Vladimir Makulov – Neurocode (2024) (Russian with English Subtitles)

Vladimir Makulov – Neurocode (2024) (Russian with English Subtitles)

Vladimir Makulov - Neurocode (2024) (Russian with English Subtitles)

Vladimir Makulov – Neurocode (2024) (Russian with English Subtitles)


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Understanding the power of words and emotional intelligence to attract customers and generate wealth.

File Size: 10.512 GB.

Format File: 12 MP4, 12 SRT, 1 PDF.

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Vladimir Makulov – Neurocode (2024) (Russian with English Subtitles)

Vladimir Makulov - Neurocode (2024) (Russian with English Subtitles)

Unlocking Prosperity: The Art of Attracting Customers and Wealth

Have you ever read a story or joke that made you laugh or cry? That’s the power of words. Words arranged in a specific sequence create a neurocode in your mind, evoking strong emotional responses. It’s not just about the words themselves, but how they are structured to connect with your psyche.

The same principle applies to sales. When you craft an offer for your product or service, you’re creating a neurocode that triggers emotions in your potential customers. This emotional response plays a crucial role in how they perceive your offer and, ultimately, whether they choose to buy.

If you’re in a positive emotional state, the process of selling becomes much easier. This is the foundation of this training: understanding the power of words and emotional intelligence to attract customers and generate wealth. Even though it is possible to sell through negative emotions, we will focus on creating positive, engaging offers that truly resonate.

Program Overview

This program will equip you with the tools to unlock your full potential in attracting customers and creating wealth:

  • Training in the β€œHadron Collider” Methodology for Solving Psycho-Emotional Needs

Learn to apply the powerful β€œHadron Collider” methodology, which helps resolve psycho-emotional challenges that can block personal and professional success. Master techniques that create emotional alignment with your goals.

  • A New Script of the Methodology with Additions and Clarifications

Gain access to an updated version of the Hadron Collider methodology, now with enhanced scripts designed to sharpen your approach and improve your outcomes in sales and client attraction.

  • Strategies for Overcoming Money Blocks, Dead Ends, and the Sense of Emptiness

Explore powerful strategies to identify and break through money blocks, limiting beliefs, and feelings of emptiness that may hinder your financial growth and success.

Who Will Benefit?

  • Entrepreneurs and Business Owners looking to attract more customers and increase profits.
  • Sales Professionals who want to refine their techniques and connect better with potential clients.
  • Coaches and Consultants seeking to help clients overcome emotional and financial barriers.
  • Anyone looking to create a mindset that attracts wealth and abundance in their life.

Unlock the full potential of your words, emotions, and sales strategies. Master the art of attracting customers and wealth by understanding the emotional triggers that drive purchasing decisions. Learn how to clear mental barriers and create offers that speak directly to the needs and desires of your audience.


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