Grace Lever – Course Creation Project


Grace Lever – Course Creation Project

Grace Lever – Course Creation Project

Grace Lever – Course Creation Project


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Grace Lever – Course Creation Project

Grace Lever – Course Creation Project

Finally! You Can Launch Your First Profitable High-Ticket Course in the Next 30 Days For Free…
(And You Can Do It Without Creating One Piece of Content!)

Get Grace Lever – Course Creation Project download

From The Desk Of Grace Lever
Aldgate, South AustraliaDear Lovely Lady,

If you’d like to turn your coaching or consulting into a 5 or even 6-figure course within the next few weeks…
If you’d like to bring in more revenue without more one-on-one clients…
And if you’d like to create a lifelong asset that frees you to enjoy life and spend more time doing what you love…
Then I’m going to gift you my brand-new course – The Course Creation Project – absolutely free, so you can do exactly that ?
Inside this program, I show you the same formula I’ve used to turn my coaching expertise into 21 courses.
Courses that have hosted more than 31,000 students (and generated over $20 million in sales).
Even better…
I show you how to avoid the tech overwhelm using super simple, little-known online tools. 
And along with that…
I reveal my “reverse” selling formula so you can launch your first program WITHOUT creating one piece of content.
That way – you can have everything launched in the next few weeks instead of months or years from now.
I’ll tell you more about how this is possible in a moment, including everything you’re getting in the free program.
But, before I do…
And before I explain why I’m giving you my new program for free…
There are two important things you’ve got to know…
This offer is only available for a the next few days unless sold out prior!
I’m Only Giving Away 200 Spots Inside The Course Creation Project For Free
The reason?
I’m going to throw in some coaching with this offer (more on that in a minute) which limits the amount of people a lot.
I’m only one woman, after all ?
So if you’re interested in turning your coaching or consulting into a 6-figure per year course you’ll have for life…
Then read all the way through this letter right now otherwise next time you visit this page…
The program free spots could be gone!
With that being said…
The second thing you’ve got to know is…
Now is the right time to launch your own course.
I’m glad you asked ?
Here’s Why 2019 Is The Best Time To Launch Your First Course!
Here’s the truth…
In 2019 the E-learning/Course Publishing industry is set to go through record growth…
Currently it’s an industry that’s responsible for over 150 billion in sales…
But come 2023 it’s set to bring in over 240 billion…
That’s over 200x bigger than the coaching industry!
Pretty crazy, right?
It’s a huge jump and that’s why NOW is the time to get your slice of this growth before the market is saturated.
Which is exactly why you’ll love The Course Creation Project…
Using my unique strategies inside the program, I show you how to take advantage of this opportunity big time…
Here’s How The Course Creation Project Is Going to Help You Create Your First Profitable Course…
…That Capitalizes On the 150 Billion+ Course Creation Industry Before it Becomes Saturated with Competition.
And there are 3 distinct strategies we take to help you do that…
Strategies that are different from any other “course creation” program out there…
Step 1: Plan A Course Built From Your “Genius Zone”

What’s your Genius Zone?

