Todd Brown – 17 for 1 SuperBundle


Todd Brown – 17 for 1 SuperBundle

Todd Brown - 17 for 1 SuperBundle

Todd Brown – 17 for 1 SuperBundle

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $52.00.

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $52.00.

The critical distinction when creating a new marketing campaign: Should you begin with the product or your campaign hook?

File Size: 18.91 GB Β 

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Todd Brown – 17 for 1 SuperBundle

Todd Brown - 17 for 1 SuperBundle

What You Get:

β€œThe $500 Million-Dollar Product Positioning Principle”

The β€œParadoxical Switch”: The Difference Between Engineering An Average ProductΒ & One That
Scales To 7 or 8 Figures… And Beyond!

Some of what you’ll discover inside:

  • The single, most effective way toΒ create products and offers with β€œbuilt-in success”… before you ever even launch them!
  • ​TheΒ critical distinctionwhen creating a new marketing campaign: Should you begin with the product or your campaign hook? HINT: One sets you up for success, the other leaves you hamstrung.
  • ​REVEALED:Β The biggest money-making campaigns from Agora Financial started withΒ THIS… and it’s the opposite of how average marketers think about product creation!
  • The specific questions a juggernaut Chief Marketing Officer asks about his market before creating a marketing funnel! He says,Β β€œThis is how we produce huge winners so often!”
  • How to find hooks and marketing ideas you know in advance will drive your prospects wild to buy!
  • ​TheΒ Reverse Techniqueto come up with home run new products or services!
  • ​How to captivate the attention of any market… no matter how crowded, jaded or overexposed they may be… with theΒ β€œDeep Digging”big money framework!
  • ​The secret of theΒ Product-Offer-Idea Matrix! And how to β€œchain them together” so your sales scale big and fast!
  • ​TheΒ counterintuitive Hook/Product approachthat produces higher sales conversions almost immediately!
  • Agora Financial’s breakthrough offer and product creation method thatΒ will change how you create every marketing campaignΒ going forward! This can give you higher conversion rates and sales than anything you’ve ever tried before!
  • ​…and more!

β€œ10 Marketing Secrets Of Marketplace Mavens”

How Average Experts Use These Secrets To Engineer Celebrity Status… And Command Premium Fees

Some of what you’ll discover inside:

  • How toΒ engineer your positioningso you’re viewed (and treated) as a highly-respected Marketplace Maven! (This has nothing to do with content distribution.)
  • ​The marketplace position evenΒ more valuable than β€œexpert status”! You’ll discover how to engineer it… and reap massive financial rewards because of it!
  • ​The exact steps to engineering celebrity status in your marketplace! Do this… andΒ sales will come easy and consistentlyfor you.
  • ​How to get your prospects knowing, talking and seeking after you so you haveΒ β€œpre-established influence”that allows you to convert more visitors into buyers andΒ command higher prices!
  • ​The fastest way to become a household name in your marketplace… even if you’re unknown, unrecognized, or a total newbie!
  • ​TheΒ $0 Cost Solutionthat makes your products substantially more valuable… so you can charge a lot more money for them… without having to add a single new feature or deliverable!
  • ​TheΒ 3 types of β€œmaven stories”that give your prospects and customers more insight into who you are… so they think about you… and pay more attention to you than your competitors!
  • ​How toΒ become the recognized go-to-authorityin your market… without your competitors being able to do anything about it! Follow these steps… and you can quickly be your market’s next popular β€œguru”!
  • ​TheΒ two key qualities you needto identify in your market BEFORE you put your flag in ground! Miss either of these and the wrong positioning could suppress your sales.
  • ​The slick andΒ easy way to use β€œSelf-Aggrandizement”to establish and control how your market thinks about you.
  • ​How to come up with andΒ use β€œmiracles” and β€œlegends”to become an attractive character to your market they will remember, desire, and race to buy from!
  • ​How toΒ engineer your β€œproprietary school of thought”… and how to communicate it to your prospects so they want to buy from you and not your competitors!
  • ​Break free of generic language andΒ develop your β€œproprietary terminology”so customers immediately recognize your voice and don’t just feel they’re learning from you… they feel they’re part of a movement!
  • ​How to use β€œsticky idea stories”to engineer Power Positioning in a simple and memorable way that doesn’t feel icky or like self-promotion!
  • ​How toΒ become a 3 dimensional characteryour market knows, likes and trusts! PLUS: the right way to share personal details with your prospects… while still maintaining mystery and intrigue.
  • ​…and more!

