Patty Lennon – Profit Plan 6 Week Program


Patty Lennon – Profit Plan 6 Week Program

Patty Lennon - Profit Plan 6 Week Program

Patty Lennon – Profit Plan 6 Week Program

Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $77.00.

In stock

Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $77.00.

frustrated-woman-with-computerIf you are like many business owners I work with you feel torn between the needs of your business and the needs of your family. You are working very, very hard but not seeing the results that would justify all that hard work! You are never sure if you are doing the right things to move your business forward.

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Patty Lennon – Profit Plan 6 Week Program

Patty Lennon - Profit Plan 6 Week Program

Imagine starting each day relaxed and ready to do the work you love because your business runs like a well-oiled machine and cash flows consistently into your business and bank account.

Each day you finish up work and are free to enjoy time with your family or friends without constantly thinking about your business.

You are confident, happy and excited about your future.
But right now…

frustrated-woman-with-computerIf you are like many business owners I work with you feel torn between the needs of your business and the needs of your family. You are working very, very hard but not seeing the results that would justify all that hard work! You are never sure if you are doing the right things to move your business forward.

You feel anxious, stressed and sometimes worry that you don’t have what it takes to be a successful business owner. You feel trapped by the size of your bank account and wonder if there will ever be a time when you don’t worry about your bills.

You feel incredibly alone and you are tired of doing this all by yourself.

You’ve probably tried…

pattybulletBuying e-books and information products that claim big results but deliver very little.

pattybulletJoining local networking groups but never really generating the client referrals you heard were possible with active networking.

pattybulletWorking late into the night to try to get some traction in your business only to end up feeling more exhausted and overwhelmed the next day.

pattybulletMaybe you’ve even tried hiring a high priced coach and even got great results while you were working together but those results ended as soon as the coaching was finished.

I was there once. Five years ago I was spinning my wheels working very hard for very little money. I never knew what I would make from month to month and had started to believe that being successful as an entrepreneur was determined by the whims of my clients or a business structure I just didn’t have the skills to master.

But there was one nagging thought that kept me going – “Would the Universe really lead me down this path if I wasn’t meant to succeed?”

That thought pushed me to dig in and really figure out what was keeping me from success.

I soon discovered the problem was that I was doing too many different things to try to create success. I was all over the place. What I needed was a focused, easily executed plan that was realistic for where I was in my business and allowed me to stay aligned with my soul.

I couldn’t keep doing EVERYTHING and I definitely did not LOVE everything I was doing.

I narrowed the strategies I was using down to just three things that were creating tangible results, and that my soul LOVED. This shift created massive improvements in the success I experienced, the joy I felt and the money I watched flowing into my business.

You are probably thinking that this solution sounds way too simple, and if you do LESS than you’re doing now then how could you possibly get better results?

The answer is simple:

The real problem for business owners is not that we don’t know what to do – it’s that we are constantly in information overload and trying to do too many things at once. And not all of them are appropriate for YOU and YOUR business.

Every day you have a new guru telling you that you need complicated launch plans, social media plans and digital marketing initiatives that make your head spin. And most of it is total bullsh*t.

But all these experts sound so convincing that you end up trying to do too much and all that ‘doing’ just leaves you exhausted and overwhelmed.

My solution looks and feels very different. I’m not going to leave you with multiple choices that leave you feeling overwhelmed or confused. Instead we are going to create a very focused plan built on the minimum required actions you need to take to get to six figures that you can execute easily over the next year. And you’ll learn to listen to your inner wisdom and your Guides so that every step of the way you remain in alignment with your soul.
I have taught my private clients how to direct their time and energy to create profitability and growth efficiently and predictably throughout the year and I can do the same for you.

What’s Included…

pattybulletIn this program you’ll learn how to package your one-to-one hours in a way that increases the value for your client, and allows you to charge more for less time.

pattybulletYou’ll learn how to answer the question “So what do you do?” in a way that feels so comfortable you’ll look forward to networking events and you’ll easily generate referrals from those you meet.

pattybulletYou’ll learn how to allow your soul to give you the answers for everything from what to charge to who (and who not) to work with.

pattybulletYou’ll create a full year marketing plan for your business that will let you know exactly what you need to be doing each week to generate six figures (and beyond).

pattybulletYou’ll receive my simple system to document the transformation you create for your clients so that writing sales and marketing copy is easy peasy.

pattybulletYou’ll learn the three key activities you must do to grow your business to six figures and beyond without having to engage any manipulative or sleazy sales tricks.

pattybulletYou’ll learn how to receive guidance on marketing and sales from your Soul and your Business Guides so as you grow your business beyond our time together you can eliminate the fear that you might be doing it wrong.


Here’s What You Get:

LiveGuidedTraining Recorded Guided Trainings:
You’ll have access to guided trainings where I’ll walk you step by step through the process of building a simple Six Figure Business that is in total alignment with your soul.

