Killer Cold Emailing – Jorden Roper


Killer Cold Emailing – Jorden Roper

Jorden Roper – Killer Cold Emailing

Killer Cold Emailing – Jorden Roper


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You’re tired of your soul-sucking 9-to-5 job. Seriously – you feel like you’re wasting away and you can’t stand the thought of sitting in a cubicle for the rest of your life or being barked at by an asshole boss who doesn’t recognize your talents.

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Killer Cold Emailing – Jorden Roper

Killer Cold Emailing – Jorden Roper

Get Killer Cold Emailing – Jorden Roper  at the Course Farm

Killer Cold Emailing

Pick a profitable niche, create a site that sells, and use cold emailing to make your first $1000 (or your next $1000) and beyond as a freelance writer.

You’re a good writer. You’re ready to work hard and do what it takes to grow a profitable freelance writing business.

There’s just one problem:

You don’t know how to market yourself and win high-paying clients.

Tell me if any of this sounds familiar…

You’re stuck writing in content mills or bidding for work. You know damn well that you’re underpaid, but you don’t know how to break free of those sites and find your own clients.

You’re tired of your soul-sucking 9-to-5 job. Seriously – you feel like you’re wasting away and you can’t stand the thought of sitting in a cubicle for the rest of your life or being barked at by an asshole boss who doesn’t recognize your talents.

You’re SICK of working for shit money. You see other writers online making hundreds of dollars per assignment, but you feel stuck making pennies per word, and you wonder,“What are they doing that I’m not?”

You don’t know what high-paying clients are looking for. Maybe you already know that you need a niche and a website. But you’re frustrated because you don’t know which niche to pick or what you should say on your site.

You’re overwhelmed by all the information online. You’ve read plenty of blog posts about freelance writing, but nothing seems to be working. Plus, there’s so much conflicting information out there – how can you be sure you’re spending your time on the tasks that will win you new clients?

All you want is the freedom of being your own boss, working from anywhere you want, and running a highly profitable freelance writing business.

And you find yourself thinking:

What am I doing wrong? Is it REALLY even possible to make a good living as a freelance writer?

I’m here to tell you that it IS possible to make a full-time income freelance writing (even if you’re a totally clueless newbie!).

I started my freelance writing business right after getting fired from my shitty full-time job.

And I felt pretty clueless at first, but I had bills to pay. I NEEDED to make it work.

After some experimenting, I finally figured out the best way to kick start my freelance writing business:

Cold emailing.

I made over $1,000 in my first month as a full-time freelance writer – over $800 of that was justfrom the clients I had cold emailed.

And I won 2 high-paying clients the very first day I sent cold emails out.

I felt like I had just discovered the secret to finding my own high-paying clients!

My income only grew from there.

In my 4th month as a full-time freelance writer, I made over $5,000.

And I eventually got to the point where I made over $8,000/month – all from freelance writing.

(I’m not saying this to brag ­– I’m saying it to let you know what’s possible!)

That wouldn’t have happened if I had started out bidding for gigs or working in content mills for pennies per word.

It happened because I started my business by learning how to cold email clients and position myself as the writer they needed.

Think about it. What if you could….

Work from anywhere and be your own boss. No more depressing cubicle. No more asshole boss. You work for yourself, create your schedule, and pick the clients you want!

Feel confident marketing yourself to potential clients. No more worrying about feeling like a complete idiot when you pitch yourself – you know exactly what to say to get a high-paying client’s attention.

Learn exactly what high-paying clients are looking for in a freelance writer. Instead of lowering your rates out of fear, you charge what you’re worth.

Get Killer Cold Emailing – Jorden Roper  at the Course Farm

Turn your love for writing into a profitable, full-time business. You confidently market yourself in a way that allows you to make a serious income from freelance writing.

It’s possible – and achievable! I know because I’ve DONE it.

I’m no longer a stressed-out employee at a soul-sucking 9-to-5 job. Instead, I’m a business owner in control of my workload and schedule, and you can be too!

Killer Cold Emailing student Tara landed a client who paid $1,000 for a single blog post after building her website using the strategies in the course!

I’m here to help you make it happen with the exact step-by-step marketing methods I used to grow my freelance writing business:

Killer Cold Emailing.