Well, it’s your unique passion, skill set, thoughts, ideas and discoveries.
It’s your secret “Superpower” that comes sooo naturally to you…
It’s that thing you do that makes others look at you in awe…
Whether that be… improving relationships… training dogs… parenting… marketing… photography or even home decorating… etc
They wish they had your same super power, and most importantly…
They want to pay you for it.
Specifically because your Genius Zone is a valuable skill that solves a burning problem…
There will be hordes of customers lining up to have you teach it to them… and for a premium fee!
And this is where your new high-ticket course comes in ?
You create a course built on your Genius Zone and because of that…
It’s super easy for you to teach…
It’s super easy to find customers…
And it’s also super easy to charge premium fees!
And what makes the E-Learning/Course Publishing industry so great is that…
Because it’s so big, there are tens of thousands of niches and markets that people are buying courses in…
So whether you’re an expert in…
  •  Life Coaching…
  •  Relationships…
  • Weight Loss…
  •  Parenting…
  •  Golf…
  •  Property…
  •  Sales…
  •  Business…
  •  Music…
  •  Dog Training…
  •  Parenting…
  •  Yoga…
  •  Self-help…
  •  Etc. Etc…
It doesn’t matter.
There’s an audience looking to pay you (and pay you well) for a course that’s built around your Genius Zone.
This strategy has allowed me and my students to launch successful courses across hundreds of markets…
Right from the get-go!
This has given us a recurring income asset for life, and a lifestyle others can only dream of ?
And this is why this is one of the first steps we show you inside The Course Creation Project.
This is the piece that sets you up for success so you can have the same.
Now that you know what type of course you’re going to create comes my second unique (and somewhat controversial) strategy…
Step 2: Sell Your Course First
“Whaaat?! Sell it? That’s sounds crazy Grace! I haven’t even created any content yet!”
I know it sounds crazy.
But it works.
My “Sell-It-Backwards” approach has been my number one secret weapon in course creation…
And has led me to make millions in sales since I discovered it.
In this step you want to map out a basic outline of what you want to sell (AKA: your offer), then you want to go out and sell it!
Most coaches and experts do the opposite…
Because that’s what the ‘gurus’ out there are teaching them.
They sit down for the next 3-12 months…
They slowly create their modules…
And if they finish (which many don’t) they launch and often find… No One Wants Their Course!
Imagine spending 12 months creating a course no one wants?!
Devastating, right?
(Trust me, I’ve been there!)
Which is exactly why I learned to flip this process around…
All you need to launch and sell your course is the first module. 
Then, once people start to buy your course, simply create one module per week making sure you’re always one week ahead of them…
And by the end – you’ve finished your first profitable (and validated) course that you can now sell over and over again for years to come!
It’s controversial…
Even scandalous…
But it works every time, for me, and thousands of other female entrepreneurs. 
And it stops being scary after the first course or two, I promise ?
Follow this simple trick and you’ll be able to launch your first profitable program in the next few weeks instead of months or years like most!
Finally, we go into…
Step 3: Fill Your Course With Excited Students 
And the way we do this is super simple…
You see, the way most do it is to spend a lot of time setting up fancy funnels…
Overwhelming tech…
And complex automations.
Then, if they don’t give up from this time consuming process…
They’re told to spend thousands on advertising filling their course with students!
Why anyone says ‘yes’ to this type of course creation is beyond me.
It’s intimidating…
Time consuming…
And the ‘return’ is so risky.
I wasted thousands of dollars when I first started selling my courses…
All until I discovered the free traffic strategies I show you inside The Course Creation Project. 
Now, I don’t have time to go through them all right now (you’ll get access to them the moment you jump in)…
But what I will say is they’re the fastest, easiest and CHEAPEST way to fill your course.
We show you how to find only those prospects that are looking for what you have…
We show you how to get them totally excited for your course even though it’s brand new and you’ve never run it before…
And we show you how to sell it to them without being slimy, sleazy, or spending $1 on advertising.
(Hint: One of my favourites involves using Facebook Lives to get student’s excited about the course before they’ve even said YES. Pretty awesome, right?)
With that being said, these are…
The Three Big Strategies That Make The Course Creation Project Different…
Of course we teach you how to create your content…
Upload it online…
And put it in a nice membership site.
But I wanted to detail the three big reasons why this is the best course creation program out there. 
Yep, I truly believe that.
With that being said, let’s now talk about EVERYTHING you get in this program ?
Here’s Everything You’re Getting Inside The Course Creation Project For Free…
