BrainSpeak – BrainStorm Subliminals – Creativity


BrainSpeak – BrainStorm Subliminals – Creativity

BrainSpeak - BrainStorm Subliminals - Creativity

BrainSpeak – BrainStorm Subliminals – Creativity

Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $14.00.

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Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $14.00.

(This course is available for immediate delivery!)For many, being “stuck” simply means they have not been trained to unleash the power of the creative process on the obstacles they face. Recognizing and celebrating that powerful ability is the first step in discovering your true potential and the joy of true personal transformation.File Size:199.86 MB Format File: 2 MP3 + 2 FLAC, documents – 2 PDF

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BrainSpeak – BrainStorm Subliminals – Creativity

BrainSpeak - BrainStorm Subliminals - Creativity

BrainStorm Creativity

To Stimulate New Original Thought and Access Unconscious Resources and Potential.

BrainStorm Creativity

There lies within each of us a quality, which, when nourished and guided, can lift us above our belief about ‘what is possible.’

That quality isΒ Creativity.

Creativity – The Basis of Genius…

Creativity is thinking the impossible, and thenΒ daring to achieve what no one else has done before, and discovering completely new horizons. Stifling the creative mind robs us of our problem-solving ability and frustrates the natural drive to grow within ourselves and expand the world around us.

For many, being “stuck” simply means they have not been trained to unleash the power of the creative process on the obstacles they face. Recognizing and celebrating that powerful ability is the first step in discovering your true potential and the joy of true personal transformation.

Here’s What You Get…

BrainStorm titles are our most popular programs because of their effectiveness and affordability!

  • One track of our proprietary sound patterns with inaudible affirmations
  • One track of the powerful silent subliminal affirmations (no distracting background sounds)
  • Affirmation script is included

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