Lynn Waldrop – Autoimmune Series


Lynn Waldrop – Autoimmune Series

Lynn Waldrop - Autoimmune Series

Lynn Waldrop – Autoimmune Series

Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $37.00.

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Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $37.00.

Lynn had so many client sessions dealing with Autoimmune symptoms that she had to check in with the energies. She pulled in 10,000 random bodies from around the world to play with and found that 10% actually had been diagnosed with an Autoimmune disorder. However, 90% of the bodies had Autoimmune symptoms!

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Lynn Waldrop – Autoimmune Series

Lynn Waldrop - Autoimmune Series


Unlock Your Blocks, Unwind the Autoimmune Epidemic, & Reignite Your Body!
Lynn had so many client sessions dealing with Autoimmune symptoms that she had to check in with the energies. She pulled in 10,000 random bodies from around the world to play with and found that 10% actually had been diagnosed with an Autoimmune disorder. However, 90% of the bodies had Autoimmune symptoms!
She created this series as a way of helping those whose body’s are attacking their own tissues; disorders such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Interstitial Cystitis, Grave’s Disease, Type 1 Diabetes, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis & MUCH MORE!
Questions to ask yourself…
Are you currently taking medications to reduce the immune system’s abnormal response
Are those medications causing you to have worse side effects than the disease itself?
Do you feel like you are the effect of your Autoimmune Disease with symptoms such as Chronic Fatigue, Fever, General ill-feelings, Joint Pain and Rash?

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Are you tired of taking supplements to replace a substance that the body lacks, such as thyroid hormone, vitamin b12 or insulin, due to an Autoimmune Disease?
Are you ready for a NEW lease on life?
What is an Autoimmune and how does it affect ME?
What is an Autoimmune?
Lynn had so many client sessions dealing with Autoimmune symptoms that she had to check in with the energies. She pulled in 10,000 random bodies from around the world to play with and found that 10% actually had been diagnosed with an Autoimmune disorder. However, 90% of the bodies had Autoimmune symptoms!
She created this series as a way of helping those whose body’s are attacking their own tissues; disorders such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Interstitial Cystitis, Grave’s Disease, Type 1 Diabetes, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis & MUCH MORE!
How it works
Science says you can genetically be predisposed to an Autoimmune Disease. However, it does not become active unless triggered by an environmental or infections trigger. Lynn will give your body the energetic formulas and upgrade your immune system to recognize where your body is attacking you.
Lynn will also cover the thoughts, feelings, and emotions that are possibly creating your autoimmune disease such as:
β€œMy Autoimmune disease(s) cannot be healed, or even improved”
β€œYour tests are all normal – nothing is wrong with you!”
β€œI feel like I have no control over my illness”
And many more!
Modules Included in the Autoimmune Series
Autoimmune Series Module #1 – Introductions to Autoimmunes
Every known chronic disease β€” from Heart Disease to Cancer, Diabetes to Obesity, Autism to Dementia, and even Depression is being linked to Autoimmune Diseases!
The REAL causes of Autoimmune diseases are hidden allergens, infections, environmental toxins, stress & even your thoughts, feelings & emotions. Autoimmune Diseases specifically, now affect 24 million people. Did you know this includes rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel disease? What are Autoimmune Diseases?
Your immune system is your defense against the world. It is your internal safeguard and has to clearly distinguish foreign invaders β€” to know you from others. Your immune system can get confused and your own tissues get caught in friendly cross-fire. Your body is fighting something β€” an infection, a toxin, an allergen, a food or the stress response β€” and somehow it redirects its hostile attack on your joints, your brain, your thyroid, your gut, your skin, or sometimes your whole body.
Targeting β€œBad” Blood
The thoughts feelings and emotions around Autoimmune are:
β€’ Having to control or feeling out of control of what’s eating you
β€’ Are you worried about these disorders having genetic ties and other family members already diagnosed?
β€’ Targeting specific Autoimmune Blood Disorders
β€’ Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
β€’ Platelet Destruction
β€’ Different types of Anemia
β€’ Evan’s Syndrome
Respiratory System Reboot
The lungs are part of a complex apparatus, expanding and relaxing thousands of times each day to bring in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. Energetically targeting the following Autoimmune Respiratory diseases and symptoms:
β€’ Sarcoidosis Disease
β€’ Asthma
β€’ Chronic Cough
Autoimmune Series Module #2 – Skin, Joints, Muscles & Connective Tissue
Save Your Skin
What does your skin say about you?!
Do you feel β€œdoomed” to Autoimmune disease due to family history & genetics?
Are you tired of having to hide your skin from the world?
Do you automatically assume Autoimmune disease(s) cannot be healed, or even improved?
Energetically target these specific Autoimmune Skin responses:
β€’ Psoriasis
β€’ Psoriatic Arthritis
β€’ Rosacea
β€’ Eczema
β€’ Tinea versicolor
β€’ Alopecia
β€’ Sclerodermal
β€’ Stress reactions caused by the environment and people around us resulting in skin conditions like breakouts, oily skin etc
β€’ Hives and skin rashes
β€’ Weber-Christian Disease
β€’ Vitiligo
β€’ Allergies
β€’ Insect Bites
Muscles, Joints & Connective Tissue
β€’ Osteoarthritis
β€’ Psoriatic Arthritis
β€’ Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
β€’ Polymyalgia Theumatica causes symptoms of pain and stiffness, typically in the neck, shoulder, arms, or him areas.
β€’ Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease (UCTD)
Autoimmune Series Module #3 – Food Type Allergies, Digestive System & Endocrine System
Food Type Allergies & Digestive System
What foods are eating away at your healthy immune system?
β€œBut I keep hearing on nutrition summits how no one can digest gluten & it shouldn’t be eaten as it damages the gut lining & creates leaky gut…” What if it’s possible to energetically change the cells of your body not to be at the effect of Gluten?
What kind of change can YOU & Lynn target in your body and digestive system to create optimal health?
Topics & Diseases covered:

