Jasmine Atherton – The ClickMinded – Social Media Marketing Course


Jasmine Atherton – The ClickMinded – Social Media Marketing Course

Jasmine Atherton - The ClickMinded - Social Media Marketing Course

Jasmine Atherton – The ClickMinded – Social Media Marketing Course

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $279.00.

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Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $279.00.

The social media marketing course teaches you how to implement powerful, metric-driven social …

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Jasmine Atherton – The ClickMinded – Social Media Marketing Course

Jasmine Atherton - The ClickMinded - Social Media Marketing Course

The social media marketing course teaches you how to implement powerful, metric-driven social campaigns.

Let me tell you something that you definitely already know.

Most companies suck at social media.

They talk about how great it is to have thousands or millions of followers and otherĀ metrics that donā€™t matter.

In reality, this is how most social posts by companies perform:

You could probably post a picture of your dinner on Instagram or a passive-aggressive post about your ex and get more engagement than that.

And Iā€™m not cherry-picking: go to your favorite timeline or feed and see how the companies you follow do on social media.

Given how most professional marketers and large companies do social media, itā€™s no surprise that youā€™ve probably experienced this:

  1. Youā€™ve looked for the ā€œbest timesā€ to post on social media

2. Youā€™ve been careful to post the ā€œright amountā€ of times per day

3. Youā€™ve subscribed to a fancy scheduling tool

4. Youā€™ve worried about using the ā€œrightā€ hashtags on your posts

5. Youā€™ve made sure youā€™re using an image on all your posts

6. Youā€™ve added links to a blog post or landing page on your site and written ā€œlink in bioā€ more than once

And stillā€¦youā€™ve probably gotten ZERO results for you or your clientsā€™ business.

The reason for this is obvious if you justĀ thinkĀ about it for a second:

Most companies that get into social media marketing fail miserably because they behave like ā€œcompanies on social media.ā€

Sounds like a catch-22, I get itā€”but hear me out.

  • If you go to Twitter, youā€™ll see people tweeting their thoughts, sharing an interesting article, having conversations, sharing jokes or memesā€¦then youā€™ll see a company tweeting a stock photo, with a hashtag, and a link to sign up.
  • If you go to Instagram, youā€™ll see people posting inspiring photos of their travels, sharing exciting activities theyā€™ve done, or videos with the people they loveā€¦then youā€™ll see a company posting a stock photo, with a hashtag, and a link to sign up.
  • If you go to Tinderā€¦I donā€™t know what youā€™ll findā€”Iā€™ve never been there. That was a different guy.

You get my point.

Most companies fail at social media because they fail to use the channels like they are meant to be used.

Instead, they just try to spray and pray, hoping people will magically go from social to their site and become customers.

If you want your company to be successful in social media, you need toĀ avoid being ā€œa company on social mediaā€ and strive to have one of the best accounts on that social channelā€”period.

Thatā€™s EXACTLY what companies like Airbnb have accomplished:

One thingā€™s for sure: Youā€™re not going to get there by posting the same message+hashtag+image+link combo on every social media channel.

What if you learned how to create and execute a social media strategy like Airbnb?

  • Maybe your agency would be able toĀ provide 10x better results to clientsĀ than any other agency offering social media services
  • Maybe your companyā€™s social media accounts could generate a massive number ofĀ new and highly-engaged leads every month
  • Maybe you could get a promotion or a new job toĀ manage a companyā€™s entire social media presence

Thatā€™s exactly what the ClickMinded Social Media Framework will help you accomplishā€¦

ā€¦and weā€™ve brought a world-class social media expert to teach you:Ā Jasmine Atherton, Head of Social at companies like Airbnb and Delta.

Jasmine is a total boss:

  1. She has run massive campaigns on social, includingĀ Super Bowl campaigns.
  2. Her team hasĀ won several Canne Lionsfor social media campaigns.
  3. Under her leadership, Airbnb has won ā€œBest Brand on Instagramā€ several years in a row.


Hereā€™s whatā€™s included in the course.

The ClickMinded Social Media Marketing Training teaches you EXACTLY how to run powerful, metric-driven social marketing campaigns.

How social media fits into your business

  • The THREE components of social media that will help your businessĀ grow in a meaningful wayĀ (and not just accumulate likes, retweets, favorites, etc)
  • Debunking theĀ myth of social media management: itā€™s not easy and the fact that you have a personal Facebook or Twitter account doesnā€™t mean youā€™ve got it figured out.

