Clearing Blocks to Being Authentic in Relationship


Clearing Blocks to Being Authentic in Relationship

Mindvalley – Christie Marie Sheldon – Unlimited Abundance Live

Clearing Blocks to Being Authentic in Relationship


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It’s a liberating, exhilarating and life-changing process. I’ll explain more later but… here are 24 Abundance Blocks that we’ll be covering in these 12 LIVE sessions.

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Mindvalley - Christie Marie Sheldon - Unlimited Abundance LiveMindvalley – Christie Marie Sheldon – Unlimited Abundance Live

Introducing… A Unique Opportunity To Turn Yourself Into A Wealth-Magnet — The Unlimited Abundance LIVE Group Coaching Program

YES!… I’m Offering A Brand New Experiential Group Coaching Program To Get Your 24 Abundance Blocks Removed – Permanently

The Unlimited Abundance LIVE Journey program is a 12-month comprehensive abundance-blocks clearing program. It consists of 12 laser-targeted sessions where I dive deep into your energy and “scan” for any ABUNDANCE BLOCKS that are occupying your energy field. Once I “detect” them, I’ll use my tools and techniques to wipe them out clean one after the other.

Get Clearing Blocks to Being Authentic in Relationship at the Course Farm

What’s even better is the fact that you’ll not be alone. These are GROUP sessions. l’ll be tapping into the collective energy fields and raise all the positive Abundance Energy and systematically eliminate all negative “blocks” on the group’s Abundance Energy.

It’s a liberating, exhilarating and life-changing process. I’ll explain more later but… here are 24 Abundance Blocks that we’ll be covering in these 12 LIVE sessions.

Here Are The 24 Abundance Blocks What Are Holding Back 99% of Entire Population

Abundance Block 1 : Clearing Resistance

Jump start your journey into abundance with a three step system to open your energy fields and begin the clearing process. Highlights include:

  • Energy 101 – wondering what exactly is energy? Learn what it is and the different ways how you might feel it.
  • Autopilot Breakdown – identify the ‘lies’ you have learned in life about money and abundance, so you can start breaking down the subconscious patterns towards wealth that are holding you back.
  • Light Absorption – learn how to connect yourself to the light; this exercise will help you open up your energetic fields, allowing the energy to flow powerfully through your system during the clearing process.

Abundance Block 2 : Clearing doubt and fear

Step into the driver’s seat by tuning into your energetic frequencies – allowing you full control in manifesting your abundance. Highlight include:

  • The 4 types of Energy – understand the different energies and how to tune into them; so you can tap into the right one at the right time.
  • “Cross Purposes” – do you ever find yourself worrying about not being good / smart / creative enough? Nip those worries in the bud by learning how to eliminate the blockages causing doubt and self neglect.
  • Alignment to Universal Power – learn the energy statements that will clear out the cross purposes blocking your ability to manifest what you want. With these niggling doubts out of the picture, you’re free to start effortlessly achieving anything you desire.

Abundance Block 3 : Clearing the fear of change

Start eliminating the energies cluttering your system – it’s time for a fresh start, making space for abundance energies to flow in. Highlights include:

  • Learning to Let Go – start overcoming subconscious fear of change. It sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s surprising how deep rooted this fear can be without you being aware of it. When you embrace change on all levels, you release yourself from beliefs holding back your abundance.
  • Weeding the Roots – identify your 3 big stumbling blocks to change, including the issues you are avoiding and those keeping you disconnected from source. Identifying your root energy blocks early will give you instant relief from the heaviest energies blocking your abundance.
  • Spring Cleaning – clear the root energy blocks that are holding you back from positive change. The same way you might get the don a pair of rubber gloves and set to work on your home, this allows you to ‘clear all the underlying junk’ for a fresh start.

