Sonia Choquette – Your Psychic Pathway

Sonia Choquette – Your Psychic Pathway

Sonia Choquette – Your Psychic Pathway

Sonia Choquette – Your Psychic Pathway


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As you begin to awaken your psychic sense, it is helpful to recognize how naturally psychic you already are. For too long, most of us have tuned out the psychic gifts that are our birthright. And, as a result, we take wrong turns, miss important opportunities, or deny the all-knowing voice that urges us to move in new directions.

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Sonia Choquette - Your Psychic Pathway

Sonia Choquette – Your Psychic Pathway

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Reawaken the voice of your soul with Your Psychic Pathway.

All people are endowed with an amazing psychic ability. This natural gift can give us the power to expand our awareness, reconnect to our Higher Intelligence, and discover a personal pathway to our souls.

Leading spiritual teacher Sonia Choquette has created Your Psychic Pathway: Listening to the Guiding Wisdom of Your Soul, which contains clear, inspiring, and practical guidelines for tapping the psychic powers within you.

As you begin to awaken your psychic sense, it is helpful to recognize how naturally psychic you already are. For too long, most of us have tuned out the psychic gifts that are our birthright. And, as a result, we take wrong turns, miss important opportunities, or deny the all-knowing voice that urges us to move in new directions.

In this visionary and energizing program, Sonia Choquette will show you how to reclaim the greatest personal power of all – the power to choose wisely and reap the rewards of a life lived with direction from a higher knowledge.

Your Psychic Pathway will give you the tools to:

  • Discover that you are psychic (even if you think you aren’t).
  • Honor your inner voice in making appropriate and clear decisions.
  • Avoid conflict through meditation and enhanced self-awareness.
  • Act on your instincts by keeping a psychic journal of coincidences and synchronicities.
  • Clear away negativity for greater clarity and purpose.
  • Understand how to deal effectively with other people.
  • Use psychic tools like the pendulum, automatic writing, and psychometry.

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