Picking the right social media channels to hit your goals

  • The decision process to follow whenĀ picking whether to participate in a social channel or notĀ (hence avoiding the hype of new social channels popping up every week)
  • Discover how usersā€™Ā attitude and mentalityĀ changes completely depending on the social channel (and how this can lead toĀ drasticallyĀ different strategies from channel to channel)
  • Why Facebook is theĀ go-to channel for companies of all sizesĀ and how its algorithm makes it a great place for brands to share content
  • What differentiates Twitter from every other social channelĀ and how that will determine the way you approach it
  • The ONEĀ critical success factorĀ for companies participating on Instagram (plus, why your profile is more important than in any other social channel)
  • How Snapchat can enable you toĀ create one-to-one connectionsĀ with users (as opposed to other channels where interactions are ā€œone-to-manyā€)
  • What isĀ ā€œlife-stage contentā€Ā and why itā€™s the best performing type of content for Pinterest (plus, how to be successful in Pinterest by approaching it as a search engine instead of as a social channel)
  • Why youĀ donā€™t necessarily need to have your own channelĀ to participate in YouTube (this is actually how many brands choose to approach this channel)
  • How Airbnb used LinkedIn in the past vs how itā€™s changed its strategy to reach business travelers (plus, why itā€™s perhaps theĀ least robust channel for marketers and advertisers)
  • AĀ social media channel cheatsheetĀ that will give you a framework to decide on which channels to participate and how

Kickstarting your social media presence

  • 12 tactics to help youĀ start growing your social media audiencesĀ from scratch

Monitoring: the most overlooked aspect of social media marketing

  • The TWO reasons why youĀ need to monitor social mediaĀ even if youā€™re not actively participating in it (seriously, this is the bare minimum that you have to do and most companies donā€™t do it properly)
  • WhyĀ ā€œgoing viralā€ isnā€™t always good newsĀ for your company (hint: when something goes wrong) and how to prevent it from spiraling out of control
  • How monitoring can enable you toĀ create ā€œwhoa momentsā€ for your customersĀ and take engagement to a whole new level
  • A step-by-step walkthrough toĀ automate monitoringĀ by using social listening tools (including some advanced techniques to get the exact results you care about)
  • The EXACT workflow toĀ streamline management of ALL your social media mentionsĀ (and the best process to address each type of mention)

Creating and distributing world-class social media content

  • What most people get wrong when they think aboutĀ competition in social mediaĀ (this is why you should probably not worry too much about other brands or companies)
  • A case study ofĀ how Airbnb uses different content formatsĀ (animation, photography, video, long-form content, and albums) to adapt the message of a single campaign to maximize the impact of a single campaign across several channels
  • What constitutesĀ ā€œcontent excellenceā€ with video, imagery, and copyĀ for companies like Airbnb (social media users are RUTHLESS and will only give you a few seconds of their attention)
  • Why youĀ canā€™t just ā€œdo social mediaā€Ā and expect to get results (you should only participate in a social channel if you can do it as a REAL user would)
  • The win-win situation that will allow your company toĀ publish high-quality compelling content without actually producing any of it
  • How to think like a social media user in the attention-deficit era and theĀ FOUR tactics you can use create content that people actually consume
  • OurĀ favorite toolsĀ for writing compelling social media copy, finding affordable (or free) high-quality photography, and designing visuals (these will make your life 10x easier)
  • The THREE methods you can use toĀ maximize the reach of your social media contentĀ (including which one to use if you have a small social following)
  • OurĀ go-to toolsĀ to simplify and streamline the distribution of your content across all your social media channels (thereā€™s a couple you probably havenā€™t heard about)
  • A simple framework toĀ measure, track, and report engagementĀ across all of your different social media channels (this solves a BIG problem for social media managers: how do you compare a Twitter like to a Facebook comment?)

Bottom of the Funnel: Content that turns leads into customers

  • 4 types of content campaigns toĀ boost your sales and revenueĀ (and work for any company and industry)

Converting social media audiences into leads and customers

  • How to defineĀ goals and metricsĀ for each social channel and stage of the funnel (plus, learn how Airbnb developed their own benchmarks to analyze the success of their social media campaigns)
  • AnalyzingĀ organic vs paid engagementĀ and how each of them can help you hit different goals
  • Why having thousands or millions of followers in social media doesnā€™t really matter andĀ what you should do (instead of just trying to get more followers)
  • The TWO strategies you can use toĀ attractĀ social audiences to your website andĀ convertĀ them into leads and customers (thereā€™s more to it than just ā€œlink in bioā€)
  • Using UTM parameters toĀ track your social campaigns on Google AnalyticsĀ (and beyond going beyond social metrics)

[Walkthrough] Setting up your social media strategy from scratch

  • The step-by-step process to perform aĀ comprehensive audit of the social media competitive landscapeĀ for any company or industry (you HAVE to do this before you can even think of your social media strategy)
  • The exact workflow you can implement toĀ streamline content planning, creation, and schedulingĀ (most people get this wrong and think they can just get a scheduling tool and be done with it)


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