Suzanne Giesemann – Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship


Suzanne Giesemann – Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship

Suzanne Giesemann - Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship

Suzanne Giesemann – Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship


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Learn to communicate with deceased loved ones and help others make those connections… for healing, closure, and a life filled with more joy and peace.
Discover how Mediumship opens you to your higher Self and raises your vibration to experience your true nature as love.

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Suzanne Giesemann – Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship

Suzanne Giesemann - Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship

Learn to communicate with deceased loved ones and help others make those connections… for healing, closure, and a life filled with more joy and peace.
Discover how Mediumship opens you to your higher Self and raises your vibration to experience your true nature as love.


Life feels a lot less lonely when you discover the Spirit World… where benevolent guides are waiting to help you…

Death also feels a lot less scary… as you come to understand that your soul lives on — and so do the souls of your loved ones who have passed.

Learning the skills of a Medium can help you communicate with these loved ones…

You may have been so lucky as to have sensed messages from the spirit world already. If so, the path of Mediumship could be an excellent way to hone these senses. Yet, you don’t need to have any experience or be a psychic to learn to be a Medium…

With the right belief, intention, and a simple shift in your perception of reality, you can access connection, guidance, and comforting reassurance from your beloved ancestors and other loved ones who have transitioned.

In this profound 7-module journey with mystic, Medium, and author Suzanne Giesemann, you’ll not only learn the skills needed to make powerful connections with the Spirit World…

… you’ll also discover an evidence-based approach to Mediumship that brings credibility and validation to this work, and consistently evokes awe and tears of confirmation — that a connection with a loved one has indeed been made.

For example, you’ll create a reliable and replicable list of potential evidence to seek from those in spirit when you connect.

Yet, to be an effective Medium — a “voice” for those who no longer have a voice — you’ll also learn that it’s important to create stillness and space for guides and loved ones to connect. You need to quiet the monkey mind to hear their important messages.

Suzanne will guide you in proven daily practices to clear your busy mind and be in the moment.

Mastering these practices will build your Mediumship muscle, but also adds an empowering “side benefit” to learning this work, helping you open more deeply to your higher Self and experience your true nature… love.

By raising your vibration in this way and aligning with the love that you are, you open the gateway to connect with and receive guidance from the Other Side.

In this course, you’ll discover:

The elements of a full private Mediumship session
How to train your mind to focus and attune to higher consciousness
Why spirits show up in different ways and how to deal with these differences
How guides help you with Mediumship
Why Mediumship matters to those in the Spirit World as much as it does to the living
Ways to create a reliable and replicable list of possible evidence that you want those in spirit to give you each time you connect
How Mediumship helps your own soul’s growth
Why the Light within you serves as your innate protection
How to overcome your physiological and mental filters
The optimal methods for self-care in between and after doing readings
How to maintain the highest ethics in this work, and why this matters
And much more…

Suzanne came into her gift of Mediumship later in life, after the sudden and tragic death of her stepdaughter and the unborn child she was carrying.

She’s a former U.S. Navy Commander and the author of 13 books, including her memoir, Messages of Hope. She’s been a keynote presenter for Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment, the Academy for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies, the Afterlife Research and Education Institute, and the International Association for Near-Death Studies.

Suzanne’s approach to the age-old practice of Mediumship has been tested and verified, and her work is recognized as highly credible by noted afterlife researchers and organizations.

Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship is for those who want to learn how to connect with their loved ones who have passed — and those who want to practice Mediumship to help others make those connections.

You’ll learn everything you need to know to do a reading, and you’ll also delve into the “human side” of being a Medium — how to get past your fears and doubts that can prevent your clear connections with the Spirit World. You’ll learn that being an effective Medium means “getting out of the left brain” and not trying, but receiving guidance from beyond.

You’ll also discover that practicing Mediumship is a way to bring more light and love into the world — as you raise your own vibration to open to the Spirit World, you experience and radiate more love in your daily life.

Anyone can learn to connect with the Spirit World, says Suzanne, because we all have the same “equipment” — a soul.

Yet, she also believes that Mediumship is a calling… and that you will know if you are called… you’ll feel it in your heart.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules


In this 7-module online course, Suzanne will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to communicate with deceased loved ones — and help others make those connections, too.

This course will include seven video teachings featuring experiential Mediumship practices guided by Suzanne. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to open to your higher Self to raise your vibration and experience your true nature as love.

