Igor Ledochowski – Advanced Ericksonian Hypnosis Roundtable Training


Igor Ledochowski – Advanced Ericksonian Hypnosis Roundtable Training

Igor Ledochowski - Advanced Ericksonian Hypnosis Roundtable Training

Igor Ledochowski – Advanced Ericksonian Hypnosis Roundtable Training

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Igor Ledochowski – Advanced Ericksonian Hypnosis Roundtable Training

Igor Ledochowski - Advanced Ericksonian Hypnosis Roundtable Training

The Most Important Message You Will Ever Read About Ericksonian Hypnosis…


…(andΒ how studying Dr. Milton Erickson canΒ β€œstall your hypnosis progress” forΒ years – ifΒ you do not understand the information that follows)…

Igor ledochowskiFrom: Igor Ledochowski

What I’m about to say may OFFEND some hypnotherapy β€œtraditionalists.”

But say it I must.

It’s justΒ that important.

It willΒ saveΒ you from a lot of confusion and frustrationΒ (if you’re not already experiencing it around hypnosis).

And it will get you to the stage ofΒ being able to APPLY (yes actually USE hypnosis in a practical way with other people)Β much, much quicker than you would be able to otherwise.

So here it is (the important message):

Over the past few decades, budding and experienced hypnotists alike have got more to thank Dr. Milton Erickson for than perhaps any other legendary hypnotist…

…BUT (and it’s a BIG β€œElephant
in the Room” BUT)…

Its the BIG elephant in the room

…Studying and trying toΒ replicateΒ the style of Dr. Milton Erickson has also β€œmessed up” many, many budding and experienced hypnotists alike.

It’s quite a conundrum.

On the one hand, Dr. Milton Erickson was the chief influencer of just about every great hypnotist over the past few decades… and yet… ironically…

Erickson isΒ alsoΒ the β€œdownfall” of countless other hypnotists.

Like I said, it’s a conundrum.

A conundrum I am (on this page)Β going to solve for you so you can guarantee that Dr. Milton Erickson (or more specifically, his style of hypnosis) is the β€œmakings” of you as a world-class hypnotist.

How will I do that?

How will I guarantee Dr. Milton Erickson’s style of hypnosis will be the β€œmakings” of you as a world-class hypnotist – to be right up there with the best-of-the-best of them?

I’m going to tell you.

In just a moment.

Right after I lay the groundwork and tell you myΒ personalΒ storyΒ of how Dr. Milton Erickson β€œmessed me up.”

Here’s the story:

When I first started delving into change-work hypnosis, I desperately wanted to emulate the results of the late, great Dr. Milton Erickson.

I’d heard about the amazing therapeutic change-work Dr. Milton Erickson had produced through his style of hypnosis and I dreamed of doing the same.

The Only Problem Was…

Milton Ericksons Manuscripts

…Even though I had read all the books about Erickson and Ericksonian style hypnosis… and even though I took numerous seminar-type trainings based on Ericksonian hypnosis… IΒ stillΒ couldn’tΒ properly do Ericksonian hypnosis in a β€œcrunch time” situation.

I experienced all the feelings you now experience.

I can’t tell you how many times I went through all the Ericksonian hypnosis books, training material and evenΒ rareΒ transcripts of Milton Erickson’s hypnosis sessions.

Admittedly, I was somewhat obsessed with the work of Dr. Milton Erickson – and, of course,Β more specifically…

How To Do Ericksonian Style Hypnosis

But it never seemed to quite click into place for me.

The more I studied Erickson’s work… and the more I tried to emulate his style… theΒ moreΒ frustratedΒ I became.

I mean really frustrated.

I knew I was intelligent and diligent in my education, I knew I had access to the best Ericksonian hypnosis reference and training material at the time. But, I also knew something wasΒ seriously wrong.

Because I justΒ couldn’tΒ take the stuff I knew about the style of Ericksonian hypnosis (and I knewΒ aΒ lot!) andΒ actually apply it properly with other people.