Abundance Block 4 : Clearing money zapping decisions

Avoid choices that drain your abundance – lift up and enter your Growth Cycle, the state of being that allows you to live life at your optimum level. Highlights include:

  • Vibrating Reality – be guided through the impact of living only the energies and vibrations that you wish to be in the future, enabling you to vibrate at the optimum frequency to attract abundance.
  • “What would it take” Technique – after clearing out the energy that isn’t flowing the way you need, this exercise will fill you up with the good stuff – light, loving, grateful energy.
  • MoJo Motor – Open up your ‘Growth Unrealized’ energy field to let new ideas, creativity and inspiration start flowing in.

Abundance Block 5 : Clearing fear of growth

Begin sowing the seeds to grow your abundance. Like an acorn carefully planted and watered will transform into an oak tree, your wealth will develop the same way. Highlights include:

  • Green Buds Meditation – a guided meditation that will reveal how your wealth garden is growing now and what your future garden has in store. This one is exciting!
  • Three Plot Tending – figure out what seeds you want to plant and nurture in your future garden, focusing on 3 specific plots: Life, Love and Money.
  • Bountiful Bloom Technique – learn a method that you can use to fill your garden up with love, light, abundance and the future you want.

Abundance Block 6 : Clearing fear of success

Become a landscape gardener for your own abundance. Identify how you want your garden to evolve and flourish into a space that makes you joyful. Highlights include:

  • Expanding your plot – learn the connection between your garden and your Vision Board so you’re equipped with the tools to cultivate your ideal life.
  • Enter the Secret Garden – gain an understanding of what true life purpose really is – unlocking the key to what makes you happy.
  • Spirituality gardening – understand the connection between your spirituality and source garden plot, with steps allowing you to evolve your spirituality and connection to divine right service.

Abundance Block 7 : Clearing fear of rejection

Take hold of the tools that allow you to shape, grow and cultivate your own wealth in any direction you can imagine. Highlights include:

  • Jail Break-Out – energy statements that will help you clear the baggage of the day so you can break liberate yourself from your old restrictions and be free to make new meaningful connections.
  • The study of Self Expression – learn how to make your mark in the world in the way you want, and be perceived as who you want to be.
  • Fertilizing Relationship Plots – rip up the weeds, dig up the plot, plant some seeds and fertilize your relationship garden. Whether it be lovers, family or colleagues – identify the relationships that bring you profit and those that suck energy away from you.

Abundance Block 8 : Clearing fear of numbers

Get to the exact place you’ve always dreamed of, where you live life in the way you love. Highlights include:

  • Intuitive Connection – a mini meditation to check in with your wealth garden, allowing you to see what’s changed during the last 3 sessions.
  • Your Magic Number – figure out the number, or amount of money, you want to live the life you’ve been dreaming of.
  • Planting the Beanstalk – your magic number is within your grasp (no matter how big!) – start mapping out the steps you need to take to achieve it.

Get Clearing Blocks to Being Authentic in Relationship at the Course Farm

Abundance Block 9 : Clearing indecision

Eliminate common obstacles along the way by adopting key techniques that increase your capacity for abundance:

  • Living from Choice – discover if you are living from choice or living from reaction, and the implications of both on your abundance.
  • Beating Overwhelm – when manifesting so much abundance, it’s normal to feel a bit overwhelmed. So here we’ll work on your plan of actions to relieve you from this. With a clear plan in place, you can relax knowing that all your goals are achievable with specific action steps.
  • Speed Manifesting – speed up the smooth sailing by learning the two different ways to manifest your plan, allowing you to breeze through the action steps to achieve your goals quickly and effortlessly.

Abundance Block 10 : Clearing feeling stuck

Make sure you’re actually living what you value in your daily life. Many of us don’t, even though we think we do. Highlights include:

  • Blasting ‘stuckness’ – clear out all remaining energy blocks with a quick but deep guided clearing. This keeps the energy of change flowing strong so you stay on track whilst manifesting your abundance goals.
  • Value Alignment – work on the unconscious programming that causes you to live life out of alignment with your values. For example, maybe you value your free time but you’re working 80 hours a week. Can you see how those stories don’t really match?
  • Values within Manifesting – assess whether you hold loving energy towards manifesting abundance, and clear any blocks you might have surround this so you can manifest the life of your dreams.

