Vera Mirna – Transcending Health And Money Fears


Vera Mirna – Transcending Health And Money Fears

Vera Mirna - Transcending Health And Money Fears

Vera Mirna – Transcending Health And Money Fears

Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $35.00.

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Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $35.00.

(This course is available for immediate delivery) Does it feel like everything that happens is outside of your control and you’re powerless to manifest anything different?

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Vera Mirna – Transcending Health And Money Fears

Vera Mirna - Transcending Health And Money Fears

How to (Ethically) Profit From Anything (No Matter What)
Uplevel your Divine Immunity to be able to receive Magical Divine Intervention and Healing as Fast and Fun as Possible!

Are you in full panic mode about your current health and money situation?
Does it feel like everything that happens is outside of your control and you’re powerless to manifest anything different?
Does it seem impossible for things to improve any time soon?

The world is changing at an alarming rate.

It’s “sink or swim” time as many shadow energies and blocks are coming to the surface to receive healing. (Ignoring the energies will only create more overwhelm and create a negative feedback loop.)

Doing nothing is a death sentence! It’s time to adapt!

Never before has it been so critical to make the powerful CHOICE to not just survive, but to THRIVE.
What if RIGHT NOW you could easily …

Become immune to mass anxiety, fear and overwhelm
Finally have financial freedom
Become unstoppable, unshakeable and invincible
Create infinite health, wealth, prosperity and abundance
Have deeper intuition and clarity
Experience infinite and constant miracles and blessings

“An opportunity came onto my radar quickly and I was offered the position immediately”

Get Vera Mirna – Transcending Health And Money Fears download

“I have a win-in-progress to report and also do some clearings around. I was offered a full-time contract with benefits that is scheduled to start on Monday. The opportunity came onto my radar quickly and I was offered the position immediately after I successfully completed a writing test. I’m sure that it’s part of the core money booster we are working with and I am so grateful. Like my last long-term, enterprise client, this is an opportunity to shine light and healing out into the businesses around the world with digital communications.”

~ C.M.

“I’ve been offered a position in an area I’ve wanted to try for ages”

“So this I’m considering a huge win. I’ve been offered a position in an area I’ve wanted to try for ages. In an environment I use to work. I’m very excited that by end of April I should have signed the paper work and be leaving my current role. I will get free Accommodation and a pay rise.”

~ Samantha

“With the money me and my bro have made during the past few weeks, we are ok even if everything shut down for a month”

“We are in the process of shutdown. Most places where more than 3-5 people can gather together are now closed. I am happy and I do feel lucky that with the money me and my bro have made during the past few weeks, we are ok even if everything shut down for a month. We have bought enough food and supplies to last for at least a month.”

~ Marisa

“Got an unexpected deposit of $40,335 in my account – And its all Mine!!”

“I really feel that I am not good at inventing my own EBH, but I have done all the clearings here and listened to the mp3s and really shifted energy! So much energy that I feel sore this morning. Wow! I think I could go for the easy bit! What I really wanted to share is that I freaked out because I checked my bank account and found that someone had deposited the equivalent of $40,335.54 onto the account! I could not believe it! Thought there was some mistake and I would have to pay it all back, was very uncomfortable. It turns out it’s mine!!!! So thank you all! Thank you, Vera This is amazing”

~ H.S.

“Got a project opportunity worth $100K!!”

“Upon my silent clearing with Vera – I felt that a few things have shifted namely old friends whom I haven’t heard from for years got in touch out of the blue, people are nicer to me in general, I was resolutely calmer when dealing with my “angry” Ex and a project opportunity worth usd 100k fell on my lap! …”

~ S.H.
Introducing …

Transcending Health and Money Fears: Claim Your Infinite Abundance Blueprint

Here is the thing …

Deep down, you know as an infinite being, it’s your Divine right to command and demand God/Source/Universe to bring you all your heart’s desires. You KNOW you were meant for greater things. You KNOW creating Heaven on Earth is something your soul has asked you to take action on and create.

Yet everywhere you look, people are suffering. The news is oversaturated with pain, agony, and lower vibrations. So many people seem to be stuck and at the end of the rope.

You may be experiencing your own inner conflict.
Are these the thoughts that are racing through your head right now?

How can I possibly ask for more from God/Source/Universe when everyone else is going through so much more than me?
How can I even think about asking people to pay me for my services with the current state of the world?
What right do I have to live my dream life when everyone else is in so much pain?

If you’ve been in survival mode for a long time, then the people that always thrive no matter what aren’t even showing up on your radar. It might sound like a fairy tale, a fantasy, a fluke.

Yet there are tons of people that are currently thriving and are searching for beautiful souls like you with your unique skill set. These are the people that are ready to invest in you, your products, and services, and have more than enough money and abundance to go around. These are the people that feel like they win the lottery every time you offer your gifts to the world. These are the people that are ready to honor your worth and respect the energy exchange.

Are you ready to step up and answer the call and receive the amazing life you were meant for?

This is your invitation to choose to be part of the elite group of beings that always thrive in any situation, no matter what. (Ethically, of course!)
Why Vera Mirna Package Is Unique

Even in the current global situation, Vera continues to recieve daily reports of wins from her clients that are using the tools.

They are still having lottery wins, reporting unexpected financial windfalls, making huge profits on the stock market, are being gifted things (including money) from loved ones, clients, and strangers, have been given extra hours and shifts at work, and others are reporting being hired for new jobs and projects.

They have evidence on a daily basis that God/Source/Universe is unconditionally supporting them through an infinite number of channels.

The state of the world hasn’t stopped them. It can’t stop you, either.

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