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β€’ Crohn’s Disease
β€’ Ulcerative Colitis
β€’ Immune Attacks of the GI tract
β€’ Sensitivity of gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, alcohol
β€’ Intolerance and cross-reactions to sugar, salt, caffeine, green tea, gluten, dairy, chemicals, white and red wine.
β€’ Fructose intolerance
β€’ Gluten intolerance
β€’ Leaky Gut Syndrome
Diabetes & Your Endocrine System
Diabetes is a disease that affects how the body uses glucose, the main type of sugar in the blood. Glucose comes from the foods we eat and is the major source of energy needed to fuel the body’s functions.
Type 1 Diabetes results when the pancreas loses its ability to make the hormone insulin.
We will be targeting cell regrowth in the pancreas to allow the body to start producing insulin again. All you need you is the energetic formula for health from this series.
Endocrine System & Thyroid Gland
β€œWhat the vast majority of hypothyroidism patients need to understand is that they don’t have a problem with their thyroid, they have a problem with their immune system attacking the thyroid. This is crucial to understand, because when the immune system is out of control, it’s not only the thyroid that will be affected.”
Diseases Covered:
β€’ Grave’s Disease
β€’ Hypothyroidism
β€’ Hashimoto’s
β€’ & many MORE
Autoimmune Series Module #4 – Nervous & Reproductive System, Organs & Lupus
Nervous & Reproductive System
What thoughts, feelings and emotions are you holding in the cells of your body?
β€’ Multiple Sclerosis related illness has made me β€œunfit to work”
β€’ Believing nothing can help me after almost 25yrs of doctors telling me my tests look normal, in other words, there’s no help for you or you’re just imagining you feel horrible.
Nervous System
β€’ Guillian-BarrΓ© syndrome
Reproductive System
β€’ Intestinal Cystitis
β€’ Endometriosis
β€’ Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
β€’ Other Acquired Autoimmune Disorders
β€’ Autoimmune Hepatitis
β€’ Primary Biliary Cirrhosis

Module #5 – Fighting the Fatigue
Fighting the Fatigue
Chronic Fatigue, Lymes Disease and Epstein Barr Virus are all very complicated disorders to diagnose and are characterized by extreme fatigue that can’t be explained by any underlying medical condition. In this call, Lynn looks at the Immune System as a whole to explore the root causes of these diseases.
Topics Covered in this MP3:
β€’ Upgraded energies from Calls 1-4
β€’ Autoimmunes & Fat Cells
β€’ Autoimmune Antibodies
β€’ Going Back to Originals Pathogens (potentially from childhood)
β€’ TFE’s
Autoimmune Series Module #6 – Autoimmune Updates & The Truth About Epstein Barr Virus
Autoimmune Updates & The Truth About Epstein Barr Virus:
Lynn has received so many profound, new energies to break the Autoimmune Cycles so she wanted to include them to upgrade you!
Topics covered in this MP3:
Upgrades For:
Multiple Sclerosis
Leaky Gut
And More
β†’ Epstein Barr Virus is EVERYWHERE! You may know it as β€œMono”.
β†’ Epstein Barr Virus Activating other Autoimmunes
β†’ Epstein Barr Virus and Cancer
β†’ Epstein Barr Virus and Other Diseases
Autoimmune Series Module #7 – Misdiagnosed & Misunderstood Autoimmunes and Their Triggers
Misdiagnosed and Misunderstood Autoimmunes and Their Triggers
Autoimmunes are so often misdiagnosed, misunderstood or are not diagnosed at all when there are clear symptoms that display the immune system’s war on the body. There is no β€œAutoimmunologist” to specialize in this scattered group of diseases and it can be very difficult to determine the triggers of the reactions. Topics covered in this MP3:
β†’ Healing vs treating symptoms
β†’ What are your Autoimmune Triggers (Emotional, Stress, Food, Environmental, Viral, Bacterial, Genes)
β†’Misdiagnosing Autoimmunes as Mental Disorders such as Bipolar Disorder, Depression and Schizophrenia
β†’Going back to childhood illnesses and the events that started it all
β†’Social & Familial responses to you never feeling well
β†’The Genetics of Autoimmune Disease
β†’Entities and their effects

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