Abundance Block 11 : Getting clear on your values

Work on matching the vibrational alignment of what you truly desire so you can get to your destination faster. Highlights include:

  • Creating a Pathway – identify the values you want to be living and map out the steps towards it. By creating your pathway, you are actively flowing your energy along this route.
  • Shifting the Junk – as you create your path, you’ll encounter blockages getting in your way. We’ll get all that junk, the stuff that blocks you, cleared so you can walk right down that path you created to what to want and value.

Abundance Block 12 : Getting clear on the future

Stop the crazy cycles of stopping yourself before you even get started. Highlights include:

  • Shadow Blasting – learn the power of getting over things, so you can live easily instead of always standing in the shadow of life’s problem.
  • The Psychic You – tap into your own psychic abilities and get the tools for perceiving your own future. Being in tune with who you really are, combined with the power of foresight, is a deadly weapon against blockages holding back your abundance.

Abundance Block 13 : Clear clutter

Imagine a new future where you can see through the messiness that life throws at us to really see what to do. Highlights include:

  • Take on Clutter – your life is cluttered with hundreds of options; find out if your cluttered life, messy finances, full e-mail inbox and emotional clutter is affecting your manifestations so you can TAKE ACTION against it.
  • Freedom Release – learn de-cluttering techniques and begin releasing and clearing the binds that clutter your finances, emotions and life. Feel the weight melt off your shoulders!

Abundance Block 14 : Clear family blocks

Ready for the big leap? Cover the places where you are blocked in making the connection to your happiest future reality. Highlights include:

  • The Waiting Game – overcome some of the most common blocks to dreaming big, like the waiting for your happiness to come to you on the horizon BEFORE you take action to get it.
  • Particle Flowdom – clear the reasons why your particle flow is slow and get your body’s energy on board with your big dreams, as powerful energy is the key to personal freedom, financial freedom, the freedom to share your love and your life.
  • Forget Normal – get to the truth behind ‘weirdness’ so you can live a life entirely free and on your own terms. By the end you’ll be saying, “Why be normal?”

Abundance Block 15 : Clear blame

Locate the exact patterns and programs that blip you off your life path… then work to crush them. Highlights include:

  • The Blame Game – if you’re placing blame, you’re giving away your power. Analyze why you do that, how you it, and clear the blockage so fault fabrication is a thing of your past.
  • Inner Sabotage – learn the key characteristic you have that bends your reality, plus liberate yourself into empowerment by learning how to uproot the little weed called Shame that can creep up and grow.
  • Secret Energy – money has a secret energy…. learn what this is and how to tap into it to benefit you and your abundance.

Abundance Block 16 : Discover the ultimate you

Allow the perfect you to shine through. Michelangelo said, after looking at a piece of marble, that he envisioned the perfect result or model in his heart before he unleashed it.  You too, have the perfect ‘you’ inside yourself waiting to shine. Highlights include:

  • Energetic Model Self – meet the REAL you; discover the characteristics of your true self and unlock all the skills he / she has.
  • Open Access Technique – learn how to access and open your heart to the new life forming inside you… allowing you to ask your new Energetic Model Self anything you want, and get answers.

Abundance Block 17 : Generate your future self

Establish yourself as an infinite being with infinite potentials ahead, so you can move forwards confidently and powerfully. Highlights include:

  • Vibrational Shift – connect to the light and enter a high energy place, making it easier to manifest your heart’s desires by raising your vibrations to the levels of Love or Above and Unlimited Abundance.
  • Imagine Generator – be guided through the process of using your Imagine Generator to help your Future Self see what incredible things are in store for you.