Module 1: Evidence-Based Mediumship — The Powerful Difference


Imagine feeling completely empowered to demonstrate to others that life is eternal and love never dies…

This will happen as you gain a greater understanding of the spiritual and metaphysical aspects of Mediumship — along with the scientific foundations that make the connection with higher consciousness possible.

In this module you’ll begin by focusing on the sacredness and responsibility of being the voice for those who no longer have a physical voice.

In this module, you’ll discover:

Why it’s a myth that Mediumship is reserved for a select few — you have everything you need within you already
Why “evidential” Mediumship is the gold standard in spirit communication
The nature of the Spirit World and where it is
Why Mediumship matters to those here — and to those in the Spirit World
How to maintain the highest ethics in this work
How Mediumship helps your own soul’s growth
The role guides play in your journey

Module 2: Achieving Expanded Awareness — The Key to Being a Clear Channel


Once you dust off your soul-senses and put them to use, you won’t need physical senses to communicate with others — whether they’re here or in the hereafter. In this module, Suzanne will guide you to do just that.

You’ll also create the most coherent environment within and around your energetic field, optimizing your ability to sense — and be the interpreter for — those with messages to be delivered.

In this module, you’ll:

Gain a clear understanding of the non-physical dimension and how to access it
Learn how to train your mind to focus and attune to higher consciousness
Understand the Light within you that serves as your innate protection
Experience a simple-yet-effective method of clearing and balancing your energetic centers
Learn how higher consciousness communicates through you — and practice this non-verbal communication through a mind-expanding psychic exercise

Module 3: Making Contact & Building the Power


At this point in your training, you’ll have already used your soul-senses in a psychic exercise…

In this module you’ll move to the next level — and do a reading with loved ones across the veil.

As you’ll discover, the Spirit World wants you to be successful — and will cooperate with you when you develop reliable systems to be used together each time.

Linking in is as easy as flipping a switch, and Suzanne will show you how.

In this module, you’ll discover:

How to build your Soul Power
Reliable systems that build your confidence in connecting
A proven 7-step method for connecting with higher consciousness
The elements of a full private Mediumship session, which you’ll also see unfolding when you view the video of an actual session conducted by Suzanne

Module 4: Going for Gold — Raising the Bar With Evidence


In this module you’ll also discover how to capture the essence of those across the veil and accurately deliver their important messages — becoming the best Medium possible.

With Suzanne’s expert instruction, your limiting subconscious filters will dissolve as you open to the vast possibilities of how and what those in spirit can communicate through you.

You’ll also discover the “gold nuggets” of evidential Mediumship — those pieces of information about your recipients’ loved ones who have passed… that you as a Medium could not have possibly known.

In this module, you’ll:

Discover the types of evidence you can receive — and how they go far beyond what most people imagine possible
Understand the vital difference between evidence and messages
Hear a recording of a historic reading filled with examples of the type of evidence you can obtain
Understand how to overcome your physiological and mental filters
Come up with a reliable and replicable list of possible evidence that you want those in spirit to give you each time you connect
Make a pact with your guides to put what you’ve developed into practice
Use what you’ve learned to continue practicing readings with confidence

Module 5: Connecting With the Right Spirits — The Dynamics of the Sacred Triangle of Mediumship


At this point in your journey, you’ll be ready to make sure the right spirits realize that you’re available as a Medium — and can find you.

As it turns out, modern-day technology provides a perfect metaphor for understanding your connection with higher consciousness — you’re attuning to the Cosmic Web of Infinite Intelligence.

As part of this very natural “wireless connection,” you’ll want to “make yourself discoverable” — which you’ll do through a detailed look at what elements ensure that you’re “ready to pair” with available spirits.

Ensuring the physical setting of the session is optimized completes the picture.

In this module, you’ll discover:

The dynamics of the sacred triangle of Mediumship: the Medium, those in the Spirit World, and the sitter(s) — those who are looking to the Medium to help them connect with deceased loved ones
Awareness and practices to set you up for success, allowing you to relax and simply be during your mediumistic sessions
How to lovingly guide and manage each player in the sacred triangle
Why spirits show up in different ways and how to deal with these differences
Tips and techniques for going with the flow in a session

Module 6: Dealing With the Human Side of Mediumship


In this module, you’ll take on the challenge of dealing with your human nature as you communicate with your sitters. The more you align with your true nature as a soul, the easier it becomes.

You’ll also come to understand the attributes of the soul vs. those of the ego — and how to bring your highest qualities to this healing work.

The reason you can connect so easily with the Spirit World is because you are both a physical being and a soul.

