Perry Belcher – F.I.B.S. Offer Creation Masterclass


Perry Belcher – F.I.B.S. Offer Creation Masterclass

Perry Belcher - F.I.B.S. Offer Creation Masterclass

Perry Belcher – F.I.B.S. Offer Creation Masterclass

Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $52.00.

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Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $52.00.

Why copywriting and offer creation are the most valuable skills on earth… 
The 6-layer “Hacksaw” editing system that makes your copy flow fast…

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Perry Belcher – F.I.B.S. Offer Creation Masterclass

Perry Belcher - F.I.B.S. Offer Creation Masterclass

Finally, You’ll Be Able to Use THIS System to Create Irresistible Cash-Grabbing Offers in 48 Hours or Less Without Writing a Single Word, Guaranteed –

or I’ll Give You My Entire System FREE!

Plus, Try the Complete F.I.B.S. “Fill In the Blanks System” for Creating 
Multimillion-Dollar Offers Today – And I’ll Give You $200+ in FREE Gifts

Dear Friend,

Imagine, sitting down with a few laminated worksheets and a few dozen numbered cards.

Voila, you emerge a few hours later with a brilliant piece of sales copy and a compelling offer. A cash-making monster that would rival that of any master copywriter.

Imagine, getting into the heads of your prospects on a chemical level, explaining your products and services in a crisp, direct and easy-to-understand way…

… and painting a clear picture of the HUGE value you create in the lives of your clients.

Now, imagine the pride of literally conjuring cash out of thin air, creating compelling messages and offers.

See them literally sucking the cash out of your list and your visitors, and even quadrupling your ad spend ROI.

Better still, imagine never being ripped off by high-priced B.S. copywriters ever again, never stressing over a blank sheet of paper or being held hostage by a third-rank employee because you NEED a copywriter…

I Have a Dirty Confession to Make

Hi, my name is Perry Belcher.

I’m the co-founder of, and a so-called master copywriter and offer creator whose offers have drummed up many millions in sales.

My offers have sold everything from trainings at Digital Marketer to printing services, industrial equipment, health supplements and even hot dog carts…

… all following a simple fill-in-the-blanks system.

I’m known in the industry as a legend.

Truth is, I ain’t really that good.

While other writers and friends like the late Clayton Makepeace, John Carlton, Dan Kennedy and the late Gary Halbert are and were true masters, I am a hack.

That’s the big secret here: Even if you’re NOT a genius, you can still perform like one.

That’s what successful hacks like me know, and that’s what we do that you likely don’t.

I take what I’ve learned about human behavior and psychology, do a little 3-step research on the product and the market, and then I simply fill in the blanks as easy as 1-2-3.

Seriously, millions of dollars from that one simple skill.

If copy has been a huge challenge for you, know this: It’s not your fault.

There is so much B.S. information out there, so many outdated books and so many crooked, scammy providers… you never had a chance.

… and people like me who DO have winning systems would likely NEVER share them with you.

Now, I was right where you are now, and here’s what I did about it…

I Had No Choice. Death or Offers

When I started writing copy and creating offers, I was an overdrawn, frazzled and dead-broke ecommerce business failure.

I had not one but two brand-new babies, three teenagers under my roof and a now ex-wife who was as mean as a rattlesnake.

At least once a month I considered taking my own life.

All I ever wanted was to be a success in business, and I was failing, bad.

It sucked.

I sucked.

… and my dream of being a big-shot businessman was just that, a dream.

That’s when I met the “Chemist,” a real-life chemist turned copywriter.

He had created a 10-step formula of mostly “lifting” other writers’ offers and dropping the steps into a sequence template that worked most of the time.

The whole process took just a few hours.

He didn’t have any idea why these offers worked, and I sure as hell didn’t — the point was, they did… and the system was scalable and repeatable.

Over the next two years, around the birth of internet marketing, I practiced by writing countless offers…

Some were winners and many were losers, but surprisingly, after a very short amount of time I became a millionaire for the first time.

Over the next few years, I started studying the “why” behind the chemist’s system and expanded on it, ultimately creating the “21-step formula” I use today…

I was banking MILLIONS.


You CAN Sell Too Much

Then, in a single day it was all gone.

I was growing so quickly, and things got sloppy.

Starting new businesses almost monthly.

Seemed I couldn’t lose.

During that time I had started a dietary supplement company that certainly didn’t cross its t’s and dot its i’s, apparently something vitally required in that business.

As with many in that industry, I learned a bitter lesson of government regulation and in turn lost 100% of everything I had on earth.

 On top of that, I was left $3 million in debt and almost lost my freedom in the process…

I was screwed.

… but I still had the system

Offers Have Saved My Life More Than Once

I eventually settled with the government and gave them everything, paid off the debt without filing bankruptcy and set out to rebuild my life.

This is the time that I really honed the system, every step.

Over the following 10 years, till today, I credit the F.I.B.S. system for nearly 100% of my success.

It keeps me in high demand with partners like Ryan Deiss and Roland Frasier.

It makes me a desirable speaker at conferences worldwide.