Abundance Block 18 : Turning Blocks into profits

Investigate the blocks that are convincing you to stay away from opportunities every time they show up. Highlights include:

  • Personal Profit and Loss – start being an accountant with the personal business that is YOU and get a gauge of where you’re excelling and where you need serious work.
  • Number Crushing – learn how knowing the numbers of your financial map can be used to completely crush energy blocks and unlock the bank.
  • Millionaire Make-up – based on where energy blocks lay, see what type of Millionaire you will manifest in your being, one with tons of cash or tons of toys!

Abundance Block 19 : Clearing self sabotage

Destroy those doubts about Secrets and Lies so you can just take empowered action. Highlights include:

  • The Truth Behind Truth – guide your soul to a vibration of truth where you will know for sure that whatever you face in life is authentic, empowering and real for your heart.
  • Karmic Kommand – grab a hold of your karmic debt and learn how you can start reshaping it to pave a more positive path for your future.
  • Debriefed Beliefs – clear beliefs that may have been programmed around Secrets and Lies, and uncover the real gold hiding under feelings of skepticism.

Abundance Block 20 : Clearing lack of self worth

Let the love flow into your life, and learn how the love you received as a child is impacting your current bank account. Highlights include:

  • A Mothers Hug – the biggest impact to your current financial state could go back to when you were hugged as a kid. Learn how love, or lack there of it, from your parent can be influencing you today.
  • Love Gaps – a tool to fill in the empty areas of yourself that we’re lacking love as a child. This technique will turn those voided spaces, into powerful new channels for money to flow.
  • Soul Showering – use source energy to fill your body with love that you may not have been able to receive throughout your life.

Abundance Block 21 : Clearing your financial mess

Stop fearing the potential of messing up and use change as a way to create blessings in life. Highlights include:

  • Facing ‘Messy’ Fears – the fear of “Messing Up” can be blocking energy that is putting you in a negative energy loop. Learn the changes that will allow you to move beyond your “Mess ups” to start experiencing “Bless Ups”.
  • Giveth & Taketh – accessing the prefect balancing point between giving and taking that will open a fire-hose of abundance inside you.
  • ‘Tall Poppy Syndrome’ – find that little person inside and tell it to hit the road. By keeping yourself small to consider other peoples confront zone, you are actually messing things up for yourself and others.

Abundance Block 22 : Clearing financial illusions

Get Clearing Blocks to Being Authentic in Relationship at the Course Farm

Make sure your illusions about money aren’t keeping you from a magical future. Highlights include:

  • The Monetary Magic Show – are you living in a world of monetary illusion? Discover if money matters have been hiding in the dark, and learn how to uncover them for your audience.
  • Investigate your Investments – take a look into your approach to investing, and an easy way to uncover the truth of whether your money is in the right places.
  • Psychic Spending – start spending your money with an eye to the future, and align the outflow of money with future inflows of happiness, riches and fiscal fortitude.

Abundance Block 23 : Clearing the fear of scarcity

Smash away fear of scarcity to regain the flow for receiving and giving energy. Highlights include:

  • Generosity Gifting – explore how the energy of generosity can help you live in a place of ‘enough…’ and start giving the gift of you!
  • Your Vessel of Light – by filling yourself up with light and life, see how abundance and generosity are a simple matter of turning on your inner light switch.

Abundance Block 24 : Clearing blocks to welcoming abundance

Cultivate the talents inside that will let you get paid for just being YOU. Highlights include:

  • Unearth Hidden Talents – dig deep inside yourself to find what hidden talents you’ve been neglecting that could contribute to a higher income and happier days.
    Contribution Corralling – Take the talents you’ve unearthed and find out what new ways you can now contribute to the world
  • Your Money Maxim– finally realize the purpose of money in your life, and see how the combination of income and intention can create powerful results in the world.

12 Months Of LIVE Group Coaching Sessions On Removing These 24 Abundance Blocks — Guaranteed To Change Your Financial Destiny

Our goal in these 12 Unlimited Abundance Group Coaching Sessions is to root out all of these 24 Abundance Blocks (it’s extremely easy for me to spot one in your energy field) and make money a non-issue in your life.