The Course Creation Project is an online, step-by-step training program with six incredible modules… 
That walks you through everything I’ve discovered from launching multiple 7-figure courses (and helping my students do the same)…
From idea to offer creation…
To filling your program…
To building it’s step-by-step online portal…
It’s all in there!
Every secret.
Every tactic.
Every strategy.
I’ve outlined the entire process so that you can take it and apply it in your business fast.
I’ve recorded over 40 videos…
Created over 35 cheat sheets, scripts and templates…
Copied my actual offers, online membership portals, onboarding sequences, sale pages templates and more…
And I’ve even turned my own course marketing funnel into one-click template that you can use for yourself…
So that you can literally push a button and start using these for your own course instantly!
Yep – just copy, tweak for your own business and go live immediately ?
So let’s have a closer look now at what you’re going to get inside…
Module 1 – Online Courses 101
  • My 3 types of course offers you can copy/paste to turn “freezing cold” prospects into raving customers… Works great even if they have no idea who you are…
  • Should you create stand alone course of a recurring membership program? In this module you’ll discover which is right for you depending on what you intend to sell…
  • How to save yourself thousands in potential refunds by following these refund policy guidelines… If you’re selling online you must have a refund policy otherwise you leave yourself open to be taken advantage of?
  • 15 course creation myths that stop many incredible woman from launching their first course… From thinking there’s too much competition… or that they’re not experienced enough… or that they’re simply not good on camera – you’ll be shocked at how none of these myths make a difference to whether you build a 6 or 7 figure course…
  •  The biggest course pre-launch mistakes female entrepreneurs make that destroy their profits… You must get the foundational principles in this module right first, before even thinking about creating one piece of content, otherwise your endeavours will almost certainly fail…
  • The most important part of keeping your membership course alive is getting new customers, right? WRONG. I explain why it’s actually your retention that matters most (including how to keep members paying you for months on end)…
  • My top 4 free websites to research your competitors… When you know what your competitors are selling, and how they’re selling it – you can position your course ahead of theirs so customers choose you over them (inside I show you how)…
Module 2 – Your Course Roadmap
  • How to create a valuable, high ticket course offer you can sell in a couple of days… because you don’t need to spend months finishing your high ticket program before you sell it. In this section I’ll be showing you how to create a fast $2,000+ offer you can sell super fast without creating tons of content!
  •  My secret “AZ” roadmap formula that tells you exactly what modules and content to create… This process makes getting your course out of your head so dead simple…
  • The one word that makes your program name feel like its own premium product people want to pay good money for… This 2 second trick alone can instantly boost sales…
  • How to name your course with my simple 2-step process… Even better, the second step is done for you as I simply tell you what words to use…
  •  The 3 different “content levels” that make it easy for your prospect to navigate and consume your program…
  • How to give you course catchy “benefit focused” names… This little trick will make it much easier to sell your course later on…
  •  The perfect amount of lessons so as not to overwhelm your students… Many course creators make the HUGE mistake of putting way too much content in their courses. This module will show you how to avoid that by putting in the perfect amount…
  •  My unique “intro/exit” module videos help keep your customers moving through the program… My students rave about these videos and there’s a good chance you will too!
  •  How to create easy-to-implement content your students can actually complete and get great results with… I’m astonished how many course creators build programs that are convoluted and complex to get results with – I’ll show you how to avoid that so you create incredible case study success stories!
  • BONUS: How to use “Quizzes” to double or even triple your course completion rate… Another great strategy to help get your students incredible results (and less refunds too!)…
Module 3 – Fast Tracked Content Creation 
  • How I create a “production schedule” that helps me create $2000+ 6 module courses in less than a week… If you’re wanting to get your content done fast – you’ll love this!
  •  How to cater for all learning types… If you don’t know these different learning styles you’ll almost certainly turn off one or even two thirds of your audience. Do that and you can expect lots of refunds!
  •  Should you deliver your content “face to camera,” “whiteboard” style, “screenshare” or even just plain old audio? This module will help you choose the best for your strengths…
  •  The “perfect” length of each lesson so as not to overwhelm your students…
