David Webber – Seeing Clearly v2.0


David Webber – Seeing Clearly v2.0

David Webber – Seeing Clearly v2.0

David Webber – Seeing Clearly v2.0

Original price was: $129.00.Current price is: $39.00.

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Original price was: $129.00.Current price is: $39.00.

The Seeing Clearly video program facilitates the interaction between your brain and nervous system to reduce muscular tension in your eyes, improve movement and focus, and enhance the coordination between your eyes, brain, and body. Format File: 22-MP3, 22 MP4,1-PDF File Size: 743.95 MB

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David Webber – Seeing Clearly v2.0

David Webber – Seeing Clearly v2.0

When uveitis, a form of eye inflammation, struck David Webber, he went to the doctor. Five years and five surgeries later, the specialists gave up hope for a recovery, and David was left to rebuild his life with only a prescription for prednisone to help with the pain. Unable to do very much, David starting taking Feldenkrais lessons. Though at first, it was mostly to get out of the house, the decision started him down a path that would lead him to go from legally blind to 20/20 vision. What David discovered was how to improve his eyes by improving the movement of his body. From this, David created Seeing Clearly, a program designed to help others improve their eyesight, reduce the symptoms of computer vision syndrome and reduce dependence on glasses.
The Seeing Clearly video program facilitates the interaction between your brain and nervous system to reduce muscular tension in your eyes, improve movement and focus, and enhance the coordination between your eyes, brain, and body.
With this program, learn how to calm your nervous system and relax the muscles of your eyes to increase ocular circulation; improve the way your eyes move to look comfortably in all directions and avoid unnecessary strain; direct your eyes with greater precision to focus effectively both near and far; and enhance the coordination between your brain, eyes, and body to improve your 3D vision and balance.

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