Each coaching session will be LIVE and INTERACTIVE. I’ll be using my gifts to dip into your energy field — the collective group energy – to clear your individual abundance blocks. And you get to ask questions. And you get to share your results with other members of the group. And they get to “monitor” your progress as well.

Here’s why this is important. Each of these 24 abundance blocks are subtle energies. Only highly experienced energy coaches are able to “detect” them. And once detected, you’ll need to clear it not once, not twice… but several times until it is completely non- existent.

As you can see, you can’t do that all by yourself.

By joining me LIVE in these sessions, you’ll be 100% sure that every one of your abundance blocks are “detected” and cleared till non-existent. That’s how you allow your abundant co-creator self to show up. And the Unlimited Abundance Group Coaching Program is your opportunity to making that happen.


In Addition To Getting Rid Of Abundance Blocks, You’ll Also… Learn How To Create NEW Income For Yourself. Easily.


Yes, with my help you’ll be clearing almost all of your abundance blocks. And you’ll start seeing results from the first session itself. Over the years, I’ve seen that happen to each and every one of my clients.

But I’m not stopping there. I’ll also be teaching you how to discover your talents and know your life purpose. And together, we’ll be devising ways you can monetize that so you’ll be getting paid for being YOU. How cool is that?

In fact, the whole thing is a lot easier than you think. (I can’t wait to show you how…)

All by itself, the Unlimited Abundance Group Coaching Program is going to be a game-changer for you… not only in eliminating all your abundance blocks… but also to open up fun new revenue streams that you otherwise wouldn’t have noticed.

I’ve committed so much time, energy and effort to guarantee that you look forward to each of these sessions just as a kid looks forward to tearing open gifts on Christmas morning.

And that’s ONLY the main course ? What if I give you more?

To Help You Get Maximum Results In Shortest Time Possible … I’m Adding These 3 Bonuses

Yes, being the over-deliverer that I am, I’m adding 3 special bonuses for you. These bonuses are the “extra layer” to make sure none of the Abundance Blocks remain hidden in your energy field. All gaps are closed. Basically… I want to guarantee you 100% life-changing results. Nothing less.

That’s why when you join the Unlimited Abundance Group Coaching Program today, you’ll also receive 3 absolutely results-oriented BONUSES. And trust me when I say, these 3 bonuses alone could make a really BIG difference for you.

Here they are…



Personalized Attention From My Team of Expert Coaches (Priceless!)

Yes, just for you as a token of appreciation for being part of my tribe… I’m going to go the extra mile to make sure you get better-than-expected results from this program.

Throughout the 12-months, you’ll be part of a special PRIVATE Facebook group. I’ve created this closed group so you’ll receive personalized answers to whatever questions that may arise during your journey.

You can ask as many questions as you want. Me and my team of expert coaches will help you overcome any hurdles you’re facing.

This is a BONUS as part of the Unlimited Abundance LIVE Group Coaching Program and is not available elsewhere.


The Unlimited Abundance Home Training Program (Value: $399)

Available exclusively on this site, the Unlimited Abundance Home Training Program is a multimedia course for eliminating each of your Abundance Blocks, one after the other.

What you get is a complete collection of audio recordings from each of the 24 energy clearing sessions from the original Unlimited Abundance Program. In each session, you’ll experience a powerful and immersive process that taps into your energetic frequency, accesses your subconscious mind, and liberates you from a specific Abundance Block.

The program is designed to give you the same transformational energy clearing results as experienced by participants of the original Unlimited Abundance Program—but at a fraction of the price, and without being tied to a preset schedule.



2 Profound Healing Sessions To Prepare You Energetically ($197 Value)

Clearing Past Beliefs

Delve into your past relationship with money to identify the origins of your most damaging Abundance Blocks — And pave a future that will allow you to automatically become magnetically attracted to wealth and success.