  •  How to use this little-known high-ticket selling technique that gets your customers to subconsciously commit to completing each lesson… I learned this trick from world-renowned closing genius Armand Moran…
Module 4 – Building Your Portal
  • Think setting up the tech or membership portal for your course is hard? Think again… Inside this module I reveal my 7 simple tools that make getting your course up, running and being sold online a breeze…
  •  My #1 WordPress plugin for organising your course modules… This includes make sure your students have the right access for what they’ve purchased…
  •  It costs money to host your videos online, right? WRONG! Inside I share with you an absolutely free video hosting services so you can get your course launched even if you’re on a tight budget…
  • How to quickly edit raw videos into professional looking content… This works great even if you’ve never edited a second of video in your life…
  •  Drip feeding content vs unlocked from the beginning – which is best? Inside this module I reveal my favourite option including what you should go with depending on your goals…
  •  How to create a clean, simple and gorgeous looking course membership portal using this WordPress theme… P.S. Don’t forget to check out the free bonuses below where I’ll also be giving you my million dollar course portal template free!
  • My copy/paste “incredible experience” email onboarding templates so customers don’t get buyers remorse… This sequence will save you thousands!
Module 5 – Creating Your Irresistible Offer
  • How to create a high-ticket “mic drop” offer your market can’t say “no” to… This is all about packaging up your course into an irresistible offering that makes it super easy to sell in our free promotional strategies (below)…
  •  Bonuses, premiums, freebies! How I use these “free” add ons to overcome objections and double (or sometimes triple) my course sales… Plus, I reveal how to get your own bonuses without creating any additional content!
  • Most course creators offer “Facebook Group coaching” instead of 1-on-1 or group support – should you? Inside I reveal the truth about what type of help you should provide with your signature course…
  • Think you need a proven Genius Zone before you launch your online course, right? WRONG! I show you how to “build it backwards” so you can sell your first product without wasting months creating it…
  •   How to use your course offer escape the time for money pit trapping you and your huge potential as a female entrepreneur…
  •   My simple approach to running live group calls so everyone gets value even if you’ve got lots of students…
  • How to get your students to answer their own questions before they even ask them… This simple trick will save you hours of Q&A time…
  •  How to amaze new students with special welcome gift boxes sent straight to their front door… There’s a small cost in sending these but it’s totally worth it – you’ll have a customer for life!
  • A free app that sends personalized welcome videos to every new student making them feel super special! You’ll be blown away by the responses people give you (and the raving testimonials!)…
  • How to use guarantees to keep away the course junkies (AKA: the non-committal students) and attract only your best customers…
  •  My simple post purchase “up sells” that gets 10% or more of your new students to immediately pay you twice as much! Even better – you don’t have to create any more content to make these sales!
Module 6 – Filling Your Course
  • New! Discover my top 3 free promotional strategies that fill your course with hundreds of students… These are tested and working in the marketplace right now, and my own students have used them with incredible results…
  • My tested and proven sales letter structure that’s generated over $10 million in course sales… Simply model this for your own course (works for any market) and you’ll have a letter that sells your program for years to come without getting on the phone…
  • My simple 9-step approach to have your sales letter done in less than a day… Works even if you’re not a “writer” or have never studied a word or copywriting in your life…
  • The secret to converting even your biggest skeptics into course buyers… You’ll love this because it’s super simple!
  •  A “9 word email” that turns dead cold leads into course buyers for free… The easiest customers you’ll ever get!
  • HUGE! My Facebook promotional strategy that allows you to get course buyers from other experts audiences… free! And yes, this is totally ethical and the experts often love it when you do it ?
  •  My secret “Facebook Linkedin Profile” method that helps you find those “ready to buy now” prospects in the market… This is something I’ve never seen taught anywhere…
  • How to use short 10-15 minute Facebook Live’s to attract hundreds of viewers and have prospects eager to learn about (and buy) your course by the end… Tip: Because Facebook love to promote Facebook Live’s organically, this works great even if you’ve got a small following!
  • Plus, you’ll discover how to 10x your Facebook Live viewers for just $10! Imagine how many more customers will come beating down your door just with this strategy!
Exciting, right?
