Tom DeBlass – Solo and Partner Grappling Drills for Rapid Improvement


Tom DeBlass – Solo and Partner Grappling Drills for Rapid Improvement

Tom DeBlass - Solo and Partner Grappling Drills for Rapid Improvement

Tom DeBlass – Solo and Partner Grappling Drills for Rapid Improvement


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Learn the drills that helped shape the career of one of the most decorated American Grapplers ever and accelerate your progression through the ranks!
Arm Attack Drills by Tom DeBlass

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Tom DeBlass – Solo and Partner Grappling Drills for Rapid Improvement

Tom DeBlass - Solo and Partner Grappling Drills for Rapid Improvement

Learn The Drilling Sequences & Secrets That Will Turbo Charge Your BJJ Development & Allow You To Get Better In Far Less Time

Drills That You Can Practice With A Partner & Even On Your Own – Drilling Will Improve Your Skills 4-5 Times Faster Than Just Regular Sparring

Learn the drills that helped shape the career of one of the most decorated American Grapplers ever and accelerate your progression through the ranks!
Arm Attack Drills by Tom DeBlass

Tom DeBlass, after his many years as a competitive black belt and coach has come to a very important discovery on the mats: If you want to get better, it is way more important to drill and perfect the little things than it is to slap hands and fight hard all the time. If you can drill the right way, you can teach your body to fight and perform the right way, and no amount of simple sparring can help that. So now Tom, one of the most accomplished American grapplers ever and a BJJ Fanatics favorite, is rolling out his new 4-volume instructional series, Solo And Partner Grappling Drills For Rapid Improvement.

Each volume comes full of useful drills that you can do, anywhere or with anyone, to reach a new level faster than you ever have before. These are great movement-based exercises that you can use to warm up, flow roll, or do on your own time to stay active and engaged on your own. These are many of the same drills that Tom uses at his own academy, where he has trained such phenoms as Gordon Ryan and Garry Tonon! Start using that warmup time to the fullest by really building those fundamental BJJ habits from the ground up.

These drills are made with a purpose, to teach your body how to connect positions and build those little details that have huge results. Each repetition we do on the mats brings us a little bit closer to perfecting a move, so getting the most out of each rep is huge. With years of experience, Tom walks you through each drill step-by-step, position by position. With activities here for your passing, guard, escapes, and submission attacks, this 4-volume set is a fully functional blueprint to more dynamic movement.
Tom has never once had his guard passed in competition even though he has faced some of the greatest grapplers of his generation. That’s because of hours of working on his fluid guard retention skills, using the same drills that he shows here. It’s a matter of creating space, keeping angles, and getting grips in the right order so that you always have a way to escape. You don’t need any flexibility or athleticism to learn the right way to pummel your legs back in for a butterfly guard, or how to move between single leg x and x guard for all the leg entanglements that are becoming a bigger and bigger part of BJJ. Tom’s half guard series alone is a great addition for anyone who wants to keep the pressure off and play an effective half guard game. Between proper pummeling, defenses to weaves, and ways to start adding in your own attacks, learn and work at your own pace with Tom’s helpful advice.

Sitting Guard Retention by Tom DeBlass

Drills like this are perfect for connecting positions and filling in any gaps in knowledge that some of us get from only working one position at a time. Instead, here Tom shows you how to open up the game and flow around, giving you the little habits that you can start building on your next workout. Something that is definitely worth checking out is the submission transition drills, where you build connections between submissions, so that next time you lock someone into a joint lock or a choke, you can keep your options open if you can’t quite get the tap.

Learning to escape from bad positions is something that so many people overlook, and it’s easy to know why! It’s hard and demoralizing to spend tons of time stuck in a bad position, carrying someone’s weight and pressure on top of you while you struggle to find your escape. Tom is a notorious escape artist, and he shows why with the exercises he has used over the years to train his body. Use your time drilling and building the body awareness that you can rely on the next time your guard gets passed or your back gets taken. See how Tom stays safe from mount, turtle, and even with his back controlled, and then the fundamental movements he is using to make the space he needs to get out.

This is one of the best coaches in the country showing the hidden keys he uses to accelerate his student’s growth! Buy now and you’ll get over two hours of ways to build your body for the most success.

See why Tom DeBlass has one of the most fluid heavyweight ground games around, and why his students are regularly achieving such great success. If you want to increase your mat time and skyrocket your understanding of BJJ, pick up Tom’s “Solo And Partner Grappling Drills For Rapid Improvement”!

So What’s On This Series?

Volume 1 starts out with one of the most important skills to drill, retaining and recovering the guard. Each drill that Tom leads you through is built to improve a level of your defense, starting with your legs framing on the body as they work to pass, then keeping your posture and angle against an aggressive top fighter, before showing how even the big guys like Tom can invert. Tom’s style of inverting across his shoulder instead of his head has kept him healthy and in a lot of matches over the years, so it is definitely worth checking out. Once you can maintain the guard, go a step further and attack by chaining together drills to attack from some of Toms signature positions (including the ashi garami, single leg x, x guard and the butterfly guard). In each one, you can see how he built the movements behind the moves that have brought him such success.

Half guard can be a really dynamic position if you know the right way to fight from there. That means you have to spend the time to learn the right reactions. Tom’s always had a great half guard game, and now you can see why. Learn how to keep your legs free and the pressure off, then find how to feel and create the reactions you can use for sweeps and submissions. Once these attacks, like Tom’s half guard kimura or the sweep right to the ashi garami, are second nature then everything else can open up in turn. Tom transitions back to the top game, showing the passing chains and fundamentals that any great passer must know to be effective (including how he has always been able to work both sides of the body to pass). For anyone looking to pressure and add some force to your top game, there’s a great drill where Tom shows how he has turned his opponent’s triangle choke into his own pass, complete with some nasty details that will keep you in control.

Have you ever gotten stuck on bottom and you just can’t seem to find a way out? Usually that’s because you need to make your own! Do that with these simple and technical escapes that are perfect for warming up and getting ready for a tough fight. Make your reactions to danger automatic and build your escapes the right way, step by step and with a plan. After you know what to do from bottom, learn the simple fundamentals from top that you can improve on to increase your control and hunt for the submission.

Flow rolling can be a really foreign concept to a lot of people, and it takes time to get it right. Still, according to Tom DeBlass, it’s one of the most important things you can do to improve your overall game! It’s that connection between drilling and sparring that lets you build fluidity and timing, pieces that you might not have otherwise. This 4-volume set is intended for you to learn these fundamentals the right way, including the final piece of Tom’s series where he shows you how to put everything together and flow through every position, using the body awareness and skills he has shown. Watch and see what you can accomplish when you have spent the time and built these base skills up!

Half Guard Drag To Spartan Kick Drill
Single X / Outside Ashi/ Full X Drill


Tom starts in a traditional outside ashi position, one of the most dominant leg lock positions.


Tom has switched the leg entanglement to a modified X guard, his is now threatening the foot with his dominant hand.


Tom has switched to a traditional ashi garami or single leg x, the key is to learn how to smoothly maneuver your way from one leg entanglement to another


Back to where he started, Tom has found his way into the traditional outside ashi position yet again on his non dominant hand
What Exactly Will You Get?

So What Does It All Cost?

Well, that depends, what is it worth to learn drills that will help you in every aspect of your Jiu Jitsu?

What would you pay Tom for a set of private lessons where he divulges all of the drills that helped him shape such a successful career?

Get Tom DeBlass – Solo and Partner Grappling Drills for Rapid Improvement download

Here’s What You’ll Get in Solo and Partner Grappling Drills for Rapid Improvement

Screen Recording 2021-01-19 at AM


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