Zarak – Advertorial Mastery


Zarak – Advertorial Mastery

Zarak - Advertorial Mastery

Zarak – Advertorial Mastery

Original price was: $597.00.Current price is: $59.00.

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Original price was: $597.00.Current price is: $59.00.

Cold traffic is the most lucrative skill in online business. And it’s the only way to make BIG money FAST in this space.

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Zarak – Advertorial Mastery

Zarak - Advertorial Mastery

A-List Copywriter Reveals His 8 Figure β€œPlug n Play” Templates That Can Scale Any DTC Offer On Cold Traffic In 2024
These templates are so powerful that your leads will be ready to buy before they even hit your sales page…
PLUS: Discover the easiest way to convert cold traffic profitably in 2024


Cold traffic is the most lucrative skill in online business.
And it’s the only way to make BIG money FAST in this space.
The reason is simple.
A profitable cold traffic campaign allows you to acquire NEW customers at scale.
And if you crack cold traffic profitably…
Your business (or your clients business) will start to act a bit like a broken slot machine.
You put $1 in, and get $2 out.
So why doesn’t everyone crack cold traffic profitably?
Because they don’t know how to.
They think you have to be an A-list copywriter like me to do it.
But that couldn’t be further from the truth.
That’s why most DTC brands and copywriters struggle to write cold traffic funnels that scale profitably.
Because you don’t know where to start.
You spend thousands of your hard-earned dollars on ad campaigns that barely break even…
And then you throw in the towel and stick to using β€˜viral tik tok marketing’ to get sporadic, unpredictable sales.
My clients were facing the same thing last year.
They couldn’t convert cold traffic if their life depended on it…


Until we made one simple change to their funnel that turned all of the β€˜cold traffic’ into HUNGRY BUYERS before they even hit the sales page.

That’s why I wrote this presentation. 

To tell you what that one simple change is…
Show you proof that it works…
And then teach you how to use it yourself.
So keep reading.
Because I’m going to show you how you can…
  • Make hundreds of thousands, even MILLIONS of dollars as a copywriter byΒ helping your clients tackle the most important part of their business:Β scaling profitably!
  • Lower your cost-per-acquisitionΒ and BLOW your competition out of the water, even if they try to rip your funnels.
  • TheΒ one simple changeΒ you can make to your cold traffic funnel in the next 15 minutes for an INSTANT boost in conversions (HINT: it’s nothing to do with your offer, or sales page)!
  • ​SIX β€˜fill in the blank’ cold traffic templatesΒ that you can implement today and make INSTANT profit!
  • ​Learn how to take homeΒ $5,000 – $10,000 per MONTH as a beginner copywriterΒ by writing cold traffic funnels for eCom brands.
  • ​Increase your conversion rate at LEAST 3x by using a simpleΒ β€˜in-between’ pageΒ on your cold traffic funnels!
  • ​Predictably write winning cold traffic offers with an easy-to-use system that your copywriters can implement TODAY forΒ maximum results.
  • ​Split test your way toΒ 1,000 buyers a day PROFITABLY – how to maintain your profit margin as you increase your ad spend!
  • ​Establish yourself as a legitimate copywriter – because, let’s face it… writing on cold traffic is the TRUE test of your copywriting ability.
  • ​Peek behind the curtainsΒ of the online businesses we all study – lessons from scaling to $12,000,000 per month on COLD TRAFFIC!


Advertorial Mastery.

A comprehensive training program on writing cold traffic funnels that SCALE PROFITABLY in 2024 – suitable for beginner copywriters, eCom operators, and experienced freelancers. 

Over 17 video courses with transcripts and real life examples on:
  • 3 types of advertorialsΒ and how to write them (ALL copywriters should know this)
  • Step by step,Β how to write a cold traffic advertorial funnel from SCRATCH
  • ​The #1Β CARDINAL SINΒ of split testing – mess this up and your cold traffic campaign will never succeed (common mistake!)
  • Why advertorials beat regular ads – find out why your customers will spend more $$$Β after reading your advertorial
  • ​Rookie mistakes to avoid when writing cold traffic advertorials (DO NOT try clickbait)
  • ​How aΒ subtle changeΒ to the top of your landing page can double your conversion rates without changing anything else
  • ​20+ Chat-GPT prompts toΒ write winning advertorials in HALF the timeΒ so you can test offers FASTER than your competition
  • ​TheΒ secret to using IMAGES in your advertorials toΒ pre-sell your customers before they even read your sales pitch
  • ​The specialΒ headline formula used by A-list copywritersΒ to write profitable cold traffic offers
  • ​Why mostΒ copywriters FAIL at writing advertorialsΒ on cold traffic (they don’t even know what works!)
  • ​How to make thousands of dollars byΒ pitching eCom brands on advertorial funnels – with cold email scripts included

And today, I’m giving you exclusive access.