In this module you’ll discover:

How, due to the subtle nature of spirit communication, aiming for 100% accuracy in your readings can be counterproductive
How to deal with vagueness and handle “no’s” from your sitters with integrity and positivity
Why a “no” from your sitter doesn’t always mean you’re wrong — and can actually lead to beautiful validations once the reading is over
Why your ego can be your friend or your foe during a session
How to recognize and compare the attributes of the soul vs. the ego
“The Cycle of Trust” to overcome self-doubts that may arise when connecting with the Spirit World

Module 7: Integrating & Moving Forward


In this module you’ll master methods of using your soul-senses — beyond Mediumship — to augment your work.

You’ll also unlock a set of spiritual tools to benefit your own soul’s growth as you move forward with confidence and joy in serving Spirit.

You can now bring wonder and awe into your life on a daily basis as you connect with the Spirit World. You’ll discover there’s no limit to the clarity of connection you can achieve.

In this final module, you’ll:

Master optimum practices and self-care methods to use between back-to-back sessions — as well as when the readings are over
Explore and practice the skill of remote viewing to augment your intuitive abilities
Deal positively and proactively with assumptions and expectations
Review best practices in Mediumship to ensure the highest standards
Discover “The Spiral of Improvement” that supports the onward-and-upward trajectory of your growth as a Medium

The Sacred Call of Mediumship Bonus Collection

In addition to Suzanne’s transformative 7-module online course, you’ll receive these powerful bonus selections. These bonuses complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Everything Is Energy
Video Teaching and Worksheet From Suzanne Giesemann

This video teaching and companion worksheet created by Suzanne will help you understand the essence of all things. A belief in and knowledge of the truth of Oneness is essential for advancing your connections to higher consciousness. You will enjoy Suzanne’s explanations and illustrations, which provide a comprehensible look at energy and vibration.

A Lesson in Remote Viewing
Video Teaching From Suzanne Giesemann

This video teaching provides an overview of remote viewing and explains the purpose of using this ability in the study of Mediumship. Suzanne leads viewers through an actual exercise in tuning into characteristics of objects that she has hidden from view. You’ll be surprised and encouraged by your ability as you practice Suzanne’s steps.

Mastering Meditation
Ebook From Suzanne Giesemann

When Suzanne is asked how she developed her Mediumship, she replies that daily meditation was the key and remains the key to maintaining her connection with the spirit realms. This gift of her e-book, Mastering Meditation, includes Suzanne’s tips and tools to establish your daily practice of meditation. It’s not a book of “rules” and “shoulds.” You’ll be motivated by Suzanne’s explanation of the benefits of meditation and her proven “BLESS ME” method of connecting with higher consciousness.

What People Are Saying About Suzanne Giesemann…


“Suzanne gave me tools to last a lifetime!”

The class provided a safe environment to discover gifts I never knew I had. Suzanne gave me tools to last a lifetime!
— V.K.

“What’s so different is the love, the joy, and the fun that are pouring throughout.”

Suzanne’s online course is wonderful! There’s no other way to put it. I went to the Arthur Findlay College, so I have a little experience with the teaching tools that can be given in Mediumship classes, but there’s something about Suzanne’s course that’s different in a really good way! What’s so different is the love, the joy, and the fun that are pouring throughout. I feel so blessed to have been able to take [the course].
— Catherine

“… for the first time in a very, VERY long time, I woke with an enthusiasm and excitement to greet the day. ”

I am changed. Truly. The messages and gifts given this weekend have touched my soul and for the first time in a very, VERY long time, I woke with an enthusiasm and excitement to greet the day. I am blessed to have been a part of this and my gratitude knows no bounds.”
— M.A., Pennsylvania

“I learned more in two days… than in the past four years of studying Mediumship.”

I learned more in two days of class with Suzanne than in the past four years of studying Mediumship.
— A.S.

“It feels like the heavens open up and out pours that glittering white light we speak of.”

Your deep humility and gratitude give your teaching a quality that I can only describe in sensations. It’s crystalline, utterly clear like the purest water. It feels like the heavens open up and out pours that glittering white light we speak of. And that you also rejoice in each revelation, each advance in understanding, along with all of us, is so delicious. I want this for everyone.
— Lynette Setzkorn, Oklahoma

“I was blown away by the high-level content taught in a very easy-to-grasp way.”

I have been a seeker most of my life and I was blown away by the high-level content taught in a very easy-to-grasp way. Suzanne is a wonderful educator and storyteller, and the exercises led to many profound insights.
— Ann B.

“I have, in the past, scoffed when people say ‘This will change your life.’ This class did.”

