Russell Brunson – The Secrets Trilogy


Russell Brunson – The Secrets Trilogy

Russell Brunson - The Secrets Trilogy

Russell Brunson – The Secrets Trilogy

Original price was: $127.00.Current price is: $42.00.

In stock

Original price was: $127.00.Current price is: $42.00.

Dotcom Secrets Book

The DotComSecrets is the book you need to read. The book was launched in the year 2015, and it has sold over 200,000 copies worldwide to date.

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Russell Brunson – The Secrets Trilogy

Russell Brunson - The Secrets Trilogy

The Secrets Trilogy Book Bundle is an ALL 3 books set that are written by Russell Brunson.

The Secrets Trilogy Book set includes:

Dotcom Secrets book
Expert Secrets book
Traffic Secrets book
Unlock The Secrets workbook

Contents [show]
How to Get the Secrets Trilogy Box Set?

In order to get the Secrets Trilogy box set just follow these steps:

Step #1: Go to the Traffic Secrets landing page
Step #2: Order the Traffic Secrets book (which is free)
Step #3: Inside the funnel, you’ll be offered to buy the box set of all four books

the secrets trilogy box set price
What You’ll Find Inside The Secrets Trilogy Box Set?
The Secrets Trilogy Book #1: DotCom Secrets

Dotcom Secrets Book

The DotComSecrets is the book you need to read. The book was launched in the year 2015, and it has sold over 200,000 copies worldwide to date.

It’s a collection of all the knowledge Russel has gained over the years building his company and working with other companies to help them increase their sales.

The DotComSecrets book will reveal the fundamentals that you need to take care of so that you can increase traffic and sales in your business.

Get it today and build a profitable online business.
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The Secrets Trilogy Book #2: Expert Secrets

Expert Secrets Free Book

Russell Brunson launched the Expert Secrets book in the year 2017. This book was basically a continuation of the DotCom Secrets book.

The book affirms that everyone is an expert. An expert- according to Russell, is anyone who knows something just a little bit more than the masses.

As such, if you know a little bit more about fitness than most people, this book will help you package your information and sell it.

Ultimately, this book will help you to identify, embrace and grow the leader in you. It also helps you to communicate and sell to anyone willing to listen to you.

Click the button bellow to get the book.
Get the Secrets Trilogy Box Set Here >>
The Secrets Trilogy Book #3: Traffic Secrets

Traffic Secrets Book by Russell BrunsonTraffic Secrets is a book that will try to help you answer the question of how to get more traffic to your website or sales funnel.

Get Russell Brunson – The Secrets Trilogy download

If you’re torn in between using either free Ads or paid Ads, the book will help you understand when, how and why you should use each of these strategies to get more traffic.
Get the Secrets Trilogy Box Set Here >>
The Secrets Trilogy Book #4: Unlock the Secrets

Unlock the Secrets worksheet

Unlock The Secrets is a 600 pages workbook that was designed to help readers to execute and implement all the secrets revealed in DotCom Secrets, Expert Secrets, and Traffic Secrets books.

NOTE: this is the only way you can get Unlock The Secrets book. It’s impossible to buy this book as a stand alone product and it won’t be available at ANY other time or place.
Get the Secrets Trilogy Box Set Here >>
How Much Does The Secrets Trilogy Box Set Cost?

The price of The Secrets Trilogy box set is $97 (one-time payment) plus FREE shipping. That means that for this price you’ll get all these three books + Unlock the Secrets books a bonus and it will be shipped totally free for you.
The Secrets Trilogy Audiobooks

the secrets trilogy audiobooksYou can also get The Secrets Trilogy audiobooks which are available as an upsell in the Secrets Trilogy sales funnel.

On the upsell page you can choose to buy the audio versions of all the three books in digital download format.

The cost of the Secrets Trilogy box set audiobooks is only $74 and since each book is selling for $37 (which would be $111 in total) that means you’ll buy 2 and get 1 audiobook for FREE.
How To Get The Secrets Trilogy Audiobooks?

Step 1: Go to the Secrets Trilogy offer page.
Step 2: Fill your name and address on the page
Step 3: You should be offered to get the audiobook version of all three books at the end of your purchase.



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