And worse, I even started to wonder if I was born with some kind of…

β€œHypnosis Defect Gene”

Its the BIG elephant in the room

YouΒ doΒ start to wonder.

Especially when no matter how much you study and practice something, it still doesn’t come together in a way you can actually use with any degree of confidence.

That’s the way I felt anyway.

Nothing was making sense.

I mean I knew everything there was to know about Ericksonian hypnosis and I knew everything that wasΒ possibleΒ with it. I just couldn’t put it into practice in any meaningful way.

Then I Learned About A Man That
Changed Everything For Me

Ernest Rossi

His name?

Ernest Rossi.

Here’s what you need to know
about Ernest Rossi:

He’s a genius.

He won the prestigiousΒ Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Field of PsychotherapyΒ onΒ 3 (THREE)Β separate occasions (in 1986, 2003 and 2008). It’s like anΒ Academy Award, only different.

He is also one of Dr. Milton Erickson’s β€œoriginal students.”

He observed Dr. Milton Erickson working first-hand. At close quarters.Β ForΒ years.

You can’t get better Ericksonian hypnosis β€œcoaching” than that. It was the purest form – the β€œHoly Grail” – of Ericksonian hypnosis training that has ever existed.

And Ernest RossiΒ soaked it up.

But guess what?

Guess what Ernest Rossi did when Dr. Milton Erickson passed on?

I don’t think you’ll guess the answer… because… on-the-surface itΒ doesn’t seem to make much sense.

See after Ernest Rossi β€” (a rare, truly intelligent person) β€” had spentΒ yearsΒ closely observing, studying and soaking up Ericksonian hypnosis from β€œThe Man Himself” (Dr. Milton Erickson)… he too wasΒ soΒ confused…

He Went & Studied Under A More β€œConventional” Hypnotist Just ToΒ ProperlyΒ UnderstandΒ The Driving-Principles Of Erickson’s Unique Style Of Hypnosis

Finally I knew I wasn’t alone in my confusion.

And you’re not either.

Fact is, Ericksonian style hypnosis (at least the way Dr. Milton Erickson practiced it) is aΒ very intuitive-styleΒ of hypnosis.

Want to know something else that’s kind of funny?

I know you might find this a bit hard to imagine… but… the truth is the truth… and the truth is…

Dr. Milton EricksonΒ Didn’tΒ Fully Understand
What He Was Doing Either


See what Dr. Milton Erickson had in abundance – (probably as a result of his formative years rehabilitating himself physically from Polio through use of his mind) – was anΒ unwaveringΒ trustΒ inΒ hisΒ unconscious.

Trust In Your Unconscious

THATΒ right there – the unwavering trust in his unconscious to say and do the right things at the right time in a hypnosis session – was theΒ TRUE SECRETΒ of Erickson’s astonishing change-work results with his patients.

Unfortunately most of us (even the most intelligent of us) don’t have the level of trust in our unconscious that Dr. Milton Erickson had.

I didn’t. Nor did Ernest Rossi. And you probably don’t either.

But that’s no longer a problem.

Not forΒ you, at least.

Because I Now Know THE MISSING
LINK Between Knowing All About
Ericksonian Hypnosis &Β Actually
BeingΒ AbleΒ ToΒ PutΒ ItΒ ALL
ToΒ ProperΒ Use

By the way…

It hasΒ nothingΒ to do with teaching you more Ericksonian-style hypnosis techniques.

Ernest Rossi

My guess is if you’re reading this you already have plenty of those (and if not, I have other training programs that train you in the techniques of Ericksonian hypnosis).

That said,Β what I have for you here will allow you to start MAXIMIZING the use of any Ericksonian hypnosis technique you already know… as well as…

…and this is the best bit…

It Will Also Give You The Freedom &
Confidence To Start β€œFree-Styling” With
Your Own Ericksonian-Type Hypnosis

And it’s all thanks to what I learnt about Ernest Rossi.

Remember Ernest Rossi was aΒ first-hand studentΒ of Dr. Milton Erickson for years.