As I said – I’ve given you everything you need to create, launch and profit from your course right from the start. 
But wait…
We’re not done yet!
You’re Also Getting These Super Special (& Super Limited) Course Creation Bonuses For Free!
It’s true!
…I do like to over-deliver ? 
Let’s now take a quick look at these free bonuses that are going to accelerate your results…
Bonus #1: The Ultimate Offer Template (Valued at $297)
Want to know how I get prospects eagerly saying “yes” to my courses…
Even when they’re $1,000, $2,000 or $5,000+…
And even when there are thousands of other choices out there?!
The Ultimate Offer Template.
In this free bonus I show you how to package up your course into an irresistible offer… my students even call them “addictive offers”! Offers your best prospects can’t say no to, even for $1,000 or more.
Even better…
I’m going to show you how to position that offer so no matter how much competition you have in your market…
Yours will stands out as “the one” they must have.
I recently followed this same process with a private client and after we had gone through this same Ultimate Offer Bonus together…
She was able to craft 3 winning offers very fast…
Offers that:
  • ​Provided incredible value to her customers…
  • ​Were so attractive her market were unable to resist them… 
  • Paid her really well to share her Genius Zone…
  • ​Gave her both profit and lifestyle and the same time…
Before we went through The Ultimate Offer this same female entrepreneur had no idea what was possible for her business…
And how she could “package up” her Genius Zone into a premium course.
When you join me inside The Course Creation project the next few days…
You will also receive The Ultimate Offer, valued at $297 FREE.
Pretty awesome, right?
Next, you’re also getting…
Bonus #2 – Sales Consult Cure Script ($497 Value)
As mentioned above, to get your program filled fast…
You need some free traffic strategies that draws in heaps of prospects, right?!
And well, in some of those strategies, you’ll need to jump on the phone to sell your course.
We’re talking high-ticket courses, remember?
And phone consults are such a powerful way to sell high-ticket offers.
Plus, they also allow you to skip the convoluted funnels…
The overwhelming tech…
The complex automations…
And go straight to the process that gets course buyers fast (and the cheapest).
Which is exactly why I’ve included this extremely valuable bonus…
I’m going to be gifting you my Sales Consult Cure training and script that’s been responsible for millions (and millions) in over-the-phone sales.
This bonus will take you by the hand with my step-by-step script and show you…
How to sell WITHOUT being “salesy” or sleazy…
How to confidently overcome objections (even if you hate selling)….
And how to present your high-ticket course in a way your prospects cannot wait to jump into!
This bonus is valued at $497, but it’s yours free when you jump in before the 200 spots are gone ?
Then, finally, the 3rd free bonus may be my biggest yet…
Bonus #3 – My Custom Built Course Membership Portal (Value $997)
This one is huge!
Here’s why…
I know a lot of my students get stuck with the tech when it comes to creating their courses…
(Actually, many don’t start their courses at all because they’re afraid of the tech!)
It’s overwhelming, right?
Getting your course out of your head is one thing…
But hosting it online where your students can access it is a whole other story!
Believe me, I know it!
It can be so stressful when you’re unfamiliar with tech…. and not to mention – seriously time-consuming!
Which is exactly where this free bonus comes in…
You see, I don’t want you to start from scratch or pay thousands for an expensive web developer to get your course setup…
So if you’re one of the first 200 to jump in today…
You’ll be getting my “done-for-you course portal template” valued at $997!
This is literally the exact template my own courses have been built in on WordPress…
And, up until recently only my top TOP level clients have been able to get access to it.
Because it’s been the foundation for millions of dollars in course sales!
Once you get your hands on this template, you only need to place your course inside. I’ll show you how, and it’s very simple…
And then your students can navigate through your course content in an easy and professional way! 
It’s actually exactly the same portal you’ll navigate through when you join me in The Course Creation Project ?
And the best part?
It’s yours free if you’re one of the first 200 to jump in today.
Sound good?
With that being said…
Here’s That “Catch” I Know You’ve Been Looking For
Now you’re probably wondering…
“This is all sounds awesome Grace, and I’m totally interested! But there’s one question I have left…
Why are you giving me this $1,997 course for free?!”
It’s a great question.
And the truth is…
There is a small catch.
You see…
If you’re one of the first 200, I really am giving you The Course Creation Project for free when you jump today…
And when you jump in today, I really am giving you the above 3 bonuses for free as well…
(Which, let’s face it – are worth more than the entire course itself!)
And why am I doing this?
It’s simple…
I’m Doing This As A Shame-Free “No Brainer” Bribe To Join Me Inside The Doers Inner Circle ?