β€œFlawless Fascinations”

Secrets To Crafting Irresistibly Seductive BulletsΒ That Fascinate Your Prospects & Compel Them To Buy

Some of what you’ll discover inside:

  • AVOID BENEFIT LISTS! Do this instead β€” theΒ secret to stimulating curiosity and intriguein the mind of your prospect!
  • ​The most effective way toΒ β€œseduce prospects”so they desperately want to hear more about your offer!
  • ​TheΒ right way to use β€œpromise and curiosity”to create a relentless itch in your prospects which they can only scratch by buying from you!
  • The easy-to-follow process to interrogate your product so canΒ mine the richest attention grabbing nuggetsto use in your marketing!
  • TheΒ 21 Fascination Formulasto turn ordinary copy bullets into fascinations that captivate and compel prospects to buy!
  • ​How to craft powerfulβ€œWarning Bullets” to pique attention in even the most jaded prospects so you make your product or service stand out as wildly-different!
  • β€‹β€œSneaky Bullet” Tactic: This gets your prospects to understand the most enticing benefits of your offer!
  • ​How to use theΒ β€œSpecific Question Bullet”to make your prospects feel your product and offer is exactly what they need!
  • ​TheΒ truthbehind how big money copywriters craft their bullets differently than average and ordinary marketers!
  • ​The Bullet Maneuverthat keeps your prospects from mentally checking-out when consuming your copy! You’ll have them hooked and on the edge of their seat!
  • ​How to createΒ β€œUnexpected Juxtaposition”that fascinates your prospects by telling them things they DON’T want to hear! This stimulates a powerful buying urge within them almost immediately!
  • ​How to stop your prospects from bouncing or procrastinating on your offer by β€œstating the danger of delay”!
  • Drive more sales with theΒ 4-Point Bullet Scoring Systemthat shows you which bullets to cut (because they will bore prospects), and which bullets to highlight because they’ll drive prospects wild with intrigue!
  • ​The big mistake most copywriters make when ordering their bullets… and how toΒ maximize your response rateby following the rule of β€œprimacy and recency”
  • ​​…and more!

25 Golden Marketing Lessons Learned Over The Past Decade-Plus

The Most-Valuable Business-Growing Insights Most Entrepreneurs Can Use to Also Become Wealthy

Some of what you’ll discover inside:

  • The profound lesson Rich Schefren shared with me at lunch aboutΒ the differencebetween a promotion and a business… and how if your business lacks the ability to do THIS one thing, you don’t actually have a business!
  • WOW!The BIG secret Mark Ford shared with me about the real reason behind growing a $500M+ financial publishing empire! It has nothing to do with a big list, lots of traffic or great copy!
  • ​WARNING:Β These TWO things are far, far more important than the body copy of marketing message. If you think the reason you’re not generating enough sales is because you need to become a better copywriter, you’re DEAD WRONG!
  • ToΒ have a consistent and stable business: Should you focus on the front-end or back-end? Discover what the big dogs do!
  • TheΒ profound customer-generating lessonbehind why this $23,000,000 legendary copywriter said: if you were on his copy team and wrote a front-end promotion that was profitable, you would get FIRED!
  • ​What you MUST understand about the relationship between your level ofΒ Acquisition Aggression and how fast you can grow your business!
  • Do you know the difference betweenΒ content creation and marketing creationto the pro marketer? The answer is nothing. But do you know why?
  • ​Are you currently positioning your product or service as a repair or improvement? If so, thisΒ simple positioning shiftwill make it far easier for you to sell your product! Even at a higher price!
  • ​Are you keeping theΒ β€œpower of emergence” top of mind when creating your campaigns? If not, you are missing out on one of the most effective ways to grab your market’s attention and keep them captivated
  • ​This one marketing move makes your product infinitely more valuable in the mind of your prospects! Do this… and you couldΒ charge 2-4X what you’re getting right now. Even more if you really wanted.
  • WARNING:Β If your product or service can be put into a box and compared to what your competitors are offering… you are in danger of becoming a low-priced commodity. Here’sΒ how to make sure this never happens to you.
  • When you create your promotions whatever you do, do NOT think like a marketer or a sales person, you need to pretend to be ___________ instead!
  • Why, if you are not using list segmentationΒ properly, you are not just losing money, you’re burning out your email list and training them not to buy from you!
  • ​The right way toΒ use R.F.M. scoring to drive backend growthand monitor the health of your customer list!
  • ​The difference between urgency and scarcity… and how to properly use them both toΒ drive rabid response from your prospects!
  • ​​…and more!