You’ll be able to participate in this program from the comfort of your home or office.

JuicyFunWorkbook Juicy, Fun Workbook:
Then you’ll have a juicy, fun workbook to take the material deeper on your own time.

GuidedMeditationGuided Meditations:
You’ll also receive guided meditations that will help you connect to the wisdom of your Guides and your Soul so that you are building a business that works perfectly for you.

I’ve made it easy for you because I’ve stripped away all the unnecessary activities that many “experts” claim are necessary to grow your business to six figures and narrowed it down to the few activities that work every single time so there is no guess work.

Additionally, you will receive support every step of the way in connecting to your intuitive guidance so that you are customizing your sales and marketing approach in a way that works for YOU. This inner wisdom allows you to ensure your soul is infused into every part of your business making it feel easy and natural.

Finally you can stop worrying if you are “doing it wrong” and will stay focused because you will have a simple Profit Plan – a series of systems and strategies – that are built to grow your unique business to six figures consistently in a way you can predict.

thumbsupThis Program Is For You If:

…This product is for service based entrepreneurs that create income working with clients one-to-one or in small group settings and are eager to grow that business to six figures and beyond.

…This program is ideal for you if you are tired of complicated strategies, sales funnels and hoop-jumping methods of creating income.

…You’d really love a simple, straightforward way to grow your business in a way that makes your soul jump for joy.

…You have a family to support and you’d like to know that the time you spend away from them is generating income that will improve their lives.

…You are tired of trading time for very little money and the idea of trading time for a whole lotta money sounds pretty good about now.

thumbsdownThis Program Isn’t For You If:

…You love complicated launch strategies with multi-level sales funnels.

…You own a product based business.

…You run a multi-level or direct marketing business.

…You have a service based business that generates more than $100,000 in income and you work a reasonable amount of hours to create that income.

Ready To Jump In?
Here Are The Deets:

The Six Figure Soul Infused No Bullshit Profit Plan starts now. This is a homestudy program and you will learn at your own pace. You will have access to 6 Training Modules. We recommend completing 1 module per week for 6 weeks.

The Six Figure Soul Infused No Bullshit Profit Plan is $497 or 3 payments of $187.

Your Program Bonuses…

Harnessing the Power of Your Intuitive Voice: We are all born with an inner wisdom readily available to us. It feeds us the exact right answers in every situation. Your intuitive voice is ready to help you with problems and decisions, big and small. Use this guided meditation to begin to access this wisdom on a daily basis. We’ll be building on this wisdom throughout the program! (valued at $27)

Module One of The Intuitive One Page Business Plan Magic: This training will help you identify clearly the people you came to serve so that you get a jump start on our program and start working with this energy immediately. (valued at $97)

Get Patty Lennon – Profit Plan 6 Week Program download


Here Are The Training Modules You Get With My… 6FigSoulInfused_NoBS_PP
Module 1:
Finding Your Passion & Connecting with Your Purpose
Learn how to connect to your soul’s wisdom on a deep level, to ensure everything you are building in your business aligns with your purpose and fills you with passion.

Module 2:
Serving & Soul-Connecting with Your Tribe
Tap into what your Tribe needs from you every time so that you can design packages and services they’re eager to buy and you will always offer the greatest service to the people you are here to serve!

Module 3:
Your Magic Wand: Understand What Sets You Apart and Makes You Stand Out From The Rest!
In this module, you’re going to finally know what sets you apart with your unique gifts that transform the people you serve. If you’ve ever felt stressed about sales, marketing or networking conversations this magic wand will transform that stress to ease and joy!

Module 4:
Building Your Packages & Pricing them Perfectly for Your Tribe Every Time
In this module, you’re going to discover how to package your one-to- one hours in a way that increases the value for your client so they are happy to pay you well for your gifts!

Module 5:
Become a Marketing Goddess & Create Raving Fans
Uncover the marketing techniques that are perfectly aligned with your soul so that getting the word out is easy and your people are falling in love with everything you put out to the world. In this module you’ll reduce your marketing to three streamlined processes that are perfect for YOU + YOUR PEOPLE.

Module 6:
Mapping out Your Annual Profit Plan for Maximum Profits That You Can Use Over and Over Again
Uncover the path that will take you from overwhelm, frustration, and limited cash flow to the ease and consistent cash flow you can bring to the bank. By the end of this session, you’ll have a map of exactly what activities you’ll be doing month to month for a full year to create the profits you desire that will serve your people in the biggest way possible!

You are also protected by my Happiness Guarantee.
I’m confident that you are going to love this program. And I know that if you use the step-by-step formula, you will have a plan that will catapult your success. To back that up, I’m giving you 7 days to try it out just to make sure. That is right. You can start the program and if you don’t find you are receiving HUGE benefit from what you are learning just email me and I’ll return your $497 investment.


Here’s What You’ll Get in Profit Plan 6 Week Program


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