Gary Lam – Wing Chun KkkJng

Gary Lam – Wing Chun KkkJng

Gary Lam – Wing Chun KkkJng

Gary Lam – Wing Chun KkkJng


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Yes, it is possible, but you are much better off with some kind of teacher. Even a friend who is at a higher level than you currently are. Use videos to help you get the extra edge and supplement your existing training.

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Gary Lam - Wing Chun KkkJngGary Lam – Wing Chun KkkJng

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How do I shop and download a Wing Chun DVD?

  • Purchase the DVD
  • Download the MOD app as promoted
  • All DVDs will be playable via the MOD app on your computer.
  • refer to the video to the left for more in-depth training on how to buy a DVD.

How do I play it on my iPad or iPhone?

Please note the video on the left has more in-depth instructions.

  • Open the application or player which is called “MOD Player”
  • On the top right-hand side click “options”
  • Followed by click “copy media to the iOS device.”
  • Then click the graph that says “The first time? Click Here for step by step instructions.”

How Do I give a DVD as a gift?

Please refer to the video to the left for more in-depth instructions.

  • Go to our store
  • When you find the DVD you like, then click on the orange button “give as a gift.”
  • Follow the directions and fill out the form as directed.

Can I access the DVDs on a different computer?  Why Won’t my DVDs play?

  • If you changed videos or are not sure how to play the videos, please review to the top of this page and watch the first video on “how do I download DVDs?”
  • If you have yet download the DVD player app, click here
  • go to the middle of the page where it says “Can I access my digital purchases on a different computer than the one I purchased on? What if my hard drive crashes or I buy a new computer?”
  • Click the purple button for Mac
  • Click the Blue button for PC
  • download and hit install

How long does it take to download a product?

Pretty fast, it really depends on your connection.  Normally it takes me around 10 -15 mins to get wing Chun DVDs going.

What quality are the downloads?

Great! Just as good as the DVD. Just keep in mind if you download a DVD from 1980, it is going to have the same video quality as they had in 1980.

Will I get everything that comes with the DVD?

Yes. The system is set up so you get EVERYTHING that comes with the DVD. For example, if the DVD comes with a book, you’ll get the book in PDF format.

Can I watch my digital purchases even if I’m not connected to the internet?

Yes. All videos must be downloaded to your computer or mobile device.

What if you need more help?

Just contact us! We would be more than happy to answer any support or DVD suggestion questions.

You can also contact the support of the hosting company of the DVDs by emailing: tech support (at)

What is the best Wing Chun DVD?

It really depends on your needs and your current level. You are better off contacting us and asking for a recommendation.

Is it possible to learn Wing Chun at home?

Yes, it is possible, but you are much better off with some kind of teacher. Even a friend who is at a higher level than you currently are. Use videos to help you get the extra edge and supplement your existing training.

Which Wing Chun training DVD should you watch first?

Base it on your needs and what interests you. If you want to learn more about Chi Sao, go ahead and get a Chi Sao DVD. The same goes for any subject. If you are not sure what to watch, we would suggest any of Sifu Robert Chu’s DVDs

Is a Wing Chun instructional DVD the same as a video?

Yes, all videos are downloaded. We don’t actually mail you a DVD, many people simply refer to them as DVDs.

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