Highlights of this session include:

Clearing your current negative responses towards money, career and your living environment to reveal an immediate sense of fulfilment and happiness in everything you do, every single day.

Pin-point the first experiences, events and people that influenced your most dominant emotion towards abundance — so you can heal past issues that may be costing you millions of dollars over your life time.

Clearing Fundamental Blocks

While we all have Abundance Blocks, many of us also have blocks in other areas in our lives.

Have you noticed that relationship, health, self-esteem issues — many of these were also programmed into your subconscious at a young age?

In this clearing session, you will learn how to heal these blocks allowing you to manifest fruitful relationships, bullet-proof health, soaring career, unshakeable self-esteem — in short, everything.

Delete your fundamental blocks and start crafting the perfect life you once fantasized about as a child.

Here’s how the 12 Unlimited Abundance LIVE Group Sessions Work


So how does it all work? It’s simple actually.

First, I’ll give you a detailed schedule of the 12-month program complete with date, time and agenda. Every month on the scheduled day, we come together online. I’ll start by reading the group energy field, and balancing it by connecting it to the source energy. Then, I create a sort of mould of the perfect energy template that has already been liberated from the specific Abundance Block we’re targeting.

I further enhance this mould by injecting positive beliefs and attributes into it, before projecting it back onto the group. The result is instant energetic transformation, and since it’s group energy, whenever one block is cleared, the whole group gets cleared of that ONE abundance block.

And the process continues till all abundance blocks are cleared.

It utilizes the principle called the Maharishi Effect — a scientifically documented phenomenon in which large groups of people can more quickly and effectively spark positive change by focusing on a common goal.

After the sessions, you may experience some weird things in your everyday life — some positive and some not so positive. We’ll discuss that and any other things happening in your life in the private Facebook group.

More Than Just Clearing Abundance Blocks… Here’s What You’ll Experience In The Next 12 Months

As I said, I’ll be focussing on more than just clearing abundance blocks. You’ll get to revamp all aspects of your financial life – for good. Just look through the detailed explanation and you’ll see how it’s going to do that or you. Lets dive right in.


Month 1 (September, 2015) – Mom, Dad, And Soul…Who Is Actually In Charge Of Your Money Anyway?

In this session you will find out, who actually controls your money. Remember, in most of my clients, the main issues they have with money at any age started being downloaded into them from birth – 7 years old. This is where the actual money problems are created.

Other highlights include:

  • Find the parental blueprint you have been suffering with.
  • Eliminate your parent’s energy from you.
  • Love your Soul enough to let it start helping you become free from the burdens of life.


Month 2 (October, 2015) – Permission Granted, “Abundance Genie” Activated.

Your “Abundance Genie” grants you your deepest desires.

Other highlights include:

  • Have you ever actually given yourself permission to accept lots of money? Learn how.
  • Stop pretending you cannot access money and abundance. Learn to ask questions and get advice.
  • Loving money is the only way to accept it. Locate the “Love Factor” that unlocks the Abundance flow.


Month 3 (November, 2015) – I Boldly Proclaim To…..!

In this session you will bring out the bolder, more abundant you!

Other highlights include:

  • Find out what personality traits are stopping you from getting abundant!
  • Harness the actual blueprint you came into a body to become.
  • Boldly proclaim who you are and what you are willing to become to make abundance happen.


Month 4 (December, 2015) – Winner, Winner, Winner!

In this session you will create the energy of winning.

Other highlights include:

  • Cultivate the energy of benevolent power.
  • Caring for yourself, means you will allow yourself to make things happen, follow through and persist. Learn this talent.
  • Moving things around creates possibilities. Think of moments when you created powerful conditions to make abundance occcur. What if you could make this your normal reality?


Get Clearing Blocks to Being Authentic in Relationship at the Course Farm

Month 5 (January, 2015) – I Swear I Am Going To….