What’s The Doers Inner Circle?

Well allow me to explain ?
The Doers Inner Circle is an exclusive community unlike any you’ve experienced before…
Inside you will meet over 1000 female entrepreneurs from around the world. They are all on their own missions to impact lives, using their products and services.
And they’ve jumped into my Inner Circle to connect, to share, a most importantly…
Because they want a guaranteed path to success.
They want to get access to me and my team, every week, so they can get the advice and feedback they need to move their business forward…
And be certain that what they’re doing is what they should be doing to succeed in their market.
Here’s Why This Is Important To You…
When you take me up on my offer to get The Course Creation Project and my bonuses for free, you’re getting every secret weapon…
Every strategy…
Every tactic…
And every hack that made me and my students so successful in launching 6 and 7-figure courses.
It’s true.
And what’s also true, is that no matter how much information I give you…
There’s always going to be bumps along the way!
Or maybe more like landmines you don’t see coming that could derail your road to course creation success.
Going it alone is a recipe for disaster.
Trust me, I’ve done it and because of that… I’ve lost years (and hundreds of thousands of dollars) in the process ?
So, I would feel a bit unethical simply giving you my course for free without also giving you the continued support you actually need…
To make sure your course launch is a huge success!
So whether it’s:
  •  Critiques on your course offering..
  •  A review of your sales pages or funnels…
  •  A question about your content or tech…
  •  Feedback on how to create the best bonuses…
  •  Advice on how to scale your course sales to 6-figures+ after you’ve validated it…
  •  Or even something as simple as making sure you’re in the right course niche…
We’ll be there.
So that no matter what landmines blow up…
We’ll help you move around them into safety ?
Bottom Line: You get access to me and my team from Monday to Friday to ask ANY question you want so you don’t have to go it alone…
And so we can ensure you get the continued support you need to succeed with your first profitable course.
Just ask, and let me and my team help ?
So Let Me Ask You…
What could you achieve having access to a mentor who’s generated over $20 million in course sales?
What insights will you get when you have a mentor who’s attracted over 31,000 course customers?
Probably some pretty valuable ones, right? ?
Well guess what…
The Doers Inner Circle is not just about getting my 8-figure advice.
Here’s a few more reasons why this program is unlike any you’ve experienced…
The moment you join everything changes. 
First, You’re Going To Be Shipped The “Doers Welcome Package”
And when you unwrap this huge, beautiful box, inside you will discover even more of my closely guarded secrets including….
Gift #1: Success Foundations ($297 Value) – How to think like a 7-figure female entrepreneur so you avoid the traps, mistakes and roadblocks most female entrepreneurs are stuck in…
Gift #2: The 10,000 Foot View ($297 Value) – The ultimate game plan for coaches, consultants & professional services to help you get crystal clear on your model and finally get paid what you’re worth…
Gift #3: You Everywhere ($297 Value) – How to get your brand out there affordable and automatically…even in a saturated marketplace where no one knows your name…
Gift #4: How To Sell Without Selling ($297 Value) – My non-sleazy, non-hypey, elegant sales strategies that will have your customers selling themselves to you!
Second: You’re Going To Get A Call With My Team Right Away
That’s right – we want you to get the results we’ve promised ASAP. 
So, to make that happen, we’re going to open up a time on our calendar so you can speak to our team right away.
Usually, you’d have to wait a couple of weeks to get on our calendar…
But now that you’re a Doer in our community – everything changes! 
  •  Your level of support changes…
  •  Your clarity on what you should be doing changes…
  •  Your confidence in yourself and your next steps changes…
  •  Your enthusiasm for the future changes…
  •  And, of course, the speed of your success changes too! ?
Third, You’ll Be Welcomed Into Our Community With Open Arms…
This is where you’ll be able to interact with me, my team, the community of amazing female entrepreneurs…
And where you’ll be able to ask questions about anything you’re stuck with on a daily basis.
We have an average response time of less than 46 minutes, Monday to Friday! 
So if you’re stuck with a part of the Course Creation Project, or simply have a question about your business, you’ll have the answers you need fast.
Like I said, this is not like any coaching program you’ve experienced before.
And There’s Still So Much I Need To Tell You About! 
Every month I’m going to send you a physical “Doing Kit” straight to your door.
And no…
This is NOT about teaching you 1001 different new strategies every month and say ‘”good luck!”
The Doers Inner Circle is about getting you results, remember. ?
So instead, I’ll send you a monthly strategy that’s working right now to produce amazing results in my business.
For example, in one of my recent kits I revealed a process that netted me $24,000 in one day!
