GoodUI DATASTORIES Updated October 2017


GoodUI DATASTORIES Updated October 2017

GoodUI DATASTORIES Updated October 2017

GoodUI DATASTORIES Updated October 2017


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We explored 6 amazing Transitions & ways to increase More Contrast and share with you which ones performed the best.

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GoodUI DATASTORIES Updated October 2017

GoodUI DATASTORIES Updated October 2017

You’ll Receive All Of These Detailed PDF Stories:
JUN 2016
Giving The Best Price Issue Thumbnail
+2.6% Sales
On a Shopping Cart Page
Learn how we optimized a shopping cart with 5 variations with the use of Fewer Form Fields and 3 extra ideas you could test on your own.
MAY 2016
Gradual Reassurance Issue Thumbnail
+20% Sale Starts
On a Home Page
Learn how to use the ideas of Gradual Engagement and Reassurances to score a win. Use of video was challanged with 5 interesting variations.

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APR 2016
Under 5 Days Of Pressure Issue Thumbnail
-4% Purchases
On a Home Page
Learn from a test where sales for a deal site started off well, but then disappeared in a very narrow testing time frame (5 variations).
MAR 2016
A Gradually Engaging Quiz Issue Thumbnail
-14% Signups
On a Home Page
Learn how we became skeptical of a +25% rise to Signups only to see it disappear in a retest. The test explored the idea of gradual engagement.
FEB 2016
Persistence & Iteration For More Signups Issue Thumbnail
+22% Signups
On a Home Page
Learn how we increased Signups by +22% with 8 interesting variations, lots of insights and 4 test iterations.
JAN 2016
Better Than A Modal Popup Issue Thumbnail
+191% Signups
On a Home Page
Learn how we increased Signups by +191% with 4 interesting variations, while challenging the modal popup.
DEC 2015
Six Reassurances For Higher Sales Issue Thumbnail
+17% Paid Accounts
On a Home Page
Learn how we increased Paid Signups by +17% with 4 variations, and a really interesting reassurance based UI layout.
NOV 2015
When Our First Best Wasn’t Enough Issue Thumbnail
+15% Signups
On a Signup Page
In this interesting test we had to try 3 times (and 4 variations) before finding a +15% increase to Signups. Sometimes it pays to try again.
OCT 2015
Improve Now, Measure Later Issue Thumbnail
+33% Signups
On a Signup Funnel
Learn how we increased Account Signups by +33% with a full funnel redesign, while skipping A/B testing in favor of sequential analysis.
SEP 2015
Best Shot For More Signups Issue Thumbnail
+15% Signups
On a Home Page
Learn how we increased Account Signups by +15% with a single best shot variation which surfaced key benefits.
AUG 2015
Customer Reviews In A Sea Of Noise Issue Thumbnail
+7.8% Purchases
On a Home Page
Event Ticket Site
Four customer review variations were tested to increase purchases while dealing with a low effect. Tested ideas included: Social Proof & Authenticity.
JUL 2015
Failures, Retesting And 1 Winning Checkout Issue Thumbnail
+17% Purchases
On a Checkout
Event Ticket Site
We wanted to see if we could lift the purchase rate even more with a series of smaller varations (including Price Illusions & Useful Calculations).
JUN 2015
Some Things Need No Testing Issue Thumbnail
+58% Leads
On a Dashboard
Learn how obvious UI adjustements were separated from uncertainties that were A/B tested (using Smaller Commitments & Loss Aversion).
MAY 2015
Lowest Effort First Issue Thumbnail
+25% Paid Accounts
On a Homepage
Learn about our lowest effort test yet, that made use of Recommending & Reaffirming Freedom. Sometimes all it takes is a link change.

APR 2015
Better Usability, Better Business Issue Thumbnail
+24% Purchases
On a Seat Selection Page
Event Ticket Site
A follow up test to Issue #11, which applied Scarcity and multiple usability improvements to a filtering UI.
MAR 2015
Skeumorphic Checkout Issue Thumbnail
+34% Purchases
On a Checkout Page
Event Ticket Site
This test explored skeumorphism and applied some best practices such as Urgency and One Column Layouts.
FEB 2015
Finding A Winner In Thin Traffic Issue Thumbnail
+46% Purchases
On a E-Book Page
A few weeks into the test it quickly became apparent that we underestimated the traffic. Here is how we dealt with the situation.
JAN 2015
Covering The Basics Issue Thumbnail
+232% Account Signups
On a Home Page
Some landing page basics were applied in this issue, along with gained success from Gradual Engagement.
DEC 2014
May We Have Your Attention? Issue Thumbnail
+31% Email Signups
On a Home Page
We explored 6 amazing Transitions & ways to increase More Contrast and share with you which ones performed the best.
NOV 2014
One Thing Leads To Another Issue Thumbnail
+21% Trial Signups
On a Home Page
Learn from this double page test which used Benefits, Curiosity and Smart Defaults to result in two winning ideas.
OCT 2014
Closing The Checkout Gap Issue Thumbnail
+8% Revenue
On a Plan / Pricing Page
This story shows a 3 test struggle to raise revenue, while finally achieving it by merging the Plan & Checkout pages and Exposing Fields.
SEP 2014
When Words & Forms Collide Issue Thumbnail
+28% Contest Signups
On a Contest Lead Page
Learn how you can apply the idea of Natural Language to help increase the effectiveness of your forms.
AUG 2014
A Push Towards The Better Plan Issue Thumbnail
+48% Purchases
On Plan / Pricing Page
We show you how Anchoring & Price Illusions were applied to lift purchases of the most expensive plan.
JUL 2014
Widening The Funnel Issue Thumbnail
+49% Email Signups
On a Lead Page
Learn how we used Urgency and Repeating Your Primary Action on a double page funnel test to attain a lift.
JUN 2014
Third Time’s A Charm Issue Thumbnail
+12% Trial Signups
On a Home Page
Learn from how we applied three rounds of testing and various data to achieve trustworthy results. We also used Social Proof and Selling Benefits.
MAY 2014
Our Very First Test Issue Thumbnail
+53% Quotes
On a Quoter Page
Insurance Company
We show how you can apply basic form design best practices such as Fewer Form Fields, Bigger Click Areas, and Benefit Buttons.

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