Derek Rake – Intrigue Black Book


Derek Rake – Intrigue Black Book

Derek Rake – Intrigue Black Book

Derek Rake – Intrigue Black Book


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  • The four levels of “Ass-Holiness” – discover which level to pick given your situation or relationship status (you MUST know this)
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Derek Rake - Intrigue Black BookDerek Rake – Intrigue Black Book

Lifetime support – Download unlimited when you buy Derek Rake – Intrigue Black Book Course at Course Farm. The market leader in online learning – Offers a variety of diverse topics: Internet Marketing, Forex & Trading, NLP & Hypnosis, SEO – Traffic, …

Arm Yourself With The Most Advanced Intrigue Generation Tactics Ever

  • Three (3) Intrigue Pings you can use in everyday situations
  • Three (3) Intrigue Pings you can use in social environments
  • Three (3) Intrigue Pings you can use in a noisy environment (clubs or bars)
  • The most fundamental principle of Intrigue Generation – “L*** is A***** M***”
  • A secret “hack” that brings your Intrigue Pings to the next level – infuse it with the same principle which powers up Implanted Commands
  • The crucial differences between Shogun Method Intrigue Pings and Pickup Artist “opener routines” or pickup lines
  • The Five Grounding Principles of Intrigue Pings – obey all five and your success is pretty much guaranteed
  • The single most important aspect of the Intrigue stage inside the IRAE Model
  • The art of timing your Intrigue Pings – especially crucial when you’re in a club or bar
  • Why you don’t even need to be a good conversationalist to make a woman intrigued
  • The biggest misconception about the the initial approach – why you don’t NEED to spark instant attraction
  • What if you “screw up” an Intrigue Ping? Follow this no-fail rebound strategy
  • The difference between face-to-face and text/online Intrigue Pings
  • The ONLY valid reason to use Intrigue Pings via text (warning: disobey this rule and you’ll see things go badly quickly!)
  • (ADVANCED) How to use Intrigue Pings to put your target under trance…
  • (ADVANCED) How to infuse your Intrigue Pings with trance-inducing statements, get your target to relax and put her guard down…
  • (ADVANCED) The “L*** M*” Intrigue Ping that subconsciously increase your appeal in her mind – sneaky yet highly effective!


“Asshole Game” works tremendously well no matter if you’ve just met her, or if she’s your girlfriend or wife

  • How to take your Intrigue generation levels to the next level: with the “Asshole Game”
  • The “S*** S** Hypothesis” which explains why assholes are seen to be more sexually attractive than nice guys
  • The “right” kind of asshole to be (Warning! Being the “wrong” kind will pretty much destroy your appeal in her eyes immediately)
  • How to calibrate your “Ass-Holiness” to the woman you’re with for maximum results
  • The four levels of “Ass-Holiness” – discover which level to pick given your situation or relationship status (you MUST know this)
  • Nine (9) case studies with examples and detailed lines you can use immediately
  • Five (5) steps to take to implement “Asshole Game” in your relationship for quick results
  • And more!

BUY THE INTRIGUE BLACK BOOK™ NOW FOR ONLY $59 (and get the “ASSHOLE GAME” program for free)

Lifetime support – Download unlimited when you buy Derek Rake – Intrigue Black Book Course at Course Farm. The market leader in online learning – Offers a variety of diverse topics: Internet Marketing, Forex & Trading, NLP & Hypnosis, SEO – Traffic, …

EXCLUSIVE BONUS: “ASSHOLE GAME” is included in the package. Your purchase is protected by Derek Rake’s standard 60-day money back guarantee.


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