In this session you will follow through on all the creations you are blocking, stopping, and hijacking.

A lot of clients won’t make changes because they are’s not their personality..they can’t..what will people think…I’m not wired that way..etc. Those obstacles, lies, and stuff are causing unlimited power failure. We clear all these lies and more.

Other highlights include:

  • Stop the big lies you tell yourself about why you can’t, won’t, didn’t, couldn’t, and aren’t getting abundant.
  • Move yourself out of your realities that keep you stopped back in time, moving through life in the same old story.
  • Stop hounding yourself for what you aren’t doing and move into the ease of actually doing it.


Month 6 (February, 2015) – Enterprise: The Business Energy You Refuse To Cultivate.

In this session you live the energy of business. Most people have huge money blocking ideas about business. Businesses are created to generate income. You can choose to allow income in, just like a profitable business.

Other highlights include:

  • Love yourself enough to make all parts of your life profitable.
  • Lose the ego-ic ideas that businesses are for others and you are not a business personality.
  • Live the life you dream of by creating growth factors in all facets of your life, the business you own.


Month 7 (March, 2015) – Talents, Skills, And Forgotten Identities

In this session you will move into the possibility realm by opening up and re-member-ing that you have skills, talents, and abundance as your natural state of being.

Other highlights include:

  • Harness your talents and get paid for being you.
  • Live a life that is so easy and abundant because you are actually ‘doing you’ for a living.
  • Grow into the energy of the talents you stayed away from to keep yourself hidden.


Month 8 (April, 2015) – Possibilities Unlimited

In this session you will move into loving yourself enough to ask for what you actually desire.

Other highlights include:

  • Move into the field of infinite possibilities.
  • Move out of the energy of limits, rules, stops, blocks, and old energy.
  • Harness the real rules for creating a life you love.


Month 9 (May, 2015) – The Truth Will Set You Free

In this session we will create the new “Truth” that creates your new “Reality”. If you are stuck in an old reality and can’t shift it, you’ve bought and sold lies to yourself.

Other highlights include:

  • Stop the lies you have been telling yourself.
  • Locate the beliefs you bought and sold and made real.
  • Live in a different reality…in the new ‘truth’ you tell yourself.


Month 10 (June, 2015) – Moving Up The Ladder

In this session you will re-member that you are an Infinite Being in a body. Would an Infinite Being stay stuck on the bottom step of a ladder?

Other highlights include:

  • We will create an energy of stepping out of the old paradigm and climbing out of your messy abundance issues.
  • Live your dream life by putting your head in the clouds with a clear view of your future.
  • Stop pretending you are not the person you wish to become and move on up!!


Month 11 (July, 2015) – Finding Higher Vibrations In Your Money

Most people stop looking at money like a vibration and instead look at it like this thing they loathe, hate, can’t have and other deep emotions.

Other highlights include:

  • Create the truth of money …that there is plenty to go around.
  • Market yourself as the joyful experience other’s can partake in.
  • Self love makes people love you more. Generate money by being the person people come to get more of you.


Month 12 (August, 2015) – Mind Over Money

Most people won’t actually follow their financial plans. Are you one of them? In this session we will gather all the info from your Higher Self to create a plan that carries you into the next step.

Other highlights include:

  • Learn how to ‘Budge-It” and move the abundance level.
  • Stop pretending you don’t know what to do and actually just do it.
  • Love yourself enough to move into abundance.

6 ways the Unlimited Abundance LIVE Group Clearing Sessions will transform you.

Immersive LIVE energy balancing by connecting to the source energy

This isn’t a home training program. These are LIVE sessions. And you must show up for every 12 of them. As a psychic and a healer, my gift is working with a person’s energy fields—and so during each session, I’ll use a series of techniques that allows me to “sense” your abundance blocks and systematically clear each and every one of them PERMANENTLY.

The result is instant energetic transformation, with little to no effort on your part—and trust me, it will leave your mind and body feeling absolutely rejuvenated. You’ll wear a more positive and richer outlook as you progress through the program.