So I simply took that, and spelled it out – step-by-step – for the Doers in my community to copy/paste and tweak for their own business.
And I really do mean copy/paste.
Because along with these doing kits…
I Also Send You Digital Templates, Scripts, Landing Pages & Entire Funnels To Your Inbox Each Month…
So you can get up & running with my monthly “what’s working now” strategy fast.
No guesswork.
No starting from scratch.
Just tweak it for your own business and go live fast.
Now just imagine this…
You complete just ONE of these projects each month, and see profits immediately…
You continue to complete the one project in your Doing Kit each for one whole year…
And guess what happens?
You have twelve 6 and 7-figure strategies implemented into your business you can use over and over again!
This is exactly why I’ve designed this program the way it is…
And why it’s different to anything else out there (and why over 1000 female entrepreneurs have joined me inside)…
It’s not to overwhelm you with more fluff and marketing gimmicks you don’t use…
It’s to take you by the hand, give you only what you need when you need it, and help you grow your own profitable lifestyle business.
And then the fifth thing you get… (I think that’s what we’re up to!).
Two Live Group Training Calls A Month
It’s to answer any questions you might have about this months Doing Kit…
And it’s to update you on any major changes online… (Facebook and other platforms are changing so rapidly, if you’re not up to date, the strategies you implement today could be obsolete by tomorrow!)
My ladies love these calls because it gives them another level of access to me to ensure they’re on track and moving forward.
And if you miss a call?
No sweat!
We record all them so you can review at a time convenient for you ?
This may be my biggest perk of all…
You’re Also Getting Tickets to My Next 2 Doers Inner Circle Weekend Away Events!
Nothing beats implementation offline.
The reason I have these events (besides the fact it allows me to meet you face-to-face and share with you even more of my 7-figure “what’s working now” secret weapons)…
Is because it allows you to get A LOT done in a short amount of time.
By taking time away to focus on you and your business for a few days…
You are able to get more stuff done in that time at my events, than what most do in 2-3 months at home!
Yes, these are DOING events.
You learn.
You ask questions.
You implement.
And you take a gigantic leap forward in your business in just a couple of days.
Outside The Doers Inner Circle these events are $5,000 to attend (and yes, I’ve had many woman invest that amount!)…
But as a Doers Inner Circle member, I’m over-delivering and giving you tickets to come along as part of your investment in the program ?
With that being said…
Here’s A Quick Recap Of Everything You’re Getting When You Join Me Inside The Doers Inner Circle…
  •   The Course Creation Project ($1997) FREE
  •  Plus everything inside The Doers Inner Circle…
  • Doers Welcome Package Sent To Your Door The Moment You Join…
  • Monday to Friday Q&A Access to Me and My Team to Ensure You’re
  • Never Stuck and Always Moving Forward…
  • 1-on-1 Kick Off Coaching Call With One Of My Best Coaches to Help Accelerate Your Results…
  • Monthly Doing Kits Delivered Direct To Your Door…
  • Live Coaching Calls Twice Per Month…
  • Complimentary Tickets to the Upcoming Doers Weekend Away Events (These Run Both in the US and Australia Twice Per Year and are Valued at $5,000 USD per event)….
Just a bit of value, right?! ?
Especially considering if you were to buy it all separately you’d be spending over $9,000!
(Which would still be a great deal, by the way.)
But I’m not going to make you pay anywhere near that today.
In fact…
Your Investment Is Going To Be A Just A Fraction Of What It’s Worth
Here’s the deal…
This year I’ve decided to create a super special way for you to get all the above at an incredibly low investment.
So low, you might think I’ve gone a little crazy ?
If you’re one of the first 200 to jump in you’re not going to pay $4,000…
You’re not going to pay $1,000…
And you’re not even going to pay $500!
You can get The Course Creation Project and all the free bonuses, when you join me in the Doers Inner Circle at just…
A huge saving!
And yes, you can cancel at any time!
But again…
This Offer Could Come Down At Any Moment As There Are Only 200 Spots & I’m Promoting It To Over 300,000 In My Database!
So if you’re interested in jumping in there’s no time to wait…
Click the button below, fill out your details and you can get going immediately in the program.
Well, that’s it.
As mentioned, if you wake up tomorrow morning…
This 200 spots could be taken up and the offer might not be here anymore…
So if you’re ready to get started…
Click the button below, claim your spot before someone else takes it, and you’ll be able to get going immediately.
I cannot wait to see you inside ?
P.S. You might also be wondering…
“Who else has tried this program?” 
“Is this really what I need right now?”
“Am I really getting something special here? Or is this just another program that’s all promises and no delivery?”
If any or all of these concerns are going through your head…
I’d Like To Share With You Just a Few Of Our Most Recent Success Stories From The Doers Inner Circle…