8 Secret Sequences That Power All Of Our Marketing Campaigns

The Only Email Sequences You Need To Extract Maximum Sales Everyday!Β 

Some of what you’ll discover inside:

  • WARNING: If you think all it takes is an optin page, sales page, order form and an upsell to experience monster results, you’re in for a rude awakening. Find out why.
  • How to give prospects the feeling your emails are specifically for them and where they are at by using β€œbuckets” in your initial segmentation sequence!
  • UsingΒ Behavioral-Triggered-Sequencingto drive your prospects through your campaign in a way that gets maximum consumption of your marketing message
  • Picking up additional leads onto your list and campaigns using β€œreverse optin pages”
  • ​The right way to use anΒ Offer Intensification Sequenceto drive up conversions by specifically sweetening your offer based on your prospects hot buttons!
  • ​Leveraging the powerful emotion of FOMO in theΒ Urgency Sequenceto create a hockey-stick finish to all of your sales promotions
  • ​Generate MORE money with every single customer you get with theΒ Transaction Maximization Sequence
  • ​TheΒ big mistakemost marketers are making when it comes to pricing their upsells and why if you want to maximize your average order value you need to this today
  • How to β€œpull” installment payments from the futureΒ into your bank account todayandΒ have your customers thank you for it
  • The β€œTransaction Ascension Sequence” that allows you to continue collecting sales from your customers… even after your promotion is done and over!
  • WARNING: The sale is not over when you collect the money, you have to keep it. Do thisΒ Buyer Stick & Refund Reduction Sequenceto lower your refunds and increase your customer satisfaction and loyalty!
  • ​​…and more!

The Contrarian Money Model For Rapid Customer AcquisitionΒ 

The Unique Mathematical Formula That Scales YourΒ Business Fast!

Some of what you’ll discover inside:

  • Did you know: The fastest growing businesses are also the best at β€œbuying customers”? It’s true. Discover the math you must know so you canΒ buy customers without losing your shirt!
  • Understand exactly how much you can afford to pay to acquire new customers!Β This simple calculation has been worth millions to me.
  • The mathematical mistake that can get you tons of customers… but also leave you broke! You mustΒ avoid this at all costs.Β 
  • How to useΒ marketing mathto stop thinking like the average marketer and start thinking like a wealthy investor! All the top marketers operate with this mindset.
  • ​SCALING?Do you know if it’s best to focus on your sales conversion rate, cost of traffic, or average order value? Follow THIS simple rule to know which lever to pull every time!
  • How to run side-by-side scenarios of your CPA and AOV toΒ identify your path to maximum profits!
  • DANGER!:Β Overlook this one simple thing in your scaling strategy and you can generate more customers (and even more profit), yet still burn tons of cash!
  • ​The odd and counterintuitive approach toΒ maximize your profitsby paying MORE to acquire new customers!
  • ​​…and more!

13 Common Habits of All 7-Figure Entrepreneurs I Know

Discover How A-Players Handle Their Schedule, Goals, Time Management, Finances, Fears, And More!

