TJ – Viewing to Vlogging


TJ – Viewing to Vlogging

TJ - Viewing to Vlogging

TJ – Viewing to Vlogging


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“What if I’m not good on camera? Or don’t have the right equipment” you find yourself thinking. You see how the industry is already so competitive and a part of you wonders if it’s even possible to turn your travel-vlogging dream into your full-time reality (So you procrastinate even getting started).

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TJ – Viewing to Vlogging

TJ - Viewing to Vlogging

Do you dream of being a full-time travel vlogger with a large online following….but don’t know how to get there from where you are now?

Maybe you’re brand new to the world of travel vlogging and have yet to post your first video on YouTube.

You’ve dabbled in video editing and LOVE watching videos about the best street food in Vietnam…or the 5 must-visit beaches in Bali, dreaming about the day when that will be your reality…

….but when it comes to booking that plane ticket and pressing “publish” on your own videos? You’re terrified.

“What if I’m not good on camera? Or don’t have the right equipment” you find yourself thinking. You see how the industry is already so competitive and a part of you wonders if it’s even possible to turn your travel-vlogging dream into your full-time reality (So you procrastinate even getting started).

Or perhaps you’ve been travel vlogging for a little while now, but aren’t moving forward as fast as you’d like and are starting to get frustrated.

Your audience growth has plateaued and you’re struggling to figure out how to really MONETIZE your vlog so that you can do it full time. It’s your dream to be a full-time travel vlogger and you’ve been working your butt off, but you can’t figure out what you’re doing wrong/why it’s not working yet.

First of all, I want you to know that you’re not alone…and you’ve come to the right place!

My name is TJ Lee – creator of CupofTJ, the quirkiest travel & food channel on YouTube.

Over the past 2 years, I’ve grown my YouTube channel from zero to 350,000 subscribers, and 32 MILLION views. I’ve been selected by Youtube as their NextUp 2017 Creator, awarded Shorty Awards Finalist under Travel, featured on ELLE, SFGate, Refinery29, and on TV across Peru thanks to a video I made playing with cats in the park.

I’ve travelled to 32 countries and worked with numerous companies and tourism boards around the world.

Now travel is my job. I create and share my travels for a living. And it’s the best job in the world.

But it wasn’t always like this. I didn’t start glamorous.

Two years ago I had an office job. I wasn’t working 9-5. I started my day at 5am to attend meetings Asia time, left the office at 6pm, and checked into a coworking space right after to work on a consulting business. I was working 5am to 10pm hahah is that even a thing?

But back then I thought everything was great…at least according to conventional standards! It was a great company, great pay, with a fulfilling position. It was a “real job.”

But there was always an inkling in me that the work I was doing didn’t feel quite right. It felt good but not right. Can you relate?

One day I was having quite a stressful week and a coworker made a comment that threw me into an emotional wreck. Everything that was bothering me, that was weighing me down just came POURING out. I ran into the bathroom and started bawling. In the middle of the day. I wasn’t even crying about the comment, I was crying because I didn’t actually love where I was. I was killing myself for something I didn’t believe in.

I took a couple of deep breaths, wiped off my tears, and walked into my next meeting trying to keep everything together.

That day I decided this isn’t the life I wanted.

And that it was time for a change.

Now you’re probably thinking, OK TJ this is where you quit your job to travel the world right?

No, this wasn’t it.

I needed to save a lot of money hahah…but something else happened.

I decided to get more serious about my creative hobbies: photography, video-making, and writing.

I stopped prioritizing endless hours of research, meetings, and things that didn’t get me excited to get out of bed in the morning…and started prioritizing things that did.

On the weekends – any free time I got, I would run out the door to go take photos. I began putting together travel guides on my website. It was SO exciting to share these little travel tips.

In the beginning there weren’t many people reading my stuff but I didn’t care. I was creating something fun, creative, but also helpful to people and this felt right to me. It felt like I was finally adding my own colors into the world.

I became a bit obsessed with creating.

Creating became my stress relief, my outlet. Little by little, my skills grew.

It was by taking these small steps that I eventually gained the courage to say…you know what…I can put videos on Youtube and make this a thing.

I have learned a lot since those early days, but most of all: if you have a dream of being a travel vlogger it can absolutely be your reality.

Introducing Viewing to Vlogging, (aka. the course I WISH I’d had access to when I was first starting out).

Here’s what we’ll cover…

Week 1: Set Your Channel Up for Growth from the Get-Go.

We’ll cover…

Branding basics to help you clarify your niche, get into the hearts and minds of your audience, and feel super solid on the UNIQUE value you have to offer. I’ll walk you through my proven process for creating your very own brand statement + audience persona.
Goal-setting for rapid growth – I’ll help you break down your big vision into bite-sized action steps to take growing your vlog from an idea in your head to tasks on your calendar.
How to EASILY design an attention-grabbing channel header & thumbnail image that encourages your audience to watch, comment, like, and subscribe.
The key pages + channel settings that will help you maximize reach and engagement (these simple steps will make a BIG difference down the road).
How to get your first 100 subscribers ASAP so you can create a custom channel url (which will instantly give your page a more professional, branded feel).
Overcome your fear of haters and learn to be FEARLESS when creating your content.

