a step-by-step guide to take proven systems (that’s what operations really are) and put them to work in your clinic tomorrow.

The Blueprint is the result of thousands of hours of work and hundreds of thousands of hours of testing and refining in working clinics. It contains all of the operational procedures (“systems”) I created, implemented, and used to grow Surface Medical from a single part-time one-room clinic to seven competition-ass-kicking clinics in fours states in 28 months. These are the systems that helped us to dominate every market we entered, drove the local competitors nuts, and had their staff knocking on our doors asking to be let in. It has been created, broken, rebuilt, tested, improved again and again with the help of consultants, physicians and staff. It includes every policy, procedure and task for your front desk, treatment staff, clinicians and operations staff as an easy-to-follow process that streamlines your operations, increases your teams productivity, and makes everyone accountable. And just as importantly. it does NOT include any filler or junk you don’t need and can’t use.The result: a flexible operational system that you can begin using straight out of the box to transform the practice you have, into the practice you want it to be.

Wouldn’t you sleep better knowing that your business could function perfectly without you even being there? To put it on autopilot? Wouldn’t you like to be able to work “on” your business and not just in it? Wouldn’t you like to have a way to transform your clinic into the business you always wanted?

Of course the answer is yes. Everyone wants that, but not everyone knows how to do it.

You’re about to make your clinic more efficient, more productive, and more profitable.

I’m not a consultant. I didn’t create this course in order to sell it. I built it for myself to use in my own clinics. I’ve been in the trenches and I’ve worn your shoes. I’ve built clinics from nothing, and I know that implementing the right systems are absolutely critical if you want to be able to run a profitable cosmetic clinic that runs as a real business.

I will teach you not only what to do, but just as importantly what NOT to do. I’ll teach you why you’re doing it and how to refine, adapt, and extend it to perfectly fit your clinic. You’ll learn exactly how to define and customize new policies and procedures as you need them. This course will massively improve your business operations, your marketing, your patient satisfaction, your staff’s productivity and morale, and your clinic’s profitability… and it will remove time-sucking headaches and risks.

Stop micro-managing. Stop flailing. Stop losing patients. And stop losing revenue.
A few days ago, I sent a survey to 472 physicians asking about efficiency and productivity in their clinic or practice. Perhaps you’re not surprised by some of the results. You might even recognize your own clinic here.

Over 9/10 of physicians said that their clinic operated at less than 80% efficiency, and 4 out of 10 said that their clinic efficiency was below 60%!
Physicians reported this “productivity gap” costs their clinic between $5k and $40k in lost revenue every month.
When I asked them what doesn’t work, the most common responses: “lack of systems” (44%), “wasted time and effort” (50%), and “micro-management” (40%).

There is a better way that can pull you out of the micro-managing, hair-on-fire, unproductive daily grind and put you in a position where you’re working ON your business, not IN your business.

Top performers use systems. Average performers don’t.

When you know how to implement and use systems, every part of your business gets easier.

Join us in this course and skip past the guesswork. You’ll get the frameworks, formulas, processes and repeatable techniques to put your clinic on autopilot and put yourself in a position to work on your business, not just work in it. Whatever your current situation you’ll perform better with a clear understanding of where you’re succeeding or failing – which you’ll find inside the Ultimate Clinic Operations Blueprint.

Here’s what you’ll get inside the Blueprint:

The 150+ battle-tested and proven Policies / Procedures / Tasks / Forms that I created for my own clinics
30 video training modules for owners and managers that walk you through every process
9 easy video training modules for your staff (and new hires) on how to use these systems
The exact, step-by-step process to writing new procedures correctly
The step-by-step process that will get new systems working in your clinic
Custom Employee Handbooks & Training Guides
Quizzes that make sure you’re remembering key points
Special offers and bonuses available nowhere else
Q&A recorded sessions that answer your questions
Unlimited email support to hold your hand
2 Bonus live 1-on-1 implementation and training calls with Jeff
2 Bonus Lessons: Using Prescriptive Forms In Consultations + Profit Sharing Plans
2 Bonus Lessons from the new Ultimate Clinic Marketing Playbook: Corporate Programs + Membership Programs
Lifetime access including all future updates and lessons
Limited to 3 clinics at one time.
30 day no-risk money back guarantee

Stop losing your patients.

Who is the Ultimate Clinic Operations Blueprint for?

Physicians, clinic owners, and clinic managers: You’re smart. You’re tired of sloppy training, loose accountability, and variable patient care and you want some control of your business and your lifestyle. You’re tired of putting out fires, answer the same questions, micro-managing everything, and running legal, clinical, and business risks.

If you’re responsible for clinical care or business operations, this course is for you and your team. It gives you the systems to streamline your operations and increase your clinic’s productivity and professionalism, and it trains you and your staff to implement and use those systems.

Who is the Ultimate Clinic Operations Blueprint NOT for?

Anyone unwilling to do what’s necessary to improve. There is work involved. Continual… step-by-step…incremental, work. This course is not for the meek, the timid, or the “that’s too expensive” crowd. If you’re not willing to put in the work to turn the clinic you have into the clinic you’ve always wanted, then I can’t help you anyway. This course is not for you. I don’t want your money. Stop reading, go into a treatment room, close the door, and punch yourself in the ear for me.

And if you’re not willing to invest a few thousand dollars on the systems that took me 15 years to develop, that can change your entire clinic (and your lifestyle), where all of the heavy-lifting is already done for you and that you can use right now… Hit yourself in the other ear.



Top performers use systems.