Some of what you’ll discover inside:

  • TheΒ life changing difference between learning for learning’s sake and learning to change your behavior!
  • How the most successful people take actioneven if they don’t have a perfect understanding of a decision?
  • TheΒ MASSIVE mistakecalled β€œnoun” without the β€œverb” that keeps struggling entrepreneurs frustrated!
  • The most precious asset you have and how to guard itΒ (it’s not what you think, but it is what the ultra successful entrepreneurs value most)!
  • TheΒ 2-word lesson inscribed on a plaquethat sits on this great leaders desk during one of the most painful crisis in American history (if you don’t learn this lesson today you will continue to be stuck where you are for years)!
  • TheΒ money-making differencebetween the β€œsuccess consciousness” of winning and losing entrepreneurs!
  • ​How to prioritize motion and emotion in your life toΒ kill procrastination dead in its tracks!
  • ​If you are missing THIS one thing on your entrepreneurial journey, when you hit obstacles or face adversity you will feel enormous pressure to give up!
  • ​The thinking shift that canΒ turn the expenses and bi-products in your business into additional profits!
  • ​QUIZ! Do the highest performersΒ focus on effort or outcomes?The answer is likely not what you think. Get this wrong and it can easily keep you trapped where you are right now.
  • ​How toΒ solve the paradox of responsibilityfor your success… while also knowing that many things are completely out of your control!
  • ​The simple secret that will allow you toΒ be an avid learner while staying free of information overload!
  • ​How to deal with friends and loved ones who don’t believe in youΒ (this brutally honest answer may not be what you want to hear, but it is what you need to hear)!
  • ​​…and more!

Conversion Hacking Live

The Ultimate Playbook For Multiplying Conversions At Every Step Of Your Funnel

Some of what you’ll discover inside:

  • Hack your email autoresponder with β€œinvisible text” to rocket your email open rate!
  • DOUBLE your email CTR with one line of paste-and-copy code!
  • Suck prospects in to watch your entire Video Sales Letter with the β€œVSL Ticker”!
  • Generate DOUBLE-DIGIT opt-ins from blog posts with a single PDF!
  • Bump your average cart value by 15% without adding a single new upsell!
  • DOUBLE your leads from partner promotions with β€œTeddy’s 1-Click Promo Link (totally by-pass the need for an opt-in page)!
  • Add an easy $17.40 to every sale with the newest type of Order Form Bump!
  • ​Slash your order form abandonment rate in half by adding just 5 tested & proven words! (I’m still baffled how effective this is.)
  • …and over 53 additional conversion hacks & tricks skyrocketing sales in all of our marketing funnels!
  • ​​…and more!

The Secret Technique To Mail Your List Offers DailyΒ WITHOUTΒ Pissing Them Off!

See More Sales With Every Promotion… And Watch Your Email List Become More Responsive Every Time!

Some of what you’ll discover inside:

  • The ultra-simple β€œselection” process thatΒ extracts more sales from your email listwhile keeping your database responsive to future offers!
  • ​How to useΒ Internal Lead Generationto identify the prospects ready to buy now!
  • Why usingΒ β€œsegmentation-bait” is your greatest preventionagainst burning out your list!
  • ​TheΒ two-part timing sequenceΒ that shows you when to mail an offer to your email list… and when to mail content.
  • HOT! ​How toΒ strategicallymail offers every day to your email list (if you want)… without them ever feeling like all you care about is making a sale!
  • ​​…and more!