Week 2: The Nuts and Bolts of Travel Vlogging

We’ll cover…

Tips for getting your channel off the ground without breaking the bank (think you need to drop a ton of money to get started? Think again!)
How to become comfortable on camera EVEN if you’re shy (pretty soon people will be saying, “damn you’re a natural!”)
My favorite way to come up with an endless stream of video ideas + organize content, so your channel becomes a go-to resource people can’t wait to come back to again and again.
The types of videos that are most successful in the travel field (If you’ve ever wondered whether you should film travel guides, lifestyle vlogs, or both, this is for you!)
Cinematography basics, tips for filming on the go, and how to use B-roll to make every video POP. I’ll share my EXACT strategies for creating high quality videos people love to engage with.
Everything you ever wanted to know about audio + voice-overs (these tips will take you from hobbyist to pro in the eyes of your audience).
A complete walkthrough of how I edit a travel vlog – if you’ve ever wanted to be a fly on the wall + get an inside look at my thought-process + techniques when editing a video, you’re in luck!
The EXACT tools + equipment every travel vlogger needs (I’ve personally vetted everything on this never-before shared list).

Week 3: Growing your channel to 1,000 subscribers (and beyond!)

We’ll cover…

The 2 biggest factors that contribute to growth on YouTube (ignoring these key pieces is the #1 reason some channels don’t grow as fast as they otherwise could).
A complete guide to the YouTube Search Engine + how to use SEO to grow your channel (the importance of competitor search videos, tools to help you find keywords, writing optimized titles, and on-page SEO optimization techniques).
My no-fail secrets to turning new viewers into loyal subscribers who come back again and again.
How to maximize the total number of views, likes and comments on each and every video.
The key metrics you need track (plus how to turn analytics data into action-steps to make your channel the best it can be).
How to effectively promote your YouTube videos across social media channels so that your total online reach continues to expand.
The ultimate guide to collaborating with other YouTubers in order to get in front of new audiences (I’ll include the EXACT template I use to reach out to people).

Week 4: The Business of Travel Vlogging

We’ll cover…

Everything you need to know about making money on your channel with Google Ads (I’ll walk you through how it works + the rules you need to know to start monetizing now).
How to find brands to collaborate with & what to expect (we’ll cover influencer marketing platforms, scouting on instagram + youtube, reaching out to the right person, and figuring out what to charge).
Tips for scoring travel perks like sponsored tours & hotel stays (including how to find + approach companies to work with you + the ins and outs of getting on press trips).
Advice on using your Youtube channel to score freelance projects (I’ll share the EXACT strategies, tools, and groups I’ve used to land awesome paid clients from my YouTube videos).
5 unexpected ways to monetize your channel that you can start using right away.
Proven travel vlogger pitch templates that will make collaborating with you a total no-brainer.
The EXACT process I use to set (and hit) monetization & income goals (and how you can apply them in a way that works for YOU).
The pep talk every travel vlogger needs to stay inspired, consistent, and confident every step along the way.

Here’s what the course looks like…
Get started now!

“As someone who just started recently TJ’s Viewing to Vlogging course was perhaps the greatest thing I could ever stumbled upon. Within the first few modules I’ve learned tips and tricks that you wouldn’t find elsewhere. TJ had created a platform not only to learn but to interact with other travel vloggers including herself, it was truly an invaluable experience.

With all the lesson and tips from the course I planned my Hong Kong trip, my shots and scenes accordingly. Having just recently uploaded that fruitful episode I can already see that magic at work!

This a fun and exciting course and with it you’ll gain a family who supports one another and I can’t wait to see all of us succeed, so Thank you TJ.”
– Nick Effendi, Travel & Food Vlogger

“Viewing to Vlogging has been a big help for our channel. Since enrolling in the course, our subscribers have grown to nearly 2,000, watch time has passed 4,000 hours and we have done some collabs with a few big channels. The lessons are presented in an entertaining and energetic way, much like TJ’s own videos. The tips and techniques are easy to implement, like writing lists of interesting facts to mention in videos.

The course Facebook group has been valuable with TJ giving feedback on a video every month and becoming friends with fellow up and coming creators who are enrolled. We have watched them grow rapidly along with us, which has been very rewarding. Having the wisdom of someone who has built a large and successful channel and the ability to go back and rewatch lessons at any time is well worth the price. ”

– Jumi and Greg, Food and Footprints

“I absolutely love Viewing to Vlogging. I like the way the modules/videos are broken down into easy to watch chunks. I now realize I was missing a lot of details to make my Youtube game better and I learned a lot of things I could implement from the course. Plus, I really like that there’s an emphasis on turning vlogging into a business and getting paid. A lot of important stuff is covered…TJ though of everything!”