I have, in the past, scoffed when people say “This will change your life.” This class did. So scoff at me if you like, but take the course and see for yourself. It is truly a gift.
— L.S.

“[Suzanne] is the real deal…”

I want to learn more from someone who respects the process and shows deep reverence for Spirit. She is the real deal and I am so thankful.
— Karen

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Video Modules With With Suzanne Giesemann

Experience a rare opportunity to learn from mystic, Medium, and author Suzanne Giesemann — from the comfort of your own home. Each module includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to communicate with your loved ones and others in the Spirit World.

Seven Audio Recordings of Modules

And audio version of the video teachings will be available for you to download in high-quality MP3 format. You can listen anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format — so you can review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices from the course.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between modules, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Sacred Call of Mediumship Bonus Collection

Everything Is Energy
Video Teaching and Worksheet From Suzanne Giesemann
A Lesson in Remote Viewing
Video Teaching From Suzanne Giesemann
Mastering Meditation
Ebook From Suzanne Giesemann

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship Virtual Training

We feel honored that Suzanne Giesemann has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online course. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a mystic, Medium, and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars), you’ll be able to benefit from Suzanne’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — and at your own pace!

If you’re serious about seeking connection, guidance, and comforting reassurance from your beloved ancestors — and other loved ones who have transitioned — then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Answering the Sacred Call of Mediumship with Suzanne Gieseman — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.

More Praise for Suzanne Giesemann…

“… an exceptionally gifted visionary and practitioner.”

Suzanne is an exceptionally gifted visionary and practitioner. Trust me on this… I know from first-hand experience.
— Dr. Wayne Dyer, PhD, bestselling author and spiritual teacher

“… if anyone has the potential to bring the reality of Mediumship and life after death to the masses, it is Suzanne.”

Suzanne is among the most gifted — and among the most credible — of any genuine Medium I have had the privilege to meet and work with over the past 15 years. Moreover, if anyone has the potential to bring the reality of Mediumship and life after death to the masses, it is Suzanne.
— Dr. Gary Schwartz, distinguished professor, author, and afterlife researcher

“I aspire to develop the trust and confidence that she has.”

Suzanne was real. There was no ego. There was so much love. She was down-to-earth, caring, and incredibly connected to Spirit. I aspire to develop the trust and confidence that she has. As far as I’m concerned, Suzanne is my new teacher. Thank you for an awesome experience!
— Rev. Donna Thompson, certified spiritual counselor, energy intuitive, and Medium

“The work with [Suzanne] took my mediumistic and psychic skills to another level…”

Suzanne has a way of explaining the process of Mediumship that provides a powerful and clear framework for understanding what we are trying to do. Not a moment was wasted. The work with her took my mediumistic and psychic skills to another level, which is deeply exciting to me. I cannot recommend this workshop highly enough.
— Judy Tsafrir, MD, Boston Holistic Adult and Child Psychiatry

“… one of the most outstanding classes on communication I have taken in my almost 40 years as a psychotherapist.”

Suzanne’s workshop is one of the most outstanding classes on communication I have taken in my almost 40 years as a psychotherapist. The workshop is transformative, inspirational, and provides a “how to” on seeing the reality of the Spirit World with a new perspective and understanding.
— Sylvia Chavez Reaves, LCSW, LPC and Certified Bereavement Counselor and Certified Spiritual Director, Texas

About Suzanne Giesemann

Suzanne Giesemann is a Messenger of Hope and the founder and teacher of The Awakened Way℠ — a path to knowing who you are and why you’re here. She is a former U.S. Navy Commander who served as a commanding officer and aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9/11. Today, Suzanne provides stunning evidence of the existence of Universal Consciousness and our interconnectedness.

Suzanne is the author of 13 books. She has been a keynote presenter for organizations including Edgar Cayce’s Association for Research and Enlightenment, the Academy for Spiritual and Consciousness Studies, the Afterlife Research and Education Institute, and the International Association for Near-Death Studies.

She has led weekend retreats at well-known spiritual centers including Omega Institute, Lily Dale Assembly, The Monroe Institute, and Unity Village. She has written and narrated the popular “Mediumship” series of Hemi-Sync® recordings.

Suzanne’s gift of evidential Mediumship has been tested and verified. Her work has been recognized as highly credible by noted afterlife researchers and organizations.

Whether in her books and CDs, her classes and workshops, her “Messages of Hope” Unity Online Radio show, or her one-on-one sessions, Suzanne brings messages of hope, healing, and love that go straight to the heart and illuminate the light of self-awareness within.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at [email protected], and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

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