Golf:: Jim McLean – The-8-Step-Swing

Golf:: Jim McLean – The-8-Step-Swing

Golf:: Jim McLean – The-8-Step-Swing

Golf:: Jim McLean – The-8-Step-Swing


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Position five is the swinging into the half swing position. Position six is the impact of hitting the ball, all weight should be in the left leg. Position seven is half way through the follow through of the swing. Position eight is the finish position.

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Golf:: Jim McLean - The-8-Step-Swing

Golf:: Jim McLean – The-8-Step-Swing

Jim McLean shows us how to do an eight step swing in this video. You start the swing in the “address” or universal position. The first step is to move the club three feet back from the ball in a uniform motion. Position two is moving the club half way back where the club is pointing down the target line.

Position three is a three quarter golf swing is when your elbows are level and the shaft of the club is pointing into the plane line. Position four is preparing to swing forward.

Position five is the swinging into the half swing position. Position six is the impact of hitting the ball, all weight should be in the left leg. Position seven is half way through the follow through of the swing. Position eight is the finish position.

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