Like I mentioned before… 

Me and my team produced 300+ advertorial funnels in 2023 alone.
And we’ll write A LOT more this year.
We are literally the best people to learn from when it comes to advertorial funnels…
And that’s simply because we write more.
That’s the difference between us and the other β€˜direct response gurus’ in the space who JUST found out what an advertorial is.
We put in A LOT MORE reps.
Who would you rather learn from?
The guy who’s done it a thousand times?
Or the guy who found out about it last week, and repackaged information from ANOTHER guru into his own course to sell you?
Or, put differently:
Would you rather have Cristiano Ronaldo teach you how to play soccer?
Or a random homeless man off the street?
It’s the same thing here.
When it comes to writing advertorials…
Me and my team are like Ronaldo.
I can almost guarantee that nobody has put in more reps than me and my team.
But don’t just take my word for it…
Here’s what some of my friends said when I gave them early access to the program:

β€œZarak has wrote a ton of funnels for us. But having this to teach my own team how to do it has been a game changer. Easily the most valuable info a DTC brand could have. Will completely change the trajectory of anyone who takes advantage of it.”

– Aman, 8 Figure Brand Owner
β€œZarak’s already helped me add multi 5-figures/mo in profit over the last little bit. This helped me add ANOTHER $10K the first month I implemented it.”
– Griffin, one of the few 1-1 students I’ve ever taken on
β€œLiterally just doubled my profit after implementing this on one of my offers. Should be worth $10KΒ  a day minimum.”
– AJ, 7-Figure Super Affiliate
By now you’re probably thinking…

How much is it?

When I told one of my eCom friends that I’m launching this program, he told me I need to charge WAY more than what I am. 

Something like $1997.
When you think about it…
It makes sense.
As a copywriter, you could literally charge $2,000 for some advertorials and just follow our step-by-step instructions. You would make an instant ROI.
As an offer owner, you could just implement the teachings and make hundreds of thousands, even MILLIONS of dollars like many of my clients have done. You would make an instant ROI.
But I’m not going to charge you $1997.
I’m going to offer you Advertorial Mastery at a price that is literally STUPID – for me.
If you read my daily emails, you’ll know that I’m a big fan of UNDER PROMISING and OVER DELIVERING.
And trust me…
I’ve severely underpromised in this sales letter.
I also know that when you go through Advertorial Mastery…
Implement it for your own offer or clients…
And instantly ROI on the downright STUPID price…
You’ll thank me and come back to buy more of my programs.
In fact, you’re probably SOLD on buying the program already.
And I haven’t even told you the price, OR revealed the modules.
So let’s start with the latter.

With Over 3.5 Hours Of Lessons…

Here’s Everything You Get When You Buy Advertorial Mastery:

Module #1: Advertorials Overview

  • What is an advertorial?
  • When should you use them?
  • Why are advertorials important in 2024?
  • ​How can you use them to make $$$?

Module #2: How To Write Advertorials

  • How to structure an advertorial (step by step with bullet points)
  • The 3 different types of advertorials
  • How to use story-telling in an advertorial (trigger your customers emotions)
  • The A-Z on informational advertorial (news style)
  • ​Providing value in your advertorials (blog posts disguised as sales letters)
  • ​Everything you need to know about headlines & images

Module #3: Split Test Your Way To 1000 Buyers A Day

  • Mindset toward cold traffic metrics – what are you measuring, and why are you measuring it?
  • Why click thru rate (CTR) doesn’t matter
  • How to actually split test for guaranteed success (doing this right makes it IMPOSSIBLE to fail)
  • 20+ different split test you can run on the FRONT-END (do this with your Facebook ads, advertorial page, sales page, and checkout page)
  • ​20+ different split tests you can run on the BACK-END (do this with your up-sells, cross-sells, down-sells and thank you page)

Module #4: AI Prompts & Writing Advertorials LIVE

  • Over 20 AI prompts to write advertorials on auto-pilot
  • How to use Chat-GPT to write advertorials FASTER
  • Writing a story based advertorial LIVE using AI (and copy-chiefing it until its ready to go live!)
  • Writing a value based advertorial LIVE using AI (and copy-chiefing it until its ready to go live!)
  • ​Writing an information based advertorial LIVE using AI (and copy-chiefing it until its ready to go live!)

Advertorial Copywriting is the MOST lucrative skill in the DTC space right now… and you’re just one click away from mastering it.Β 


Get Digital Download ” Zarak – Advertorial Mastery ” Right Now!


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