Conversion Chunks

21 Bits of Sales Producing Content That Extend Any Funnel And Drive More Sales

Some of what you’ll discover inside:

  • The most effective way to use β€œfailure-to-success” stories toΒ stir up your prospect’s buying emotions!
  • The power of yourΒ β€œ Unique Discovery Journey”that makes your product or solution more valuable AND more memorable
  • ​Sharing the β€œstruggling vs. thriving” lesson toΒ bring more procrastinating prospects across the finish line!
  • ​The most effective way to generate more saleswith educational material in your marketing. This is wildly-different from what most marketers do.
  • ​TheΒ simple way to sell more while delivering value!It’s likely not what you think. And it’s certainly not about simply β€œgiving more”!
  • ​How toΒ create buying demand for your productby with one marketing tactic that makes all other options seem inferior to yours!
  • ​TheΒ conversion powerof teaching your prospects what NOT to do! This should only be done in certain situations. You’ll learn which ones those are!
  • ​WARNING:If you think educating your prospects for the sake of education is a good idea, you’re likely killing your sales conversions! Discover the unique shift that turns your knowledge into a powerful sales-producing tool.
  • The one conversion chunk which proves to prospects why now is the perfect time for them to buy!Β This prevents prospects from procrastinating on your offer.Β 
  • ​How to turn boring FAQ’s into aΒ conversion chunk that gives prospects a lots of reasons to say yes and buy today!
  • ​The key toΒ disarming your prospect’s objectionsbefore they ever even think of them!
  • ​Discover the secret to β€œReframing a lingering negative”… so you turn your prospect’s biggest concerns into the exact reason why they want to buy now!
  • ​​…and more!

The Ultimate Marketing Funnel Sneak Peek Package

Come Behind-The-Scenes And See Every Trick I Used ToΒ Engineer & Launch These Home Run Funnels

Some of what you’ll discover inside:

  • AΒ total dissectionof big money campaigns in a way you have never seen anywhere. Now, you’ll finally understand how big money campaigns are really engineered!
  • You’ll seeΒ what I said, when I said it, why I said it… in three of my own funnels that generated over $2.2 million in sales and counting!
  • ​Gain deep insight into how to string together claims, benefits and proof forΒ maximum sales conversions!
  • Get a play-by-play of theΒ unique competitive analysisI did on these campaigns to get inside the prospect’s head before I ever wrote a single word of copy
  • ​Finally, get a true understanding of the entire promotion process from every ad, optin page, anticipation email, sales conversion message and follow-up toΒ create a big money campaign!
  • ​Line-by-line breakdown of a promotion I did to sell a $10,000 ticket to an event with ONE sales letterin the mail (no sales team, no outbound, heck I didn’t even do a webinar or VSL this is so powerful)!
  • ​​…and much, MUCH more!

β€œMarketing Funnels Uncensored”

Get A Detailed Breakdown Of Every Piece ofΒ The Most Profitable, Highest Converting Marketing FunnelsΒ From Top-Earning Marketers

Some of what you’ll discover inside:

  • What type of squeeze page to use to generate the greatest number of qualified leads? What should the lead magnet be? And how should the lead magnet be positioned to prospects?
  • Should there be a one-time offer immediately after the opt-in? Should you bring leads to a sales page or thank you page?
  • What’s the best front-end offers and products that will bring you the greatest number of new customers?
  • ​What’s the best price point to use for these offers?
  • What type of upsell and downsell should be offered? What price points should you use? And how should these offers be presented to customers?
  • ​Which steps in the funnel should be done with video? Which should be done with long-form copy? Which should be done with both?
  • ​Where, when and how should you be using things like direct mail, voice broadcast, text messages, and telephone sales?Β 
  • ​How and when should your premium high-profit offers be positioned and presented to customers? Which premium offers work best?
  • ​What should you be saying in your follow-up sequences? When should each step in your sequence be sent? How many steps in your follow-up should you have?
  • ​​…and more!

Advanced Metrics & Tracking Strategies of the Direct Response Marketing Pros (Part I)

How A-Player Marketers Use Marketing Metrics To Acquire Customers, Grow Lifetime Value, & Scale Fast!

