CURE TOOTH DECAY – Weston Price Conference 2010


CURE TOOTH DECAY – Weston Price Conference 2010

CURE TOOTH DECAY – Weston Price Conference 2010

CURE TOOTH DECAY – Weston Price Conference 2010

Original price was: $29.90.Current price is: $11.00.

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Original price was: $29.90.Current price is: $11.00.

I immediately felt this book would be perfect to add to the collection of recommended reading materials. Not only was I correct with this initial instinct, but I quickly realized a few pages into Ramiel’s story that this book is about a journey of health in that health is ultimately a way of being in right relationships and being empowered,

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CURE TOOTH DECAY – Weston Price Conference 2010

Lifetime support – Download unlimited when you buy CURE TOOTH DECAY – Weston Price Conference 2010 Course at Course Farm. The market leader in online learning – Offers a variety of diverse topics: Internet Marketing, Forex & Trading, NLP & Hypnosis, SEO – Traffic, …

Seventeen years ago while having my teeth cleaned, I overheard the patient in the adjoining cubicle ask the dentist if there was anything she could do to keep her teeth from decaying. He emphatically stated, “No, there is nothing you can do. Your teeth are soft and are going to continue to decay for the rest of your life.”

I imagine that the woman accepted the authority of the dentist, believing and trusting his training and experience and perhaps now has lost all her teeth and wears dentures. I do not imagine that she embarked on a journey to answer the question for herself, a process that is neither taught nor favorably looked upon because “Doctor knows best.”

Back then, I could not have offered any advice but intuitively I felt there was something that could be done. A few years later, I encountered the incredible research of Dr. Weston Price. “Yes!” I said, “Physical demise and the ensuing suffering are not our fate. There is a way out.”

At the Wise Traditions conference last November, I met Ramiel Nagel and purchased his hot-off-the-press book, Cure Tooth Decay. I had been working as a whole health educator at a biological dentistry practice in Massachusetts for two years, educating new patients about Whole Body DentistryTM and introducing them to the work of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

I immediately felt this book would be perfect to add to the collection of recommended reading materials. Not only was I correct with this initial instinct, but I quickly realized a few pages into Ramiel’s story that this book is about a journey of health in that health is ultimately a way of being in right relationships and being empowered, a journey I encourage all of my patients to embark on.

I incorporated both Ramiel’s personal story and his explanation of tooth decay and dietary suggestions (which flowed perfectly from the story of Weston Price) into my sessions with patients, to encourage them to look for the answers to their own questions concerning their health and wellness and the disease they may be experiencing. I watched patients smile as they “got it.” No one had ever told them that tooth decay is a nutritional problem, and when the truth was presented they immediately grasped it. Cure Tooth Decay is an indispensible book for any holistic practice, medical or dental.

Ramiel’s wake up call occurred when he and his partner Michelle faced rampant tooth decay in their one-year-old daughter. Ramiel wrote on August 18, 2008, “When my daughter’s teeth began rapidly decaying around the age of one I did not know what to do, or to whom to turn. Eventually I resolved to focus my energy and intention on the goal of discovering why her teeth were decaying and how to stop it.

This book is a manifestation of my family’s triumph against dental caries. It brings me great joy every time a parent writes to inform me that their young child who has been suffering from tooth decay, has just been spared costly and painful dental surgery from reading my book. The majority of us can take effective steps to avoid the dentist’s chair and obtain lasting dental health.”

The American Dental Association states that bacteria feed on sugars left on our teeth from eating foods such as milk, raisins, cakes or candy, producing acids that destroy tooth enamel and over time result in tooth decay. By contrast, Cure Tooth Decay introduces us to Weston Price and Melvin Page, dentists whose work helps us understand the true nature of tooth decay.

Dr. Page’s discovery is that tooth decay is the result of a biochemical disturbance of the calcium- phosphorous ratio. This imbalance reverses the flow of nutrients through the three miles per tooth of microscopic dental tubules. When minerals are taken from the tooth, “it is quite possible that the body is sacrificing the minerals in the teeth for use by the vital organs.” “Lack of adequate nutrition causes physical degeneration and tooth decay is the result of physical degeneration.” With this understanding, different dietary choices can be made.

Ramiel evaluates all aspects of possible dental interventions, including root canals, amalgam fillings, fluoride, sealants, whitening, x-rays, conventional vs. biological dentistry and dental visits in general. He mentions that he still has mercury amalgam fillings following the advice of “a wise person who suggested that he not get the fillings replaced”.

One of the biological dentists I work with believes that this is not the best health advice and that all mercury-based fillings and other dental metals such as metal with porcelain or gold crowns should be replaced with less toxic composite or pure porcelain crowns.

I personally like what Ramiel says, “Fillings, regardless of the material used, can block the energy currents in the tooth”. Not everyone gets ill from amalgam fillings nor does their replacement always make people who are ill become well. “Again, this demonstrates how the most ideal solution to cavities is to heal and prevent them with nutrition.”

The gift of Cure Tooth Decay is that it serves as an invitation. It is not a prescription. One could follow all the dietary protocols to the letter but not have the results that Ramiel and his family experienced because they did not make it their own or see the bigger picture of health and disease. “The revealing findings of Dr. Price, along with his telling photographs, bring home the important fact that our modern foods and lifestyle are a primary cause of disease.”

Dr. Price wrote, “One immediately wonders if there is not something in the life-giving vitamins and minerals of the food that builds not only great physical structures within which their souls reside, but builds minds and hearts capable of a higher type of manhood in which the material values of life are made secondary to individual character.”

Lifetime support – Download unlimited when you buy CURE TOOTH DECAY – Weston Price Conference 2010 Course at Course Farm. The market leader in online learning – Offers a variety of diverse topics: Internet Marketing, Forex & Trading, NLP & Hypnosis, SEO – Traffic, …

According to Ramiel, “the law of personal responsibility is vital to obtaining increasing health. I have found that healing cavities is not just about the physical process of substituting nutrient-devoid foods with their nutrient-rich alternatives. It is an opening up to life itself. It is a reaching out and a growing.

It is a small death of the old ways of being. Those who have successfully conquered their decay have embraced the principles of this book and taken it upon themselves to heal. They looked within, trusted themselves, and in some ways acted out of the involuntary consciousness that instructs and guides us. I urge you to tap into this infinite but dormant power. . . I encourage you to take everything I have written in this book as a pointer to your inner knowing and not as a replacement for it.”

How I wish that I could have jumped out of the dental chair seventeen years ago and handed the woman yearning to stop her teeth from decaying a copy of Cure Tooth Decay. I like to believe she would have accepted Ramiel’s invitation and changed her fate. Human beings are not designed to degenerate but to live long healthy lives in wonderment of the universe. Thank you, Ramiel, for Cure Tooth Decay, for helping us on the journey.

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