That way, you feel confidence knowing what you’re coming into is the real deal.
P.P.S. You might also have some questions before jumping in.
If so…
Here Are Our Top FAQs on The Course Creation Project…
QUESTION #1: “How much time will this take?”
You can expect to commit four to five hours a week…. to review my training, get your doing done, and then critique and look over your doing. 
Obviously, more experienced entrepreneurs may take fewer hours..
And newbies make take a little longer…
But it’s self-paced, so you’ve got no pressure at all.
QUESTION #2: Do I need any money for ads or traffic?
We show you how to fill your course with our totally free promotional strategies ?
QUESTION #3: “How quickly can I get started?” 
Your access will arrive in your inbox within 5-10 minutes! 
So as soon as you register by entering your details, you will get your logins immediately. 
I don’t want you to wait around ?
You’ll be able to start as quickly as you want, and my team and I here in your corner every week for as long as you stay in The Doers Inner Circle program. 
QUESTION #4: “Will I lose access to The Course Creation Project if I cancel my Doers Inner Circle membership?”
If you wish to no longer be a member of the Doers Inner Circle, just email us at [email protected] with 30 days notice and we’ll cancel your membership, no questions asked! 
And yes, you will get to keep the Course Creation Project for free – our gift to you for giving it a try! 
QUESTION #5: “What stage of business should I be in?” 
I’ve helped my clients through the processes in this program create their first course who have been in business for no time at all…
Literally they’ve just got an idea or a concept. 
But we’ve also got other girls that have been in business for 23 and 24 years! 
It’s not about the stage of business. The one criteria inside The Course Creation Project is you have to be a committed doer. 
You have to do what I tell you to do. 
And it sounds really simple, but that’s what I want you to do. 
It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in business, you have to be open to doing what I tell you to do and taking massive imperfect action.
QUESTION #6: “How quickly will I see a return on my investment?” 
This is a really good question. 
This all depends on how well you know your market.
If you have already got a validated proven coaching/consulting offer then the The Course Creation will supercharge your results by helping you turn that offer into a profitable course really quickly.
But how quickly will you see a return on your investment? 
It really depends on a few things…
So some ladies get it right first time round because they know their market well…. and their market resonates with what they’re selling and what they’re saying. 
Other times you might need to tweak a little bit and you might need to test a few things in your course offering… if you don’t know your market and their needs so well. 
QUESTION #7: “How long will this price be available for?” 
The Course Creation Project will only be avaliable for free for the next few days, and then I will have to put it back up to the price you see on the website ($1,997 USD). 
It’s a little nuts to offer such a price but I really want to attract serious doers…. so it will only be open for the next few days.  
QUESTION #9: “What other tools do I need?” 
You and I will walk through all of that in more detail inside…  
But basically, there’s two main tools you need:
Firstly, you’ll need to get a landing page builder. 
I like LeadPages or ClickFunnels, but I’ll explain your options in more detail inside the program….
Landing page builders range from $49 – $97 USD per month (contract-free)
Secondly, you’ll also need an email autoresponder…. to help you automate all of your emails (if you don’t have one already).
I’m a fan of Infusionsoft, or Mailchimp if you’re on a budget. Mailchimp starts at $15 USD / month contract-free.
Add them up and you can expect to spend under or around $100 USD a month on the actual funnel tools themselves, right? 
So, that’s going out to dinner once a month, right? 
Instead do a cook-up at home with Netflix and your loved ones… and set aside that money to build your business and income online ?
QUESTION #10: “Is there a guarantee?” 
With this promotion, no. 
First, the $197/mo “cancel any time offer” is an incredible deal.
And if you don’t think so, then this may not be for you and that’s OK.
Second, because I’m giving you The Course Creation Project free, including sending you your Doers Welcome package and the first months Doers kit, I’m actually losing money initially.
However, I’ve decided to test this offer hoping that the value and results you get will blow you away so much…
You’ll want to stay inside The Doers Inner Circle ongoingly! ?
With that being said…
If you’re ready to Stop Dreaming and Start Doing and join me inside The Course Creation Project, just click below now to reserve your spot before they’re all gone… 

Well, that’s it…

As mentioned, this offer could expire at any moment..
To make sure you don’t miss out…

Get Grace Lever – Course Creation Project download


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