Melanie Aubert – The New Era of Selling


Melanie Aubert – The New Era of Selling

Melanie Aubert - The New Era of Selling

Melanie Aubert – The New Era of Selling

Original price was: $2,250.00.Current price is: $69.00.

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Original price was: $2,250.00.Current price is: $69.00.

How to run flash sales and birthday bundles just to have a ​one-time cash injection.

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Melanie Aubert – The New Era of Selling

Melanie Aubert - The New Era of Selling

The 7 figure sales system designed to sell ​out every offer at every price point, ​without living on social media

Because let’s be honest, who ​wants to be 86 years old still ​relying on ig stories to ​create cashflow?

This isn’t one of those sales programs that’ll teach you ​how to run flash sales and birthday bundles just to have a ​one-time cash injection. The New Era of Selling shows you​ how to curate a consistent sales sequence that stacks an​d sells for you, lon​g term.
This is where sales notifications popping up out of nowhere becomes your new standard

Inside the new ​era of selling

You’ll learn how to…

Shift your messaging in order to attract clients who ​move like you and invest like you. Instead of your ​DM’s being filled with “hey, I missed pre-sale, can I ​still get the link??” you’ll start stacking “I’m IN!” at ​every price point.
Uncover and amplify your unique brilliance.
While we love a good referral, instead of remaining ​your client’s best kept secret (limiting the volume of ​sales I know you can generate), you’ll learn how to ​amplify your authority, dissolve all competition and ​transform from “just another person selling _” to “shut ​up and take my money”.
Use my Selling without Selling Method that’ll turn ​your active sales strategies into passive sales ​strategies. Instead of feeling like your giving your ​clients the ick from selling and starting from zero ​each month, your daily sales strategies will continue ​to empower your ideal client to buy, ask for links and ​hit up your dm’s looking for more info.
If you didn’t know, I’m the girl who gets your business to work ​harder than you.

This is the program to join when you’re ​done relying on “bonuses, fake urgency ​and flash sales” to sell your offers

Hi, i’m melanie

& your highest ​cash month is ​calling…

As a Corporate Marketing ​Dropout turned multi 7 figure ​CEO, I’ve purchased my fair ​share of sales programs that ​put heavy emphasis on ​selling FOMO and scarcity.
The whole “last 3 spots!” ​and “price is going up” as ​the primary driver of cash ​flow never sat well with me.
And for good reason. My dream clients aren’t ​activated through a sale, they’re activated by the ​transformation, the information and mastery of a ​topic. I wanted sales to come in daily without me ​having to push with the same amount of energy every ​single day. So I burned my entire process to the ​ground.
I wanted to create and master a sales strategy that ​felt simple and didn’t require me selling my soul to the ​algorithm. One that brought the most aligned clients ​into my space because they saw my authority and my ​intelligence. I wanted my offers to feel like the most no-​brainer, safest decision without “no brainer price ​points”.
I’ve spent years simplifying my sales system and have ​helped thousands of genius humans like you sell out ​offers and build passive cash flow simultaneously. And ​the best part, you don’t have to burn everything to the ​ground like I did, I’m going to show you how to tweak, ​shift and amplify what you’re already doing. (I took ​one for the team, don’t worry)
My sales sequence has dream clients buying offers I ​haven’t sold publicly in weeks, dream clients asking to ​upgrade or join more offers ‘randomly’ and the easiest ​conversations in the dm’s.
Everything I do actively, serves me long-term ​passively.
And because of this, my business generates $850k ​minimum per year with a small audience and while ​raising my tiny little human.
Don’t just take it from me, my clients are out here as ​walking / breathing examples of this work. *keep ​scrolling, you’ll see*

The desire-based sales system in depth

Imagine having an idea for an offer and knowing EXACTLY how to ​sell it. You’re no longer someone who figures out your sales content ​hoping something sticks and your audience buys. You’ll learn why ​playing it safe in your content and speaking to broad in “how to” ​language is blending you in.
Imagine your dream clients buying as soon as you drop an offer ​(because you knew **exactly** how to prime them) AND they buy ​at every single price point – low, mid and high.
Imagine having a sales process that you can leverage long-term. ​Each day you’re building toward a passive sales system. What you ​do today, impacts what your cash flow looks like in 3 months.
Imagine no longer wasting time with client who you’ve ​unknowingly sold into the wrong spaces. You know that feeling ​when you’re spending time teaching whats in your group programs ​in your close proximity containers? Yeah, we’re done with that.
Inside of The New Era of Selling, we take intentional ​strategy to an entirely new level. I’m not gonna give you a ​bunch of templates to sound like everyone else, but ​instead the tools to amplify YOU.
Here are the topics in depth:
Ensure your messaging is no longer repelling your dream clients ​using my signature Content Groundwork strategy.
You’ll learn how to create a HOT audience that’s ready to buy w/o ​spending time actively **nurturing** leads. You’ll learn exactly how I ​ensure my offers sell *no matter what*
My 4 Content Frameworks that are designed to not only create ​that ‘holy shit she’s speaking right to me” but attract the high level ​clients who see your genius.
You’ll learn how to make ~very important~ minor shifts in your ​content that get your dream clients motivated to MOVE vs scroll.
Stories that sell: we cover subconscious brand building on IG ​stories, how to sell your offers actively and stack value to create ​easy yes’s for your audience.
Dissolving Resistance in your content (not handling objections) to ​ensure there’s little no friction in your sales sequence. Creating an ​easy yes is looking at how to remove what’s getting in their way – ​lack of knowledge, pervious experiences or not knowing how you do ​it differently.
How to sell masterminds, low ticket offers, passive offers, and 1:1 ​spaces. Experience-based offers and solution-based offers should ​be sold differently – and if you find selling one over the other easier, ​it’s likely you have difficulty differentiating the two. But no worries, I ​got you.
How to create cash injections on top of your long-term sales ​strategy (who doesn’t love overflow?)
Learn the masculine and feminine energetics of ​communication and how to ensure you’re a mega-dream-​client-attraction and not a scarcity-distractor.
^ empowered sales conversations are the only conversations we’re ​having moving forward.
How to collect massive amounts of client results and cultivate ​community.


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