Let me be clear: this course is not just about giving you a coldemailing template.

It also walks you through the marketing strategy BEHIND cold emailing so you can win high-paying clients and set yourself up for long-term success.

Because you know what?

A cold emailing template alone really isn’t enough.

For example:

If you send a decent cold email with a link to your site in it, but your site doesn’t sell or show off your expertise the right way, then you’ve left out a critical part of the overall strategy.

…That client might see your site and decide to pass on hiring you – even if your cold email was well-written.


But don’t worry.

By the time you’re done with this course, you’ll know what clients are looking for and how to position yourself as the writer they need.

That’s because the information in the course is based on what I did to start my freelance writing business and make over $800 in my first month cold emailing.

You get to steal my successful strategies and use them to grow your own freelance writing business, just like Killer Cold Emailing student Kelly:

Killer Cold Emailing is a six-module course. It contains 30 self-paced lessons and includes videos and downloadable resources.

Get Killer Cold Emailing – Jorden Roper  at the Course Farm

Here’s what you’re going to learn:


Discover the mindset shifts you must make to start a profitable freelance writing business and set yourself up for cold emailing success, and understand the “big picture” when it comes to cold emailing and winning clients.


Learn exactly how to:

– Pick a profitable freelance writing niche

– Identify your target clients

– Position your niche expertise in a way that makes high-paying clients want to work with you

– Set up your freelance writer website and optimize it so it sells

– Create client-attracting niche writing samples

– Market your niche expertise on social media


Learn 3 methods you can use to find the email addresses of your target clients (full of in-depth, step-by-step walkthroughs!).


Learn the 6 KEY elements of a killer cold email that wins you new, high-paying freelance writing clients (cold emailing templates included!).


Learn about:

– Crushing your client phone calls (even if you’re terrified of talking on the phone – seriously, these tips work!)

– Closing the deal and winning clients over

– Exactly what you should say when clients ask you for pricing over the phone (hint: you DON’T want to quote them on the phone call!)

– Client onboarding basics


I’ll talk about the importance of setting up client-attracting systems so clients come to you. Also, learn about raising your rates as you grow and “playing the long game” so you can achieve long-term success.

Ready to become a full-time freelance writer? You have two options:

1. Try to figure it out all on your own and spend way too much time on trial and error.


2. Use my proven, step-by-step system for making your first $1K as a freelance writer FAST.

The strategies I teach in Killer Cold Emailing aren’t recycled strategies I’ve learned from a different freelance writing course (never taken one!).

What you’re going to learn in Killer Cold Emailing is based on real experience and results.

Wondering if Killer Cold Emailing will really work for you? Unsure of whether or not you can actually make it happen?

I get it – I was skeptical about cold emailing at first too (until I tried it for myself!). Let’s talk about some of the things you might be thinking so I can clear things up!

1.“Um, I’m TERRIFED of cold emailing. I’m afraid I’m going to come across as spammy or as an idiot with nothing to say!”

I’ve got your back! Not only does this course cover exactly what you need to say in your emails – it shows you how to position your expertise in a way that makes clients want to work with you.

2.“I don’t think I’m enough of an expert yet. I just don’t feel confident because of my lack of experience. Maybe I should read a few more articles…”

When I started out, I didn’t have tons of impressive experience. I felt like I was “winging it” most of the time! The truth is, you don’t need a ton of expertise – you just need to be a writer who can deliver what clients want!

3.“I don’t have any idea what my niche should be, and I don’t have a website, so I probably shouldn’t take this course yet”

This course is made with beginners in mind, which is why it goes over the entire marketing process behind successful cold emailing – things like confidently picking a profitable niche and the elements you need to include on your site to make it sell.

4.“I can probably just find all of the information in this course online somewhere.”

You know what? I’m sure you can find a generic template somewhere.

But I’d be willing to bet you can’t find the exact step-by-step cold emailing strategy for freelance writers that I teach in this course.

That’s because this course is based on my own success at growing a $5K/mo freelance writing business – not regurgitated stuff you’ve already seen!

Get Killer Cold Emailing – Jorden Roper  at the Course Farm


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