It allows me to create cash on demand to buy a new house, car or boat or take dream vacations at will.

… and it gives me the confidence to take crazy risks in business, because I know for a fact if I lost EVERYTHING today, I would still have the system and be back on top in less than a year.

Want My System?

I’m sure that by now you want my system — hell, you would be real dumb if you didn’t.

I’m also sure you have doubts… “I hate writing,” “I’m a lousy writer,” “I don’t have time to do all this stuff.”

I hear you, and I had the same concerns.

Truth is, you can’t be any worse than me.

My writing is barely legible, even now.

I can’t spell shit with a mouthful, and I didn’t even graduate from high school.

… as far as your time goes, that’s just a lie you are telling yourself.

There is NO greater skill you can acquire and no higher use of your time than consistently creating kick-ass, money-sucking offers that grow your business and fatten up your bank account.

That’s a fact and you know it.

Let’s not B.S. one another.

Yes? Then I Have an Offer to Make You…

If you will agree to give me your undivided attention for just a few hours, I’ll turn you into an offer-creation machine.

Your results will rival the masters.


You will have the priceless confidence that I have of knowing whatever crap I get myself into, I can create an offer to get me out of it and then some.

Look, you already know that any businessperson who can create their own offers and write their own copy has a HUGE advantage over their competitors.

You probably also know that really good copywriters typically can’t be hired at any price — the good ones are growing their own businesses.

What you may NOT know is… that there is a secret, a system of templates and processes that can make the entire offer-creation craft basically automated.

Introducing the F.I.B.S. “Fill In the Blanks” Offer Creation System

There is nothing else like it on earth.

It’s taken me 20+ years of trial and error, mostly error, to create this system that is the only one of its kind.

Not only is the system proven with millions of my own personal sales under its belt, but parts of the system have also been used by my private clients to create many times that in revenue.

Moreover, Digital Marketer has spent MILLIONS in split tests and marketing experiments to prove its elements.

This is the greatest copywriting system on earth.

… and it’s easy, even fun to use.

The entire process is mapped on a half dozen laminated, dry-erase F.I.B.S. exercise sheets which you have as part of the Offer Creation Masterclass.

You’ll also get to use my curated trigger word and phrase guide (you’ll use this a lot)…

This is a kindergarten-simple, tactile process. 
I provide you with a few tools, suggest editing software that makes the process work 400–500% better (just $20), and editing systems and checklists that make your offers flow, punchy and impossible to stop reading.

The entire process usually takes me just a few hours to create an offer like this one and a few hours to edit the next day.

Yep, this offer was created with F.I.B.S., and you’re still reading.

One day of writing and one day of editing, and I’m making money just like you will the day after you complete my F.I.B.S Offer Creation Masterclass.

Below this letter is the OUTLINE of what I cover in the Masterclass.

You’ll notice I spend a lot of time explaining the how, the dark psychology and the human behavior rules that govern the process.

This will be critical to you going from 80% effectiveness to 95% and beyond, and it will only take a few hours for you to grasp, although it’s taken me nearly 30 years of reading, studying and filtering between what’s B.S. and what’s real.

You get to skip
 all that.

Now You Have a Big Chance to Change Your Business Life

Listen, if you don’t get how important this skill is, then don’t take this offer creation course.

Keep schlepping away in the same manner you have been — maybe you’ll get a different result

I said it earlier and I’ll say again…

I believe that offer creation is the most valuable skill on earth.

All sales are based on offers… businesses are a collection of offers… partnerships, deals and relationships are all based on offers… and if the other guy’s offer is better than yours, guess what

As you can see below, this is a fast-paced, deep-dive Masterclass that not only gives you the steps to successfully create winning offers, but detailed insight into the psychology and steps inside the parts that really matter…

So by now, unless you’re really brain-dead, you want this system, especially when you look at the alternatives:

The Alternatives to F.I.B.S. Suck!

Hiring bozo copywriters who might as well rub turds on a page for thousands of dollars.

Try to train an unmotivated employee to write copy and create the offers your livelihood depends on.

If they suck, you lose time and money, and if by some stretch they are mildly successful, they will likely hold you hostage for crazy money, go to work for your competition… or worst of all, BECOME your direct competitor (ask me how I know).

Burn 20 years like I did reading everything in print on human behavior, copywriting, brain chemistry, advertising.

Next, you could write 500+ offers and see what works and eliminate what doesn’t like I’ve done.

… or do NOTHING and get the same results you’re getting right now…

Come on…

This is a no-brainer.

Let’s Recap…

So far you’ve discovered the power of creating your own offers, and you’ve discovered that there’s a “secret” system that you can use to accomplish predictable winning results.

You won’t have to depend on shitty employees or crooked self-proclaimed copywriters to sell your products.

Imagine the freedom and confidence you’ll have knowing you can create winning offers on demand.

Imagine, never being dependent again.

… and imagine the POWER you’ll command in deals, partnerships and relationships.