Course Curriculum


Introduction & How To Use This Course
How You’re Losing Revenue To Bad Systems (2:24)


All the Policies, Procedures, Tasks & Templates

MODULE 2: The Clinic Operations Blueprint

Managing Your Operations Manuals & Files (6:12)

The Numbering System (6:41)

The Difference Between Policies, Procedures, & Forms (2:41)

How to Edit The Files & Documents (4:04)

Creating Manuals For Your Teams (4:48)

Using The Procedure Planner (8:21)

MODULE 3: Forms

Using Forms (3:27)

Patient Consent Forms (5:42)

Pre-Treatment Instructions & Info (2:14)

Post Care Instructions (2:09)

Treatment Notes (3:25)

Patient Sign-In Forms (2:02)

Business Forms (3:32)

Bonus: Cheat Sheets (5:27)

Bonus: Patient Questionnaires (5:41)

MODULE 4: Procedures

The Procedure Treatment Master Template – Writing New Procedures (66:09)

Components of Procedures (13:49)

Multi-Stage Procedures (2:47)

The Universal Treatment Procedure (14:06)

MODULE 5: Employee Handbooks & Training Manuals

Employee Handbooks (6:19)

Managing Your Clinic Policies (6:18)


Special Offers & Downloads
SPECIAL BONUS: Onboarding, Training & Consultation Calls With Jeff (2:04)


Bonus Lesson: Using Prescriptive Forms In Consultations (The 10X Consultation Playbook) (16:17)

Bonus Lesson: Building A Profit Sharing Plan? (20:18)

BONUS PREVIEW – The Marketing Systems Playbook

The Marketing Systems Playbook – Dominate your market and destroy your competitors.

Building Corporate Programs (5:08)

Building Your Membership Program (8:25)

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course and finish?
The course s now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like – across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
How are the documents delivered.
All of the files are delivered in editable Word format so that you can edit and modify them.

Do I own these documents?
No. When you purchase this course you are also purchasing a usage license for these documents and files in one (1) location only. You may modify and use all of these files but you may not reproduce, modify or disseminate these documents or use them outside of that single location without permission. (You can not sell or distribute them.) If you need additional uses or want to use them in a different way, you’ll need written permission. (Just contact us and we’ll see what we can do.)
Can I edit these documents?
Yes. In fact, as part of the course we’ll teach you how to insert your own logo and edit the content so that it exactly fits your needs.
Your Instructor

Jeff Barson
Jeff Barson

Jeff Barson is the founder of Surface Medical, Medical Spa MD, and Freelance MD. He works at the cutting edge of healthcare and technology and is an adviser to healthcare technology companies including MedMastery (clinical CME), ExpedMed (adventure CME), and TruClinic (telehealth).

He has coached, taught and trained hundreds of physicians on strategy, systems, marketing and business growth. You can see his entire work history here: He is the founder of the Medical Spa MD Training Academy.

Make your clinic work smarter, not harder.

Dear physician or clinic owner,

I believe that headline… In fact, I know its right on the button. I’ve done it over and over, and it works every time.

That’s why I know that when you introduce real systems into your clinic, you’re going to see results.

The fact is that great businesses aren’t built on luck or chance. The’re built on repeatable rules and proven processes and reliable frameworks.

Get The Ultimate Clinic Operations Blueprint download

That doesn’t sound very sexy, but I’m more than okay with that.

Because you know what is sexy? Implementing your new systems and finding that it beats the fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants stuff by a landslide. That’s sexy. The best parts of business always are – without fail – the measurable parts. Everything else is just guesswork. And you can’t build a business that wins by just relying on your guesses.

Systems help you pre-decide what’s important to you — ONCE — and then force you to stay focused. Instead of your clinic staff wondering what they should do… or making it up on the fly… you’ll have a clear system to follow that is both structured, and flexible, so you’re not constantly “trying harder” to “catch up.”

Once you integrate these systems into your clinic, you’ll feel the freedom of not being crushed by the necessity to be involved in everything (I’m talking to you, micro-manager) because you know that everything is getting done, and it’s getting done right.

Think of the simplest system you use — where you put your keys. Maybe it’s by the door, or in the kitchen. Yet it’s become a habit and you never think about it. You don’t have to “try harder” to put the keys where they should be… it just works. It’s mindless. And it does what it needs to do.

What if you could build a few simple systems into your clinic?

The Ultimate Clinic Operations Blueprint does exactly that.

You’ll learn the exact systems I built into my own clinics to make them more productive… and you won’t have to take years failing and learning. You’ll have a short-cut.

Imagine your entire team knowing EXACTLY which high-impact activities to do… and which to ignore.

Imagine if you felt like you were actually in control of things that have been nebulous: patient experience, morale, income, profitability.

Imagine what you could do with the extra time and saved energy?

Instead of listening to more of the same tired advice — “put your mind to it and work harder!” — you’ll be implementing “systems” that actually work smarter. And you’ll be solving headaches for your team as well.

And if it doesn’t work, simply ask for your money back — 100% of it. I happily earn my reputation, and I stand behind everything I’m teaching you.

Before you decide, ask yourself this:

“If I decide to invest in my clinic today, what would my business life look like 2 weeks from right now? How would I feel waking up every morning and knowing that I don’t have micro-manage everything?”

“If I could actually sit down and design my business and how I want it to function, what would that look like? How much time and energy could I save? How much more profitable could it be?”

“What if I only implemented HALF of what’s in the course (Saving me 4+ hours a week… or my team 23 hours a week [ 1000+hours/year]). What could be done with that time?”

It’s up to you.

Decide between talking and talking about it… or ACTUALLY improving your business.

You have enough information to make a decision. Now it’s time to pull the trigger.

– Jeff



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