You’ll get an exclusive selection of my most powerful Energetic tools

Over the years I’ve developed and perfected dozens of Energetic Tools that can easily and quickly spark profound changes in anyone’s energetic frequency. No experience and virtually no effort is required on your part.

The Unlimited Abundance LIVE Group Coaching Program guides you through a handpicked selection of my most effective Energetic Tools for clearing abundance blocks. Bear in mind that these are advanced tools originally designed for expensive personal consultations, which means you won’t find them anywhere else.

From never-before-seen immersive guided meditations to fascinating exercises that dive deep into your subconscious mind, using these Energetic Tools will make you one of the few people in the world to experience the highest possible level of energy healing—and the transformational benefits that come with it.

Best of all, once you learn these tools you’ll be able to practice them by yourself for the rest of your life, and draw on them whenever you need a dose of energy healing.

Intensely Personal & Interactive Group Coaching on removing ABUNDANCE BLOCKS

First and foremost, we’ll be focusing on removing your abundance blocks. We’ll be asking questions — all sorts of questions – to get your abundance blocks to show up in my energy “radar”. And usually after a couple of “right” questions, a bunch of abundance blocks will be lighting up in my energy field.

All I have to do then is to zap them using my tools.

These group sessions are highly interactive and you get to “ping” me during the hour-long group coaching sessions. And I will call you out… I’ll be affectionately calling you out if you remain blocked in your abundance.

That’s not all. I’ll even give you some “playwork” to get you to practice self-clearing with some of my tools… so that you’ll have the tools that you can use whenever you feel like it. So yes, I don’t just give you “fish” but I teach you how to “fish” for yourself too.

Truly transformational results that lasts a lifetime

400 people took part in the original Unlimited Abundance LIVE Journey Program, and a huge majority of them have reported massive positive improvements in their wealth and sense of purpose.

And they keep seeing results for years and years, well after the sessions were over. It’s the same with the clients I’ve worked with over the years. Well, that’s because, once a particular abundance block is cleared, it’s cleared forever. It’s not in your energy field. And you’ll be aware of it so it won’t come back again, ever.

Get Clearing Blocks to Being Authentic in Relationship at the Course Farm

And I’m confident that you’ll experience these results too. The Unlimited Abundance LIVE Group Coaching Program is designed to be easy on you while delivering lasting results. All you need to do is relax as I condition your energy fields for a lifetime of unlimited abundance.

Tons of wealth-creation tips and action steps that you can implement right away

As I said, the Unlimited Abundance LIVE Group Coaching Program does not just clear Abundance Blocks. It clears every one of them PERMANENTLY and shows you how you can start creating new income sources. You’ll learn how to find your gifts in this life, and turn that gifts into talents that you can monetize.

This process is called reinventing YOU. It’s empowering and practical. Even if you have previously “combed” through every possibilities and couldn’t find any new income opportunities, by the end of this new program, you’ll be flooded with new possibilities and new ways to serve the people in this planet.

I believe each and every one of us here in this planet, already have within ourselves the gifts that can enable us to live as abundantly as our heart desire. By the end of this program, you’ll be agreeing with me on that. ?



LIVE group coaching sessions you’ll look forward to

I strongly believe that the more relaxed and happy you are, the better the results you’ll get. That’s why the Unlimited Abundance LIVE Group Coaching Program is designed to be an experience you’ll genuinely enjoy – a highlight of your day instead of a chore.

Plus, you get to give me feedback on your improvements. And when you do, everyone in the group in listening and commenting and will be talking about it. And these will add to the positivity of the group reinforcing your results with strong positive energy.

As I clear your blocks, you’ll feel rushes of positive emotions and sensations coursing through your body and mind (some people describe it as being like a ‘spiritual orgasm’!).

Get Clearing Blocks to Being Authentic in Relationship at the Course Farm

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