The Principles of Oppositional Movement


The Principles of Oppositional Movement

The Principles of Oppositional Movement

The Principles of Oppositional Movement


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Oppositional movement is essential to healthy organization and played a significant role in Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais’ compositional strategies in Functional Integration and Awareness Through Movement lessons.

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The Principles of Oppositional Movement

The Principles of Oppositional Movement

Olena Nitefor and David Zemach-Bersin
An Advanced Workshop for Feldenkrais Practitioners
Oppositional movement is essential to healthy organization and played a significant role in Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais’ compositional strategies in Functional Integration and Awareness Through Movement lessons. As human beings in motion, we rely on our internal counterbalancing mechanisms to help us maintain our equilibrium in space, from one moment to the next. With good organization, as some parts of our self move forward, other parts move backward, enabling our center of mass to stay over our base of support. When our capacity for oppositional movement is inhibited, significant stress is placed on our musculature, and our comfort and ease of movement is severely compromised.
In this beautifully filmed workshop, Olena Nitefor and David Zemach-Bersin present original Awareness Through Movement and Functional Integration to demonstrate and evoke the reorganizing effect of oppositional movement in a variety of orientations including working with rollers, sitting and prone. This program will help you to restore your own capacity for counterbalance within action, and will increase the potency of your Functional Integration lessons.
This eleven-plus hour program includes sixteen Functional Integration demonstrations, seven Awareness Through Movement lessons, and six lectures and discussions.
Functional Integration Demonstrations & Commentary
Joining with Precision
Functional Integration Practice and Commentary
Finding Balanced Action
Functional Integration Practice and Commentary
Detecting Differences with Symmetrical Self-Use
OppositionalMovement in Bending
Functional Integration Practice and Commentary
OppositionalMovement on the Stomach, Part I
Functional Integration Practice and Commentary
OppositionalMovement on the Stomach Part II
A Three-Dimensional Approach in FI
Functional Integration Practice and Commentary
Full Mobility of the Spine
Functional Integration Practice and Commentary
Finding the Support
Functional Integration Practice and Commentary
Awareness Through Movement Lessons
Basic Oppositional Movement Sitting on a Roller
Touching the Floor in Standing
Bending Movements of the Head
Bending Right and Left
Fundamental Properties ofMovement
Continuation on the Knees
Mobilizing the Spine with Your Head Like a Pendulum
Lectures & Discussions
Introduction to the Principle
The Supporter and the Supported
Discussion re Joining
The Importance of Oppositional Movement in Action
Discussion re Self-Use
Sustaining Your Polygon

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