Soon things will be very different — you’ll…

 Create killer “whiteboard” headlines and leads in minutes so you can grab instant attention from your readers

 Discover 52 ways to describe any widget to make almost any product more interesting

 Knock out 3,000–5,000-word sales letters in a single day — I use “voice to text” and never type a word until I edit

 Learn 5 monster closing formulas so you can seal the deal TODAY and collect the money

 Transfer your newfound copywriting skills to Facebook ads, emails, landing pages, webinars, direct mail letters and postcards, phone scripts and more

It ALL works everywhere.

Will you make a LOT more money in the next 12 months after learning how to use this system and creating your own offers…

Let me ask you this…

Do you have products or services to sell?

Are you reasonably intelligent?

Does your business need offers, scripts and emails?

Are you good at online research?

Can you answer 21 questions speaking into a microphone?

Would you like to work less and make more?

I will assume your answers are the same as mine…

Then You Have 2 Clear Choices

  1. Keep doing things the way you have been and remain frustrated, held hostage and simply get use to stagnant growth…

    Or …

    2. Use the Offer Creation Masterclass to start creating your own offers, sell up to 10X more products & services,and never worry about sales ever again.

I would like to personally invite you to the F.I.B.S. Masterclass.

The Masterclass is taught entirely by myself and my Digital Marketer Partner and Master Funnel Hacker Roland Frasier.

I believe this is the greatest Offer Creation Masterclass EVER.

Inside you’ll discover…

  • Why copywriting and offer creation are the most valuable skillson earth…
  • The 6-layer “Hacksaw” editing systemthat makes your copy flow fast and grab the readers’ throats, even if you SUCK as a writer.
    The “5 Cult Laws” that explain 95% of all human behavior and persuasion that govern the entire F.I.B.S. process.
  • How to use words to activate the “Caveman Brain”in every prospect’s head.
  • How to trigger the “4 big brain chemicals” that drive every decision we make. Can you name them?
  • How to use the “Scale Method”to price your products against the desired outcome for up to 3X profits.
  • Attack the 55 primary reasons people buy (numbers 2, 5 and 7 drive over 80% of all sales).
  • The22 reasons people DON’T buy your goods and services (and price is #18).
  • How and when to master “Micro-Commitments” in the sale process that make your calls to action up to 400% more effective.(Have you found them in this letter?)
  • How to leverage “B.U.D.A.s”in your headlines and subheadlines to grab the attention of 3X more readers.
  • “Why Steak Knives Sell Bank Accounts”and the psychology of premiums in your offers for 5X conversions.
  • How, when and what kind of imagesto use in your offers to drive home the most sales.
  • Decorating your offers with BoldItalicsUnderlinedand ALL-CAPS text. What goes where? (Can you guess what decoration makes action verbs hotter?)
  • The “Hands Free” editing tool (FREE) that beats having a TEAM of English majors at your fingertips.
  • TheI.S.S. test I use to create an offer skeleton before filling it in with dictated conversational copy.
  • Create throat-grabbing headlines and standalone subheadlines ALL based on 72 proven headline formulas that never fail.
  • How to “Vaccinate” your prospectsfrom objections way before you ever ask them to buy.
  • How to write intriguing blind bullet points (like these) that drive prospects CRAZY with curiosity so they HAVE to buy, just like you are about to (Just kidding, sort of.)
  • The 4 OTHER forms of social proofthat are almost ALWAYS more powerful than testimonials. (Can you guess one?)
  • How to “Value Stack” your offers before revealing your price to make it seem plain stupid to not accept your offer.
  • How to “Bonus Stack”after your price reveal to create the DOUBLE whammy of value and salivate the greed glands of your prospects.
  • The “TRIPLE guarantee” that makes any prospect’s feeling of risk melt away all while protecting you against frivolous refunds and chargebacks.
  • “Upside-Down Scarcity”— the method of injecting REAL scarcity in every offer. It’s NOT closing, it’s NOT taking away bonuses, and it’s NOT raising the price. (Genius Dan Kennedy taught me this one.)
  • How to useS.’s and P.P.S.’sto lock down offer scanners before they can get away.
  • Even more in editing, like theO.U. test, C.U.B. review and real-person readbacks.

I’m Releasing the Complete System
But Only For A Limited Time

Look, I have only taught this stuff twice: One time in 2013 and once for this masterclass.

The 2013 live event blew people away, but I learned a TON of powerful new persuasion techniques in the 9 years that followed…

Which is why this most recent event was packed with even MORE proven money making strategies.

We really upped the game and had an audience of 200. Half were members of our War Room Mastermind who pay us $30,000 per year.

We sold tickets for $1,997 a piece, and people were happy to pay it.

The event was a smashing success!

We recorded the whole thing and gave every attendee a copy as a gift for investing in themselves and their business.

We weren’t sure if we would ever sell the recordings. If we did, we knew they would need to be priced very high.

After all, the information we revealed at the event is everything a marketer or entrepreneur needs to make millions of dollars.

In the end we decided the information was too good to keep to ourselves. Our mission is to help up-and-coming marketing masters like YOU get rich…

… and if we kept this stuff to ourselves, we wouldn’t be helping anyone…

Which is why we’ve decided to sell the the F.I.B.S. Offer Creation Masterclass for just $297…


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