And yet:

Even Ernest Rossi had to go to a more β€œconventional” hypnotist just to make sense of exactly what Erickson actually did and the β€œrules” he was following.

In other words,Β Rossi had to beΒ taughtΒ aΒ FRAMEWORKΒ thatΒ made senseΒ of Erickson’s intuitive-style hypnosis

That’s eventually what I had to do too.

IΒ hadΒ to find a suitableΒ WORKING FRAMEWORKΒ to β€œfilter” Erickson’s intuitive-style hypnosis through.

Should have been easy, right?

But it wasn’t.

I was getting a lot of contradicting information. One hypnosis expert would tell me one thing. Then I’d go to another training and the expert would give me a different (often contradictory) set of hypnosis β€œrules” to follow.

So guess what I did – what I found myself having to do?

I Did The ONE THING That Made
All The Difference In The
World To Me

It wasΒ theΒ ONE THINGΒ that finally brought crystal clear clarity to my years of confusion and frustration.

Now, before I tell you what that ONE THING was (is),Β I want to tell you something that will allow you bring clarity to confusion in ANY AREA OF YOUR LIFE.

To explain my point – let me first start by asking you a question:

Have you ever read a page (say in a textbook or perhaps in a journalistic article) and while reading it you didn’t quite understand what it was saying? Or you didn’t quite follow it – even though you read the page several times?

I can tell you theΒ reasonΒ for that.Β The ONLY REASON for that.

Here’s what happened:Β YouΒ skipped over a wordΒ (or words) on the page while reading that you didn’t know theΒ exactΒ definitionΒ of.

If when you found yourself reading something and getting confused you just backed up a bit until you came toΒ theΒ wordΒ that you didn’t know the exact definition of β€” and you then looked up theΒ exactΒ definitionΒ of that word (so you understood it’s meaning and context completely) – what you read AFTER that word wouldΒ allΒ begin to make sense to you.

Try it next time you are reading a page and you don’t quite follow what it is saying. The β€œculprit to your confusion” will lay in one (or more) word(s) that youΒ doΒ notΒ knowΒ theΒ exactΒ definitionΒ of.

Find out theΒ exactΒ definitionΒ of that word(s) and all the rest of the article will make sense.

OK, but so what?

What has that got to do with hypnosis? And more specifically your application of Ericksonian-style hypnosis?

Understanding That ONE Missing Piece

Well, confusion is ALWAYS the result of notΒ completelyΒ understandingΒ one or moreΒ pieces of information.

AΒ wordΒ is aΒ piece of information. Hence, when we don’t know the exact definition of a word – everything we read after it is subject to a degree of confusion and misunderstanding.

Likewise, in hypnosis,Β aΒ workingΒ principleΒ is aΒ piece of information.

So if, in hypnosis, weΒ don’tΒ have anΒ exactΒ understandingΒ of a working principle (along with what we areΒ tryingΒ toΒ achieveΒ with the working principle) – then…

EVERYTHINGΒ We Do In Hypnosis Is Subject To A Degree Of Confusion & Misunderstanding

So… coming back to thatΒ ONE THINGΒ I did that took all the confusion, all the misunderstanding and all the frustration of trying to apply Ericksonian-style hypnosis…

What I did wasΒ set out to build a WORKING FRAMEWORK (basedΒ onΒ workableΒ principles) around Dr. Milton Erickson’s style of hypnosis.

I quickly realized I couldn’tΒ solely relyΒ onΒ otherΒ hypnosis experts (they were often giving me contradictory information and opposing β€œrules” to follow, remember?).

So IΒ used my logical-based, pattern-seeking β€œLawyer’s brain” to design my own working principles of Ericksonian style hypnosis.

Long story short:

A Systematized & Simplified WORKABLE FRAMEWORK

After many years, much cost, and much trial and error,Β I finally systematized and simplified a WORKABLE FRAMEWORK that β€œself-guides” you into doing effective Ericksonian style hypnosis – withoutΒ youΒ havingΒ toΒ haveΒ unwaveringΒ trustΒ inΒ yourΒ ownΒ unconscious.