Some of what you’ll discover inside:

  • Aggressively scale your salesby finally understanding the critical dynamic between psychology, communication and arithmetic!
  • Why the most successful online marketers focus on their data through the lens ofΒ β€œasset acquisition investing”!
  • WARNING:Β If you think scaling your business is all about metrics, you’re way off the mark! The biggest DR marketers care little to nothing about most metrics;Β here’s what they focus on instead!
  • ​The money-making mindset shift from seeing customers as assets and thinking as an investor that unlocks massive growth and scale
  • IGNORE!Β Which specific (popular) marketing metrics you need to ignore! These will will mislead you into losing profits.
  • ​You could have a sky high optin rate AND a sky high conversion rate and still be losing money every single day if you don’tunderstand THIS one mathematical rule!
  • ​The TRUTH about why you should almost never attempt to lower your acquisition costs.Β  Hint:Β It can CRIPPLE your ability to scaleif done even slightly wrong.
  • ​STOP!:Why your optin rate, order form completion rate and conversion rate are the wrong numbers to look at if you want toΒ unlock scale in any funnel!
  • ​Instead of trying to decrease your ad costs, do THIS toΒ increase the volume of customers you acquire every month at a profit!
  • ​The radical difference in customer acquisition when you have a β€œtransactional mindset” vs properlyΒ understanding FE/BE dynamic!
  • ​The 3 levels of Customer Acquisition Aggression… and how to use them to know exactly how much you spend toget new customers every day!
  • ​The key to properly managing your back-end using your customer value and RFM scores… soΒ your business grows predictably and profitably!
  • ​​…and more!

Advanced Metrics & Tracking Strategies of the Direct Response Marketing Pros (Part 2)

How To Collect, Understand, And Use Your Marketing MetricsΒ So You Make Profitable DecisionsΒ Every Time!

Some of what you’ll discover inside:

  • The difference between β€œshallow” and β€œdeep” funnel metrics”… and which one can lead toΒ a lot more new customers!
  • ​How to use β€œdeep funnel metrics” as your own personal surgeon’s tools toΒ extract every last ounce of profit from your funnels!
  • The lesson of the β€œTaoist Farmer” β€” the truth aboutΒ  a β€œgood” or β€œbad” sales conversion rate!
  • DANGEROUS!f you are calculating yourΒ ROI on a β€œ0% Basis” this will mislead you into thinking you are losing when you may be making money. You’ll learn a much better, more accurate way!
  • ​This backdoor strategy you can use to profitably β€œbribe” promotional partners to help youΒ scale your revenue super-fast!
  • How toΒ maximize your trafficand ad spend by each traffic source… using β€œbreak-even calculations”!
  • ​Knowing how and when to invest big to scale your business and when to cut back on traffic! This isΒ CRITICAL for long-term growth.
  • ​​…and more!

Advanced Prospect Bonding

Subtle Psychology & Tactics Master-Marketers Use ToΒ Bond With ProspectsΒ & Remove Sales Resistance

Some of what you’ll discover inside:

  • What exceptional marketers do to strategically engineer their communication so youΒ get prospects to almost instantly know-like-and trust you!
  • TheΒ two trust beliefsΒ you must get prospects to have for them to buy with confidence. Fail to establish either the right way… and your prospect’s skepticism will kill their desire to buy from you!
  • How toΒ gain immediatelikeabilityΒ so prospects don’t view you as a marketer or sales person?
  • The advanced marketing hack that canΒ move evenΒ the most jaded prospects to buy.
  • The β€œAdvocacy Switch”: Flip it and youΒ transform new prospects into raving fans ready to buy!
  • ​A weird trust-building hack that takes minutes… andΒ drives prospects to see you a credible and respectable figure… and someone they can trust buying from!
  • ​TheΒ stealth β€œlikability persuasion tactic” behind why I share stories with prospects β€” and you should too β€” like how I enjoyed playing Atari as a kid after school!
  • ​AVOID!Β The one marketing move which will damage your reputation with prospects and kill your opportunity to sell them anything!
  • ​TheΒ most powerful secret to engineering prospect rapportthat has the same powerful impact as if you were selling and building rapport 1-on-1!
  • ​How toΒ bond withΒ  prospects on a deep level… byΒ showingcertain feelings and emotions in your marketing.
  • ​When and how to reveal your own weaknesses & frustrations (or even secrets) toΒ build even greater trust with your followers!
  • ​How toΒ trigger β€œheroic positioning” for your product!This makes prospects grateful for the opportunity to buy from you… and makes the sale so much easier!
  • ​The fastest way in marketing to show prospects you understand how they feel! Do this… andΒ your trust-level shoots through the roof with prospects!
  • ​Stacking Negative Emotions β€”Β  the secret toΒ stimulating a deep desire to buy within prospects!
  • ​​…and more!