– Etienne Crete, Desire to Trade

“Viewing to Vlogging has been a valuable investment in my YouTube journey. Prior to the course, I had so many questions about YouTube that I couldn’t find answers to anywhere. But, thanks to TJ, I have found the answers to several of them in the course, plus more. TJ makes the modules fun and easy to understand, and breaks everything down for you. I’ve learned so many little vlogging details that you wouldn’t have thought of to make your videos better. She teaches you step-by-step how to get your videos seen, starting from the very beginning.

A huge bonus is that I’ve been able to connect with other vloggers through the course and feel like part of an awesome YouTube community. 10/10 would recommend Viewing to Vlogging :)”

– Alyssa Wang, Feedmeimei
“Having been a fan of TJ’s personality on her YouTube channel, watching her obvious skill with video production, and seeing her success on YouTube…then finding out how much she hustles, all made me want to learn from her. The Viewing to Vlogging course was a perfect fit for me. I’ve been creating regular videos but not seeing much growth. I was looking for those little nuggets of advice from someone who is successful at it. That’s exactly what this course is filled with! I always find it fascinating to watch other people work, so that module was perfect for how I learn. The SEO, money-making and pitching sessions made it all worth the value and much more. It’s really jam-packed and fun to watch. I’d recommend this course for anyone who hasn’t started their YouTube journey and anyone who needs a little coaching to make growth happen.”

– Jessica Cutrufello, A Wanderlust For Life

Your Instructor


Hey good-looking! I’m TJ Lee, host of the Cutest Travel & Food Show on Youtube. In 2016, left the corporate world to become a creative and digital nomad. I began documenting my travels on Youtube and people started tuning in! Since then, I’ve grown my channel from 0 to 350,000 subscribers and 34 MILLION views. I’ve been featured on ELLE, SFGate, Refinery29, selected as Youtube’s 2017 NextUp creator, awarded Shorty Awards Finalist under Travel and was once viral in Peru (that’s a story to tell later). I’ve worked with numerous tourism boards, travel companies, and rockstar brands around the world.

Travel is now my job and I want it to be yours too.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

Viewing to Vlogging Course ($2,500 value)
Access to the private, exclusive Facebook community ($297 value)

When you add it all up, that’s a $2,797 value.

But I’m giving it to you for just $297.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have lifetime access to the videos?
Yes! You have lifetime access to these videos so you can work at YOUR pace. You’ll also have access to any updates I create (Youtube is always evolving and I aim to keep this course as fresh and relevant as possible).
Am I guaranteed to grow a following?
Implementing the tactical strategies in the course will absolutely teach you what you need to know to grow a following. The speed at which you build an audience, however, is subject to many factors, and will vary student to student.
I want to start a Youtube channel but not in the travel category, can I still take this course?
Yes, absolutely! The course walks through valuable branding lessons, effective Youtube growth techniques, and business mindsets and practices that will guide you far in your vlogging journey, regardless of your niche.
I’m nervous about spending the money…how do I know if this course is right for me?
I get it, I’ve been there! If you’re serious about becoming a travel creative and starting a Youtube channel, this course is for you. I’ve taken my mistakes and turned them into lessons, transforming my own struggles into solutions for you. I’ve been right where you are today and understand what you’re going through – deeply. Let me help you through the process so you can get results way faster than you would if you were going it alone. If you need more reassurance, look through the modules in Week 4 – The Business of Travel Vlogging. These lessons are specifically designed to show you how to earn back the money you invested in this course (and then some).
How is this course different from others?
There is no vlogging, much less travel vlogging course out there that breaks down the entire process of branding a channel, creating content, optimizing for views, and actually getting paid to travel and make videos. This course includes everything I know about the travel industry and succeeding as a creative. It embodies my years of experience as a marketer and brand strategist. It’s not just a creating course, it’s a marketing and GROWTH course. Enroll in this course if you want to level up your Youtube channel with exclusive knowledge and proven tactics.
How many hours a week should I plan to spend on the course?
I recommend setting aside every Sunday for 3 hours to work through the course. Please keep in mind you will need to set aside at least 1-2 free days of the week to film and edit your own content.
Do you offer refunds?
Yes, every student is entitled to a 7-day money back guarantee. If this course isn’t everything you dreamed it would be, e-mail proof of completed assignments to [email protected] within 7 days of purchase to receive a full refund. But trust me when I say the first module is incredibly valuable, so is the second, the third and the last. Don’t miss out on this course!

I want you to take a moment and imagine that your dream of becoming a full time-travel vlogger has become your reality…

Get TJ – Viewing to Vlogging download

Here’s What You’ll Get in

TJ - Viewing to Vlogging

You’re passport is full of stamps and your heart is full of memories from all the places you’ve travelled…and excitement about everywhere you’re planning to visit in the future.

You’ve created a YouTube channel that feels like YOU – at your best – and your subscriber count is growing by the day.

You have so much fun planning, shooting, and editing your videos, and feel super creative and on fire.

Monetization opportunities are pouring in and it feels SO GOOD to get paid to do work you love.

It’s thrilling to have the freedom to design your workday – and your LIFE – in a way that feels fun and fulfilling to YOU.

Boredom and settling for a hum-drum life are things of the past…adventure is your new normal and you can’t imagine it any other way.

Are you ready to start your vlogging adventures?



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