In full disclosure, it made all the difference in the world to my ability as a hypnotist – andΒ I didn’t have any more techniques than I had before.

I just had a β€œtrack to run on” so to speak.

It made EVERYTHING about applying hypnosis super-simple.

All thanks to theΒ WORKING FRAMEWORK.

Best of all:

It has worked like a dream for everyone I’ve shared it with.

It WILL work for you too.Β You can be absolutely certain of that.

It gets even better still though:

Because it turns outΒ my systemized (and simplified) WORKABLE FRAMEWORK has become the β€œHoly Grail” for ANYONE wanting to do ADVANCED Ericksonian style hypnosisΒ without all the years of brain-draining study, frustrating confusion and humiliating failures along the way.

See, in essence, I have been able to…

β€œMarry Up” TheΒ Intuitive NatureΒ Of
Ericksonian-Style Hypnosis Within
A Dependable WORKING
FRAMEWORK That Will Act As
Your β€œSelf-Guiding System”

It’s kind of neat I must admit.

It is whatΒ finallyΒ (after years of frustration) allowed me to apply Ericksonian hypnosis – and even ADVANCED Ericksonian hypnosis – in a safe and β€œself-guided” wayΒ without having to have the innate intuitive flairΒ that Dr. Milton Erickson himself had.

Think of it this way:

If Ericksonian Hypnosis is the golden-bullet.

Then my WORKABLE FRAMEWORK acts as the high-calibre sniper rifle.

You get what I mean.

And it is my WORKABLE FRAMEWORK that I recently discussed in some depth (and β€œdeconstructed” for study and assimilation purposes) to aΒ small private group of my $15,000 Mastermind studentsΒ (and a few invitation only special guests).

You were not there.

SoΒ you don’tΒ have the in-depth information and deep insight I shared at that private meeting.

But you can sort of β€œrewind time and be there” – because (for a strictly limited time only) you now have a rare chance toΒ accessΒ the video footage of that high-level think-tank meeting, which, by the way, is beingΒ secretly referredΒ to by those privileged to be there as the…

β€œAdvanced Ericksonian Hypnosis Roundtable”

Maybe not the sexiest title – but those that were there don’t want to make it sound β€œsuper attractive” to hypnosisΒ wannabe’s.

They would rather what went on behind closed doors was only for serious hypnotists.

And I can’t really say I blame them.

The β€œcost of entry” was $15,000, remember? – or at least they had to be enrolled in my $15,000 Mastermind group to get invited. The only other way to get invited was by my personal request. And that only got extended to some very select people.

But that was then.

And this is now.

So here’s what’s happening now:

I feel thatΒ whatΒ was discussed and covered at theΒ Advanced Ericksonian Hypnosis RoundtableΒ event was justΒ too importantΒ to hold back from otherΒ serious students of hypnosis, like you.

After all, along with the in-depth look at the working principles and WORKING FRAMEWORK that makes Ericksonian hypnosis β€œcome to life” and applicable for people like you and me… I also did aΒ demoΒ with someone who had never experienced a real arm levitation before.

By the time the demo was done – they had a full arm levitation that felt completely unconscious to them.

And I thinkΒ everyoneΒ serious about hypnosis should be able toΒ seeΒ thatΒ demo.

So here’s what I’ve decided:

I like to be around serious students of hypnosis and action takers β€” in my experience those are the people that make it to theΒ top. Therefore, I like to reward action takers and devote my best material to them.

That’s why I’m going to give instantΒ accessΒ to the video recordings of the β€œclosed-door” Advanced Ericksonian Hypnosis RoundtableΒ forΒ $497Β 3 simple monthly installments of only $77.

Naturally, of course, you can put the risk on us by making use of our…


You really do have to take actionΒ nowΒ though by clicking the β€œAdd To Cart” button below:

That’s the ONLY way to access The Advanced Ericksonian Hypnosis Roundtable…

Giving you the ONE THING (aΒ WORKABLE FRAMEWORK!) that makes EVERYTHING about applying hypnosis super-simple.


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