Secret Email Persuasion and Conversion Triggers

See More Opens, Clicks, And Sales When You Deploy The Same 24Β Email Persuasion Triggers Used By The Savviest Email Marketers

Email Persuasion Triggers Covered Include :

  • GH Weird Opener Trigger
  • ​Pluralized Verb Trigger
  • ​Teaching Parable Trigger
  • ​Manufactured Logic Trigger
  • ​FAB Formula Trigger
  • ​Faux Science Trigger
  • ​Identity Molding Trigger
  • ​Steering Choice Trigger
  • ​Experience Acknowledge Trigger
  • Embedded Question Trigger
  • ​Hooked Opener Trigger
  • ​False Evidence Trigger
  • Factual Claim Illusion Trigger
  • ​Agreement Bucket Trigger
  • Contrasting Comparison Trigger
  • ​Incongruent Subject Line Trigger
  • ​Nested Loop Trigger
  • ​Moving Metaphor Trigger
  • Truism Trigger
  • ​Framing Trigger
  • ​Proprietary Property Trigger
  • Innocuous Confession Trigger
  • ​Contradictory Similarity Trigger
  • Buried Instructor Trigger

Marketing Funnel Conversion Killers

22 Sales Conversion Killers That Suppress Sales In Most Funnels

PLUS: Inside, you’ll also discover conversion boosting secrets such as…

  • How to useΒ Functional Ramificationsto create emotional desire in your prospects!
  • ​How to use Crystallizationto transform your product from a want into a need!
  • ​TheΒ one elementthat makes your big marketing promiseΒ believable!
  • ​How to use theΒ Power of Identificationto drive prospects wild with envy for your product!
  • ​COPY ALIGNMENT:Β The secret to ensuring your marketing funnel message nails your prospects deepest emotions!
  • ​3 types of benefits you must share with prospects for every feature of your product or service!
  • ​Emotional State Leading:The psychological trick to getting prospects into a peak buying state!
  • ​The onlyΒ marketing messaging structurethat slips under prospects’ sales radar!
  • ​2 objectives the best Lead Magnets fulfill in every high-conversion marketing funnel!
  • ​Conveyance of Emotion:Β How to structure your marketing funnel message so prospects emotionally desire your product!
  • ​Why you need to understand the difference between Benefits and your marketing funnel’sΒ Big Promise!
  • ​The Secret Power of Emotional Ramificationsand how it drives prospects to buy your product today!
  • ​How to ensure your marketing funnel has aΒ Solid Chain of Logicthat proves your product is exactly what they want and need!
  • ​How to get prospects to accept your benefits and claims as facts!
  • ​GOOGLE SLAP TRIGGERS!:It’s found in 9 out of 10 marketing funnels and theyΒ KILLΒ conversions!
  • ​The simple secret ofΒ PROPRIETARY PACKAGINGthat gets prospects to believe your product is the only viable solution to their problem!
  • ​How to present your product so prospects see it as the fulfillment of their greatest desire!
  • ​WEIRD!Why the product you’re offering is NOT the thing you need to sell if you want to get prospects to buy your product!
  • ​3 uncommon factors that transform ordinary free bonuses into sales generating add-ons!
  • ​Why scarcity is NOT the most powerful way of giving prospects a reason to buy your product today… and what the biggest direct response marketers do toΒ eliminate prospect procrastination!
  • ​The most powerful way to keep prospects engaged through your entire marketing funnel sequence!
  • ​What to say to unresponsive prospects in your marketing funnel to get them reengaged and ready to buy!
  • ​The only time you should send prospects Email Broadcasts! Any other time will kill your marketing funnel conversions!
  • ​..and much much, more!


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